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Kitty Blanket

Yarn Duck

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I made the kitty blanket that is on Lion Brand's website. It is done in Homespun. Due to my aversion to sewing squares together, I made it all in one piece and used different colors for the border. You can see kitty's reaction on my blog.


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cute kitty blankie. OUr cat - chose his own blanket. I started one out of yo-yos and well he kept pulling it out of the grocery bag and wadding it up to lay on it. He got his blankie in the end.

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Ya know, I didn't realize how badly The Cat wanted her very own crocheted blanket. But she really loves this. I washed it the other day and put it outside to dry. The Cat got all upset and fussed & complained so much that I ended up putting the blankie in the dryer with a few towels to dry. The things we do for those we love!

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Thay all have there own unique personalities. I wasn't too pleased with my four legged kid the first and second time he found his blankie. I gave up the blankie by the third time. He simply refused to get off it. At 24 pounds of cat - I wasn't about to argue with him. lol

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