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sr. prom dress...

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hi everyone,

well i took on quite an ambitious project and succeeded! i crocheted my daughter's sr. prom dress.

however, she now wants to give it back to me. so i'm thinking of selling it. the problem is that i have no idea how much to charge for it.

labor-wise, if i had charged her 7.50/hr (which is below minimum wage) the dress would be worth at least 600 dollars...

please help me with any price suggestions you can and any places that i might be able to post it as well. the places i have thought of so far are etsy, craigslist and ebay.

i have included some pics so you can see the dress...

thank you all in advance for your help, its greatly appreciated!!






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oh wow I couldnt begin to put a price on it... but why dose he want to give it back? I'd cherish that if it were me.. I lost my sr. prom dress in my move to ga :(. and i wish i still had it. I gratefully didnt loose my wedding dress or Graduation gown n hat..


but if you charge I'd proy say 200 mabey?

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ann, to respond to ure question...she says she honestly doesn't think she will get the chance to ever wear the dress again and she doesn't have storage space in her new apartment...over the last few months, she's pretty much given me back almost everything i've crocheted for her in the last few years....i dunno....i was thinking along the 200 dollar line as well though ann...i know laborwise its worth way more than that, but with the economy being the way it is and money being tight all over the place....most likely 200 is all i'll get, if that


sherry...thank you for the compliment! this is the first thing like this i have ever done and i typically do not brag about the stuff i make because i know where all the mistakes are....lol...


i think i might combine the suggestions and start the selling price somewhere in the middle of 200 and 600 and lower it if i absolutely need to...

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Maybe you might consider storing some of the other items you crocheted for her so when she gets a bigger place you can give the items to her as a surprise.


The dress is BEAUTIFUL....and well worth $600 if not more.

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Maybe you might consider storing some of the other items you crocheted for her so when she gets a bigger place you can give the items to her as a surprise.


The dress is BEAUTIFUL....and well worth $600 if not more.


I agree you should hold on to it. Maybe your daughter is being too practical. And if you have space to store some of her stuff for when she gets older and realizes that she could use it again, she will be grateful in the end.

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The dress is beautiful! I think I'd start the price around $350. We paid $300 for DD's prom dress this last year, and it wasn't hand-made. Prom dresses typically go for around $300 - $400 in our area.


Speaking as a person whose mother "held onto" things "for me" when I didn't want her to, I'd say that if she says she doesn't want it and doesn't want you to hold it, then it's yours to do with as you want. If she regrets her decision later, it wasn't your fault. I don't understand why my mother "holds onto" some of the things she does, and she doesn't understand why I don't want them. She's not asking you to clutter up your life, so don't feel bad about letting her things go.

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Very nice...just beautiful. And what a lovely daughter you have. I hope she had a great time at the prom...

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You know, I could totally understand both sides of whether to keep the dress or sell it. It's an awesome piece of work and if either you or your daughter were to hold on to it for sentimental value alone, I can understand that simple because how many of us hold on to our wedding dresses? Even just as a marvelous piece of work that you did, if you wanted to hold on to it for that reason alone, to me it's understandable...you should be proud of your work...


On the other hand, I totally get why you might want to sell the dress and sure maybe your daughter is being practical if she's only got so much room in her place...


If I were to try to sell this dress, say on Ebay, I'd set a reserve price for say $200.00...if it sells for that much, great, if you get more for it, even better, but if not, the dress wouldn't sell unless it the bids reached the reserve price...and if there were no winning bids, you're not out anything and you haven't sold the dress for a song (or less...)


And you could hold the dress and try again later...

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My Mom still has my prom dress and I go and visit it every time I go home. I would hold onto it - that's just me. I have one of my daughter's Easter dresses from when she was 3 or 4. It was my favorite one- so I kept it.

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Maybe you might consider storing some of the other items you crocheted for her so when she gets a bigger place you can give the items to her as a surprise.


The dress is BEAUTIFUL....and well worth $600 if not more.


hi cat,

i actually did think about holding onto it for her and several times since she gave it back, i asked her if she wanted it back or to have me hold onto it for her. a few times her response was just simply no, which was like her saying that she didn't like it after all

a few times she said that i had said i was going to sell it anyway, which i explained to her was me joking around with her (mostly cuz when she got to nagging me about it, it was the only way i had of letting off some steam so i didn't scream at her)

the last time i asked she said that she knows for at least the next two years she is going to be dead broke, going no place and spending no money....so i don't know, i wish i did...:-(

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I agree you should hold on to it. Maybe your daughter is being too practical. And if you have space to store some of her stuff for when she gets older and realizes that she could use it again, she will be grateful in the end.


heyhey tc, i did think about holding onto the dress for her, honestly thought i have no extra room not even for something that can fold up as small as taht dress can :-(

and i might be making a drastic change in my own life in the next few months...


sorry cat, i forgot to respond to ure comment about the price...i agree at least labor wise the dress is worth 600 or more...practically speaking though, i highly doubt i'd get that much for it even though nothing on there is not done by my own hands...

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The dress is beautiful! I think I'd start the price around $350. We paid $300 for DD's prom dress this last year, and it wasn't hand-made. Prom dresses typically go for around $300 - $400 in our area.


Speaking as a person whose mother "held onto" things "for me" when I didn't want her to, I'd say that if she says she doesn't want it and doesn't want you to hold it, then it's yours to do with as you want. If she regrets her decision later, it wasn't your fault. I don't understand why my mother "holds onto" some of the things she does, and she doesn't understand why I don't want them. She's not asking you to clutter up your life, so don't feel bad about letting her things go.

thank you for the suggestion happy, i appreciate it, along with all the totally wonderful advice everyone is giving! :-)


see happy, my issue isn't so much with the fact taht she gave the dress back to me and told me to do what i want with it, its the WAY she gave it back to me and the WAY she has been giving me back all the stuff i have crocheted for her over the last bunch of years


she SEEMS so happy when i take the time to make her stuff and give it to her, but when she handed most of it back to me, there was almost not emotion, it was just like some business transaction with a total stranger...

like with the bikini she gave back to me from last year....she said, her maybe u can use it for the yarn....

nothing like, mom, i love it but can't use it....just here ya go mom, reuse the yarn....


does any of that rambling make sense?

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You know, I could totally understand both sides of whether to keep the dress or sell it. It's an awesome piece of work and if either you or your daughter were to hold on to it for sentimental value alone, I can understand that simple because how many of us hold on to our wedding dresses? Even just as a marvelous piece of work that you did, if you wanted to hold on to it for that reason alone, to me it's understandable...you should be proud of your work...


On the other hand, I totally get why you might want to sell the dress and sure maybe your daughter is being practical if she's only got so much room in her place...


If I were to try to sell this dress, say on Ebay, I'd set a reserve price for say $200.00...if it sells for that much, great, if you get more for it, even better, but if not, the dress wouldn't sell unless it the bids reached the reserve price...and if there were no winning bids, you're not out anything and you haven't sold the dress for a song (or less...)


And you could hold the dress and try again later...

euro, thats an EXCELLENT idea! i didn't even think of a reserve price...thats seller's and buyers protection all in a nutshell!


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