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Today is a Crochet day, Dont u think?

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:clapWell today is just a crochet day for me!. it's hot outside.. TO hot to go outdoors, I have 3 kids grounded so they are in their rooms, so it's quite.. so. Why not just kick back with the a/c Cranked, my favorite Message site (:cheerc'ville). and my hooks and yarn and get some Friendship ghan squares made for those who need them!. :).


SOooooo.. what are YOU all planning on doing today?

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I've been running all over this morning getting things done before we leave. Next is bath time for the dog and a nail trim, then I will crochet. :lol



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I'm with you, annmcc1976. I'm down here in Southwest Alabama and the humidity combined with the heat makes it dangerous to be outside. So you can see, I am soaking up the AC and crocheting snowflakes while my poor garden is suffering outside!! Any rain that may fall just turns into a steam bath and evaporates right out of the ground. I guess it will be a looooong, hot summer.

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humid here too (80%+), but we're getting a temp break (for a day :P) however, I'm still beat..and have had too much come up in the evenings to get my :crocheting time in then like I usually do. (That should change again this weekend.) So I'm with you, I'm getting some in this afternoon! I'm working on a new summer top for me, scratching the creative itch. (then it will be back to craft-show stuff)

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