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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Hi everyone!

Beth- that field trip sounds like lots of fun. I love field trips!!! And good for you keeping the fort down so to speak while DH is away. Try and get some sleep tonight- Up around 3AM---yikes!!


LeaAnne- sorry you are still not feeling 100%- I'm sure you ran yourself into the ground the first few weeks of school with all the pto drama! As if you don't have enough to do with 4 kids, you had to deal with all of that. Hope you are taking a daily nap and taking your own advise of:crocheting :lol


Vicki- Glad DH is doing ok and that you were able to catch the score of the Yanks at Tae Kwon Do!. Red Sox are one late tonight (so I don't think I'll be watching). I know my DD will and she'll pay for it at work tomorrow!


Stacy- Hope you had a good day- Can't wait to see the sweater you come up with for Klaus (and more importantly if Klaus likes it)...Hope all was calm on the roomie/BF front today!


Shannon- My middle DD had speech when she was younger- it was her "r" and "L" sounds that she had trouble with- she had speech from Kindergarten to 3rd grade. And no, I won't be posting a picture of the wonky RR- :eek. I think it really had something to do with that it was supposed to be 12 points, I had 11 and never bothered to frog and start over. It looks pretty folded on the chair, but that's it. I do love the colors of the one I made- they are really pretty and as LeaAnne said, classy colors, but I don't have enough of those colors left. I am trying to use some of my stash so I'll probably do other colors. Once I get some of this stash down, I'll buy more of the yarn in these colors and try it again- a "Do-Over":lol


Colleen, Hope DD is feeling better and that you are getting some sleep!! What are you planning on having for Thanksgiving?


Mary- What are you planning on doing for Thanksgiving? Are you all worn out yet from the GK's?


My team had my cubicle all decorated today for my birthday- I was so surprised!!! They wanted to do it today since everyone was in. Two of the team are scheduled off tomorrow. there was so much food- we have leftovers for tomorrow to continue the celebration. So I get to celebrate my birthday 3 days in a row!!!! What fun!!!! There are so many balloons in my cubicle- I'm going to go get my camera as soon as I log off and put it in my purse so I can take pictures of it!!


Hope you all have a great night. I'm going to make another scarf- I'm making them for gifts. I can't attempt the RR tonight. I think that will be on my agenda for next week!! I'll try and knock of few scarves and also try another hat. The first one I did came out more like a bowl than a hat and I frogged it :lol

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:hi, all


My house will also not be staying up for the :socks/:angels game... it's just too late for everyone here.


Joanne - how fun to have balloons all over your cubicle! And all that good food, too! You must've felt very special today:cheer ...as you should, dear friend, as you should! :hug

I Love your RR! the colors really ARE wonderful, and classic! I think it's the nicest thing you've made yet. It has "character", and it's yours! I can see the :heart in every stitch!


Shannon - I think s and z are 2 of the last letters to master. It's hard for little ones to get the hang of where there tongue is supposed to go to make those sounds... No worries! Our Janna is gonna pick right up on it... after all, she's on a roll!:cheer:clapYay, Janna!:clap:cheer

And how exciting is costume shopping?! If Janna's anything like my kiddos, she'll change her mind about 8 times between now and Halloween!:lol

Give Janna a :hug from me, then tell her she needs to give one right back!:hug


Colleen - thinking of you, and hoping you are all alright up there:hug:hug


Stacy - Great news about Mia's eval finally pending! You have worked hard to make that happen. I hope you have something yummy and fun for dinner... like waffles with whipped cream or something! :hug


Beth - it was so great to hear from you! the field trip sounds like total fun-ness! I am glad things are going well, and that you are all keeping each other busy so far! Please know I am holding you in my thoughts:hug :clapfor soft towels!!! I couldn't agree with you more:yes

:thumbdown for being up at 3am:eek, but at least your :hook&:yarn were there for you! BTW... what are bun covers?


:hi, Mary! Miss you, but I am glad you are having a wonderful time with your GK's! :hug:hugto your clan, and to you!


Vicki - congrats on completing your IEP's!:cheer that is a lot of work:whew what yummy thing did you feed DH tonight? How is he feeling? Oh! and my hats always come out bowl looking, too:think I hope you figure it out, and that you have a great night!:hug


I think you are right... I wore myself out. You'd think I'd know better after all these years of being me. I go like the Energizer :rabbit, till my batteries wear out:lol And yes, there was a lot of mental stress that I wasn't planning on. That's the worst kind of tired, i think.

Oh well, at least it's a long weekend:yay, and I have done a good job of keeping up with what I need to. (I have my dusting, vac'ing, sweeping, mopping, bathroom and laundry all done) It will be just light pick ups over the weekend, and we'll be on weekend menus which is more fun than work. And the best part is no "get up and get outs" to deal with:wink. It couldn't be coming at a better time:c9 The big stuff will have to wait until next week:devil


Have a wonderful night, ladies!

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:hi everyone!


Sorry I haven't been around much. Lots going on in my mind, but nothing that I can write about...if that makes sense :shrug I have been keeping up with you all.


LeaAnne - take care of yourself and get lots of rest. Take one :hook and :yarn:yarn and :crocheting and you'll feel better :wink. Enjoy your long weekend!


Joanne - Your RR does not look wonky, it's beautiful! Good job! Now you can change your siggy to say you've made a RR :clap


Shannon - :yay for Janna jumping, being dry and progressing so well at speech. DD's Ss and Fs are getting better, but they have definitely been among the last to go. Her secret game that she plays is called "Sun Girl", which is what she says, but I always think she must mean "Fun Girl" because her Fs sound like Ss. She still struggles with THs too. She has a "fumb" on each hand :wink I love your worries about Stacy's dog sweater and the dog envy. Made me laugh. Thanks :hug


Stacy - Have fun making the dog sweater! That sounds fun. I was thinking using scraps up in that van gogh style would be cute for a dog or cat bed too.


Beth - Thinking about you with your DH away. Try to get more sleep, girl. You'll be too tired to spackle the ceiling and fix the appliances! I'm glad you had fun on your field trip!


Vicki - Ever since you mentioned that burger I've been thinking about burgers. I think I'll put that on the menu for one day this weekend.


Mary :hi I hope you are enjoying the kids. :manyheart


DD is getting better. Today was a turning point and I'm hoping she'll cough less tonight. I took her to swimming today and she continues to do very well :clap


Our plans for Thanksgiving are a nice meal at my mom and dad's on Saturday. Dad has to go away on business on Sunday, so we're celebrating on Saturday. Monday is the official holiday, and people will usually hold their meal on either Sunday or Monday (or both to cover 2 families :yes). My only job is to bring a dessert besides pumpkin pie (DH doesn't like pumpkin pie, but my mom is making one for the rest of us). You know how I like to bake, so that should be easy peasy :D Otherwise we are planning a quiet weekend. Maybe I'll even :crocheting:c9 The weather isn't looking too great, but there is an Oktoberfest/Thanksgiving Day parade on Monday that DD really enjoys, so we'll see about going to that. :think The city my parents live in (which is only 15 minutes away from us) is home to the largest Oktoberfest festival outside of Germany and it started today. Our long-range weather forecast includes something "flaky" looking for Wednesday :faint Sorry, but I can't write that 4-letter word until at least November. :no By the way, Stacy, the leaves have turned and the colours are beautiful. If I get a chance I'll snap a pic for you. We haven't had much sun, so hopefully we'll get a crisp blue-sky day and I'll find a nice bright red tree. I think about you every time I see a pretty tree.


Well my friends, I am still tired from a long week of sleepless nights, so I am going to hit the hay.

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:hug Colleen! I just teared up- thank you for thinking of me. :manyheart I hope you start to get some sleep very soon. I'm sorry to hear that you have a lot going on in your mind. How is your dd feeling? Does she still have the cough? Your Thanksgiving plans sound wonderful. I hope your family enjoys the parade. You should take that pumpkin spice cake for dessert. :wink Making a dog bed Van Gogh-style would be very cute! He does need a bed, so maybe one day...:think


Joanne! Your rr is beautiful!! Thank you so very much for sharing it with us. I was hoping you would feel comfy enough with us to share and I am glad you did. It is beautiful. :yay:h5


Leanne, enjoy your long weekend. You deserve it! I agree that mental exhaustion is far worse than physical exhaustion. IMO it takes much longer to recover from.


Shannon, what does Her Janna-Ness want to be for Halloween? I wish I could just take my kids to the store and have them look around a little before choosing, but right from the start the older two have always had very particular ideas of what they want to be. Then the chase is on to see if we can even find the costume. :sigh Oh, well...it's all about the kids, anyway. :wink


Tomorrow the contractor is *supposed* to come and re-seed the lawn. :sigh I wonder how long I will have to wait for him. If he doesn't show up on time (or calls to say he can't come yet again) dh is going to call the owner of the house. The grass in the backyard is beyond dead and he has been saying he will do this for at least 3 weeks. :xfin that it finally gets done so we have a nice green lawn next spring!


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Good morning!

Colleen- Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and hope you got a good night's sleep! Hope that you are able to relax and enjoy. Yay for DD continuing to do well with swimming. What a great idea to take a pic for Stacy! My leaves are already almost gone from my trees. Does this mean winter is approaching? NO, I don't want that four letter word (I won't say it either" We'll go with your term...flaky stuff.) LOL


Stacy- Hoping that the contractor comes today so you have nice green grass for the kiddies to play on in the spring.


LeaAnne- Hopefully you are rested after a good night's sleep! And that you start scheduling in some much needed:crocheting time!


Beth, Mary, Vicki and Shannon- Have a great day too.


Thanks for the comments on the Wonky RR- and yes, it is wonky- if you look you will see where it is bunching up and also see how it started getting crooked towards the outer rows. But, yes, I completed a RR- I'm sure the next one will be more normal :lol


Happy Friday- it's the beginning of my Birthday Weekend!!! (Yes, I have decided I am having a birthday weekend, not just a birthday day:yes)


Yankees tonight, RU football game with DD tomorrow, dinner with DH and DD tomorrow night and Giants football on the couch with :crocheting on Sunday- what more could a sports loving gal want?? :lol

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Beth - Your RR is not wonky! I love the colors and it looks wonderful! You did a great job!

Colleen - Hope your DD is feeling much better today. What will you bake for dessert? Whatever it is will be delish! Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner!

Stacy - YAY for the speech eval! Districts are slow to get them done. I wanted DD's done in kindergarten and they wouldn't do it because the sounds she was having trouble with were later developing sounds.

Joanne - GO YANKEES!

The bell is going to run. I have been summoned to the office!


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:waving, friends!


I'm Baaack! No, really! I am feeling better, FINALLY! :whew

I have the "party favorites" music channel on on my tv, and am :2rockin out! Heehee... it's amazing what a little upbeat 80's music will do for your soul:lol:devil :dance :dance and :crocheting is harder than I thought, though (especially the Cabbage Patch!)...:think:rofl


Happy Friday! Happy Joanne's B-Day eve! Happy long weekend! Happy chat night!:yay:yay Wow! there's a lot to be happy about today!:D



I am hoping that you are all having the most bestest day ever, besties!


Colleen - I am saying an extra prayer for you today, that whatever is on your mind isn't giving you a heavy heart:(


Stacy - :xfin for the lawn dude!


Shannon, Vicki, Beth, Joanne, and Mary - How's things in your corners of the continent today? I am thinking of you all


I'm planning to be around for chat-ness later... meanwhile, my :hook:hook and :yarn:yarn are finally smiling:U:)


Thanks for being here, my sisters! Love & :hug:hugto you all!

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Joanne, yay for a birthday weekend!! :clap:cheer My dh has a whole birthday week- so your weekend does not sound like too much. :lol I hope you get to enjoy the rest of the yummy food from your celebration yesterday. Did you decide if you are wearing your scarf to the game tomorrow? I can't believe your leaves are almost gone already! :eek


:hi Vicki- Happy Friday! Hope you are having a good day at work.


Roomie and I had it out this morning. :ohdear Apparently Klaus keeps pooping in her bedroom and she has not been telling me, until it happened this morning and she stepped in it. :angry She basically told me that if I am not willing to watch my dog's every step then he needs to stay in the crate. I won't hash out the details but I am at my wit's end. :shrug We are having a meeting tonight after dh gets home because there are plenty of things that need to be said, aside from the dog business.

Well the contractor is finally here (an hour and a half late) so I am going to get scooting. Happy Weekend! :yay

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No, Jorge called the meeting. I had an asthma attack this morning (partly from all the junk in my chest, but I also get them from emotional situations) and he was like, something has to be done. :manyheart She tried to sit down with me after she came home from taking her kids to school but I told her I felt like I couldn't deal with it in a civilized manner right now.

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Hey, I just thought of a couple of things:


1. did roomie ever hear of keeping her door closed?!

2. do you think Klaus is making a statement... poop on you!:devil


I think I like Klaus:lol


On the serious side...

You may want to run to Petco this weekend and get some carpet cleaner to remove his scent from her rug. Once he smells his "stuff", he probably won't stop going there...:(

They sell special deodorizers that are safe and do the job for short money.

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:rofl We had agreed on her keeping the door closed but of course she hasn't done it. And he mostly seems to do it when everyone is getting ready in the mornings, so I told her I would put him outside until I take Isabella to school. We'll see how that works. We have hardwood floors and I've mentioned that she should clean her floor but so far it hasn't happened.

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OMG, Stacy!


Be careful!!!! You are getting sick? Does she even realize what you are going through?! I am so sorry for what you are having to deal with! :(


Good for Jorge calling the meeting, and good for you not discussing in the heat of the moment:hug you should write a list of "what's buggin you", so you don't forget in the moment... sounds like it'll not be pretty at your house tonight.


I am :cheering for you all to come to a peaceful resolution... stick to your guns, ok, sis? I will be with you in spirit!

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Thanks for the :cheer. :hug

I caught Mia's cough and my chest is feeling kind of heavy. I will stop by Petco after the contractor leaves- maybe they sell a spray that is safe for hardwood. He really only does it in that one spot.

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not shutting the door, and not washing her floor... I'd say that's 2 strikes, eh?


Does Klaus do well in the car? Maybe he would enjoy going for a ride with mommy in the mornings:shrug

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I am pretty sure they do... in the meantime, sprinkle some baking soda on the area. It will absorb the odors.


How good is the finish on the hardwoods? Make sure you take that into account. If the finish is old (like mine), it might take a little more work, but you'll get the smell out.

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He gets carsick. :shrug Poor guy! Actually he did well in my car the one time I took him, but he got sick when he went in dh's truck. The window didn't roll down, though, and I've heard that sticking their head out the window helps them from getting sick. Maybe I will take him for a drive with me to Petco and see how he does.


The list is a good idea. I don't want to get into poo-flinging (no pun intended :lol) but yesterday her 4 y/o hit Mia with a piece of wood and later on kneed her in the head, and of course was sent to her room for like 2 minutes. She wouldn't even apologize to Mia. :angry

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