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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Right on. I actually just found the same thing for almost $20 less on Amazon!! :clap So I will get it there tomorrow instead. :manyheart With free 2-day shipping, even. I don't mind the crowded stores but dh really despises them, so waiting 'til the last minute is not going to be fun.



:cheer:clap:yayWTG. We had planned on going to the next big town over from us on Saturday as this is a very small town and we only have Walmart, Dollar General and Family Dollar :lol but DF has his Christmas for work that night. So I decided we could go on Sunday but that won't work either as I needed to go to HL to pick up a couple of gift cards and they aren't open on Sunday. So I guess I am going to have to try to go tomorrow or Saturday morning by myself as DF has to work until 1.

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I wish there were other places we could go! LoL Generally if you go to the more upscale areas the crowd thins...but the prices also go way up! :lol


Sorry about that...the girls were fighting and I had to get it straightened out. It is almost bedtime. :whew

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:rofl I have the funniest story to share. I was just checking out the website for Jersey Boys and there is a warning that the show includes strobe lights, loud noise, etc., etc. and one thing they warn you about is the "AUTHENTIC, PROFANE, JERSEY VOCABULARY" :rofl Joanne, this made me think of you :rofl
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Ok, I am going to put these kids to bed. Generally I put them in bed early and let them watch tv for half an hour. I need to get to work on the last strip for the 'ghan, and maybe start the border on the x-stitch. Depends on how motivated I feel! :rofl

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Sorry I was running thru the ville seeing what all was going on with the other CALs, looking at the Charity stuff, the wish lists and just everything. :lol get the kiddos in the bed and :crocheting in peace LOL I think I am going to put in an audiobook and :crocheting too.

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:rofl I have the funniest story to share. I was just checking out the website for Jersey Boys and there is a warning that the show includes strobe lights, loud noise, etc., etc. and one thing they warn you about is the "AUTHENTIC, PROFANE, JERSEY VOCABULARY" :rofl Joanne, this made me think of you :rofl

This made my morning, Colleen....Hey Judy- what is our "authentic profane, Jersey vocabulary????:lol:lol:lol

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This made my morning, Colleen....Hey Judy- what is our "authentic profane, Jersey vocabulary????:lol:lol:lol

I don't think it would pass the ratings test here.:lol

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Ok, all, it is Finally Fabulous Friday- FFF!!!!


Have a great one, and cya later:hug:hug:hug:hug

Have a wonderful day - and get your provisions in for the nor'easter/possible blizzard for the weekend!

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Sorry. I needed a to get a little something out there.

I got the button band to the baby sweater done last night. All I need to do now are the sleeves and the hood. Those won't take too long. Then I can work on the blanket. YAY!

I will try to be here for chat tonight. I will try to stay awake! I managed to stay awake a little last night, but it has been so cold down here! This has been a very cold December! It was 39 degrees when I left my house this morning. But the rain is supposed to clear out and the sun is supposed to come back out starting today, so it should start to warm up again. That will be good. I miss the sun!

I missed a little chat last night! Colleen, have fun at Jersy Boys! I have heard that it is a great show! Your hubby is funny about not wanting to lose the tickets. And just what is "authentic Jersey vocabulary"? THAT is funny!

Stacy - How is Isabella's ear? Is she feeling any better? What did the doctor say about the poop-ness problems?

Shannon - How was the wedding? How is Miss Janna doing? That is so funny that she changed her panties right then and there!

Joanne - Enjoy your weekend coming up!

Nothing else going on here. Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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:waving, and a quick Happy Friday, Friends!


I am just waiting patiently (Not!) for DH to get it in gear... we have too much shopping to do, and need to be back in time to pick up the kids from school. I hope that we don't run out of time, and DH sends me out at all weird late hours to find nothing next week. If I wanted to shop alone, I would've been done already.


...sorry about that... I just needed to vent for a minute... I feel better:blush


Have a great day, and I'll see you later on!


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:morcoffee Happy Friday, Everybody!


I had a very nasty visit with the doc yesterday. The skin graft didn't take on the top, and it is infected, and it is healing slowly. She trimmed away the dead skin -- funny, I wouldn't think dead skin would have that many nerve endings in it -- and put me back to square one. I'm depressed. I cried all the way home because i have to go see her again in two weeks.


Scooby, :hug I hope you aren't hurting today. I know the furbabies didn't mean to trip you. I hope they give you lots of TLC today. :cheer for Josh for getting your Pepsi and taking care of the puppies for you last night. You are raising him right!


I had a big laugh about "Authentic profane, Jersey vocabulary."


I hope everyone has a good day. I haven't made it across the bridge tunnel yet, but I have a free afternoon to try it today. Wish me quick journeys in quicksilver!

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Hi Ladies

I just got all caught up again. Lots and lots of chatter. I guess I have to start getting here at least once a day to keep up.

It is very very cold here, so Iam staying in today. I don't like cold weather. I wish it would snow so it would be warmer.

OK I just wanted to let you know I will be here tonight for the party. Iam not too sure what Iam bringing yet. I will have to think about that today.

OK going to go and check out a few things here

See you tonight.


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Good morning!


Beth- :hugs to you! I hope you start to feel better soon. We're here for you.


Scooby- :hugs to you too! How are you feeling today? I hope you're not too sore.


LeaAnne- Apparently I missed a whole page and just saw your pics! Your chickens are cuties! And I love your tree. Good luck shopping with the DH today. I hope you find everything you're looking for.


Mary- I'm so glad you're back! Have fun at the besties Christmas party tonight!


Vicki- Happy Friday to you!! Christmas vacation is almost here!:yay:yay What baby sweater pattern are you using?


Colleen- I got all the materials to make the reindeer pots, and I can't find the link. Could you please post it again?


We're going to Walmart today.:yuck I have some things to do around the house, and then off to TSO! I hope DD is okay with it. She's been scared of loud noises lately. But we have NO ONE to keep her. I'm getting ear plugs for her today, so that should help.


To all you Last Strip Strippin' Hookers- I'm finished!!:cheer I'm ready to join. I'll probably start while I watch the Saints game tomorrow night. Anyone else ready???


:hug:hug:hug to all my besties, new and old! I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe and blessed Friday!

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Hey girlies!!

I am having an :thair day. Isabella's program was this morning and it was too cute! Then we came home. :ohdear Hurricanes Eva and Mia have rolled through with force. I am trying to make a grocery list and the noise level is just unbearable. I need some noise-canceling earbuds for Christmas. I am also trying to decide what to get dh for Christmas- he really wants a certain watch but last night mentioned that if we had the $$ he would like an e-book reader. Well, I found one within our budget but I don't know if he would really like that or make a fuss because he really wants the watch. :shrug Plus I'm kind of stressing about the $$ situation. :sigh So many people to still buy for.


:hug Beth! I am so sorry to hear about the skin graft. Does that mean you have to put your leg up and take it easy again? Must be so frustrating for you.


Leanne, good luck shopping. I like to do it on my own- dh likes to have a list and be in and out. If I don't know exactly what I'm going for, he has a cow.


Scooby- I hope that you are not too sore today. :hug


Mary, stay warm. Hope to see you at chat! :hug


Shannon- :h5 on finishing your strips!! Have fun at the TSO. Earplugs are wonderful. :wink I hope dd doesn't give you too much hassle.


Everyone else- :hug and :manyheart. Hope all have an awesome-ness Friday!


Well, guess what? Last night I was going to join one strip, just to break up the monotony of finishing the last one...well, when I lined them up, they didn't match. :angry I wasn't paying attention and ended up with 12 rows in the beginning blocks, and 13 rows on the last half of all of the strips. :cry:thair:bang The first strip was fine, but the second one I had to frog back to the 3rd block. The other two will have to be frogged back about 3 or 4 blocks also. I just don't have time for this!! But I have no other ideas for my dad, so I will be :crocheting like a madman this weekend to get it done. So you all will have to start the joining party without me.


Well I better get going. I just saw a toy fly my way, which probably means I need to find something for the kids to do. Love of :manyheart to everyone!



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I only have a few minutes before I go to pick up DD from school, but some important things to say:


Beth - :hug Sorry about your Dr.'s appt. :hug:hug:hug


Shannon - Here's the link for the reindeer pots: http://www.amazingmoms.com/htm/christmas-crafts-for-kids-reindeer-pots.htm Our turned out really cute! I used a glue gun instead of white glue for the ears, nose and eyes. Enjoy!


:hug to everyone else! I hope your day went well. I am happy to say that I am DONE my Christmas shopping! I actually "woo hoo'd" in the car all by myself :lol. Feels good. I wrapped some this afternoon. Now I have to get my mess of a house in order, bake, and enjoy! DD had a great night's sleep, seemed in almost perfect health this morning, and was able to go to her last day of school :manyheart:yay

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:blinkHi Besties!!!! :blush I slept in late, late late today. I got up earlier this morning and I feel like I have been run over by a Mack truck. I don't see but a small bruise on my left knee, but it is really sore like there is a big bruise there. Must be way down deep under the skin. I twisted my left ankle and it feels bruised too. My neck and right shoulder are still bothering me a little, and I guess I didn't notice yesterday from the other pain, but my tailbone is sore where I landed on my badorkas. So far today I have done nothing but let the furbabies out, and I probably won't do much more than that. I don't think they are too happy because I have pretty much made them just lay around too :lol. I am not much in the mood for a lot of rough housing etc they will just have to wait till Josh gets home for all of that. I am not sure if I will be here for chat tonite, but I will try. I hope that everyone is having a great day and maybe later I will get around to responding to everyone. Lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all!!!!!!!
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Quick hello to everyone!


shannon- I am not ready for the joining party either- you may have to go on without me- since it is the ghan for dh and he was supposed to get it for his birthday, it is on the back burner with gifts left to make for Christmas- which is what- a week away!!!!


Beth- sorry to hear about the graft- please, take it easy- and watch it carefully- infections are not to be taken lightly!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Colleen- WTG on getting your Christmas shopping done- You go girl! (and I am so jealous)- I have a few things left to get- all my nieces and nephews are getting Target gift cards- I just have to get to Target and get them in the mail. That really makes it easy peasy. Thank you Thank you Thank you for the lovely Christmas card- with a:sman- I just love:2snowman That was so sweet of you-


I am not doing Christmas cards this year- I dont have the time and I'm not going to stress about not doing them. I was thinking of sending Easter cards this year instead-I thought that would be kind of fun- and I'll be so much less stressed!


DH got a call from the HR today about the job-but really about salary. Asked him what is his bottom line. He returned the question with what is your best offer and I'll let you know if it is acceptable. They will be calling him back next week. He has a feeling they don't want to pay him what he is earning now--he didn't tell them, but he would take 5K less (we'll save that in commuting costs and health benefits/med costs--they have awesome health benefits). So time will tell.


Stacy- How are the hurricanes doing? Settling down at all? How frustrating about the ghan- with having to frog- I kept a sheet of paper with each row written out and crossed off each row I completed-otherwise I'd be in the same boat as you!


LeaAnne hope you got your shopping done!


We are expecting alot of snow tomorrow- and I am supposed to be finishing my shopping. Everyone and his mother must have been out tonight since it took me over an hour to get home from work (only 16 miles). I am taking the stance- if I get it done, it gets done, if not, oh, well...If I don't think like that, Ill go out of my mind:lol


Vicki- Welcome to your much needed Christmas vacation!!!! And WTG on that sweater!!


Judy- are you all provisioned up for the snowstorm? I hope they are wrong this time! I had gotten milk last night- and we have water and flashlights and candles- I am ready. We have plenty of food in the cupboards- I even have enough stuff that I can start baking some cookies this weekend ....that is if I get my gifts made.....


Mary- Keep warm and looking forward to chatting tonight.


I'll be here with my fav coffees!


Oh, I didnt do any :crocheting last night- I decided to go to bed and read for a while- lights went off around 9:15- slept till 5:23- I guess I really didn't realize how sleep deprived I had become with all this working!! But good news- we got an email today that the office is going to be closed on Christmas Eve- so I'll have a 4 day weekend next week!!!! (but, alas, I have to go into work on New Years Day at noon and work that whole weekend)


Well, cya later. chinese food has arrived!!!

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Joanne, we won't starve if we get snowed in.:lol Hubby even saw our young neighbor across the street and he'll shovel for us!

We live in a great neighborhood:manyheart

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Hi Ladies

Iam here. I know Iam early. I wanted to do a couple of things on here, so I will be here and there.

Iam bringing to the party my cup of tea. Iam not to sure yet what I will snack on.

Iam sooooooo excited to be here for the party.

Talk to you soon

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Hey girls! Sorry to drop in and leave, but we are going out to buy Isabella's suit tonight. Yes, you read that right. :yes Dh's uncle is a member of SAG and he got 4 tickets to a special screening of the Princess and the Frog. They need dressy clothes, and Mia has a brand-new dress that my dad bought last year for Isabella, who will not wear it. I cannot get her to wear a dress to save her life, but Jorge suggested that she might wear a suit, and she has been counting down the minutes until we go. So we are off. I hope you all have a fabulous chat! Maybe I'll be back in time to catch the tail-end. :hug


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