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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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So I'm sitting on my badorkus in front of the t.v. working on the afghan when my son brings me an envelope from the mailman. I was watching What's New Scooby Doo when I got Scooby's square! I thought that was very appropriate.


Scooby, the square is beautiful, bright, and sunny -- just like you! Thanks so much for it, and for the lovely goody you included. :hug:manyheart I absolutely love it!:c9 I put it to immediate use.


Thanks so much.


Colleen, I don't believe there's anything more special than a kindergarten performance! I hope you enjoyed it!


Joanne and Vicki, I have my :xfin for your dh's today! I hope you get good job news.


I need to get ready to w*rk. (Don't want to get asterisked!) I finished another row on my afghan. Three rows to go -- 21 motifs.

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:hiEveryone!!!! :thumbdown I have been really busy around here. I didn't even get a chance to see what was going on here yesterday until about 10:30 or 11 last nite :(. I made a few posts, got caught up with everyone here and then was too :tired to make a post. So I curled up on the ScoobyDoo bed in the craft room and :crocheting for a few and listened to an audio:book before going to :sleep. Yesterday I got my tree decorated, did a few loads of :wash, went to the library and returned my books and audiobook, went to the grocery store, went to the Dollar General store, made a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup, did general pickup,got some Christmas :shop done online, cleaned the kitchen and I guess that is about all. So far today I got the general pickup done and took Titan to the vet for a checkup and his booster shots.Supper tonite is going to be leftover soup. I have big plans of :crocheting the rest of the day and looking at some plastic canvas pattern books I received as a RAOK:c9.

WTG Joanne getting that hat finished :cheer. I love making hats they go so quickly and easily. :yes Please do join us for the Boxing Day hat CAL. I have joined and I think it will keep me motivated on making hats for my DGF in WY who donates them to the school age kids and babies at the hospital. Hope all goes well for your DH at his interview today :xfin.

WTG getting the body of the sweater almost done Vicki :clap. I would like to make some more baby sweaters but just can't find the time to make everything I want to :lol. I know what you mean about the RRs as I have to started that desperately need to be finished. Guess what? It is :snow again here. In answer to your question I kept forgetting to answer, we ended up with about 8" last week and it is still here:D. Keeping :xfin for your DH too!!!!!!

Be careful today Judy on your trip with FIL. I hope you have a great day and get your shopping done!!! AWWWWWW the furbabies are adorable. I totally understand as I :manyheart mine too. DF teases me and says the dogs get better care and treatment than he does :devil.

:worried about you skating back and forth to school but glad you made it there and back safely. :manyheart all the neat stuff DD is getting in her advent calendars. I think next year I will get one for myself :lol and see what goodies I will get.:yay glad DD and her concert went well!!!! Your Christmas tree is very beautiful. I have my up and decorated but I can't find my :angel tree topper. I know it is here, as I seen it but can't find it now. I will take pics as soon as I find/buy a tree topper.

:cheeryou on Beth on getting those motifs done. You have almost completed them. I saw where you joined the Boxing Day hat CAL. It should be lots of fun and glad to see some of my besties there!!!!!

:(Stacy that you went to sleep but your body must have needed. :eek on the professor giving DH's class the wrong study guide. He can't test them on the wrong study guide, especially if the classes are different.I am curious to see what happens with this incident.

:hugto you LeaAnne. Don't be :blush about backsliding on the no smoking, as it is very hard to quit. I have been talking about quitting but still haven't managed to do it yet. I have the Chantix, and took it for about 3 days,but it gives me horrible migraines and I just don't know if I am ready to fight the :headache again. On the :chook today is a little girl's poncho. I love making stuff for little girls but don't have any little girls to give them to so I guess I will just donate the poncho to charity. DF has two granddaughters and I can crochet some stuff for them but they are still a little too young for some of the stuff I make.

:hugHow are you Mary? I hope that you are feeling much better now and getting lots of :crocheting done!!!

:thinkHow was the wedding Shannon? Hope you all had a wonderful time and wish your friend and her new DH lots of happy years together. :yay WTG Janna wearing big girl panties now!!!! I never had the excitement of seeing big girl panties in the laundry, but got to see lots of Power Rangers, Lion King, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Toy Story big boy undies going thru my wash :rofl.

:hugto you Tena in hopes that you are feeling better too and are able to keep up with all your household chores.Don't forget to cash in, all work and no :crochetingmakes a boring day :lol.

Well, I think I am off now to :crocheting and look at my new plastic canvas books. Hope everyone is staying warm and dry and having a fantastic day. I will try to check back in later and see what everyone is doing. Take care and lots of :hug and :manyheart to you all.

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So I'm sitting on my badorkus in front of the t.v. working on the afghan when my son brings me an envelope from the mailman. I was watching What's New Scooby Doo when I got Scooby's square! I thought that was very appropriate.


Scooby, the square is beautiful, bright, and sunny -- just like you! Thanks so much for it, and for the lovely goody you included. :hug:manyheart I absolutely love it!:c9 I put it to immediate use.


Thanks so much.


Colleen, I don't believe there's anything more special than a kindergarten performance! I hope you enjoyed it!


Joanne and Vicki, I have my :xfin for your dh's today! I hope you get good job news.


I need to get ready to w*rk. (Don't want to get asterisked!) I finished another row on my afghan. Three rows to go -- 21 motifs.


:dance:sofunny That is too funny and :yes very appropriate. :yay Glad that you finally got it, was beginning to :think when someone was going to finally get theirs. Glad that you like your square and you are very welcome for the goody :hug. :manyheart:c9

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Scooby, I used to hear that comment from DH a lot... Now I try to treat him at least a s well and as sweetly as I do the dogs.:lol

As you see, I got back safely - tg for good brakes:lol

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:ty:ty:ty, Scooby! :day



Happy B-day eve, Judy!


Colleen - glad you got to see a great show. Your tree is gorgeousness!


Joanne & Vicki - how did the DH's make out today?


Beth - some :cheer:cheerfor the last 21 motifs!


:hi and :hug, everyone else...


Have a wonderful night!


p.s. another day smoke-free for me:yay I did call the doctor today, as I got out of the shower, I had a rash.... No more Chantix for 2 weeks, he said. I had a reaction of some sort. I will be "on my own" from here on out. :xfin I can :kick this for good! :clap:yes

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:cheerI'm cheering for you LeaAnne without the Chantix. You can do it!!!


Scooby - I hope you got your :crocheting time in.


Judy - Glad you and FIL got home safely.


Gotta go get that kid in the bath. I'm hoping to do some :crocheting tonight! :yay

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Hey girls! I can't say hi to everyone right now, but I wanted to stop in and say :xfin that Joanne's dh's interview went well! And that Vicki's dh hears something about his very soon. Also, I received Scooby's square! It is beautiful and sunny, I :manyheart it! And the extra goody is soooo cute. Thank you, Scooby! :hug


Tonight we are decorating the tree. I also need to make a banana bread before the bananas get too bad.


Be back later! :hug

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Hi everyone-

I got Scooby's square today!!!:ty:day. I loved the letter accompanying the square- and although I am not a Vols fan, I was happy to see the RU red in the square too.:lol (The Lady Vols and the Lady Knights games are good to see- Pat Summit vs C Vivian Stringer (2 Hall of Fame coaches) The square is so cheerful and I loved the little goody tucked in side the package- proudly displayed! Again thank you, thank you :hug


Colleen- Glad you made it to school and back without falling on the ice and :clap for DD's concert- they are so adorable at that age! I love your tree - are those Lenox ornaments I see? I have tons of Lenox ornaments - all safely packed away and not coming out until next Christmas. I love your picture in front of your tree on FB!


LeaAnne- You can do it without the Chantix. :cheer!!! You can kick the butts!


Stacy- Yay for a nap yesterday! And yummy banana bread- that is DH's favorite (that I never make.:lol) Save a piece for him, ok?


Judy- Glad you made it Toms River and back- Wow 92!! I know it was hard taking away the car, but glad he listens to you and that you are good enough to take him out!!! Your dogs are cute and DD thanked me for your tips on training Belle!


Shannon- Can't wait to hear all about the wedding. And kudos to your saints


Beth-:cheer:cheer:cheer you can finish! WTG on getting more done on your afghan- you can do it, you can do it, you can do it!!!!


Vicki- Praying for good news on DH's interview from last week. :yes. And I feel like you with too many "to do's" and not enough time. And looks like I'll be working every night till about six- by the time I get home it's close to 7 (darn traffic with all those holiday shoppers), eat dinner, sit down to the computer it's 8:00 already! I am just going to do what I can and I like Judy's suggestion- take pix of what they will get when I get it done :lol


Well, DH said the interview went very well. They are going to get back to him next week with an answer (he is hoping job offer- and feels confident after the interview that he will) So fingers crossed that it works out for him. If it's meant to be it will be.


I joined the Boxing Day CAL Scooby and Beth! So I'll be with you in that CAL too! Now to figure out who I will donate the hats to. I am going to look into some homeless shelters in the area.


I don't have to work this weekend:clap:clap:clap. But, I am working New Years Day and that whole weekend!!:( We have to go to work at noon on New Years Day. Oh, well, what can you do? It is what it is...and luckily I like my job!


Hope everyone has a good night. Time to make another hat, or maybe start a scarf to match the hat I made last night- so little time.......:lol

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I'm back from work. I'm down to 15 motifs - that's two rows plus one. I can DO this!!!


Judy, love your avatar! You seem to be as much of a pet fan as I am.


I am going to try to finish that third row... TTYL!:hug:manyheart

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:yay:cheer:clap I am glad that the squares and goodies are finally making it to their final destinations. More importantly I am glad that you all like them, was a little worried about my color choices :lol. You all are very very,welcome, just sorry that it took me a little longer to get them :crocheting and mailed out to you. I had fun putting in the thought to my squares, picking out the colors, :crocheting them and then trying to figure out what goody I was going to include.

:lol Judy. Sometimes I think the men can be bigger babies than the furbabies. DF is threatening to lock mine in the basement, because when I leave and he stays home with them they sit and whine till I come back and it drives him crazy.

:yay:hug WTG LeaAnne. You can do this, you are strong willed and have the power to continue on this journey without the help of the Chantix. I am on your team and :cheeryou on the whole way!!!!!!

:droolYUMMMMMMM Stacy. Banana Bread sounds really really good. Have fun getting the :ctreedecorated.

:DJoanne. Glad you enjoyed the accompanying letter with the square. I just wanted to let all of you know that you mean the world to me and that I really enjoy and :manyheart the friendships/bonds that we have all made. Funny how I feel closer to you all than I do some of my friends that I know in person (does that sound right :lol) :hug. :woo Glad you joined me and Beth in the Boxing Day CAL. :jumpyayto DH for a good interview.

:danceBeth on getting those motifs almost done!!!!! You can do it. I can't wait to see this ghan when you are done.

I have been a :loser on my :crocheting time today Colleen. :lol Every time I get ready/or even start I get up and do something else, or get interupted by the kids. But, it is getting closer for everyone to settle in for the night so it is slowly but surely coming.

After all the talk about Banana Bread and other holiday goodies, I am hungry for something sweet. Think I will run downstairs and see what I can find to munch on, come back up to the craft room and get that :chook fired up. Take care everyone and maybe I will check back in later.

Have a good :night, :sleeptight, don't let the bed :ladybugs bite. If they do, take your shoe and beat them till they're Black and Blue!!!!!! :hug:manyheart

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:hi, it's me again :lol I started a loop the loop dish towel tonight. White. Figure it will go nicely with a dishcloth as a Christmas gift.


Joanne - I don't have any Lennox ornaments that I know of (will go google that next :lol). Most of mine are home made, gifts or were bought as souvenirs over the years. Many bring memories out of the box with them each year :manyheart We buy one as a souvenir every time we go on a vacation (which isn't very often :rofl). We got one commemorating Cinderella being 60 years (in 2010) at Disney. No worries about getting everything done. You work hard, just do what you can. :clap for your DH and a good interview.


Beth - WTG on your progress! You go girl!


Stacy - Hope the banana bread turns out. I make that too. If the bananas get bad and I don't have time to make it, I throw them in the freezer. They work fine for banana bread frozen (good in smoothies too :wink).


DD has not been able to shake this cold or whatever it is she's had. Tonight she started coughing again, so I've removed everything new that came in the house today (I bought a couple gift bags that had an odour) and removed a potted plant my mom recently gave me. She is really sensitive. A couple years ago I'd bought some fragrant candles to add to Christmas gifts and just having them in the house made her cough so hard she threw up. I removed them from the house and within 20 minutes she was fine :shrug Just have to find it, because the way it is hanging on it may not be a cold. :ohdear

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I am a huge animal lover...tot he point that if I read a story where animals get hurt I can't erase it from my mind - ever:(


And today DH was home with the dogs while I was still with his step dad. I called to tell him I was on my way home and he knows how long it takes, so after a while he told both dogs I was coming home and they once again sat in front of the door, waiting. When they saw my car the younger one whined and butted the handle of the storm door till DH got up and opened it.

It's so nice to be loved unconditionally.:c9


'nite all....:hug

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Colleen- I thought some of your ornaments looked like Lenox- guess my eyes are going...lol....Hope that DD is not getting a cold, but just sensitive to something you brought in. Thx for the tip on bananas. Why I never thought to freeze them, I don't know:shrug


Scooby- I am glad I joined the Boxing Day CAL too. I made the Ugly but Warm hat by Dot Matthews posted here at the ville. I made it in about 50 minutes! Another hat pattern under the belt...or on the head:lol


Judy- I never would have guessed that you are an animal lover! That is sweet how the dogs were waiting for you!!


Everyone else time to hit the hay as they say.....and I won't let the bed bugs bite!!!:manyheart

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Sorry to hear dd is still sick, Colleen. I am the same way with scents- I am very, very sensitive to anything too flowery or overpowering. Once dh bought some air freshener despite my warnings, and within 5 minutes of spraying it, I was sneezing and coughing. The next morning I woke up with sinus problems. :ohdear I hope you can find the source and get rid of it. :hug Thanks for the tip about the bananas. I really don't like frozen bananas but I will try it for the banana bread next time. :tup


Judy, it is so sweet how your dogs were waiting for you! I can't tell at all that you are an animal lover. :wink


Beth, WTG on almost being done with the 'ghan! :clap:h5 You can do it!!! How is your leg feeling?


Scooby, I thought your color choices were fabulous- nice and cheery! I've never heard the rhyme about the bed bugs- thanks for the :heehee!!


Joanne, I'm glad the interview went well. :xfin that the word next week is good!


Shannon, Mary, Tena, and anyone else I forgot (I'm really really sorry if I've forgotten anyone!) I hope you have a great night!


It's almost George time and my brain has been fuzzy the past couple of days. :angry Stupid George. My banana bread turned out fine- I can't wait to have a slice for breakfast! Yum! I cannot find blue girl's pants anywhere, so I told dd she has to wear her uniform skirt (which is also an option for the girls)- what a fiasco that was! She will wear it but might not perform. :shrug


Well I'm going to scoot for the night. :hug and :manyheart to all my besties!!

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:birthday :birthday :cake:party:jumpyay



Pauline, :welcome to our group. We have evolved into so much more than cleaning incentive. We are best friends, too. Welcome to our circle.


Stacy, MEAN OLD GEORGE!!! He's visiting me right now, and not being very nice. Now that he only comes to see me once every 3 months or so, he's extra mean while he's here. I hope you are less fuzzy-headed soon. My leg is acting more like a typical booboo now. I took the bandages off (according to the informational sheet I was given) and it's getting air. I think it will be fine soon. Probably not pretty ever again, but better than cancer, right? I go back to the doctor on Thursday.


LeaAnne, Joanne, Mary, Shannon, Colleen, Scooby, Vickie, Tena, Victoria, Frogger, and anybody else my caffeine-deprived brain missed, :hug:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:manyheart Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Today, I'm taking my dd Christmas shopping. It will be fun when she wants to buy my gift. I guess I'll just hang out somewhere and let her shop, so I'll be surprised. I also want to find my kitchen. I am having a hard time keeping up with it. We will be making homemade candy for Christmas gifts soon. It would be nice to start with a clean kitchen.

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Quick good morning Besties!!! And again,:birthday to Judy!!

:hi and

:welcome to our group Pauline!!! This is the best group of women! Glad you are joining us!


Well, running a little behind, so I've got to run- Have a great Tuesday everyone!:hug

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Happy Tuesday to all! It was thundering here last night! It woke me up early this morning! Not a good thing!

I didn't work on anything last night. I did pick up my statistics book and look over the ANOVA section as I have a conference with my study chair on Saturday at 10 and he wants to specifically go over the methods section of my paper. then I promptly fell asleep on my chair watching the hockey game. I blame it all on the chair!

I am sending good vibes out to Joanne's hubby! I hope he gets good news! No news yet here,but I am still hoping and waiting! I need some good news!

I got Scooby's square! I got Scooby's square! It is beuatiful and I love the little present inside! Thank you Scooby! I had to leave it out to make sure DD saw it when she came home last night. She loved it. Her comment was "Thanksgivingy colors!" She has to see all the squares that come in.

Judy - How was the shopping trip? Happy birthday to you!

Colleen - I hope your DD is feeling better today.

Stacy - Enjoy the banana bread this morning!

Beth - Glad to hear that the leg is on the mend and the motifs are almost done! You got those done quick!

Tena, Frogger, Mary, Shannon, Joanne, LeaAnne, And anyone I forgot, have a great day and I will check in later!



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