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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Well I hate to say it but it is time for me to go, too. The girls are getting a bit cranky and I need to get them to bed before they get their second wind. :rofl



:hug:hug:hug to you and :manyheart ya!!! Hope you have a good :night and :sleepwell. I am gonna be here for a little bit longer and I am off to bed too. GN Stacy!!!

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Good morning! Yes, it is 4:20 AM!!!:eek Got up at 3:45- wide awake!!!! So I figured I'd catch up on what I missed last night!


Scooby- I sent you a friend request on FB :hugand can't wait to get your square! Something to look forward to!!!!!


Colleen- I hope that DH settles in to his new job and adjusts to the hours. I am working crazy hours this week/weekend and DH is starting to get grumpy about it-:grump-probably because I am salaried and don't get paid extra for all the extra work. The way I see it, they treat me well there, they took us to AC, and in the end, this will pay off. He, of course doesn't see it that way.


Stacy- you are making 3 flannelghan's? I still haven't finished my first. I got nothing done on it since Monday- I haven't gotten any :crocheting done since Monday...mmmm..maybe I should do a few more blocks this morning before work...After all, :ctreeis coming!!!


Mary- Glad you are able to "talk" with us, but hope that your voice returns soon. I also saw your pix of GK's on FB- they are so adorable.


Shannon- have fun with your friends wedding- wow- that is one whirlwind engagement! Good luck with the MOH and invitations and everything!!!


Tena- I give you kudos for raising your 3 GK's.:fame I don't know if I would have the energy to raise 3 kids now. I was young when I raised my 3 DD's. Then again, I didn't know I'd be able to work all these hours and still function so maybe I would after all. I'm glad that you have joined our group. And wtg on all those dishcloths-:clap you are on a roll!!


LeaAnne- I hope you are feeling better and get to go to NH for the bye-bye-boobie party!!


Beth- Have fun at the nutcracker! I loved when 2 of my DD's were in dance- the Nutcracker is one of my favorites. Did you ever see the Nutcracker at Lincoln Center? It is simply awesome!!! I'm sure your bun covers will be a great hit!


Vicki- How is DH holding up? (and you?) WTG on your Jets Win! Now, can the Giants win this weekend? How you holding up in the :snow

Frogger, Victoria and Judy- hope you are well!


Well,besties, I think I'll go grab a cup of :coffee and work on the flannelghan for a bit before going to work. I should probably put a load of laundry on too except I don't want to wake up DH..who am I kidding...he'll :sleep through anything....:rofl


Have a fabulous Saturday!!!! The forecast here is still calling for :snow Do you see we are almost on page 400 of posts?:clap

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Good morning! :morcoffee


I was up with Joanne this morning, but didn't want to disturb my son, so I :crocheting in the kitchen. I'm now officially 2/3 of the way done with the Christmas afghan. I have 70 more motifs to make. I can do this, right?


I enjoyed reading through chat. You are SO funny! I'm glad Mary is feeling better, can't wait til she starts squeeking again!


Here's a :hug for all my besties! Have a :manyheart day!

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Hi all. I was all ready to come on and chat last night and I fell asleep! I woke up at 10:30 and I figured everyone was off. I was bummed. I was looking forward to talking to al of you!

The weather here was not that bad. Just very cold. We got quite a freeze. By the time I got home from school the sun was starting to come out and the snow had stopped falling. There was more snow at school than I had at home. Oh well. The temperatures are now starting to climb back up and we should be back up to above freeszing by the afternoon. YAY!

Hubby is holding up fine. I think he is doing better than me! I am not good with uncertainty, and if one thing is certain, we are in uncertainty. I just have to have some faith that all will be well on Tuesday when he goes for his interview and we can go from there. I have to finish some Christmas shopping today for my nephew. Everyone else is really done. I need to figure out what I am going to make for dinner. I have to go look in my cook book and see what I can whip up!

My head hurts today but I don't want to take anything because I don't want it to aggravate my stomache. I don't like this not feeling well thing.

Okay, I hope Joanne has a great day at work and doesn't get too much of the flaky white stuff. The kids here were losing their ever loving minds when the snow was falling yesterday. It was funny!

Have a great day all and talk to you soon!


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Hello, my dear Besties~


I hope you are all having a great weekend so far...


I am feeling just a little better. I slept 24 of the last 32 hours:eek

I am still going to my sister's for the "bye-bye-booby-bash". I will be heading out shortly (before the snow arrives), and will be sleeping over. I don't want to miss yet another chance to see my sister... I really miss her a lot


I wanted to drop by quick to say :hi, and to wish you a fabulous weekend!:yay:hug

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HI all,

It started:snow:flake here this afternoon b/4 I left work and it's beginning to look like:ctree!


It looks so pretty on the trees- I wish it wasn't so dark so I could take a pic! It's supposed to give us 1-2 inches and then be sunny around 45 tomorrow so it won't last.


I did a little bit of :crocheting this morning. I got home around 5:30 today and first thing I did was start the laundry! DH had done the grocery shopping and he started dinner- baked chicken- what else we're having with it, I don't know:lol


LeaAnne- hope you have a good time at the bye bye booby bash and enjoy the visit with your sister. You must be getting the flaky white stuff too- and especially NH usually gets more than MA!


Vicki- sorry you missed chat- hang in there! And glad that the temps are gettng back to where you like them-:yes


I really need to do some :crocheting tonight- but don't know what I want to work on. I really need to finish the flannelghan so I guess that's what I should do- get that done and out of the way. But I really like those gift bags that Colleen and Stacy are making (I think Stacy is making them too)


Beth- How was the Nutcracker- I was playing the Nutcracker at work today on my ipod while I was working and thinking of you and the sugar plum fairies and your daughter dancing- it made me happy!


Scooby- thanks for being my friend on FB


Everyone-----have a fabulous Saturday night- :manyheart

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Good Evening to all,

It’s snowing like made here in western Pennsylvania.


I really enjoyed chatting with everyone last night.


Stacy thank you for the Cowl link I think that will be a perfect gift for the other grandma, it calls for baby Alpaca. I need to make sure she isn’t allergic to it.

LeaAnn: good to hear you are feeling a bit better. Take it easy so you don’t relapse.

Vicki: Hope you feel better soon

Beth you can do it


I woke with a sore throat and feels like a colds coming. Thank you kidos for sharing.


We finished the tree today, put up lights up in the dinning room, Grandpa found a cute Snoopy on his dog house light at the dollar store to put in the living room window where the tree was. Still need to put lights up in the kid’s rooms tomorrow. Need to do some major cleaning in the next few weeks.

I did go through 3 boxes of stuff (papers mostly) in the dinning room today. Trashed most of it.


Well have a good night everyone, time to crochet and watch Mrs Miracle on the Hallmark Channel.



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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - I know you are away at the bye bye boobie bash (that is so funny!), but I wanted to come on and talk a little trash. My Leafs are playing your Bruins right now and I hope the Leafs beat 'em. ...Please don't laugh at me. It is possible for the Leafs to win now and then :lol


Joanne - I'm glad you enjoyed the nutcracker at work today. Sounds like a nice way to make the time pass. My DH is famous for only making the meat portion of a meal. Men :lol


Beth - You can do it - 70 more motifs! I'll be :cheer for you!!!


:hi to everyone else! I hope you had a good Saturday. I can't believe so many of you have snow. We are still snowless. I'm not complaining a bit. :no


I had a friend over for brunch today, so it was 2:30 by the time she and her little girl left. I have a load of laundry to hang/put in the dryer and then I'm going to settle down for an evening of :crocheting. I'm thinking of making a tote for DD's teacher. I'll see how it goes. I still have a mitten to finish, which I guess I should do first. There goes my crochet ADD again. :hook Have a great night, my friends.

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Tena, that cowl would be nice in Bernat Softee baby, if she is allergic to alpaca. A safer bet, I think, and nice and soft. Good luck with it!


Oh yes I agree Colleen and a bit less pricy too

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Oh the cowl would definitely be nice in a baby yarn! :yes WTG, Tena, on getting the tree put up and those boxes cleaned out! :clap:cheer Great find to Grandpa on that Snoopy window light- my kids :manyheart Snoopy, too!


Colleen, I'm glad you had fun with your friend. Is dd playing nicely now? You mentioned before that she was having some trouble with playdates. I can't wait to see those mittens. :wink Good luck with the tote. Do you have a pattern picked out?


Joanne, :clap to your dh for doing the grocery shopping! Mine would love to do it, but he would end up with a cart full of snacks and goodies, as opposed to what we really need, so I don't usually let him go with me. :heehee Work on a gift bag! Mine only took about an hour and a half and it is instant gratification! Then go back to work on the flannelghan. Sometimes we just need to work on something that finishes quickly, to help with the long-term burnout. :tup


Beth, 70 more motifs! :faint How many do you need altogether? You can do it! :cheer:cheer


Leanne, I know you are having a blast at the booby bash! I hope all the laughter and girls' night-ness helps you to feel better. :hug


Vicki, I'm sorry you are still feeling sick. Did the dr. give you anything to take for the stomach ache? I will :xfin for dh on Tuesday and keep you in my prayers. :hug LoL @ the kids going crazy over the white stuff. That's what happens when it snows in TX, I guess! :lol Was your dd excited about it, too?


Shannon-ness, good luck with the wedding! That is a quick one to put together in just a few weeks, but you can do it! :cheer:clap I'm sure the invitations will be beautiful. :manyheart


Mary, hope you are feeling better today. :hug


Scooby, Judy and Frogger, hope you are having a wonderful Saturday. :hug :hug


I woke up this morning with a sore throat. Looks like the sickies are hitting here, too. I'm prepared- I've got my tea, honey, Vitamin C, soup, and grapefruit seed extract, so it shouldn't last long. :D I finished all but the sleeves on Isabella's flannelghan/wrap. I need to get one more ball of yarn to do the sleeves but if I can get Jorge to take me tomorrow, then it will be done by the end of the week. Which means I can get to work on my dad's. And yes, Joanne, I am doing 3 but I don't have to have the one for SIL finished until sometime in January. :tup


Well my lasagna is smelling good so I better go check on it. Be back later!

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Stacy - DD is doing better with playdates. She has to be reminded to share and not be bossy, but she's getting better. :tup Thanks for asking. I hope your lasagna was as good as it smelled! And I hope your cold disappears quick :2magic Don't worry, I'll post pics of the mittens. I should go work on them now.


Tena - We would love to see a pic of your cowl. I have always wanted to try that pattern. I'm thinking cream coloured baby yarn :dreaming


Better go get my hook smokin' Boston is pounding my Leafs :( 4-0

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Well, I ended up working on the flannelghan since it was right next to my chair. LOL. I did 5 blocks-2 more to go then 1 more strip. i had to frog some since silly me wasn't paying attention and instead of using the claret, I did about 9 rows in the lace b/4 I realized my mistake- that's what I get for watching the Devils while doing this- It was a great hockey game- came down to a shootout and the Devils won!!!


I think tomorrow after work, I will make one of those bags- I like the snowman- and I do have white yarn so it'll work. This way I'll have that instant gratification:tup


Colleen- sorry about your Leafs- but I'm sure my DD and LeaAnne are happy- My DD is a big Bruins fan- her sports are Baseball (dreaded Red Sox) and hockey Bruins. She does root for the Devils when she is with me, though!---probably to keep me happy that she remembers her Jersey roots:lol


Cant wait to see the mittens and WTG Stacy on the snuggly-. When are you going to post a pic of your gift bag?


Well, time to get to bed- another day at work tomorrow I just realized I will be working 12 days straight--:eek:eek-but after tomorrow, only 5 to go! Gotta look at the bright side. I got the laundry all done and I cleaned the bathrooms. I haven't been doing much cooking this week because of work, so the kitchen was clean:clap . The plan tomorrow after work is ME time- :crocheting:and watching the Giants game at 4:15! (Well, Ok, i'll run the vacuum when I get home and I am going to ask DH to clean the appliances with the stainless steel cleaner and dust). Then the house will be clean for another week:yes.


Won't get to make a:2snowman--the snow stopped already. The temp is rising and it has already started melting off the driveway. :clap No shoveling!! But the snow is still on the grass and on the tree branches.


Sweet dreams everyone!:c9

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Joanne, I have to find the battery charger and get it all charged up. Maybe I can post a :photo tomorrow. WTG on getting the the laundry done and bathrooms cleaned. Enjoy your "you time" tomorrow. :hug


Colleen, I'm happy to hear dd is doing better with playdates! :clap for her. Can't wait to see those mittens.


The lasagna got great reviews. It was a lot better than ones I have made in the past, IMO. There are plenty of leftovers for tomorrow.


The girls are all camped out in the living room with pillows and blankets, ready to watch the roller derby championships. Roomie's oldest dd has just started in the junior league and all of the girls are really into skating right now. I am going to grab some :yarn and :mug and sit on the couch with them. Good night!

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Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you- Klaus chewed his sweater!!! :angry It's been in the 50's at night so I put it on him to sleep (which I have done before with no problems.) When I went to let him outside on Thursday morning (I think :think) the part right under the neckline was all chewed. :cry I have another one that is almost finished but now I wonder if I should even bother. He does shake something fierce when it is cold, so I feel bad not covering him, but why should I do all that work if he is just going to chew it?

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Good morning-

Oh, Stacy- Klaus chewing his sweater! That is too funny (oh, Iknow, not so much for you who did all that work) but typical puppy!

How was the roller derby?


Everyone!!! Have a nice, relaxing Sunday. I'll be back later after work, when it is all about me.....


Oh, if you have an ACMoore- they have 20% coupon off all sale and reg price items good tonight from 7-10 (or was it 6-10?) Anyway, they have an easel that DH's GD wants and it is on sale for 34.99 and with the 20% coupon that will be a good savings! Now the big question, will DH go to ACMoore, or will I have to??? LOL


Cya later- and remember your vitamins- Oh, the snow is practically all gone- just a little on the grass.

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Joanne - Have a good day at work. :hug Your DD will be pleased with her Bruins. Final score was 7-2. :ohdear


Stacy - Sorry to hear that Klaus chewed his sweater (must have been tasty :lol). Does he sleep outside or does it get cool in the house at night? You probably don't have a furnace there?


I got another load of laundry done last night, 2 to do today. I am half done that mitten now and plan to finish it today. I'm hoping to do lot's of crocheting today. I haven't had a :hook and :yarn day for a while. I'm due :yes


I just checked the weather and the fluffy stuff is coming our way. We've got a tiny little dusting right now, but we're supposed to get a couple inches Tues. and Wed. It is definitely getting cold. :wbrr


Oops, I've been forgetting my advent calendar updates. Yesterday it was a Lego park bench for changing skates on and some little hair elastics. Today it was a lego street lamp decorated for Christmas and a chocolate Santa. ;)


Have a great day everyone!

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Judy, thanks for stopping in. It's crazy busy here, too.


Colleen, I'm lovin' the advent calendar updates. Those sound too cute. I'll bet your dd is so excited every day.


Stacy, :think What is this "Leftovers" of which you speak? I have 3 teens... I'm glad your lasagna was a big hit. I think I'll be making some soon, myself. As far as Klaus chewing his sweater, how old is he? If he's still a puppy, he needs to chew, and was using his sweater as a pacifier. The bassette I babysat had to have something in her mouth almost all the time. We went through so many rawhide chews with her, but she quit gnawing on fingers at my house!


Joanne, good luck with the AC Moore shopping. Do you want dh to go, or do YOU want to venture there? Do you have time?


Tena, the baby yarn cowl sounds very nice. Tell us when you decide what you are making. It's ver nice that you taught your kiddos to share, but not the cold! I hope you feel better soon.


Mary, are you squeeking yet?


LeaAnne, are you feeling better?


Vicki, what's your weather doing? Is it making you homesick for the great white North?


Shannon, How's your sweet dd? I hope your family is well. How goes the rapid wedding planning?


Scooby, what's up? Are you getting the flaky white stuff there, like so many of our friends?


I hope I didn't forget anybody. Dog needs out. I'll finish posting later.

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I'm back. Didya miss me?


The Christmas afghan is 270 half circles. http://www.herrschners.com/product.aspx?sku=200395&qid=

I hope that link works. It is pretty, but you have to sew the strips together. (I'm slip stitching instead) and it's more labor intensive than I thought it would be.


The Nutcracker was wonderful! For the first time, I sold out of tickets early enough to go watch part of the first scene! And my dd did very well, if I do say so myself. Her teacher kept changing her solo, adding more to it, so she ended with a big series of turns, very quick turns. She did VERY well. She was the only student dancer who got applause in the middle of her dance!


I had to point her out to my dh. She looked so grown up in the makeup, hair slicked back, white fluffy dress (for snow.)


I need to get my stuff done for today, since she dances again this afternoon.

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Glad you came back, Beth. I did miss you! :lol I am so glad the Nutcracker was a huge success! I'm sticking a bouquet of flowers through the internet for your DD :flower Please take a pic of that 'ghan. It looks like a LOT of work :drool


Here are the mittens. The camo ones are from the Dec. issue of Crochet World. I realize the thumbs look a bit opposable, but DD tried them on for me and they work fine :shrug The pattern works up really quickly but they aren't the prettiest mitts I've seen. The turquoise ones are from the Lion Brand Family Mitten pattern and I really like the look of these. This pattern was a bit confusing for me at first, but once I got my head around it they were easy to make. These will go with DD to school tomorrow for the "Mitten Tree".






Onto the next project!

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