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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:bday:bday:birthday Dear Shannon-ness!!!! :bday

Hope you have the bestest birthday!!! :hug


(Mia is sitting on my lap counting the balloons and having a good laugh at the happy faces. She says happy birthday to you, and wants to wear the purple hat. :wink)

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Yay Mary! I'm so glad it finally arrived! I think everyone besides Scooby has received it now. (which I will send out this weekend, promise!)


I am waiting for FIL to show up, but I had to pop in and say Happy Birthday to our dear Shannon-ness. Today is Mommy and Me, and I need to make a dr. appt. for Isabella. She is complaining of ear pain.


Last night I worked on a snowman bag. I did go up a hook size (thanks, Colleen!) I need to finish 2 by next Thursday for our Mommy and Me instructors. Trader Joe's sells bags of mini Belgium chocolate bars that are the exact size of the bag, so I think that is what I will put inside. I also need to do 3 more for the girls' teachers for the week after. :whew They do work up quickly, though! :yay I also managed to start the 4th square of Isabella's flannelghan/wrap. I started the paws of Mia's cat pillow yesterday but had to stop when she started asking questions. :rofl


Gotta run- Have a great day ladies! :hug

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:birthday Shannon! I hope you are being treated royally today! You deserve it.:hug


I had trouble sleeping last night, so I'm feeling kind of foggy-brained, so I'm not going to answer everyone personally. Just know that I love you all, and hope you have a magnificent Shannon's Birthday day!!!:hug

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So I work from 8-5 at a welder/fabricator/ engineering company. i would have loved to have done some :crocheting during my lunch, but right before i left, the VP of the company asked me to go pick up some parts. then another guy found out i was doing a "pick up" run, so he wanted me to pick up 6 gallons of paint. needless to say i didnt take a traditional "lunch break", but i didnt mind getting paid mileage to drive around picking up stuff. so i have definately earned some :crocheting time this evening! :woo

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:bday again, Shannon-ness! I hope you are enjoying a fun day with your family:clap:c9 What kind of :cake are you having?:P


Mary, Sorry I missed you this morning:( How are you managing not talking? Are you starting to feel better? I felt badly that I missed you:hug


Stacy and Colleen, I :manyheart those little bags you girls are making! I saved the pattern onto my desktop to play with soon:devil


Stacy, that was too cute about Mia wanting to be the smiley with the purple hat:lol:lol:lol I really hope you do write these things down;)


Frogger- :clapWTG on earning extra :crocheting time today!


Beth - sorry you are :foggy... I hope you feel better!


Joanne - How are you holding up? I hope those vitamins are working as hard as you are:hug


:hi, Scooby, Judy, Vicki, Victoria, Tena and Jenn! I hope you all had a great day today:hug



I don't feel good today:( I slept for most of the day...got nothing done. Tonight I have parent conferences, and then am coming home to bed.

I need to feel better tomorrow. Cleaning to do and a :ctree to put up with the DK's before chat. :xfin for me, ladies, that I get everything done. I really need chat! Oh! and Saturday i am going to sis' house in NewHampshire for my neice's "bye-bye booby bash". She is having her reduction surgery on Tuesday. I got the green light to sleep over, so I am very :excited :D ...another reason to feel better!

Well, it's about getting to be time for me to get ready to go, so i will wish you all a "bestie night"!:hug:hug to you all!

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Hi girls. I wasn't around at all today. I stayed home today and went to the doctor. He seems to think my stomach issue may be an ulcer caused by all the new medication I am on. So I was a pin cushion today and had blood drawn again. I actually ate dinner tonight. The last few times I had food in front of me I just picked at it. I pulled my sandwich apart today for lunch. Last night I was not feeling well at all. It hurt to stand up straight.

Then in the middle of all this yesterday I get the best news of all. Hubby lost his job. Remember a while ago he had set up an interview with another company and we were waiting for them to call and set up the other interview? Well, he got the other interview set up for next Tuesday. This was part of the reason I was not here today. I was not in the mood to talk to everyone about this yet. I needed to get some things squared away, which I did, today. I got some money issues taken care of just in case. This is always my biggest worry. Yes, I am a dork. We will be okay. As my sister says, have faith. It will all work out in the end. But I need your prayers girls. I can't get through this without my girls. Nobody else knows about this yet except my sister in NY and you all.

Shannon - I hope you had a great b-day. I am having some birthday cake just for you!

Mary - I hope you are feeling better.

Joanne - Don't work too hard!

frogger - I hope you got to eat on your non-traditional lunch break!

Stacy - You are too funny with all the projects going!

I am going to go and relax a little bit and watch the JET game when it comes on. Hopefully they can beat the Bills tonight. We'll see. T.O. has been getting the ball more since they got a new head coach and that is never a good thing when you are against him. Have a good night all and I will see you all on the flip side.


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Just got home a little while ago and just finished reading what everyone has been up to-


Stacy- wtg on all the crocheting- I am jealous!


Vicki- Take care of yourself- the ulcer could be from your meds and stress (and with hubby losing his job, that is more stress) Hang in there kiddo- if you need to talk, we are all here for you. I forgot the JETS were on tonight- I 'll put the game on when I'm done posting. For your sake hope the JETS win- they should be able to beat the BILLS Oh, did you hear Mangini has resigned?


LeaAnne- feel better! NH sleep-over sounds like just what the DR ordered for you!!!


Mary- how's the voice?


Shannon-Hope you had a fantabulous-ness birthday!!!


Colleen- That penguin is soo cute--I have that issue- maybe I'll start one of those to take a break from the afghan (are you kidding me???? I haven't worked on it in two days..LOL!!!!) But maybe what I need to work on after these long work days is something that will go rather quickly- And they would be perfect to use to put small gifts in!


Beth, Scooby, Tena, Judy, Victoria and Frogger- hope you all had a good day.


I am really going to try and be here tomorrow night for chat!!!


(I hope I didn't forget anyone- if I did...extra hugs)

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Lots of hugs to you, Vicki! :hug I'm so sorry to hear about the possible ulcer, and your dh. And right before Christmas. I pray that the interview goes well on Tuesday. :hug And that the dr. that can figure out what is wrong with your stomach.


Leanne, sorry to hear you don't feel well either! :hug:xfin that you are feeling better tomorrow so you can put up the tree and, of course, make it to chat! :wink


Mary, Colleen, Shannon, Joanne, Victoria, Judy, Frogger, Beth, and Scooby- hope you all had a good day and got lots of stuff accomplished (whether it :crocheting or otherwise. :wink)


I have had a splitting headache for most of the day. Eva has hit full-on terrible two's. Where did my sweet baby go? :( I know it is "ages and stages" but really- I always thought Mia gave me a run for my money, but Eva is right on her trail.

I didn't get any cleaning done today. I told FIL that I don't need the car tomorrow, though, so hopefully I will get stuff done. I also need to get my badorkus in gear and finish that cross-stitch, but my head and eyes are just not up to that tonight. Tomorrow I will dig in and make lots of progress. :tup Positive thinking, right?


Well I am off to eat dinner. I made myself enchiladas, even though no one else is eating. I deserve it! :D Good night, besties!

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Hi Ladies

Just wanted to let you know I still don't have a voice. I have been taking my medicine and behaving but still no voice. I wonder if Santa will bring me one for Christmas.:)

I hope everyone is getting things done that needs to be done. Don't forget to take some time out for :crocheting. I hope to be here tomorrow night.

Talk to you later


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Stacy- sorry to hear about the splitting headache- hope it feels better- and enjoy the enchiladas!


Mary- hoping that you voice returns soon- at least you can still communicate with us!


Vicki- I made a mistake = Mangini didn't resign- it was the coach from Kansas --Mangino Gosh- I must be tired- I can't even read right..lol


well off to dream land- hugs to all

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:wavingHi Besties. Not a lot going on here today. The cable guy finally showed up yesterday and got me :computeing upstairs in the craftroom. Today was a somewhat lazy day and I just did general pick up, potato soup and grilled cheese for supper, loaded dishwasher, quick trip to grocery and office supply store and that was it. Maybe tomorrow I will actually get something done.

:( So sorry you still don't have a voice Mary. But at least you are still taking your meds. I hope you get to feeling better soon :hug.

:birthdayShannon. May your day be filled with lots of :heart and :heehee. Hope you eat lots of :cakeand :icecream and receive nice :gift on your special day. :bday

:hug:manyheart and prayers going out for you and your DH Vicki. :( so sorry to hear that he lost his job. I hope that you get better soon. Keeping :xfin and wishing your DH lots of :clover Tuesday.


:2hug LeaAnne. Hope you get to feeling better too. Glad that you are getting lots of :sleep. Have fun at sister's house and can't wait to hear about all the excitement.

:yayWTG getting the penguin bag done. I bet it is really cute.TY for the links to the bags, as I had seen them and then forgot about them. Not that I need something else to start, I need to get caught up first. :lol I think Isabella needs to get out of your mind, as she was steady reading it about putting out the Christmas deocroations and tree. Hope your :headache is much better now.

:hug Colleen. How was your walk and soaking up that vitamin D yesterday? :cheer:clap for DD getting a lego snowman and santa eraser yesterday. What was today's find in the calendars? Ty for the tips on the cute little bags. I need to print those and write on them so I don't forget. That is a cute pic of the toys under the tree. Wow the pillow and barbie snow suit turned out really cute :yay. Nice job.

:cheerWTG Judy getting some :ctreeshopping done and the downstairs cleaned yesterday. I really need to get started but just not much into the spirit :smiling.

:eekWhen you said late Joanne, you really meant it. You definitely deserve some :crocheting time for all the hours you have put in at work.

:lolBeth. Isn't it funny how when we do certain things we think of people. Although I haven't done much purging and organizing the last couple of days, but I need too. WTG getting so much done in order to get your holiday decorations out. :yay for selling 3 more bun covers. Hope you have a better night's :sleep tonight.

:nworthyTena. You got a lot done too yesterday. Hope you are having a good day today.

:)Victoria. Hope you are getting those Christmas presents figured out and competed.

:welcomeFrogger. I hope you at least had time to eat some lunch while you were out running errands for everyone. :wooI agree you did earn lots of :crochetingtime.

Well ladies, I hope everyone is having a great evening. I think I may go and sit on the ole badorkas and :crocheting too. To those of you not feeling well, I will keep you in my prayers in hopes that you will feel much better tomorrow :hug:manyheart.

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Good morning to Everyone!!! Hope today is a fabulous day for all of you and that everything you want to get done gets done, whether it be working, cleaning, organizing, de-cluttering, running errands or sitting on the ole badordkus and :crocheting


I got a good night's sleep and am ready to tackle another day!


:manyheart and :hug to all!

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Good morning everyone. I am back at work and back on here early in the morning! I am feeling a little better today. It is supposed to snow (such a bad word!) here tonight. We'll see!

The Jets won last night! YAY! They needed that. They are even now. 6-6 I think.

I plan on being here for chat tonight. Talk to you all later!


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I did eat on the road yesterday. Everyone in my office has an actual office... with a door they can close if they want to eat lunch in their office. i have my office near the lobby, so i dont have a place i can close off contact with the office.... except for my car. i know it sounds weird that i eat lunch in my car, but it is there that i can listen to whatever i want, however loud i want. (a few months ago i listened to the entire Harry Potter series on CD.... talk about awsome!) :bounce


Vicki, yesterday sure was not a fun day. Hope today is much better.


I am still getting the hang of writing here, so If i dont say hi to all individualy, know that i say hi to all! Have a good day.:hook

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morning, everyone-


I am up for a few minutes, and stopped by to see what you've all been up to. I feel like I have been hit by a truck.


I won't respond individually right now, except for to Vicki: :hug:hug:hugI am praying for your family, and for DH on Tuesday that all goes well.


I hope everyone who is not feeling well is better today, and that you all get to accomplish whatever it is that you wanted to. I wish I had the energy to say hi to everyone seperately, but I just don't :sigh


I love you all:hug:hugand hope to 'see' you later on...

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Good morning Besties!!


Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!! They really made my day! I'm sorry I didn't thank you yesterday. I won't be around too much in the next couple of weeks. My best friend got engaged the day before Thanksgiving, and is getting married on the 13th.:eek:eek I'm her MOH and invitation-maker, so I haven't had a lot of time for anything. I'm so behind and I'm freaking out, but it will all work out.


I think of you all and miss you every day. I hope things will slow down soon! I'm hoping to reply to you all individually a little later.


Thank you again for the birthday wishes! You guys really are the bestest!! Love you!!:manyheart:hug

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:hi everyone!


TGIF! I am plugging away at a to-do list as long as my arm. Last night after supper I crashed on the couch for 30 minutes or so because I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. Good thing I did, I needed my energy for Scrabble last night :lol.


Vicki - I am so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well and extra sorry to hear about DH's job. How is he taking it? I know he wasn't happy there, but I've been through a lay off and it is very difficult. I hope his interview goes well on Tuesday. I'll be keeping my :xfin and praying for you all. :hug


LeaAnne - You keep resting, girl!! I hope you feel better soon. Your body is definitely telling you to rest. Here's a big :hug for you.


Scooby - Even when you say you didn't get much done, it sounds like you did a lot :lol


Stacy - Good luck with all your projects and I hope your head feels better soon.


Frogger - I can understand why you eat your lunch in your car. It is nice to get some time alone during the day! Good for you earning your :crocheting time by working hard.


Shannon - Good luck with the wedding preparations and invitations!


Beth - How are things with you today? I bet the count down is on until the nutcracker. It's this coming week, right?


Joanne - I hope you are not working too hard. Do you get Saturday off?


Mary - I hope you get your voice back soon. That is what happened to me a few weeks ago, but mine only disappeared for 2 days.


Tena - I hope your grandkids are being good for you today and that you are finding some time to breath!


If I forgot anyone, :hi I hope you are having a good day.

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Sorry Scooby, I almost forgot to fill you in on the advent calendars. We've added a lego sled and a lego man with ice skates on, a little tiny wreath and a chocolate snowman.


I feel like all I do is shop these days! I can't seem to stay at home and relax knowing I have so much to go out and buy. :(

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Good evening,

Wow Congratulations everyone you got a lot done while I was away.


Where do you chat on Fri nights?



Beth: Yep I’m grandma; we are one of the many grandparents raising our grandkids. Congratulations on getting some decorating done.

Got’a love men with sexy accents.

Hope you sleep better tonight

Very cute bun covers


Vicki: sorry the dr feels if maybe an ulcer, feel better, can’t be sick on a weekend. Hope all gets straightened out with your hubby’s job loss and interview.


Mary: Sorry to hear you still don’t have a voice. I would have a tough time being quiet.


Shannon: Happy Birthday, hope you had a good time

Wow that is a fast engagement.


Stacy: How is Isabella?

Can’t wait to see the flannelghans


LeaAnn- sorry you’re not feeling well, rest and get better.


Frogger: Glad you got to eat even though you had a working lunch.


Sorry if I missed anyone.:hug


I spent yesterday out with a friend doing some shopping and some charity work. Had a great time!

I got 3 dishcloths done last night

Today, did the normal day routine, then worked on the living room some more. We had to move the tree to a different wall in the living room. The little guy and the cat kept knocking it over. So today we moved it and Grandpa anchored it to the wall. Now to re-decorate it



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