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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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So i am new to Crochetville and i really like the idea of "earning" craft time by cleaning. I usualy come home from work and start crafting (or lounging on the couch) but no cleaning gets done as often as it needs.

thanks for the great idea.

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:rofl:rofl:lookoutOk I'm not going to post again for a while, but I am so scatterbrained today and not really in the mood to do anything, but I forgot to tell you all here is the link to a really cute hat I made. I tested the pattern and it was really quick and easy to make. :blush Don't look at me just look at the hat :lol:lol:lol.


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:hi everyone!


I just spent an entire morning helping 3 and 4 yo cut and paste Santas and glue on cotton ball beards, etc. It was fun, but I'm feeling a little tired out. :lol God Bless the Kindegarten teachers of the world :nworthy


LeaAnne - :hug:hug:hug Good for you for making that call. I hope she gives you the courtesy of a return call. So far as I can tell maybe she wouldn't have been a very good boss. Good luck with the other babysitting job you've applied for. I'll keep my :xfin:hug


Scooby - Nice round ripple and hat! Very nice!


Vicki - I'm kind of laughing that you're having snow. :lol It is sunny and beautiful here and besides the odd little dusting overnight, we haven't had snow yet. Very rare for Dec. 2 and we are enjoying it!


:hi to everyone else and welcome frogger! Have a great day!


I've taken pics for you but for some reason can't get them uploaded. I'll try again.


Gotta go get some lunch and I'm planning a nice long walk this afternoon, soak up some vitamin D!

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Scooby, Oh, it's so cute!!! I love the hat, and you are beautiful, too!


I'm just reading through, so I won't have 200 to read tomorrow, but I need to get busy. We already cleaned out the bookshelves (3 boxes full purged) and we are going to start on the rest of the front room. I want it looking good before we decorate for Christmas!


:hug to all our friends. Welcome Frogger!

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:welcome, Frogger! To Crochetville, and this wonderful group!


Scooby - I :manyheart that hat! It is too cute, and looks really quick to make.


Beth - Good Luck with your room purgeness and prep for decorating!:hug


Colleen - Enjoy your vitamin D soaking:D


Tena - I am trying to send some energy your way.... did you get it?:devil

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Sorry, almost forgot. Scooby the calendars included a Lego Snowman and a Santa eraser ;)


OK, here's the pics. One is of the toys gazing at the tree. I thought that might make you smile on this busy Wednesday. One is my little Christmas tree pillow. Those are button ornaments. The other is Barbie's snowsuit.







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Hi Besties!!


I'm still not finished catching up, so I won't write to everyone now. But I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I didn't get a lot of pictures of the game, but I do have a few that I want to share, especially with LeaAnne!





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:rofl:rofl Shannon!!!! How did you know I needed a great big laugh today?! You really did witness THE best Monday night game of the year, you know, you lucky :ducky! Oh! and :ty for the pic of Tom's Butt:D:lol

Actually, I am a Wes Welker girl:wink

Did you read that I secretly wanted the Saints to win? :cheerGEAUX SAINTS!:cheerwhere were your seats? it looks like they were pretty good...



Colleen- :ty for sharing your pics... I :manyheart that little pillow. I also enjoyed seeing the gathering around the tree. Thank goodness they are small:heehee You have brought back some nice memories for me today... Thank You!!!!:hug:hug

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Colleen, that's my line! :rofl


Colleen, I love your tree, and your adoring Barbies. Your snow suit looks very nice. Can you make that in a very big girl size for me? It looks so snuggly! Very clever to use buttons for ornaments on the pillow. Your pictures made me smile. I think you are having a magical Christmas! Your dd seems so sweet! You need to join Stacy in writing down the magical things that come out of the mouths of babes. Hearing about your work with the 3 and 4 year olds brought back a lot of memories from my days as a preschool teacher. I hope you did enoy it, but I know it was a challenge!


Shannon, I'm so glad you had a great birthday present. Your dh did OK! Love the pics, particularly the tight ends, :lol


LeaAnne, can you send some of that energy this way? I am totally worn out. I've been taking it easy for so long, my house is a total disaster, and I'm not used to work (excuse my language, ladies! I hope that awful word won't be asterisked!)


Tena, are you grandma to the three angels in your home? I'm confused :think but that's fairly typical.


Judy, Congrats on the bag lady thing -- I'll have to check that out. I'm with Tena, don't know what it means, but it sounds like fun! My friends call me the crazy cat/bag lady. I always need more totes to carry projects in.


Mary, I hope you are staying quiet. Remember, it doesn't require vocal chords to type! Are you still getting plenty of sleep? Are you staying warm? I wish I could go make you some soup, make you feel better. I'll send warm thoughts your way.


Stacy, I'm thinking of you and your adorable children. How is everyone? Do you have any wonderful sayings to share?


Vicki, How are you doing? Are you feeling any better? I am impressed with how you bowl when you don't feel well. Better than I can do at the top of my game! You have been very busy lately. I hope you get some rest. Enjoy your crochet time during tae kwon do today.


Joanne, I hope Delta Force doesn't wear you out!!! Take care of yourself during your long work week.


Frogger, how are you liking Crochetville so far? I started liking it better when I joined a couple CAL's. It's fun to interact with the same people repeatedly! These ladies are my dear friends now.


Scooby, Thinking of you as I'm organizing and purging. I hope you get your internet connection sooner rather than later today!


Victoria, I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday.


Our front room is about half done -- the half that we decorate. The other half is where the office is in the front room. My house isn't nearly big enough for all the people in it, but I like it cozy. I think I'll save cleaning the desk and surrounding area until another day. I'm worn out! I have three boxes of old homeschool items that I am giving away tomorrow. I even found them a new home where I hope they will be appreciated! They are sitting in my van now, so my front room would look pretty darn good, except for the boxes of Christmas decorations everywhere....

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Thanks for all the welcomes. I am VERY new to crocheting (as of around August).... i just started my first hat on Saturday and i finished it Monday:cheer. I am also knitter (hopefuly that is not a swear word here) but have found that :crocheting is much faster.

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Colleen, I love your pics! Especially the one of your tree admirers. :heehee That is just too cute. Great job on the pillow and Barbie outfit. Did you make the dress that the Barbie tree gazer is wearing? Enjoy your long walk today. :manyheart


Leanne, good for you on calling and leaving a message! This has been going on for far too long, and I really hope she will call and let you know, either way. :xfin that you get the new babysitting job. :hug


Shannon, welcome back! I love your pics. I, too, am a fan of the tight ends. :heehee


:welcome to Frogger. This is the sweetest group of women ever. :manyheart They're very good at being motivational, too. :wink


Beth, you crack me up! Don't you know the "w" word is banned around here? :lol WTG on getting your front room cleaned up. Good luck with the decorating. I planned to wait until the girls asked, to start. Well...Isabella asked this morning. :rofl That didn't take too long. Looks like I will be hauling my stuff out sooner rather than later. Which reminds me that I need to get an Avon order placed to my SIL- the new catalog has the cutest snowman garland and it would look adorable on the mantle. :manyheart


Well FIL's car is fixed and he let me use it today. :clap I love that man. Took Mia to school, then went to Joann's to pick out the rest of the yarn. They actually had colored cat eyes this time, so I got a set of green ones for Mia's pillow. I think they will look nice with the pink. She also has a little project that needs to be finished for school, so I got the supplies for that. Then I went to the natural foods store to get some supplements for dh, and some yummy tea for me. I also spoke with a nutritionist and she recommended some supplements for me, to help with my mood, but I will have to go back on Friday to get those. It's mostly extra doses of B vitamins but I am excited to try it- I have been in a terribly cranky mood lately and it's even irritating me. :blush

Well I am off to work on something until it's time to get Mia. BBL! :hug

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Shannon - LOVE the tight end pics! Those are the BEST! You must have had a great time and had great seats to get those pics! I laughed at those!

Colleen - You have quite a crowd at the Christmas Tree! And the snow suit on Barbie is very nice! She is sure to be nice and warm this winter! The pillow is wonderful too!

Frogger - welcome to the group! the best bunch you will find anywhere on the 'ville!

Stacy - Glad you were able to get to the store today. Did you get the yarn you needed?

Mary - Glad you went back to the doctor. Good thing your hubby is feeling better and is taking good care of you! Remember, no talking!

I am still not feeling the best. I think I have a touch of a stomach bug. I don't feel good, but I don't feel bad enough to stay home. I guess I will see how I feel tonight and if I don't feel well tonight maybe I will stay home and go see the doctor tomorrow. I don't know. I'm sure he'll tell me it is nothing and I hate to waste the money for him to tell me it is nothing. We'll see.


I will talk to you all on later. Have a great rest of the night all and I will talk to you all later!


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I really have no idea how Mary Jo picks who gets the tote each month, but it's fun posting on the thread she opens and seeing who gets it. I've hug around there a few times.


...and...I dod some local Christmas shopping... got my downstairs cleaned today and put up the few decorations we're using this year.

It was a good day:)

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I :manyheart my job!!! I sat, put ribbons on bun covers (and sold 3 more!) and got to talk to a man in uniform with the sexiest accent -- sounded quite British to me, but I'm from the sticks in Ohio. And yesterday I got to crochet with that adorable 5-year-old boy. :c9


The tree lights are on. We still need more ornaments, but it looks so pretty already. I'm in the mood for Christmas!

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:clapfor Beth loving her job and selling more bun covers!


:clapfor Judy getting her downstairs clean!


:clapfor Stacy's FIL and his car!


:clapfor Frogger's new hat!


:clapShannon's BAAAACK!


:clapFor Colleen enjoying her new career!


:clapfor Vickietoria's creative-ness!


:clapfor Scooby's finished objects!


:xfin that Tena's day was awesome-ness, too!



:hugto Mary and Vicki. I hope you feel better soon!

:hugto Joanne for working enough for us all! (how are you tonight, dear bestie?)


I wanted to come by and wish you all a good night!


see you in the A.M.!;)

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:hug Vicki. I'm sorry that you are still not feeling well. I also hate to waste money just for the dr. to say it is nothing, or my personal favorite- a virus. :rolleyes Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I hope you are feeling better after a good night of sleep.


Beth, it is awesome that you love your job. :manyheart WTG with those bun covers!


Congrats Judy on getting your downstairs clean, and being this month's bag lady. I haven't seen it this month, but Mary Jo makes some really cute bags.


Well my dear besties...I am off to :crocheting for a while. I finished the body on the pillow and I think I will just use Poly-fill. I have a huge bag of it with nothing else to use it on. I am also itching to get going on the flannelghans again, and (like I need another project :blush) I just found these adorable bags from Crochet Today. I think they would be excellent gifts for the teachers and our Mommy and Me instructor.

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Stacy - I started the Penguin bag. Aren't they cute? He just needs the white belly and the eyes and beak. If you make them, either crochet loose or go up a hook size if you want to put anything in it. The top is kinda tight on mine. They work up quickly. It would be cute filled with candy. Good luck and thanks for reminding me that I started that :lol:think might be a good idea for a teacher's gift.


Oh, before I forget. I did not make the Barbie's dress. It is beautiful. I bought it at a craft fair. It's made out of thread.

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Hi everyone-

I got home at 9PM tonight!!! I am beat, but I had to stop by to see what everyone was up to today. Forgive me if I forget to respond to anyone- I really am tired and another long day tomorrow.


Welcome Frogger to our group! The Bestest group of ladies!!!!


Colleen- love the pics- so precious with the tree gazing barbies and care bears. Love the pillow and the snowsuit is adorable.


LeaAnne- good for you calling about the job--and for also moving on and applying for another.


Stacy- Yea for FIL! Glad you were able to get some errands done (and yarn) Hope the extra B vitamins will help you. And how was your new tea?


Mary- hope you are being quiet and feeling better


Tena- You got a lot accomplished today


Judy- WTG on the cleaning done today-


Scooby- Love the hat- I saw it this morning when you had posted it- really cute. And I LOVE the RR!!!! Did Mr Cable Guy show up?


Vicki- How are you feeling? And sorry bout the bowling scores- good for me, not so good for you. LOL


Victoria- Hope you had a good day today


Shannon- Love the pics- and the scoreboard-priceless! (well, so are the "butts"). You really were at the bestest-ness Monday Night Football game of the season!!!!!!


Beth- WTG on selling 3 more bun covers and glad you love your job!!! And Christmas decorating done too- how fun!


Hope I didn't miss anyone! I'm going to try and get some sleep since it'll be another long day tomorrow- I am earning lots of crochet time- the only cleaning I did today was make the bed in the morning and run the dishwasher as soon as I got home, but I am counting the extra hrs at work as cleaning time, if that's ok with everyone:lol


Have a good night all!:hug:hug:hug

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:bday:bday:birthday Dear Shannon-ness:bday





I'm posting my birthday wishes now since I'm not sure I'll be on in the AM before work and didn't want to wait till late tomorrow. Have an awesome-ness birthday Shannon!!!!!! (although you already had an aweseome-ness before birthday on Monday Night!!!!:yes)



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Hi Again,

Scooby- your round ripple is beautiful, Love the hat and you look great in it.


LeaAnn: I know just what you are going through with the babysitting. I was in the business for years. And THANKS for the boost of energy. It helped me get through the day.


Welcome Frogger, it is so fun to know you can :crochetingguilt free because you did what had to be done first.


Colleen: they all look great, I’ve never tied making Barbie cloth, guess with a 4yo princess I better try. (MIL made my girls Barbie clothes when they were little so didn’t have to)


Shannon: Thanks for sharing the picts, sounds like you had a blast


Hope everyone who is under the weather is feeling better


My afternoon & evening:

Shelby off to school

Living room toys picked up

More laundry

Grandpa home early from work, we put the bunk bed together

Kids came home from school

Had leftover pizza

Loaded DW and ran it

Did more laundry

Went over xmas list of things to buy with dd.

Put kids to bed and am crashing.


Off to repair Chris’s over the bed Thomas the train tent, he put his foot through it, (sad little boy when he went to bed tonight)


I will talk to you all tomorrow night. Going out with the girls to xmas shop tomorrow.

Happy :hook


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