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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Tena, it's good to not try and do it all at once....smart thinking:yes


And I am definitely ready for football, though I have no dog in the fight. I'm a Giants (Football) and diehard, rabid, life-long Yankees fan:D


Good teams playing tonight...and that really is a understatement!


Okay - now I'm really going. :lol

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Tena, it's good to not try and do it all at once....smart thinking:yes


And I am definitely ready for football, though I have no dog in the fight. I'm a Giants (Football) and diehard, rabid, life-long Yankees fan:D


Good teams playing tonight...and that really is a understatement!


Okay - now I'm really going. :lol


Judy- You are definitely my kind of gal! A Giants fan and a life-long World Series Champs Yankees fan!!! (How bout Rutgers and Devils too?:lol)


Tena- You sure have your hands full with all those Christmas gifts. I am acting like I have all year to get presents done. Well, I really have to sign off, and pick up the :crocheting and finish DH's flannelghan (that was his birthday present- his birthday was 11/24. I have a strip and 3/4 of a strip left to do and then weave in ends and put it together.


LeaAnne- glad that I'm not the only one who didn't finish the flannelghan. We'll get them done though. AND YES, I'm READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL.




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I did get quit a bit done today. Grandpa and I picked up wooden bunk beds for the kids bedroom yesterday. So I spent a few hours cleaning, moving beds, vacuuming and organizing toys, so he can set up the beds tomorrow.


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Well,I just spent about 1/2 hr looking for the flannelghan pattern. I had it by my chair with my notes on it from LeaAnne-and guess what- it is nowhere to be found!!! I think that DH's grandaughter (who was sitting in that chair coloring on Thanksgiving) probably mixed in it with her things.


So hopefully I remember correctly that I am using HDC instead of DC and that I am chaining 17 and have 15 st per row.


LeaAnne- can you post again how many skeins of yarn to get for this ghan so I can write it on the pattern? Caron- how many of each color- was it 3-2 and RH 6-4?


Saints winning!!! Shannon- you must be having a blast!

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:faint Was I gone long? So much happened! :eek


First, :welcome Tena and Judianne. We have a lot of fun here and maybe you joining us will be a good :kick for me to get some cleaning done. :lol I'm planning to start my Christmas decorating tomorrow, but I need to declutter first. Need to make room for the decorations. :eek


LeaAnne - Nice to hear from you. Your posts always cheer me up. So full of emoticons and colour! I hope you enjoy the football game and working on Pete's flannelghan. :hug


Joanne - I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend with your daughters. :manyheart It made me happy to hear you being so happy. I think you've found a soul sister, what with Judianne being from Jersey, loving the Yankees and the Giants, and.... drum roll...her name ends with Anne!!!! :lol


Stacy-Anne - Good luck with your transportation logistics! Good luck with getting a flannelghan done for your SIL too :eek What colours will you use? Your mom is in my prayers and I wish her the best as she makes this change in her life.


Beth-Anne - :hug No worries about not being around. You've been through a lot, and you work so hard at all your "jobs". Good luck with the final preparations for the Nutcracker. I wish I could come see it. :dreaming


Shannon-Anne - I hope you are enjoying your football game :hug


Mary-Anne - I hope you are feeling better :hug Been thinking about your lots!


Vicki-Anne - It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now! Make sure you take some time for yourself. Good luck with your baby shower gift. I love making baby stuff, but no one I know has babies anymore :shrug I'm showing my age :blush


Scooby-Anne - How are things at your place? I hope Titan continues to be well. How is DS enjoying the basketball team (:think it was basketball wasn't it?). How is he enjoying his new school?


Tena-Anne - I've been working on dishcloths lately too. I have a bag full of cotton I'm trying to use up. I think I'm up to 6 or 7 or so.


DH was off today because he is working Tues. to Saturday. So, DD went to school (she had a good day :clap) and DH and I went out for lunch and did some Christmas shopping together :yay:clap It was so nice! We went to this one store (Zellers, for Mary's sake) and they had 1 lb bags of yarn on for $4. Limited colours, but wow! I didn't buy any...yet :rofl


My prayer shawl is coming along. It is working up quickly because I'm using bulky yarn. I also started a tiny little pillow with a Christmas tree on it to dress up my pew for Christmas. And then today I saw a notice in the school newsletter that they are looking for mittens for those in need, so I started my first every pair of mittens. Gee, do you think I might have too much on the go? Oh well, I am officially done working. So far as I know the Office Manager is recovering. She's back to work anyway. Keep your :xfin that I get to be at home. I need some time at home to get ready for Christmas ... and to get all my :crocheting projects finished :rofl


DD is just bursting at the seams to start her Lego advent calendar tomorrow. It is so cute. I suspect she'll be up at the crack of dawn to open it. I can just imagine what it will be like when Santa actually comes. My mom made her a homemade advent calendar this year too (fabric) and it has little pockets for each day with a mystery treat. I'm excited for that one! :D


Have a great evening everyone! :ghug

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Joanne, DS is a Rutgers graduate, so we definitely love it when they win...unfortunatley when we followed hocky we were Rangers fans:devil

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Joanne, DS is a Rutgers graduate, so we definitely love it when they win...unfortunatley when we followed hocky we were Rangers fans:devil

Go Rutgers! My oldest and my youngest are RU grads (oldest- what used to be called Douglass College, my youngest, Rutgers College of Nursing). In addition, I finally became a RU alum-graduating in Oct 2008!. As far as hockey, my SIL is a die-hard Rangers fan-but my DD and I are Devils fans-I got to go to the game on Saturday and brought my oldest with me who was visiting from Boston- had lots of fun !!! Vicki- one of the gals in this group is originally from NY and she and her DH are Rangers and Jets Fans!

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Good morning everyone!!! Only got 2 blocks done on the flannelghan, but 2 blocks is better than none!


Shannon-What a game!!!! How exciting for you to have been there- what an awesome-ness performance by your Saints and Drew Brees!! I'm sure that was one of your bestest birthday presents ever! I could just feel the excitement in the superdome!!


Everyone- have a great Tuesday and remember.....take your vitamins!!! Cya on the flip side!

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Hi Judianne and Tena, and welcome to our group.


Colleen, shopping with the dh while dd is in school sounds perfect! I hope you had fun. Do you think you are a full time homemaker now? That yarn deal sounds awesome. The advent calendars sound good. One year I made an advent activity calendar, where we did something Christmas related every day. It got too hectic, but was fun while it lasted.


Joanne, I can relate to papers disappearing. My dh sometimes has to take his passport to work. He wonders why I file it as soon as he comes home. It's so it won't fall into the paper black hole that we have here! You need to remind me, what colors are you making your flannelghan, and for whom? Is it a Christmas present?


Stacy, you and Joanne and your caramel brulee from Starbucks is making me crave something I never had! It sounds very good. And a sugar rush may actually get my badorkus moving.


LeaAnne, sounds like you've been busy -- as usual! A GNO sounds good. I think my dd would enjoy a trip to build a bear, and she's 15!


Vicki, See what you started? LOL. I'm so glad your dd had a good time with build a bear. I am a little confused. Was it her birthday, or her friend's?


Mary, I hope you are feeling OK now. :hug Bronchitis can be serious. Are you resting a lot, and eating soup, and doing what the doctor says? Is your dh feeling oK? Can he take care of you?


Shannon, I was at work, so I don't know. Did the Saints Geaux? I hope you had a funtabulous time at the game! What an awesome birthday present!!!


Scooby Dooby Doo! How are you? Is the organizational part of moving in progressing in your house? How's the craft room?


Jennifer, around here, it's close to the end of the semester for colleges. I hope you get a break soon.


I had to drop my son off at work before 6 this morning. We didn't hit any traffic, and few red lights, so it went a lot quicker than it does at 7. I need to clean my front room and reorganize it so we can put up our decorations. The bassette went home last night, and I actually miss her, a little. Not too much. She was very silky and snuggly, though. Loved those ears. I need to pick up the Christmas afghan again. I don't have time to be burned out on it!

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Beth - It was my DD's birthday present to go to Build a bear. She just got to pick a friend to go with her. It just so happens that her friend's b-day is ten days before DD's! Yes, it was all very confusing!


Shannon - How was the game!?! Did you have fun!?! It was fun just watching and listening to it. the Superdome was loud and the Saints fans were there to cheer their team on! I hope you had fun!


Hi Miss Mary - I hope you are on the mend. Did you go back to the doctor? What did he say?


Colleen - How was Christmas shopping? Did you pick up anything good? I hope so! YAY for being a SAHM!


Welcome to Tena and JudiAnne! Yes, I am a Ranger and a Jet fan, and I also am a Yankee fan Like Joanne. Hubby is a struggling Mets fan. I just keep telling him he is a closet Yankee fan and he needs to come over to the light. He has yet to do so. Such a man he is.

Beth - Have fun decorating the house for Christmas today!


Hi Stacy - What colorsd are you going to to the flannelghan for SIL? Did she pick or did you?


Nothing much doing here. I worked on my IRB application to go with my paper and I looked at my presentation for today. That was it. Bowling tonight. George came to visit yesterday so I think that accounts for my sour mood. Part of it anyway. I think I need a chat with my besties. I need to be here on Friday with you all.


Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!



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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

Good Morning to all, I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better


Colleen: We started decorating on Sat. Monday 2yo knocked the tree over and at 4:30 this morning the cat tried to climb it and knocked it over. So the tree is un-decorated again. I hope Grandpa will come up with a way to keep it standing for a few weeks when he gets home from work this morning.


Glad to know I’m not alone in the dishcloth production line


Judy-my two youngest brothers went to Rutgers too.


Joanne: Good job getting 2 blocks done on your flannelgahn


Beth: now I know where to look for all my lost stuff. LOL I must have a black hole somewhere too.


We love Build A Bear, We go mostly on special occasions, with 3 kidos it gets a bit pricey.


Today: I hope grandpa is up to putting the bunk beds together after working all night. I didn’t get much sleep last night so I don’t have much energy today. Connor(7) shared his cold with Christopher(2), so Chris was up about 5 times last night, and the cat climbing the tree episode at 4:30 am. LOL I do need to tackle the mountain of laundry on the floor in my laundry room today.


I’ll talk to you all later,

Have a great day,


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good morning, everyone!


Colleen - Happy Day to yourself-ness!:yay I hope you get your chores done early, so you can get some stitching in while DD is at school. After all, you have all of those WIPs to whip-up!:devil


Tena - Good luck with the bunks today with grandpa. I hope it goes smoothly with the little ones around. You have 1 grandchild in school?

I hope everyone feels better soon, and I will be here :cheer:cheer for your laundry project to go smoothly:wink


Stacy - :clapfor Starbucks! I always :drool when I read which flavor you got to try! I hope today is calm for you, and that you are all getting around ok. Have you talked to your mom today? When you do, please let her know that I am praying for her to be strong!:hug How is your FIL feeling?


Joanne - Have a wonderful day at work today... btw, you got more done on your 'ghan than me lastnight. I spent the whole game on the edge of my seat! I am so happy for those Saints!!!! (the Patriots can win next week:devil)

How is your co-worker's DH doing?


The notes that you have for our version of the flannelghan are correct:


Materials: P hook, and yarn as follows: either Caron Pounders(or 1 lb substitute for our Canadian besties) 3 of main color, 2 of contrasting color OR RHSS - 6 of main color, 4 of contrasting color.


17ch for 15 hdc wide; 14 rows per color combo; 7 boxes per strip; 5 strips per 'ghan. Strips are joined by whip stitching with 1 strand of each color. Border: 1 round of sc in color combo of choice (I use the main color), then you can add 1 or 2 rounds of hdc if you like.


Shannon - OMG!!!! Are you still on :c9, or what?! :lol I think you got to witness the most exciting Monday Night Football game, like, EVAH!!!! I thought of you at the beginning of the game, when I saw a sign that said "All I want for my Birthday is the Saints: 11-0"! I said to DH, "Oh my God, that's what Shannon wants for HER birthday!!!"

Did you get to have a sleepover in N'Orleans? that's a long drive for you, right?


Beth - Look at you, all bright eyed and bushy tailed:lol:devil I hope today is wonderful for you:hug How are you healing?


Mary - Get Well wishes and prayers being sent your way:hug I hope you are back soon.


Vicki - sorry to hear that George is visiting:(... How are your headaches? Any better? I hope you have a great day, and don't forget to take out all of your aggressions on those bowling pins tonight:tup

...and you couldn't be more right... bring on Friday chat!!!!!:hug


Judianne - What part of the Jersey Shore are you at? My sister used to live in Cape May. oh... btw, I am the resident Bostonian:devil It makes for lots of fun with all of the sports rivalries:yes:lol so....what is on your agenda today?


:waving, Scoob! What's shakin'?! I hope you are havin a "stitchin day"!:hug



I guess I better get crack-a-lackin'... I have beds to change and lots of :crocheting to get done today! Pete's flannelghan.... here I come!:devil:yay

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Joanne, congrats on being close to getting your degree! That's not easy.:clap


LeaAnne, I'm in Aberdeen, close to Keyport, Hazlet, etc.


Rutgers is a great school, but you have to be motivated to work on your own because of the size. DS went to the main college and it was rough, traveling by bus to the different classes. He was motivated to finish in 4 years though - we told him we werent' paying for more:devil He majored in Biology/minored in History.

The he had a brainstorm to become a chiropractor...3 1/2 years after RU, he finished that school (in CA) and at 34 I can see he loves what he does and has been successful - all we can ask for our children.


Okay - enough rambling.


Time for me to get going with my day. I hope to get my kitchen spruced up today.

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Hi! I'd love to join!! :) I really need to do more housework and less time on the computer and crocheting... The trouble is that I recently inherited about 200 POUNDS of yarn from an aunt who didn't want it anymore. It's a problem, because there are other things I should do other than crochet lol... :)


A little introduction about myself? Well, I'm in North Alabama, where I live with my hubby of 5 years, 3 year old autistic son, and 9 month old beautiful daughter. I've been crocheting since I was about 7, and love it! I can't think of anything to make for people this year, which is really sad! I always make things... I'm thinking of making those jar toppers, you know? But, I can't think of what to put INSIDE the jars lol... I want something fun, possibly something different for each person? Candy for some, maybe learn how to make candles...??? Ooooh, maybe those cookie mixes where you put everything but the eggs in a jar?? Those are cool, but I don't know where to find a recepie for something like that... Ideas? Just not feeling creative today lol... We're on a really tight budget, but I wanted something homemade anyway. I think sometimes Christmas can get really commercial. Anyway, off my soap box!


Anyway, glad to be here, hope everyone is doing great!!


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Welcome Victoria, I’m new also


LeaAnn- I have one in school and one in ½ day pre-school, so I just have one for a few hours.

Grandpa came home exhausted and works a double shift tonight, so the bed will wait until the weekend.


Victoria- one year to dipped pretzel rods into melted chocolate and made up pretty packages with those and with leftover chocolate add rice crispy type cereal and make no bake drop cookies for the kids to snack on. You could even make up inexpensive gift baskets from the $1 store with a small candle and a holiday towel, maybe crochet a dish cloth.


I love Cape May; we were there this summer while visiting family. I grew up in NJ.


Well off to re-load the dishwasher and shift laundry.


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Vickietoria- I love those homemade mixes! You can find a ton of the at http://www.allrecipes.com. Just type in "cookie mix in a jar" and a bunch will come up. :tup Lucky you to inherit all of that yarn!! Have fun working through it.


Tena, I also have 3 little monsters- er, um, angels. :devil They are pretty well-behaved, if I may say so, so I do joke when I call them monsters. :wink They are 6-1/2 (almost 7), 4-1/2, and 2- all girls. :manyheart Good luck getting the bunk beds put together. Sorry to hear your kiddos are sick. I hope it clears up for them soon.


Leanne, it is so great to hear from you! :hug I'm glad everything is going well in your end of the country. It is after Thanksgiving- have you heard anything about that job? Weren't you supposed to start after the holiday? FIL is feeling (and looking) much better. He is supposed to be on some medication to straighten out his equilibrium but it was giving him high blood pressure, so he stopped it (with the dr.'s ok, of course.) As for my mom...I spoke with her yesterday and she is just not ready to get out yet. :( She had about 5 reasons why she "couldn't" leave just yet, but did tell me that she doesn't want to leave her house, because she's decorated it so nicely. :sigh:rolleyes


Vicki, sorry to hear George made his way down there. He always tries to get as many of us as he can at the same time. :lol Be sure to take out your frustrations on those bowling pins tonight! I can't wait for Friday, either. :hug The flannelghan for SIL will be pink and purple. She chose, and she actually just emailed me to see if she can get one like dh's (with solid blocks) instead of the flannel one.


Shannon, I am not even going to ask if you had fun at the game- I KNOW you had a blast!! :cheer


Colleen, are you feeling like a homemaker now? :hug I'm happy to hear that dd had a wonderful day at school. Sounds like it's all upward from here! :clap Yay for her (and you.) Hope you get your chores done so you have lots of time to yourself.


Beth, sounds like you are getting back into the swing of things. :clap for no traffic. I'm happy that you are feeling better.


Mary, hope you and dh are feeling much better and that the cough is easing up. :hug


Scooby Doo- where are you? I hope that Titan is feeling much better. How is the organizing coming along? Have you gotten into your craft room yet?


Joanne, just talking about the caramel brulee makes my mouth water! :rofl You are 2 blocks closer to being finished with your flannelghan! :cheer I found a very small ball of the green I am using last night, so I will try to join one or two of the strips for my dad's tonight.


Last night I joined 2 strips of Isabella's, but when I went to join the 3rd, I realized that I messed up the order of the colors and 2 of the strips that are supposed to be next to each other, both have blue/white as the beginning block. So I will have to redo those, which is cool because I think it will give me a bit of extra to actually finish the entire strip. I also worked on the cat pillow a bit, but it got a bit repetitive. Me and my :crocheting ADD. :rofl


Well I am off to get Mia ready for school. Be back later! :hug



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This is going to get confusing with two Vickis! How fun will this be! Welcome Victoria! I am also Vicki. My full name is Victoria, but I never use it :no! I am ALWAYS Vicki :yes!

I am starting not to feel well today. My stomach is bothering me. It doesn't hurt or anything, just doesn't quite feel right. I ate my lunch. I picked at it more than I ate it. I have IEP training to do this afternoon, so I need to get through that. One of my partners is leaving early to go to the doctor also so I need to be here for that class as as well. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. Maybe I will stay home from bowling tonight.


Hope all is well with everyone and that you are all having a great day!



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