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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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ok, I need to share this story...


I go into my oldest DD's closet with trash bags in hand, and in the first pile of mess what do I find?! A book, entitled "Organizing Made Easy" :eek:eek


:rofl :rofl you're kidding me, RIGHT?


So, I did manage to purge 1 side of the closet... I only kept 10% of what was there:blush:blush The rest is in the TRASH!


I feel AWESOME right now!:clap:c9 ... on Tuesday, I will go back and finish the other side and the top shelf.


I also found a knitting WIP (my first try at :knit), I forgot I had it.

So, my afternoon will be spent perusing my "new" book, and trying my hand at that WIP. I have a couple of hours until another softball game, so I am going to treat myself:manyheart


Thanks for "listening", and I'll catch you all later tonight! Hope you all have had a great day, I can't wait to see what you've been up to...


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What a wonderful day :)! It is sunny and beautiful here and I decided to RELAX a little bit and take a day off of worrying about timing and to do lists and just hang out in the back yard with DD for the morning. I remember my childhood being filled with long hours of free play in the backyard, and yet somehow we have trouble fitting that in. I brought out a load of laundry to hang on the line, but finished my coffee while sitting in a lawn chair first. After I hung out the clothes, DD and I planted some annuals in the little window boxes on my shed. She wanted to plant some flowers in the little plastic pots that came with her little playhouse, so we loaded up in the wagon and walked to the garden centre and she picked out some pale pink flowers. We planted those and some sunflower seeds and zuccini seeds. It was lots of fun! Now I'm settling down for an afternoon of :crocheting:yay and more lawnchair time. We'll BBQ for supper and it will all get done.


LeaAnne - First of all, I will be praying for your uncle. It sounds like he is a courageous man and I really enjoyed the story about the autograph. Sweet. I'm glad your DH likes us--we're sticking around :D. My DH has been very pleased with all the work I'm getting done around the house too. He even is getting his badorkus in gear and finally did a few little things on that unofficial "honey do" list that I thought he would never do! On top of that, he is pitching in more. I used to come home from working for the evening to find all the supper dishes left for me to deal with. Now, because I leave the kitchen clean for him he leaves it clean for me. :yay This group is the best -- it is even good for my marriage! :manyheart


Shannon - I love cottontots. I have two Bernat booklets, one of them exclusively cottontots. They include things like baby blankets, sweaters, hats, and booties. Did you look at bernat.com? I once made a skirt for my DD out of cottontots--it is great for little kid wearables because it is all cotton which I love, but it is so washable and retains color. As for your tangerine VC....the FBB bag would be cool in that colour, as would any bag (if you wear those types of colours). Might be nice for a scarf or wrap too? I haven't tried VC yet.

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ok, I need to share this story...


I go into my oldest DD's closet with trash bags in hand, and in the first pile of mess what do I find?! A book, entitled "Organizing Made Easy" :eek:eek


:rofl :rofl you're kidding me, RIGHT?


So, I did manage to purge 1 side of the closet... I only kept 10% of what was there:blush:blush The rest is in the TRASH!


I feel AWESOME right now!:clap:c9 ... on Tuesday, I will go back and finish the other side and the top shelf.


I also found a knitting WIP (my first try at :knit), I forgot I had it.

So, my afternoon will be spent perusing my "new" book, and trying my hand at that WIP. I have a couple of hours until another softball game, so I am going to treat myself:manyheart


Thanks for "listening", and I'll catch you all later tonight! Hope you all have had a great day, I can't wait to see what you've been up to...



You get a major happy dance! WTG LeaAnne on purging that closet! I'm cheering and dancing here in Canada!


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I go into my oldest DD's closet with trash bags in hand, and in the first pile of mess what do I find?! A book, entitled "Organizing Made Easy" :eek:eek


:rofl :rofl you're kidding me, RIGHT?



:rofl :rofl :rofl


That is just too perfectly funny. :manyheart this one.

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Good afternoon, all! WOW! I have missed a lot since I last looked yesterday morning!

I took DD back to the orth doctor this morning. He took the cast off and said he cannot see a reason at this point to put a cast on her. Based on the x-rays that were taken Tuesday, he cannot see evidence of a break and she was not feeling any pain when he asked to move it or when he touched it, which was not the case on Tuesday. He gave her a splint and said if she experiences any more pain to bring her back and he would cast it then. :woo! No cast and we can get wet! Water park plans can now be made!

Joanne - I hope you are feeling better today. Take it easy!

Stacey - I know you posted this a few pages ago, but I have to tell you that I hate best buy as well. When Circuit City was open I would go there instead because they were at least nicer to deal with. Glad it all worked out and I hope you got your new ear buds.

Colleen - how does the bottom of the book thong curl up like that? Does it do it naturally as you chain?

Happy Friday to all! I can finally sit and relax a little! But alas, the house cleaning does call. Laundry to fold (who wanted to come over for dinner if they folded my laundry?), floors to vacuum, and paper to work on.

Have a good day everyone!


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:waving Hi Girls!!!! Looks like this is the day to kick back and relax a little. TGIFitis???? I haven't done much, make beds, general pick up, 2 min decluttering and that's it. I have some :crocheting I am interested in doing so I am cashing in :lol.


I probably should have mentioned this sooner but wasn't thinking. I never lose a message that I type up. Try this: When you are logging on type in your SN, PW and then click that little box that says "remember me",AND then log in. See if that helps. I used to lose messages too until I learned about that little "remember me" box :lol.


Colleen- Yes, they have carhops. It is a drive-in. OHHHHHH, I don't even want to talk about pokey kids. My DS, the 15 yo, is extremely pokey. It takes him forever to get anything done sometimes and drives me :loco. TY for the recipe, it looks really yummy :drool. WTG DH for getting started on his "unofficial" Honey Do List and cleaning up after himself in the evenings. See, we were sending him :kickand didn't even know it :lol:lol. AWWWW, how sweet DD wanted to plant flowers in her playhouse flower pots. Children can be sweet little :angel sometimes.


LeaAnne- WOW!!! Sounds like your uncle is a very courageous man.I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers:hug:manyheart. Such a sweet, cute story about the autograph :c9. :wooon getting that closet cleaned and trash bagged up!!! I am so proud of you!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! So glad you feel good about it and on :c9. I am tickled pink for you!!! Isn't it nice to find hidden treasures? Tell your DH thank you for all the kind words, as it is our pleasure to :kick:lol:lol and we enjoy having you around!!!!!


Shannon- :cheer:clap:yayHow nice to have a travel trailer!!!!! :lol:lol Sometimes I wish my kids didn't even know my name, as it can get aggravating. When they were little, I used to tease them and tell them that I changed my name and they would play along and try to trick me into telling them what my new name was:lol:lol. Lots of :clover getting those chores done.

Stacy- Did you have lots of :sunand good weather for DD's Heritage Fair? I hope everything went well for her. How was the first concert last nite? I hope you enjoy the concert tonite!!!!


I hope everyone has a great Friday!!!! I know I am enjoying the :sunwhile it lasts!!!! Did everyone take their Vitamins today????? Will be back later to :check in. I have a pattern that I am :box with, it is really easy but my stitch count isn't coming out right, IMHO the pattern is not clearly written, as there are some parts I just don't understand what is trying to be said.


:hug:manyheart:hug To you all!!!

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:hiVicki!!!!! :dance:cheer:clap:yay Such great news about your DD's arm. :lookoutwaterparks here they come!!!!! The answer to your question about the curly q's on the book thong: yes it does it on it's own when you put 3 DC in each chain. That is an awesome pattern. I just love it.
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Colleen - how does the bottom of the book thong curl up like that? Does it do it naturally as you chain?





Vicky - You start by chaining 25 and then you put 3 DC in each chain. Just by having the 3 stitches in each chain it curls naturally. Good news about your DD's arm. :yay for waterpark plans. I'd be happy to fold your laundry for supper.


Scooby - I was thinking about my Vitamin D while I sat in the sunshine this morning enjoying my coffee. Just soaking it in! I'm going to go take my multivitamin right now. Thanks for the reminder:blush! Yes, kids are angels, aren't they? I just couldn't think of a more lovely thing to do but to plant flowers in her little flower pots. Let's hope they make it! I don't have much of a green thumb. She loves to fill her little watering can and help water plans, so I'm sure we'll do well.


Well, after writing that nice stuff about how DH was pitching in because I was keeping the house tidy and after reading about what an awesome job LeaAnne did getting her badorkus into that closet to purge, I just couldn't sit and crochet. So I cleaned the kitchen up, folded 2 loads of laundry and started another one and tidied up some of the stuff that accumlated throughout the day.


Hey LeaAnne, let us know if that book you found has any good tips :lol. You are inspiring me and I think it is time I spent some time in this here office/dumping ground. Maybe I'll do 2 mins a day and see where that takes me. It certainly worked on my dining room cupboard. By the way, I think I found the perfect runner pattern for that cupboard :yay.

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Scooby- Thanks for the "remember me" trick!! I hope that puts an end to getting logged off. So frustrating!! And thanks for reminding me to take my vitamin. I did forget.:blush:blush


Colleen- I would love to make DD a sundress, but I don't know if I'm ready to try clothes. I might look into it though. I'm glad you and DD had a nice time outside. We went outside too, but it's so hot. Then DD fell and skinned her knee so we came inside.:( I had to put the band-aid on after she fell asleep, so I hope she doesn't freak when she wakes up!! She hates band-aids.


LeaAnne- Good for you on getting some of your list done.:yay And you found some good stuff. Question: what was DD doing with a book about organizing? Using it to practice good posture? (that's what I would use it for:devil:blush)


Vicki- :cheer:yay for your DD!! What waterpark are you going to? I'll fold your laundry if I can come with you!!:D


I haven't gotten anything done today. I'm such a slacker. But I'm gonna do some stuff now while DD is sleeping. I just had to check in with my buddies first. I'll be back later to brag about everything I get done. (Yeah, right!) :manyheart:ghug

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Shannon - We are going to Schlitterbahn in Galveston. I don't know if I spelled it right, but we are going with a friend of mine from work and her niece. After professional development class and before jury duty!

I did manage to fold the laundry, put the towels in the washer and dryer, vacuum the floors, schedule DD's summer activity, and made and cleaned up dinner. For someone who didn't want to do anything, I got some stuff done. Yay me!:lol

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Wow Wow Wow~~Way to go everyone!!!!:clap:cheer:clap

LeaAnne- Prayers and hugs:hug for your uncle- what a courageous man- and what a great story about your DS and him! :)I have a friend at work whose husband had a liver transplant about 5 years ago- he also had Hepatitis C- and he is doing great! I met him about a year ago and he looked great! I will pray that he is moved up the list fast and am glad that he has you living so close to Lahey! Just like he is your fav uncle, I bet YOU are his fav niece!:yes WTG on the closet- :cheer :and I started laughing out loud :lol when I read how you found a book on organizing-:lol:lol:lol My DH looked at me funny when I am sitting here at my laptop laughing out loud! I can't say as DH has noticed alot of difference in the house but he does know that no mail shall remain on the kitchen table!:yes He doesn't notice dust, etc, and I have to say that without kids the house really doesn't get messy. I'm the one who knows the dust is there and I'm the one that cleans it anyway! I am anxious to clean under the bed, but since I'm not allowed to bend over until I see the MD next Thursday, it will remain on my to-do list


Colleen- thanks for the recipe-:) although I am not much of a baker, this seems very easy and I will be sharing it with my DD's who all love to bake! And glad you got to have some fun with DD planting flowers- those times are the best!!!!!:flower


Shannon congrats on the travel trailer- how fun! You must be on :c9


Beth (it was you Beth right?!-oh memory come back) The game last night cost me a good night's sleep and the Magic didn't even win! No loss there missing the game


Scooby- If I were you I would have enjoyed the sunshine too :sun(if we had it here in NJ) and not worried about cleaning- but hey you did get stuff done! And thanks to you, I have begun taking a multivitamin everyday and this weekend I am going to go buy some calcium w/vit D- thanks for the nudge- my DD's have been bugging me to take calcium (you know, now that I am getting old, NOT):eek


Vicki you sure did get stuff done today- definitely more than me- I am sitting on my bodorkus after a long day at work and am planning on doing nothing other than relaxing tonight. I usually do most of my cleaning for the week early Saturday morning when I have lots of energy!! :lol And great news about your DD!:yay


Darski- Nice to see you got a laugh about LeaAnne's find in the closet!


Stacy- hope you had fun at the concert- and now you get to go to another one!


If I left anyone out, accept my apology- I don't mean to- it's just that I don't write things down and trust my memory (which is probably not the best thing to do)


Oh, BTW- Scooby was right- I didn't put any smiles in here, but was on the computer for a while and before I went to post, I copied what I had typed. Sure enough when I went to post it said I wasn't logged in. But luckily I had copied it and all I had to do was sign in again and past the note. I'll remember to check the "remember me" box from now on- Thanks for the tip-:ty and now I am adding some smileys:yes


Have a great Friday night girls! See you over the weekend!:ty:day

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Hello my friends!:hug Happy weekend to all of you!


I did no housework today, except the daily laundry and bed making. I met with my crochet friends to visit a store that sells yarn, I met with homeschool friends for game day (and got a good start on the Angel Wing shawl by CroJulee) then I took my DD out for ice cream while the guys went bowling. It was a WONDERFUL day, but not very productive, house-wise.


Thanks for the recipe, Colleen. I can't eat wheat, so I love to find good recipes, and alter them to be safe for me. This one sounds delicious.


LeaAnne, your family is in our prayers.


Shannon -- a travel trailer -- what fun!!! Do you have any travel plans for it?


imanurse - Hooray for the vitamins! I think it's so sweet that your DD's want to take care of you.

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Beth- it was a productive day-:yes how fun that you got to go to a yarn :yarn shop- there are NONE by me- unless I drive about 45 minutes! That's why I love visiting DD in Philly and other DD in Boston- cities are great for having them!

You also got to go to game day, have ice cream with DD and also:crocheting! Sounds very productive indeed!:D

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Hi everyone

I have missed everyone soooooooo much. We are getting alot of stuff done around here and having some fun too. Youngest DD went home today, but oldest DD is still here.

To night is the first time I have gotten a chance to get on here since my last post. They are keeping me busy during the day and at night we crochet and watch movies.

Iam glad everyone is doing great with their cleaning. I think about everyone of you, atleast a couple of times a day.:cheer

:hug:hug:hug To everyone

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Mary - good to hear from you and glad that you are getting alot done AND having fun and enjoying time with your DD's- I bet you miss the youngest already! Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the :crocheting and movies!

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Vicki- I've never been to Schlitterbahn, but I've heard it's lots of fun!! We have WaterTown close to us, but it's dinky compared to Schlitterbahn! (still fun for the kids though)


Joanne- I believe a long day at work automatically deserves a night on the ol' badorkas!! Enjoy it!:hug


Beth- Yarn and ice cream--is there anything better?! DD doesn't like ice cream, so I always feel guilty when I get some while she's with me! I know we're going to Bristol, Tennessee with another couple for the Nascar race in August, and we'll probably stay a couple nights at local lakes throughout the summer. And I have a feeling we'll be staying in it in our driveway the night it comes home!! We're so excited!! Maybe I can talk DH into driving it around to visit all my clean, crocheting friends!!:D


Mary- Glad you're getting stuff done and able to spend quality time with your DDs!! We've missed you! You have definitely been earning your crochet time!!


Well, DD didn't freak about the band-aids, but she didn't like it either. Now everytime she walks around she has to hold her leg. It's pretty funny! While she was asleep I wiped down the counters, started a load of laundry, put some clothes away, went through my clothes in my closet and started going through the stamp sets I want to give away. Then I sat on the computer looking for a free dress pattern for DD. I found one that I like, I may try it.


Have a wonderful night everyone!! :cheer for the weekend!! DD and I are going to bed to snuggle and watch Winnie the Pooh!! Don't be too jealous, girls.:lol

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Joanne - Welcome to the weekend! I'm glad to hear you are feeling better each day.


Beth - Sounds like a wonderful day! Meeting crochet friends at a yarn shop :c9...ice cream :c9. No worries that you didn't clean much -- the point of all of this is to earn carefree time to do the things we love.


Mary :hi Glad to hear that you are enjoying your daughter's visiting and getting lots done.


Shannon - Enjoy your snuggle and Winnie-the-Pooh. My DD used to freak out about bandaids too until just recently (she's now 4 1/2--a bit older than yours I think?). Absolutely would not wear one. And she would limp around the house for days after a scraped knee--probably still will when she gets her next one. They are so dramatic! I can relate to the ice cream thing. Getting a cone at a cone shop is my absolute favorite summer time treat, but with DD's allergies she can't have ice cream from a shop. Sometimes if I'm out by myself I'll go get one (with a lot of guilt). What sundress pattern did you decide on? I love making stuff for my DD, but she is starting to have strong opinions about clothing. I have made her a few sweaters, 2 dresses, a tank top, and a few other wearables with great success. Good luck with it! I will be happy to help in any way I can. Now I'm thinking a little sundress sounds like a fun project...:think:devil


Vicky - Have fun at the waterpark! Good job getting stuff done. If it was my first day of summer holidays I probably would have sat on my badorkus all day! :lol


We have a busy day tomorrow with soccer, the preschool carnival (I have food table duty), and a special event at my MIL's church to attend. When is a girl supposed to get her crochet time in?:)

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Wow, Colleen! We have a lot in common: DDs who don't like band-aids, ice cream guilt, and we both enjoy sitting around on our badorkas!!:laughroll:rofl:laughroll The dress I found calls for wool and looks pretty heavy, so I might make it as a fall dress for DD. I really haven't found any free patterns that I like. I wouldn't mind paying, but I try not to order anything online because my credit card # has been stolen before. Any ideas where I might find one? We could make it a CAL. My DD is 3 1/2. She'll be 4 in October. Try to enjoy your busy day tomorrow. Does your DD play soccer? And if so, does she like it?


Good night and sweet dreams to all my fantastic friends!!:manyheart:ghug

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:hiEveryone. I had a busy afternoon/evening. I cut up a watermelon that a friend brought over to us yesterday. Then it was time to cook supper and get the kitchen cleaned up. About 6ish, I had company that stayed until almost 9. After that I had to go back and clean up snack/dessert dishes and then I got sidetracked :crocheting and forgot to check back in. :cheer:cheer I finally figured out/altered that pattern that just wasn't working out for me.

Shannon- You are very welcome for the vitamin reminder :hug. Sounds like you and DH are going to have a fantastic time going to the race in Bristol in the new travel trailer. Coming over to my neck of the woods. Bristol is about a 4-5 hour drive from me. :lol Too cute about DD holding her injured knee.

Vicki- :yay WTG getting all those chores done. Sounds like you all are going to have a fantastic time visiting the water park. We have Nashville Shores here, but it isn't anything like the big water parks.But it doesn't bother me any as I refuse to get in a swim suit :rofl. You are welcome for the remember tip!!

Joanne- :woo So glad that you have joined me in taking the vitamins. I already take enough medicine, but glad that you and Shannon both are joining me, as it is encouragement for me and also helps me remember to take mine when I remind all of you :lol. You are welcome for the tip about using the "remember box". :hugGood to know that you are feeling better and still improving from your procedure!!!!

Beth- It doesn't hurt to lay off the housecleaning for a day or so. You have worked hard and deserve some rest. Sounds like you had a very fun and exciting day meeting with crochet and then :icecream. Yummmm. Game day sounds really fun too. Is it outside games or indoor games such as board games/cards? As far as I am concerned, spending time with friends/family and then :crocheting is productive.

HI Mary!!! We have missed you too, but glad you are getting a lot of necessary stuff done as well as spending some great quality time with your DDs. :crocheting and movies is so relaxing after a hard day's work. :hug:hug

Colleen- Wow, you do have a busy, exciting day tomorrow. Hope the weather is nice and that everyone has fun. Will look forward to hearing how everything goes!!!! As far as your :crocheting time, I always tell myself "where there's a will, there's a way." :lol:lol You may have to say no household chores today, time to cha-ching on that :crocheting time.

LeaAnne, Stacy, Fostermom- Hope all is going well with you.

I hope I haven't left anyone out, but if I did, I sincerely apologize. I hope everyone has a fantastic day tomorrow!!!! I haven't completely made up my mind yet, but DS and I may go spend the day at my mom's tomorrow. All depends on how lazy I am in the morning. :lol:lol May need a :kick to get me going.

Will be looking forward to seeing what everyone is doing and how the scheduled engagements go!!!! :ghug:flower

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Good morning all!

Just finished my:coffeeand thought I'd check in and say hi-:hi have a wonderful Saturday. I have to get my badorkus in gear and get to cleaning the bathrooms, kitchen and dusting and vacuuming! (DH doesn't know yet, but I'll be enlisting his help :devil)We are going to a graduation party this afternoon which should be fun.

And it looks like the :rain is finally going away and the :sun is trying to come out!


Have a glorious day everyone!:ghug

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Happy Saturday to everyone. It is bright and :sun here with not much humidity in the air. Good day to sit outside and relax a little. I have no plans to do any major cleaning today. I woke up with a :headache this morning and really do not feel like doing much of anything. I say that now, but you know later I will end uo doing something because I can't stand to sit and do nothing when there is stuff to do. I will save the heavy laundry for tomorrow, but I will fold the towels and put the other load in. Maybe I can sneak my dd's blanket in there. She swears it will never get a bath, but oh, Lord does it need a good cleaning!

Have a good day all!


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Morning ladies!


This weekend is going to be icky for me. DH ended up not having to work, so we decided we need to go ahead and bomb the house to get ALL the fleas. I've been using flea powder, and I haven't seen many, but I'd rather get rid of them all. So, I have to cover everything, hide the dishes, etc. Then I'll have to clean everything. It's going to be a long day. Wish me luck. I'll check in as soon as I can. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Hi girls! WTG, you are getting so much done! :cheer


Shannon, good luck with the flea bomb. We had to do that once & it's the best way even if it's not very convenient to have to get out for a while & take the pets with you.


Last night I crocheted & cleaned all in one :yes Made a new washcloth & then used it to clean up. Threw it in the washer & washed some things this morning.


Walked down the road to a yard sale this morning, so I got my exercise & also found a nice baby gait for $5! In the box & everything. We paid $75 for our last one like this & this one is taller & has extensions for larger doorways. I use them to keep the dog corralled. She doesn't like anyone but us. Now with 2 gaits I can widen her space & still keep her where I want her to be.:yes Ds has a friend over today it's going to help already.


Too bad that I didn't find any craft items at the yard sale.

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:hi, all-


I only had a minute, so I can't read all the posts yet...I'll be back to catch up with you all later...


off to my niece's college graduation party :woo

... and I will be coming home to a clean house for the 1st time EVER!


Have a great day, all-



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