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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good morning.We've got sunshine and hot temps in line again for today. I'd send some of it if I knew how to those who haven't seen it in a while. :sun I'm crocheting squares for preemie afghans this weekend for the monthly charity CAL. I've got 4 done so far. Got caught up on laundry yesterday, too. Hope everyone has a nice day. More later. :hug

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Hi, Linda,

We have sunshine....for now anyway...the weekend will be another story!

Where are you sendign your preemie ghans??


Have a good day!

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Hi, Linda,

We have sunshine....for now anyway...the weekend will be another story!

Where are you sendign your preemie ghans??


Have a good day!

They are part of the outreach programs at my church and go to the Northside Hospital NICU here in north Georgia.

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They are part of the outreach programs at my church and go to the Northside Hospital NICU here in north Georgia.

would they like another 9 patch:D

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Good morning ladies :flower


Judy - How sweet of you to donate your nine patch to Linda's project :manyheart


And Linda what a doll you are to do so much good work :hug


Once again I feel great today :yay I sure hope this lasts for a good long time. I still don't have a lot of energy but at least I'm not mopey anymore. That was seriously getting on my nerves :lol At least I'm interested in things again. :D But it's sewing at the moment not crochet :blush But it'll get there once I get caught up a little bit. It always does :yes


Have a fabulous day my dear friends :manyheart

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PM the mailing addy to me and I'll get it to them. It's already been washed:)

Will do. Thank you. They have an average of 100 babies in the NICU on any given day. Some are just there for a few days and others are there for months. The afghans go a long way towards giving the families hope and courage. :hug

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Cara, I know all about drifting from project to project;) Looking for pics when you're done sewing!


Will do. Thank you. They have an average of 100 babies in the NICU on any given day. Some are just there for a few days and others are there for months. The afghans go a long way towards giving the families hope and courage. :hug

Wow! That's a big unit! When I get the addy I'll also keep them on my To-Do list for preemie ghans....

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I have to tell y'all that my son was in the NICU before he died. I received some wonderful things that were crocheted. Some he was buried with and others I took home. I can't give you the right words to express how grateful the parents really are for everything. We are left with very little after we lose our children. Having a handmade item to take home means so much.

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I have to tell y'all that my son was in the NICU before he died. I received some wonderful things that were crocheted. Some he was buried with and others I took home. I can't give you the right words to express how grateful the parents really are for everything. We are left with very little after we lose our children. Having a handmade item to take home means so much.


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I have to tell y'all that my son was in the NICU before he died. I received some wonderful things that were crocheted. Some he was buried with and others I took home. I can't give you the right words to express how grateful the parents really are for everything. We are left with very little after we lose our children. Having a handmade item to take home means so much.


:hug :hug :hug

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Thanks for the hugs! :manyheart

It's great work and I want to make sure you all know how much we love the items. I crocheted before, but have really gotten into it the last few years because I make items to take to the NICU. Sort of like giving back...every single item makes a difference. :yes

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Good morning all,


Just a drop in to say hello. I have this weekend off. I'm going to crochet some and catch up on other duties as well.


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Good morning ladies :flower


Valerie - Hooray for the whole weekend off!! :dance:woo Enjoy every sweet minute of it :hug


Still feeling great today :D Maybe those new meds are finally working :lol I finished a bingo bag last night but I'm not happy with it. So today will be spent making another one. Using the design I was thinking of in the first place. That'll teach me to trust my instincts :lol


Have a fabulously happy day y'all :manyheart:ghug

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Good morning/evening all,


I'm feeling a little bit better this morning although not 100%. Hope everyone has a great day.

Rest today - I'm sure you need it!:hug

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Good morning ladies :yawn


Valerie - Hope you feel better real soon. How awful to feel punk on your days off :hug


Oh I am not ready to be awake yet :lol But we are going to my sister's today and earlier is better with them :yes


I didn't get any crafting done yesterday :no Somehow I ended up cooking instead. BBQ beef, pasta salad and potato salad :drool


Have a great day everyone :hug

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Wow! That's a big unit! When I get the addy I'll also keep them on my To-Do list for preemie ghans....

Thank you so much Judy.

I have to tell y'all that my son was in the NICU before he died. I received some wonderful things that were crocheted. Some he was buried with and others I took home. I can't give you the right words to express how grateful the parents really are for everything. We are left with very little after we lose our children. Having a handmade item to take home means so much.

:hug :hug :hug

I didn't get any crafting done yesterday :no Somehow I ended up cooking instead. BBQ beef, pasta salad and potato salad :drool

Oh, you are making me so hungry.


Hi, everyone. Yesterday was pretty quiet. I visited with Rosie for a good bit of the day. She is steadily improving but very frustrated with being unable to get up and do all her normal activities. She is one of those people who never sits still for more than a half hour or so. Instead of crocheting, I read a book yesterday and this morning.


Happy Father's Day to all your hubbies.

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Linda, the doggies gave their daddy a card this AM before he went to work...I gave it to them to smell so they left some DNA on it:lol

Should I send the preemie ghan(s) to you?

I don't think I have your addy...

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Well, we're home now. Had a great time at my sister's but boy oh boy is it HOT out there. We were in the shade and it was 97* :sweat


But it was fun and now I'm home doing my chores. Just needed a little break :D

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