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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Oh well, the good news is that I'm an idiot :lol Yes, an idiot. I was just going like gangbusters yesterday to get the rest of the saltines done for my baby nine-patch. Well, when I couldn't remember which way the last row of blocks needed to go I laid the ghan out on the floor. When I laid down the last row of blocks I realize that it was going to be entirely too large even for a crib blanket! :eek


So I could've already been done with it if I'd bothered to check as I went like I usually do :rolleyes. But that's okay because that means today is just the border left :yay:dance Then I start on a second baby blanket using Krystal's daisy pattern :hook I couldn't decide which I liked better so little Hailey with get both :D

Oh, Cara, that's too funny! :lol :lol :lol

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Oh, Cara, that's too funny! :lol :lol :lol


Isn't it though? :lol It was not funny at that moment but it's was funny shortly afterward :lol


Okay, I haven't even touch my hook all day. Finished up the laundry, talked to my sister on the phone and then the nephew dropped by unexpectedly (he knows better than that :rolleyes). It was fine though because we haven't all just sat and visited for a while since he got his own place.


But now we've eaten and I'm ready to just do a quick washing up. It was just ham sammiches and queso so it'll be super easy. Then I'm spending some nice quiet time with my hook. I need it too because my sister and nephew both are so hyper they make me tired just listening to them :rofl

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Good morning ladies :flower


Yes, it's actually me and it's still morning :eek I'm up with the chickens today....or rather the Miss Tuon's :rolleyes She just wanted her mommy up and awake this morning. She's been clingy for days and she is most definitely NOT the clingy type. Misa yes. Tuon no.


Of course, Misa started out the same way but then got friendly and snuggly when she was about two years old :yes Tuon turns 2 next month so maybe she becoming a snuggle kitty. I just wish she'd snuggle BD instead of me so much. I have plenty on my hands with Misa :lol


And I think we're about to try to bring in another cat and her two babies. She's living in our back yard. In fact she's about our only consistent porch cat anymore. She has on a collar but she never leaves our yard so I think she is lost or abandoned :( She's a sweet little thing too. Lets us pet her and just craves attention lately. We call her Sugar :D It'll all depend on how healthy she is and if Tuon will take to her. Misa is pretty laid back but Tuon has serious opinions about who can and who cannot come to live with us :rofl


Didn't finish my nine patch like I wanted yesterday :no Way too many distractions last night and I was falling asleep with my hook in hand by about 1:30 so I went to bed. BD will be thrilled about that. I was in bed several minutes before he actually went to sleep :rolleyes Oh well, I think it's most important that he gets the sleep he needs. He needs to be nice and rested to work well. His work is too important for him to be sleep deprived, imho. I can always sneak in a nap :wink

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Good Morning, all. :) It's a picture perfect day here! I love it when I can open windows. :yes

I finished the scrappy doo. :clap



Now I'm going to try to get the kaleidoscope finished and then get the path to the cabin out again. I will also probably start another scrappy doo soon too.

It turned out so cute, Donna! :cheer


So I could've already been done with it if I'd bothered to check as I went like I usually do :rolleyes. But that's okay because that means today is just the border left :yay:dance Then I start on a second baby blanket using Krystal's daisy pattern :hook I couldn't decide which I liked better so little Hailey with get both :D

Oh, I love K's pattern...it will make an adorable baby ghan! So sorry about the extra work on the nine patch. Hmmm, I have a ziploc with "I made too many" squares. :lol


Hi Dusti! Your girls sound like such cuties. I remember DD's first T-Ball game...it was wonderful entertainment and only one child hit a ball. :lol


Linda, I hope Rosie is okay. She sure has been through a lot and has so much healing time ahead of her...please give her a hug from us. :manyheart

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HI, all. It's extra busy here with John's dad here. Rosie was scheduled for surgery on her leg at 2:30 this afternoon. More later.

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Cara - In a strange way, reading that you made a mistake on your quiltghan makes me feel a little better about my mistakes. I mean, if the designer manages to make a mistake, I'm probably not hopeless after all, right?!? In all seriousness, I'm sorry to hear that you messed up a little.


Linda - Have you heard anything about Rosie's surgery yet? She continues to be in my prayers.


I'm going through some serious quiltghan withdraw. I have so many projects going right now. I'm going to have to push a few aside to work on some saltines though. I'm doing the charity thing this weekend so I want to get at least a row done before then. Then I'll be focusing on preemie hats!

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Cara - In a strange way, reading that you made a mistake on your quiltghan makes me feel a little better about my mistakes. I mean, if the designer manages to make a mistake, I'm probably not hopeless after all, right?!? In all seriousness, I'm sorry to hear that you messed up a little.


Linda - Have you heard anything about Rosie's surgery yet? She continues to be in my prayers.


I'm going through some serious quiltghan withdraw. I have so many projects going right now. I'm going to have to push a few aside to work on some saltines though. I'm doing the charity thing this weekend so I want to get at least a row done before then. Then I'll be focusing on preemie hats!

We've all made mistakes with these quiltghans. I've stopped counting the number of times I've had to undo a side or a row to fix one that I've put in wonky. It goes with the turf. :lol :lol


I just talked to Rosie's John. She went in to surgery at 4:30 and has been in recovery for a little over an hour. They were just bringing her back to the room while I was talking to him. They put in two screws to hold the bone in place. It didn't need the plate after all, so the incision isn't as big as they though it would be and the recovery time should be shorter. All good news. :yay

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I just talked to Rosie's John. She went in to surgery at 4:30 and has been in recovery for a little over an hour. They were just bringing her back to the room while I was talking to him. They put in two screws to hold the bone in place. It didn't need the plate after all, so the incision isn't as big as they though it would be and the recovery time should be shorter. All good news. :yay


That's fantastic news! :cheer Continued prayers for her

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Sorry for the double post. :devil


I just had a brilliant idea. I had to write it down or I'd forget as soon as I slept.


I really want to make the Duckie quiltghan next. I love that one so much. Well, I'm going to make it a rug! I'm going to cut the size down by making just the first round of the saltine.


Okay...sorry...gotta finish the angel first. Really, really have to finish the other first.


I'm so happy I found this thread and website! Wahoo! :cheer

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Cara - In a strange way, reading that you made a mistake on your quiltghan makes me feel a little better about my mistakes. I mean, if the designer manages to make a mistake, I'm probably not hopeless after all, right?!? In all seriousness, I'm sorry to hear that you messed up a little.


A little? Oh I still mess quite often :rofl


We've all made mistakes with these quiltghans. I've stopped counting the number of times I've had to undo a side or a row to fix one that I've put in wonky. It goes with the turf. :lol :lol


I just talked to Rosie's John. She went in to surgery at 4:30 and has been in recovery for a little over an hour. They were just bringing her back to the room while I was talking to him. They put in two screws to hold the bone in place. It didn't need the plate after all, so the incision isn't as big as they though it would be and the recovery time should be shorter. All good news. :yay


That's fabulous news Linda!! Please give Rosie all our best :manyheart


Sorry for the double post. :devil


I just had a brilliant idea. I had to write it down or I'd forget as soon as I slept.


I really want to make the Duckie quiltghan next. I love that one so much. Well, I'm going to make it a rug! I'm going to cut the size down by making just the first round of the saltine.


Sounds like a good idea :D I'd really be interested in seeing how it comes out. Oh btw, the first round are called either yo-yos or grannies daughters....which I've always thought should probably make them aunts :think:lol


Wow what a full day I've had and I haven't even touched my hook :no The nephew called about 11 to tell me how his discussion with his new landlord went (it went great btw :)) and then out of the blue he asked if I wanted him to come over and help me organize my craft room :dance


Of course I said yes right away! We decided the easiest way to do this was to take everything out first. About halfway through two things dawned on me. 1) I have no shelving made yet to put things back on and 2) I have entirely too much stuff :rofl


I swear I didn't think there was that much stuff in that room. Shucks I didn't even think that much stuff wold FIT into that room :lol It was a mess, so we finished at least sorting everything and grouping things together so that when the shelving does get done at least it's organized.


BD says we'll do it in a couple of weeks before I have too much time to make a disaster out of it again by digging through things :lol It's still a mess but at least now it's an organized mess :lol

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We've all made mistakes with these quiltghans. I've stopped counting the number of times I've had to undo a side or a row to fix one that I've put in wonky. It goes with the turf. :lol :lol


I just talked to Rosie's John. She went in to surgery at 4:30 and has been in recovery for a little over an hour. They were just bringing her back to the room while I was talking to him. They put in two screws to hold the bone in place. It didn't need the plate after all, so the incision isn't as big as they though it would be and the recovery time should be shorter. All good news. :yay

I'm glad it was not as bad as it seemed. However, we will continue to keep her lifted up in prayer. Hope you're taking care of yourself.


Going to bed...got truck on tomorrow. I'll check in before I leave out in the morning if I get a chance but if not tomorrow evening.


Have a good night ladies.

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Goooood morning,


Getting ready for work. Didn't have a problem getting on at all this morning. Unfortunately, I don't have time to hang around. Just wanted to get in and make a connection with my sisters.


Have a great day all and I check with you later. I hope it's no problem to get on this evening.

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Morning everyone. I crawled into bed at 8:30 last night and went out right away. Rosie is doing much better since surgery. She's still in pain, but not nearly as much as before surgery and is already able to move around better. They are evaluating her face today. Rosie's John popped over this morning to borrow a book to read while at the hospital. We like a lot of the same things and borrow from each other with fair regularity. John is planning on taking Kim and I up to see Rosie this evening if Rosie's up to visitors.


John had his masseuse come to the house yesterday to give his dad a massage and then she gave Kim and I partial massages. She found a really, really tight set of muscles in my lower back and worked them over but good. Today I can barely move, they're so sore. Oops! :blush


I'm working on the summer sweater for Kim today, after getting all the laundry folded and put away. And John's dad is leaving to fly home this afternoon, so things should get back to normal before long. It was nice to have him here, but will be nice to have him gone, too. :)

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Good morning ladies :flower


Valerie - Have a wonderful day! :hug


Linda - I'm glad Rosie's on the mend. Yes, company can be lovely but after a while it's just as lovely to see them leave :wink


Well, I figured I'd be completely sore today but I'm not really :yay Hopefully I'll be finishing that nine patch up today :hook

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I’m at work. Shh...don’t tell my boss I’m on here! :devil I had to share the good news. I talked to my office manager this morning to tell her I am burnt out and need some time off. She told me to take off the rest of the week! The office is closed on Tuesday. I will be out for six whole days! :cheer

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Linda, Rosie has been in my prayers a lot...tg for the easier surgery!!

Try icing your back for 20 minutes at a time...or alternate ice and heat (with breaks in between)


Nicole - that's more crochet time for you!

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I’m at work. Shh...don’t tell my boss I’m on here! :devil I had to share the good news. I talked to my office manager this morning to tell her I am burnt out and need some time off. She told me to take off the rest of the week! The office is closed on Tuesday. I will be out for six whole days! :cheer


That's great Nicole!! :yay


Mary - add 20 solids, please...


How's the little juvenile delinquent doing??:devil


Juvenile delinquent :rofl :rofl

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I have very devious kitties here .... there were 7 very noisy kitties running around chasing each other at 2AM which woke me up ..... got up, went potty and decided to play a couple games on the 'puter to help me go back to sleep .... about 1/2 later went to get in my chair to sleep and there was a pile of 7 kitties curled up in my seat.... needless to say they moved and I went back to sleep... [they ended up crawling on my legs and chair and went back to sleep anyways]

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I have very devious kitties here .... there were 7 very noisy kitties running around chasing each other at 2AM which woke me up ..... got up, went potty and decided to play a couple games on the 'puter to help me go back to sleep .... about 1/2 later went to get in my chair to sleep and there was a pile of 7 kitties curled up in my seat.... needless to say they moved and I went back to sleep... [they ended up crawling on my legs and chair and went back to sleep anyways]

I think they woke you up on purpose:yes

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I'm going through some serious quiltghan withdraw. I have so many projects going right now. I'm going to have to push a few aside to work on some saltines though. I'm doing the charity thing this weekend so I want to get at least a row done before then. Then I'll be focusing on preemie hats!

We are all in the same boat. :wink So much yarn and so little time. :lol


I just talked to Rosie's John. She went in to surgery at 4:30 and has been in recovery for a little over an hour. They were just bringing her back to the room while I was talking to him. They put in two screws to hold the bone in place. It didn't need the plate after all, so the incision isn't as big as they though it would be and the recovery time should be shorter. All good news. :yay

Super news! Tell her we're all thinking of her and wishing her well. :yes


Okay...sorry...gotta finish the angel first. Really, really have to finish the other first.


I'm so happy I found this thread and website! Wahoo! :cheer

We're glad you're here! The 'ville is a wonderful place. :hook


I swear I didn't think there was that much stuff in that room. Shucks I didn't even think that much stuff wold FIT into that room :lol It was a mess, so we finished at least sorting everything and grouping things together so that when the shelving does get done at least it's organized.


BD says we'll do it in a couple of weeks before I have too much time to make a disaster out of it again by digging through things :lol It's still a mess but at least now it's an organized mess :lol

I like organized messes. :D I know you'll get it all done and love it!


Mary - add 20 solids, please...


How's the little juvenile delinquent doing??:devil

Hi Judy! I've added 20 more.:hook Gracie? Juvenile delinquent? Not my baby! :lol Actually, I think she understands everything I say to her...she takes messages and may get back to me later. :lol

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Gracie? Juvenile delinquent? Not my baby! :lol Actually, I think she understands everything I say to her...she takes messages and may get back to me later. :lol

We had a male GSD/wolf(?) years ago. When I would call to him to come in from the yard he would look back at me, pause as if considering what I said, then turn and continue to walk away from me! Frustrating!

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Hi to Valerie and Shelli, too!


DH will be home tomorrow after 11 days, except for one night in between trips. When he gets caught up in his office, I'll need to spend some time at my parents. It looks like we're in for a long road with Mom...Dad has thought for some time that they should be in an Assisted Living apt., but Mom refuses. :( The only other option is full time live in care.


I hope everyone is getting more crocheting in than I am. :lol Penguin still needs a row attached and the border. :yes

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Thanks, Mary - I showed the boy's mom today and she loved it - got teary-eyed and pulled out her camera!

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