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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Cara, I hope your headache goes away fast:hug


That is a hoot. I have a dresser, three bookshelves, and at least 8 plastic totes with yarn of various kinds, colors, and projects. And that is just the yarn and thread that is organized. :rofl :rofl :rofl


Hope all is going well for everyone today. I've run out of steam. I am trying out a pattern for hats for the charity crochet CAL next week. I think it's going to work out just fine. I'm getting creative with the pattern and not following the directions nearly as closely as I usually do. I've gotten to where I can do that since joining Crochetville. :devil

Linda, you and I have an almost identical stash!:lol

And what Charity CAL are you in?

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Judy, it's the CAL that's held for four days once a month. The "May All-Charities Cal" is the 21st through the 24th this month. It's usually the "(Month) Squares for Charity" but last month we included hats and this month its anything for charity, not just squares and hats. It's when I crochet most of my preemie squares/afghans and preemie hats. I'm planning on making at least a couple of hats for brain surgery patients this month, hence the pattern practice.

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I made the penguin one for my sis for Christmas, but I don't have a scanner to send a pic.I added a lot of rounds and made it a bigger blanket.I didn't think I could do it either but it turned out pretty good.

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I made the Penguin one for my sis,it turned out really good. I don't have a scanner to send a picture. I made it alot bigger then it called for.I didn't think I could do it either but I did.

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I made the penguin one for my sis for Christmas, but I don't have a scanner to send a pic.I added a lot of rounds and made it a bigger blanket.I didn't think I could do it either but it turned out pretty good.


That's great!! :yay Too bad you don't have a way to put the photo on here. We love photos :D So which one will you do next? :devil


Cara, I hope your headache goes away fast:hug


It did once I finally gave in and took a sinus pill :lol

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Hi again, everyone!


Cara - I'm glad you're headache got better. :clap


So, I'm going to post pictures of my other two cats. I've had "mama guilt" since I posted Oliver and Cooper without posting pictures of Pipsy and Jackson.


Jackson is the tuxedo cat. He's my favorite. Shhhh....don't tell the other cats! :blush Pipsy is the other and my only girl. My little Pipsy has feline lukemia. She gets pnemonia a lot, but is in a good spell right now. Thankfully, she has the middle of the road version. She can hope to have a nice, long life as long as she gets the care she needs. I spoil her rotten....well, they are all spoiled rotten. :devil


Have a great weekend everyone!!!!! I'm sure I'll be in and out between naps and yarn. :hook



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I'm so happy for you getting organized!! :yay I need to do this too....badly!! :rofl What are these cubes you're getting at Costco? Are they the wire cubes or something different? I've been looking at the wire cubes at Target but I think BD's actually gonna help me out by building some shelving :manyheart

They're vinyl. The vinyl is slightly thick and looks like frosted glass. They're wonderful.

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Nicole, the kitties are so cute:c9 I would love one...or two...but not with my GSDs. There wouldn't be a moment of peace in this house!:lol

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Thanks Judy! They are truly my babies. It was hard to take cre of all four of them when I had the foster kids. I don't do foster care anymore though and it's great having them around.

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Thanks Judy! They are truly my babies. It was hard to take cre of all four of them when I had the foster kids. I don't do foster care anymore though and it's great having them around.

A house without furbabies is a poor house, IMO.

We love our dogs...and they are completely spoiled...but being German Shepherds they still scare people because of their looks!


Have a good night!

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Judy, the CAL I was talking about is in this section, instead of the charity section. It was on page two here the last time I looked. It gets active right before and during the weekend we do it and then fades away until the next month.


John is home! Tired and achy, but the week was a great success. I get to sleep late tomorrow! Hooray!!!!!!

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A house without furbabies is a poor house, IMO.

We love our dogs...and they are completely spoiled...but being German Shepherds they still scare people because of their looks!


Have a good night!

My little GN is dying to get a pet. I want a miniature schnauzer. Can some steer me in the right direction?

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Hi again, everyone!


Cara - I'm glad you're headache got better. :clap


So, I'm going to post pictures of my other two cats. I've had "mama guilt" since I posted Oliver and Cooper without posting pictures of Pipsy and Jackson.


Jackson is the tuxedo cat. He's my favorite. Shhhh....don't tell the other cats! :blush Pipsy is the other and my only girl. My little Pipsy has feline lukemia. She gets pnemonia a lot, but is in a good spell right now. Thankfully, she has the middle of the road version. She can hope to have a nice, long life as long as she gets the care she needs. I spoil her rotten....well, they are all spoiled rotten. :devil:hook


Awww! They're beautiful! But poor little Pipsy :( It's so hard when they're sick. Tuon is diabetic. Has been since she was tiny. It was hard at first but now it's just part of the routine :D


A house without furbabies is a poor house, IMO.


Amen sista!


Judy, the CAL I was talking about is in this section, instead of the charity section. It was on page two here the last time I looked. It gets active right before and during the weekend we do it and then fades away until the next month.


John is home! Tired and achy, but the week was a great success. I get to sleep late tomorrow! Hooray!!!!!!


Hooray for sleeping late!! :yay

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) It's a beautiful rainy, cool morning and Gracie likes rain. :lol I am so far behind here and hope to catch up today. :yes I haven't touched my hook in almost 2 weeks and can't wait to get back to the Penguin.


Have a wonderful day. :manyheart

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My little GN is dying to get a pet. I want a miniature schnauzer. Can some steer me in the right direction?

We have a miniature schnauzer. When John gets back from picking up his dad this afternoon, I'll ask him where he got it.


It's a cloudy, drippy day here so far. I slept the clock around last night. I think I'm going to have a quiet day today, maybe take in a movie this afternoon.

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Valerie...definitely get a dog from either a breeder or a shelter/rescue group - do not use a pet store. Those dogs help support puppy mills.:(

Good luck with the search!

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We have a miniature schnauzer. When John gets back from picking up his dad this afternoon, I'll ask him where he got it.


It's a cloudy, drippy day here so far. I slept the clock around last night. I think I'm going to have a quiet day today, maybe take in a movie this afternoon.

Thanks Linda. A guy came in my store one day and he had 2. He was suppose to ask his wife where she got them from but he never called or came back.


Valerie...definitely get a dog from either a breeder or a shelter/rescue group - do not use a pet store. Those dogs help support puppy mills.:(

Good luck with the search!

Thanks Judy.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) It's a beautiful rainy, cool morning and Gracie likes rain. :lol I am so far behind here and hope to catch up today. :yes I haven't touched my hook in almost 2 weeks and can't wait to get back to the Penguin.


Have a wonderful day. :manyheart


Babies (even the furry types) can take up a lot of time can't they? :lol It's raining here too but I'm not happy about it :lol Wish it would've held off until tomorrow :sigh


We have a miniature schnauzer. When John gets back from picking up his dad this afternoon, I'll ask him where he got it.


It's a cloudy, drippy day here so far. I slept the clock around last night. I think I'm going to have a quiet day today, maybe take in a movie this afternoon.


Sounds lovely! :c9 Definitely have an easy day. You definitely deserve it :hug


Why did you have to share that wonderful website! I don't have enough hours in the day as it is, and now I want to make one!


Seriously though, what a talented designer!


Awww shucks :2blush Thank you :hug Now which one will you make first :devil


Valerie...definitely get a dog from either a breeder or a shelter/rescue group - do not use a pet store. Those dogs help support puppy mills.:(

Good luck with the search!


Absolutely!! This is a MUST, imho. Pet shops are always puppy mills in my experience (and I worked at a pet shop for years!). They're, well I hate to use this phrase, low quality dogs. That's sounds awful I know. But the puppy mills just produce very unhealthy animals the majority of the time. I've seen way too many broken hearts over animals that have died shortly after purchase or were very sick with costly vet bills :( A reputable breeder is the way to go. Do you have a local show dog society? They usually have a list of reputable breeders :yes


Well, got up at 11:14 this morning. One minute before the alarm was set to go off :D


But it's raining cats and dogs today :( I really was looking forward to going out today. Haven't been out of this house since Sunday :( But I can't go out in the rain. Too much slip and fall risk. Plus, I move so slowly I get drenched even with an umbrella :rofl


Oh well, I guess I'll just be forced to work on my nine patch today :hook

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For those of you who do, please say a prayer for my good friend Rosie. She was at a yard sale today and fell, breaking her nose and bones in her face on both sides of it, breaking her right wrist, and breaking her left tibia right below the knee. They are presently doing xrays to see is her knee is okay or not. AND they talking of sending her home tonight!!! :eek Thanks.

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For those of you who do, please say a prayer for my good friend Rosie. She was at a yard sale today and fell, breaking her nose and bones in her face on both sides of it, breaking her right wrist, and breaking her left tibia right below the knee. They are presently doing xrays to see is her knee is okay or not. AND they talking of sending her home tonight!!! :eek Thanks.

Oh, no! That's awful....I'll be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers, esp tonight...keep us posted as to how she is doing...:hug

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Absolutely!! This is a MUST, imho. Pet shops are always puppy mills in my experience (and I worked at a pet shop for years!). They're, well I hate to use this phrase, low quality dogs. That's sounds awful I know. But the puppy mills just produce very unhealthy animals the majority of the time. I've seen way too many broken hearts over animals that have died shortly after purchase or were very sick with costly vet bills :( A reputable breeder is the way to go. Do you have a local show dog society? They usually have a list of reputable breeders :yes

I think so. I'll do that and also Linda T. is going to check to see where they got their miniature from.


For those of you who do, please say a prayer for my good friend Rosie. She was at a yard sale today and fell, breaking her nose and bones in her face on both sides of it, breaking her right wrist, and breaking her left tibia right below the knee. They are presently doing xrays to see is her knee is okay or not. AND they talking of sending her home tonight!!! :eek Thanks.

I've already sent up prayers and will do so continuosly throughtout the evening. She really need to stay at the hospital at least tonight.

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