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Our House [Archive 1]


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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - Yep, ugly nasty day here today :rain If you're getting as much as we are at the moment be careful on the road. It was so loud it woke me up :P


Wendy - Oooh, cool! I'd love to see a photo next time :yes


Think I just might be able to finish up my Windwalker today :jumpyay I've got several that seemed to all finish up quickly. I love making progress :yay


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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Afternoon All! :)


I am so sorry I keep disappearing lately. I try to check in once a day but most of the time I don't even have time to catch up on the posts. I thought everything would slow down starting today but things just seem to keep getting in the way. I don't think I can handle one more thing. :no Anywhoo, all seems okay now.


Mary~Have a great time with your family today. :manyheart


Julie~Like the avatar today. Dorothy has a special place in my heart since my Mom lives in Kansas. But my favorite character is the wicked witch. :yes:devil

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Hang in there Tab

Maybe this week things will calm down. Usually June is kinda a rough month for people, especially with small kids, End of school stuff and getting on a summer schedule with everyone home .



By the way, watch for tomorrow 's Avatar. May be just what you are looking for . :devil

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Hi again. We're home and had a really nice day with family. It's a good thing we didn't plan on grilling today - it has rained all day long! I crocheted a little while we were visiting...my mom brought out the first thing I crocheted at age 10. It's a shades of brown ripple afghan from a kit from Herrschner's (sp?) and it's still in one piece! The whole thing is single crochet and I doubt I would ever do that again. :lol


Tabby, we miss your happy voice and know you are swamped right now. :hug I hope things settle down a little so you can have some time for yourself. :)


Cara ~ I love your Windwalker and can't wait for the next picture. :yes

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Morning everyone, gee its quiet in here.


Cara wow your nearly finished. thats excellent cant wait for pictures.


Tab hey there girl. I know its busy when kids go on holidays etc. come and say hello when you can.


Mary Im glady you had a great time with your family. Wow a ripple ghan in sc thats amazing. What you dont want to make another one, I cant imagine why.


Well its monday and I gotta go to work. Im hoping to get to add some rows onto the casa this week, I have been neglecting it.

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Isnt that nice that your mom saved the first item you ever made ?


If my mom would have saved mine, I'm not sure what she'd do with it, because I don't know what it was supposed to be .


I think maybe a placemat ?


I wanted to learn to crochet really bad, but knew no one who could teach me, so i got a library book, picked out NAVY BLUE THREAD and one of those TINY METAL hooks.


Now that was not real smart for a "just learning " set of equipment, was it ?


Anyhow, I THINK it was a placemat. At least it was SHAPED kinda like one.. an oblong circle type thing . :think

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:lol :lol Julie.


Thanks Mary. I'm sure things will get back on track sooner or later. I just hope sooner. :D I'm glad you had a good time with your family.


Wendy, how are things there in your part of the world?



I did manage to get a couple dishcloths done today. :cheer I really miss my quilt ghans though. The tough thing is that I only have the baby gibgham on my WIP list so i'm outta luck until I get that stuff done of atleast half of it. :yes I was so tired of those itty bitty squares & now I just want to sit, relax & make some itty bitty squares. I think it's because they take no thought but the end product is like putting a puzzle together. Just beautiful. :)


Can ya tell I haven't had anyone to chat with but myself, my non-listening kiddos & my hear what he wants Hubby lately? :lol I went through withdrawal & now I just keep rambling. :blah :blah :blah

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Ramble away --- welcome to the Wonderful World of the GWLC .( Gab Without Listeners Club ) .


Why do you think I talk to the animals like Dr Doolittle ?


Why do I talk to the gas station guy til he grabs for his cell phone to dial 911 because of the CRAZY LADY who got gas 20 minutes ago, but is STILL talking to him ?


Why do I tell the lady at the Deli Counter about my latest adventures ( which aren't REALLY adventures- I'm the most BORING person in Ohio )


Why does PeeWee kinda build up steam so he can RUN past my house and heave my mail in the general direction of the mailbox, but usually misses ?


Why does the water meter reader guy come in the middle of the night to read MY meter ?

So I'm asleep and won't be out there talking to him .



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Ramble away --- welcome to the Wonderful World of the GWLC .( Gab Without Listeners Club ) .


Why do you think I talk to the animals like Dr Doolittle ?


Why do I talk to the gas station guy til he grabs for his cell phone to dial 911 because of the CRAZY LADY who got gas 20 minutes ago, but is STILL talking to him ?


Why do I tell the lady at the Deli Counter about my latest adventures ( which aren't REALLY adventures- I'm the most BORING person in Ohio )


Why does PeeWee kinda build up steam so he can RUN past my house and heave my mail in the general direction of the mailbox, but usually misses ?


Why does the water meter reader guy come in the middle of the night to read MY meter ?

So I'm asleep and won't be out there talking to him .




:rofl :rofl And I thought I could go on about nothing for ages :rofl :rofl


This group suits each other to a "T" :lol

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Yesterday, DH was regalling DS about how much I can talk...DS looked at me with a look of incredulity (he hasn't lived at home in years). I had to confess...I am a marathon talker...I used to think it was the caffeine, but since is have a minimal amount now I can no longer blame that:P

I DO love our group:manyheart

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I see a TALK-A-THON in the works !!! :dance:blah :blah :blah:applause



I'm in!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer



I actually probably don't qualify because if I was to meet any of you i'de be so quiet you'de wonder who I was. :lol I'm very shy at first <<<<<< AT FIRST! :D

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I'm in!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer



I actually probably don't qualify because if I was to meet any of you i'de be so quiet you'de wonder who I was. :lol I'm very shy at first <<<<<< AT FIRST! :D

Not me...I never met a stranger:) ...to DH's consternation!!:lol :lol

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Not me...I never met a stranger:) ...to DH's consternation!!:lol :lol


And i'de never talk to a stranger unless they started they conversation so I guess we're just total opposite's. :yes But i'm REALLY gabby with my friends & family. :yes

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Oh No...I've never been known to talk a lot! :eek:lol You all sound good this a.m. and I'll be back later. At 5:45, I went out to get the paper only to see our beautiful yard full of toilet paper, plastic forks, and that spray squiggly stuff. :angry I've spent way over an hour cleaning up and haven't made a dent in the mess. Bye for now! :)

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Oh No...I've never been known to talk a lot! :eek:lol You all sound good this a.m. and I'll be back later. At 5:45, I went out to get the paper only to see our beautiful yard full of toilet paper, plastic forks, and that spray squiggly stuff. :angry I've spent way over an hour cleaning up and haven't made a dent in the mess. Bye for now! :)

Want to borrow a hyper-vigilant German shepherd...she works for food:lol . No one will walk in front of your property, never mind trash it! Some people....:rant :rant ...you just want to...:tryme :tryme

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Do you have teenagers ? Sometimes kids around here do that kind of stuff to their friend's yards for a prank .


Tab- something tells me within 60 seconds of meeting ME, I'd already know your middle name, who you were named after, how old you were when you were potty trained, the day of the week you trim your fingernails , how and where you met Shenandoah and how you like his mom, who you had in your wedding and the colors of your flowers, who made your cake ,and what your favorite uncle's name is .


THEN , I'll start TALKING ...................:D

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Tab- something tells me within 60 seconds of meeting ME, I'd already know your middle name, who you were named after, how old you were when you were potty trained, the day of the week you trim your fingernails , how and where you met Shenandoah and how you like his mom, who you had in your wedding and the colors of your flowers, who made your cake ,and what your favorite uncle's name is .


THEN , I'll start TALKING ...................:D


:rofl :rofl


Actually, I'm like Tab. I'm shy at first. More like wary really. But get me going and you can't shut me up :blah :blah


Mary - GROWL!! That kinda thing makes me so mad :angry Why oh why can't folks keep their hands to themselves?!? The world would be a much better place :yes Hope it's not too much trouble to clean. Thankfully they didn't use eggs :yuck


Well, got all my little squares together to make the Windwalker but ran out of yarn for the border :oops Oh well, it'll have to wait til Thursday when I can get to the store :D


Today though I'm hoping to get a little time in on the Big Top quilt along with my dishcloths. I feel a great crochet day coming on :hook


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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Hello friends! I've been MIA lately and haven't been crocheting much. My mom passed away on May 20th rather unexpectedly and it's been a challenging month. I want to finish my windwalker...I'm halfway done so I'm hoping to get it finished.

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Hello friends! I've been MIA lately and haven't been crocheting much. My mom passed away on May 20th rather unexpectedly and it's been a challenging month. I want to finish my windwalker...I'm halfway done so I'm hoping to get it finished.

I'm so sorry for your loss...that is so hard...:hug :hug

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Okay, I'm going to start my day all over again! The yard looks lots better, but I can't reach everything up in the trees...guess it will blow down eventually. :think There aren't even any kids in the neighborhood, so we must be the random lucky ones. :angry


Now I must pay some bills, do some laundry...and I will have crochet time later! :lol Have a good day! :manyheart

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