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Our House [Archive 2]


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I forgot to talk about my progress today. Oops, ecspecially since this is what this thread is for. Happens when I get jabbering away. :blush


I have made it ot the school roof top. I have a couple squares to sew on tomorrow & then I can start the last 5 rows. WOOT! :cheer I really wanted to alternate the yellow & burgandy squares for a border but since I don't have anymore yellow i'll have to think of something else. :think

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We love you too, Tabby...and got such a kick out of sharing your joy at the deluge of yarn that nearly buried you:lol


Ditto :manyheart


Does my old heart good to see you have a stash like that, Tabby :hug


Looked at mine today and I have to admit mine's pretty close to y'alls...just more spread out :blush

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Thanks ladies. Doa is a great shopper (alot like a woman). He got that set of baskets at goodwill with the tags still on it brand new for 20 bucks. He got the chest at salvation army brand new but unfinished. He paid 20 bucks & stained it himself, it just needs a glossy finish now. The bamboo hamper he bought at a yard sale for 5 dollars & it has a nice sturdy plastic inside. He bought my lamp at goodwill too for 5 dollars & it has that spinny organizer on the base. He said I know you wanted a lamp & I thoguht this would be perfect for your hooks too & your scissors since you always lose them. Then he says, see I do listen. So sweet. :c9 He is definitely a bargain shopper & always thinks of my addiction to my hook. Now that's love. :manyheart



My kinda shopper :yes Half my living room furniture came from the Goodwill. Nice looking stuff too til the cats decided it made a lovely scratching post :P And my whole kitchen is nothing but salvage finds except the pantry that Big Daddy made me.

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Tabby, your Doa sounds sweet...like my guy...and Cara's BD...I could go on. Seems like we have a theme going here:manyheart


'nite, ladies....:hug

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I forgot to talk about my progress today. Oops, ecspecially since this is what this thread is for. Happens when I get jabbering away. :blush


I have made it ot the school roof top. I have a couple squares to sew on tomorrow & then I can start the last 5 rows. WOOT! :cheer I really wanted to alternate the yellow & burgandy squares for a border but since I don't have anymore yellow i'll have to think of something else. :think


Which yellow are you using? I *just* might have it, and yellow is NOT my favorite color, so I'm likely to sacrifice it! :lol

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Good morning, ladies. I hope you all are having a good week so far!


I've been so frustrated with my holiday projects this year. I can't seem to get anywhere with them which is putting me even further behind on my afghan here. I thought I had this all planned better this year. I thought I was choosing projects that would be easier to complete... using up tons of stash... things I knew people would appreciate... but so far, not a single thing has gone right.


Ok... I'm managing to destash, but it's as much from frogging everything to the point of just ditching the whole thing as it is from using up the yarn for finished projects! A couple projects that I've frogged weren't things I could save the yarn on, so I had to just throw out everything. As wasteful as it sounds, my sanity was involved, I had no choice.


Hopefully this rut will work itself out today, and I'll get more finished. I really want to get back to MY afghan here!

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Morning everyone. Tabby it's nice to see you enjoying your new stash. I know what you mean. My stash sounds like what yours was before :yes I usually can only buy what I need so I don't get a chance to build up.


I worked on the WB and got it almost finished. I was about 3/4 finished with the second row of the border when I ran out of green. So I will head to the store this weekend for more of that. I worked on a few squares for the LB instead. It's coming along pretty good. I haven't gotten too much farther than the last picture though. I

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Hi, Angel - good to see you again! Don't let the projects list get to you - you might have to ditch it or simplify. My dearest friend is getting her present in January:D

Crocheting is meant to be both fun - and therapy:P....so step back and see when it stopped being either for you and see where that takes you:hug:hug

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Which yellow are you using? I *just* might have it, and yellow is NOT my favorite color, so I'm likely to sacrifice it! :lol


I have NO clue. It was a stash ball that had no wrapper or anything. It feels a bit thicker then RH so i'm not sure what it is. :think:lol Thanks for the offer though. :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :flower


Angel - Oh dear what a frustrating time you're having :hug I'm with Judy though. It's supposed to be fun and theraputic. Especially with the health issues you have. Maybe if you just focused on one thing for a while that would help :think Sure hope you have a much easier time :hug


Donna - If Judy doesn't have the green I very well might :lol


Valerie - You know, you haven't posted a whole lot during your vacation but if typed words can convey mood you just "sound" more relaxed :lol I sure hope you're enjoying every minute of it :manyheart


Tab - If you're just looking for a yellow for the border it doesn't necessarily have to match IMO. Just find a shade you think goes well with what you have and go with that :yes


Judy - Good morning my friend :hug


Well, gotta get off here. Big Daddy is having oral surgery today :( Poor thing. He's had so much trouble. But today should fix everything. He'll just be down for the count for the week. Time to pull out my nurses hat :D


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Tabby, if I had anything even remotely close to what you described, I'd take a pic and let you compare! But I don't think I do.


Donna, I have about 5 or 6 different shades of green in standard acrylic yarn as well as several in specialty yarns. I'd be more than happy to look and see if I can match you, too.



Cara, anything to do with "oral" anything is such a pain. I had to have tons of work done last year at this time due to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies and months and months of horrible nausea causing me to hurl major organs constantly. What parts of my mouth weren't affected, I over-compensated and brushed too much, rinsed too much... (who knew you could do that, right?) It's a horrible time of year to have problems being able to eat goodies. I hope he recovers quickly! :)


Valerie, when you've finished organizing there, you can come here and get started! lol ;)


Thanks for the support, you all. I may have to do exactly what you suggest and back off a few things. I just don't want to run myself down. This is my favorite time of year, and I want it to remain that way!

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Morning, everyone. This time of year can be way, way too stressful. I've already pretty much decided that Mr. Rooster and LotL won't get done on time. I'll take them as far as I sanely can and then finish in the new year. I wasn't sure I was at all happy with DDs RR either, but it is finally coming together now that it is almost done. These last rows are putting the pizzazz into it. Three more rows to go. Have a good day! Catch you later.:hook

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Dear HH ladies


Would any of you talented designers out there possibly be able to make a cuddleghan type quilt with a BARN and a TRACTOR ?

( Maybe a fence of some kind.....)


I think that'd be cute . :)


:scrachin Hmmm, that could be very cute :yes I might have to work on that one :yes Thanks for the idea hon :hug

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Good grief, this thing is slow moving today --

don't know if its the website or my computer ,


Thanks Cara, I thought since John Deere is so popular, that it'd be cute to have a bright red barn with the white x's on the door, and a bright green tractor .

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Cara~I thought that too but I wasn't sure if it would look bad. I will probably try it. Won't hurt, right? :think



Tammy~Thanks. Yeah, I have no idea what it is or if it's even made anymore.



Julie~I think that'de be really cute. Love the idea. Gonna make one for Cam? :hook

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Hi Ladies. :manyheart I'm really behind keeping up with posts the last couple of days, but promise to catch up!


Cara, I hope DH recovers quickly. I've had major oral surgery twice and have lots of empathy. :)


Hi Angel, it's good to see you here. Take care of yourself and try not to do too much. :hug It always sounds easy, but I know it's not.;)


Tabby and Donna, looking forward to seeing the finished ghans. :yes

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That's a cute idea, Julie. I'm still trying to finalize Mr. Rooster's pattern. Drawing it out so someone else can figure out how to make the special squares in it is giving me fits. :huh

Crocheting is slow going today, as my shoulder is giving me fits. Think I'm going to have to break down and take a pain pill, as I'm starting to get a little sick to my stomach. :worried

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Thanks girls. I think half a skein of RHSS dark sage will do it and that baby is done.

I have a full skein sitting here doing nothing...want it? I have your addy from the card CAL.

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