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Our House [Archive 2]


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Valerie, it seems that I have to be different from everyone else no matter what I do. I put mine together by doing a whipstitch through the front loops only and then come back the other way doing a whipstitch through the back loops only. Most of the ones I've done are destined to be used a LOT, so I want to make sure they don't come undone. I started doing them this way with the very first one I did, a pinwheel in earthtones for Kim. It worked so well I've just kept doing them that way. :lol :lol :lol


Yep, I'm of the opinion "Whatever works" :lol I'll try anything short of super glue :D

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Yup, in our case it was for the money, but I think I would rather sit in an empty house in the sun, now. :lol


Denise, look at this http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showpost.php?p=1033335&postcount=17918


Then you can see I am not the only one!! :hook


I clicked on here to see what you were talking about and felt indignant (and a little proud :lol) that you were quoting MY stash! LOL!

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I clicked on here to see what you were talking about and felt indignant (and a little proud :lol) that you were quoting MY stash! LOL!

I chuckled, too, when I opened the link!:lol:lol

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I clicked on here to see what you were talking about and felt indignant (and a little proud :lol) that you were quoting MY stash! LOL!


Oops. :blush My mom doesn't go into the Sky CAL and they are always saying I have too much yarn, just thought I would let her know there are more of us out there. :clap:lol

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We are definitely the same. I have pics. I took awhile ago of my stash. I didn't take the yarn out of the bins because well that's just way too much work. But here's a shot of mine after the yarn fairies were so generous.


Little to biggest~cotton, special (boa, fun fur, etc.), WW



tool box is cross stitch but big basket is WW yarn (see it bulging :blush )



huge tote~WW yarn (I have to sit on it to close it :lol), smaller tote~baby yarn, mesh tote~yarn leftovers (balls, scraps, etc), box & bags are all stuffed with good ole WW yarn. That clear thingy with the stoplight blanket over it isn't yarn, it's all cross-stitch stuff. But the rest is yarn.



bamboo hamper filled with yarn in living room



My little corner of the world. My lamp Hubby got me for my hooks & such. All of my current projects all though since this pic. there are two more bags sitting there. :D



This huge chest is full of yarn. My Hubby keeps buying me all this storage space for yarn, he's such an enabler. :manyheart



Now I have no clue why my Hubby thinks I have enough yarn. He says every time I get even 5 dollars all I think about buying is yarn. When I started the Ville I had no stash. See what hanging around with these ladies do to ya? Those 5 wicker baskets my Hubby just bought because my yarn fairy yarn wouldn't all fit into my totes. So ladies thank you all again for my generous stash. :ghug

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Hi Ladies. Today has been one of those days, but it's better now and I can catch up. :)


Krystal, I love your pictures! I need to show DH, so he will know there are people with way more yarn than I have. ;)


Linda and Bean ~ I hope your rain continues. They keep talking about your drought on the news - maybe this will help a little. :yes


No crocheting for me lately, but hopefully this evening.

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I should print off all those photos and show my family my friends are the same as me. :laughroll


I always show my Hubby bigger stashes so mine doesn't look bad. :blush He is very cool about my stash but I must say if it keeps going like this i'll have to buy a storage unit just to keep it all in. :lol I've been really good since the yarn fairies visited & haven't bought one skein of yarn. Oops, okay I bought 2 skeins last week but, but, but I needed it. I have 4 on order too but I need those to finish my ME ghan. That's my story & i'm sticking to it. :devil

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Tabby, your hubby really is an enabler:lol:lol:lol
At least a lot of your storage conatiners are pretty;)

...and I didn't have much of a stash till I joined the 'ville, either!:lol:lol:lol:lol:hook
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The WIPs that are "out" are in nice baskets and bags. The yarn I had out in the living room yesterday all goes in one closet - very strategically stacked and stashed!


I also have two large cardboard boxes in MY closet, and my one-pounders are on display on the very top shelf of MY closet. My daisy squares are all in there, too. Not much room for clothes, but I'm OK with that! :lol


Dinner was enchilada bake - yummy! My house is clean now, too - got that all taken care of before the speech eval at 4:30. Now I can sit and :hook. I also have a good book I'm reading, so I'm having a hard time choosing. This one is a book, so can't listen to it. I just ordered these remote headphones that I found - the transmitter plugs into your radio, and the headphones can go up to 100 feet from there. It will be nice not attached to a cord when listening to my books!


Aaaah, good dinner, full belly, clean house, organized stash... does life get any better?

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Aaaah, good dinner, full belly, clean house, organized stash... does life get any better?


Sounds pretty wonderful to me :yes



Tabby - You're as bad as these other gals :lol I thought mine was bad until I saw y'alls photos. I need to catch up. Hmmm, Big Daddy will be down for the count most of this week due to the oral surgery tomorrow, I can drive now, I have money :scrachin Yep, with a little planning I could have a nice big stash like that too :devil

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Aaaah, good dinner, full belly, clean house, organized stash... does life get any better?

Nope...nothing better....except I have to work on the clean house part:lol

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Not much room for clothes, but I'm OK with that! :lol


Sounds like an awesome replacement. That's the next to go here, my clothes. I have one of those huge wall dressers with 12 drawers, now that would be a stash. AHHHH, the life..........:dreaming


When I own my own yarn store then i'll be proud of my stash. :yarn A girl can dream, right? :D

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Cara~If it weren't for my wonderful ville friends I wouldn't have that stash. Most of my stash prior to that was scraps, skeins that I didn't use up on a project or yard sale buys from Jadens preschool teacher. I could've never afforded to buy all that. I love you gals. :manyheart:ghug:manyheart

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Cara~If it weren't for my wonderful ville friends I wouldn't have that stash. Most of my stash prior to that was scraps, skeins that I didn't use up on a project or yard sale buys from Jadens preschool teacher. I could've never afforded to buy all that. I love you gals. :manyheart:ghug:manyheart

We love you too, Tabby...and got such a kick out of sharing your joy at the deluge of yarn that nearly buried you:lol

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At least a lot of your storage conatiners are pretty;)





Hi Tabby ~ Great pictures! I love the idea of the big baskets.



Thanks ladies. Doa is a great shopper (alot like a woman). He got that set of baskets at goodwill with the tags still on it brand new for 20 bucks. He got the chest at salvation army brand new but unfinished. He paid 20 bucks & stained it himself, it just needs a glossy finish now. The bamboo hamper he bought at a yard sale for 5 dollars & it has a nice sturdy plastic inside. He bought my lamp at goodwill too for 5 dollars & it has that spinny organizer on the base. He said I know you wanted a lamp & I thoguht this would be perfect for your hooks too & your scissors since you always lose them. Then he says, see I do listen. So sweet. :c9 He is definitely a bargain shopper & always thinks of my addiction to my hook. Now that's love. :manyheart

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Evening Ladies,


You girls are a hoot. Still organizing my crochet. Took a nap, did a little house cleaning and crochet a couple of squares. Getting ready to watch dancing with the starts along with my niece and my sister that lives here. Will check back in later.

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