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Our House [Archive 2]


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Donna and Heather your projects look great.


Leslie Im glad your mum is better.


Mary its not good having the square dts is it. How is your fall ghan going.


I am busy with my ripples and the only squares Im making are 8 inch and 6 inch squares.

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Good morning. I'm up but not much beyond that at this point. I need to go to the dollar store, Michaels, and get an oil change done on the car today. Then I can do my own thing. (I guess the other stuff is doing my own thing, too, isn't it?) Oh, well. I'll make sense eventually, I hope. Have a good weekend.

I made about a dozen bicolor squares for Mr. Rooster yesterday. Nothing is put together so no pictures yet. I have 2 1/2 blocks of squares crocheted for LotL, too, but nothing new put together there either. One of these days. :lol

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Sounds like you've got a full day planned. And yes, how is Trouble today?


Judy - Good morning hon :hug


Pretty much have the same plan today as yesterday. Alternating between charity and friendship squares and the Love Letters for my niece :hook


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Trouble is doing better today. Not as perky as usual, but more her normal self than yesterday. She is getting 2 pills twice a day for a while and she is supposed to stay quiet and not do a lot of jumping on and off the bed. (Easier said than done.) Her tail is wagging again and she doesn't look so pathetic now.

My neighbor is coming over in a bit and we are going to do some show & tell. They just got back from 10 days vacation. She'll show us all her quilting stuff and I'll show off my crocheting stuff. And of course we'll do some gabbing. :lol :lol

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Don't you just love it when they tell you that, lol. I recently had my kitty, Gizmo, neutered and they said "no jumping or running for two days" HA! I said,, you don't know my cat!


Yeah, we have to get our new kitten, Tuon, spayed next month. That should be fun....NOT! :lol I've never had to care for a cat right after they were fixed. We usually adopt adult cats that are pre-fixed. The little girl is a bundle of energy so it should be "interesting". :P

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Morning everyone,


When our cat Milo was desexed she was not allowed to jump etc and she had one of those funny hats on. Well that lasted all of 5 minutes but she did manage to be a good girl for awhile.


Linda Im glad Trouble is ok. That will be a nice visit with your neighbour and to have a show and tell and chat. My mums neighbour does that a lot too. She is into beading and is always bringing over what she has made and we show her what we have done too. Its a great way to make conversation as well.


Mary howdy doody, Hows the fall ghan going?


Im going to do more squares and maybe more on my ripples today. Its another hot day coming up so stuck inside in the air conditioning.

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Finally! I may still add leaf stems, but for now it's finished. :hook DD said Lucky would never ever wear a bow, but I decided he needed one.






Wendy, thank you for asking about the Fall Ghan. I don't know how to link to another post :blush, so I'm quoting myself from the other day. :lol

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Wendy, thank you for asking about the Fall Ghan. I don't know how to link to another post :blush, so I'm quoting myself from the other day. :lol


And it's still gorgeous :yes I've never been able to figure out that linking to a particular post thing either :no:blush

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Does anyone know of a website that actually teaches you to do this type of crochet? I am interested but have no idea where to start.


Yep :yes The quilts you see in this CAL are all on the website www.happyyellowhouse.com. They're all made from simple, 2 round granny squares (instructions included) then assembled into the quilts. If you need any help at all this is the place to ask :yes Sure hope you join us. This is a great group of ladies :manyheart

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