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Our House [Archive 2]


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Hi Denise. Hope you're okay and getting some crochet time!


Well, everyone knows I'm as slow as a :snail, but the end is in sight on the Fall ghan. I just have to join 9 blocks and crochet the border. :D I am so excited to be this close. :yes


Have a good evening, all. :hug

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Morning. I'm up and awake but that's about it so far today. It's gorgeous but chilly outside.

Mary you are a great crocheter. Don't kid yourself. You are. I can't wait to see your fall ghan. I'm sure it's stunning.

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Mary- you'll get 'er finished up soon, nothing wrong with taking your time and doing it carefully . We will all be waiting to see the photo .


Also were you the one who had a woven blocks one started in the browns/neutrals ? I was trying to remember who had one of them going and what colors it was. I remembered I thought it was very pretty .


Linda- you sound like me, sitting up, but not totally WITH IT yet today .

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Good morning ladies :flower


Today promises to be a good day I think. I opened the back door to feed the outside cats and there was Oliver (the only one that's really ours) hanging on the screen like a suction cup Garfield. It was just so unexpected. Just made me bust out laughing. :lol :lol


Then I logged on and HYH has reached 20,000 hits!!! :jumpyay We're about 35 days short of being online for one year. I figured if I got 3,000 or 4,000 in the first year we'd be doing good :lol It's been amazing and I'm just so glad I've had all of y'all coming along for the ride. It just wouldn't be what it is today without all of y'all :manyheart


On that note, I think it's time for some quality hook time :hook


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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Good Morning, all. Thanks for the vote(s) of confidence. :hug Yes, I made the Woven Blocks in Linen, Winter White, and White. I think that will go to DD and her hubby for Christmas. :gift


Cara, super news about your site! It's a fun place to visit. :yes

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John got home at 1:30 from hunting. The deer were victorious again this weekend. Each of the guys got a shot at one and all of them missed!

Hi, Valerie. Nice to have someone in the area. Sounds like they are really keeping you hopping at work.

After John got home I came downstairs, crawled in bed, and slept for 2 1/2 hours straight. Don't think I even wriggled. Guess I needed it.

Now to decide what to do with the rest of the day.:think

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It's always busy this time of year. Once Xmas is completely set, we can exhale until December 31st...Then it's on to Valentine's Day. Glad you got some rest. I'm going to try to take my remaining vacation days the week after Thanksgiving. 11 whole days of crocheting...like heaven.

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Valerie, I hope you get your vacation days when you want them...and lots of crochet time.:hook


I have to take advantage of my maintenance guy (DH) when he is in town, :D so today we spent doing things around here and watching the Cowboys win. Have a wonderful evening, everyone. :manyheart

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Good Morning, ladies. :hook


It's cloudy with a little rain and it was hard not to crawl back in bed this a.m. My "to do" list is growing, so I really need to get busy. The Fall ghan should be completed this week, then back to 2 scarves that are about 1/2 finished. And of course, Linda's Mr. Train needs finishing, too! :eek


Have a great day. :)

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Morning miss Mary

Sounds like you have plenty of projects on your agenda !


I was a little worried when I started reading one of your last posts and you said you took advantage of your maintenance man --


I though, oh no, not Miss Mary !!!!


SHE's A Desperate Housewife ? Good thing I read the REST of the sentence .

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Morning miss Mary


Sounds like you have plenty of projects on your agenda !


I was a little worried when I started reading one of your last posts and you said you took advantage of your maintenance man --


I though, oh no, not Miss Mary !!!!


SHE's A Desperate Housewife ? Good thing I read the REST of the sentence .


:rofl :rofl :rofl



Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - Yep sounds like you've got a full day ahead of you. :hook


Valerie - I bet you can't wait until that vacation :yes 11 straight days of crocheting sounds like a dream vacation to me :D


I finished my ME blanket last night :yay Slept with it even though I thought it would be too hot for it. But there's something about that stitch I guess that makes it like a thermal blanket. Just keeps the body heat in. It was great :D

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Have a great day, Valerie!

Hi, all. Kim and I are up but not moving very fast. Got a great night's sleep last night. The first in a long time. Between and bronchitis and medicine, my system has been really messed up. Think I've turned the corner now. I actually feel half way human today. Some solid sleep helps.:sleep

I'm hoping to get the antique bedspread done today or tomorrow. Want that done and out of the way. Then it will be saltines and how. :hook And need to get the last RR done, too, so that the boxes that go to Iowa can get out soon. Christmas is definately LOOMING!:ctree

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