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News About March Shawl

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Sorry I'm just now posting this, but this is the first day I have had off from work since going back after the flu! We've been SO incredibly busy here and our staff is so small, we just don't have enough people to put on more shifts, so this leaves the seven of us to do it all!


All the extra work here has not only served to prevent me from having a day off for the last two and a half weeks, it has prevented me from having free time to crochet when I'm not on duty in the office. Being the manager here, everything that goes on has to go through me, and with all 110 rooms filled, there has just been a constant barrage of questions to be answered, problems to be solved and decisions to be made. As a result, the March shawl is only about a foot long :eek:blush and in no way ready to roll this month.


We're going to be full like this for the next 12 weeks, however the worst part is always the first two to three weeks as the people check in, and rooms that might not have been used for the last six or eight months in some cases, present us with their little glitches and repairs that need to be made. So at this point, we're pretty much back to normal and, although I will still have more questions and problems than normal to deal with, at least now when I'm not on my shift, I am back to having my free time at home in my apartment where I can relax and crochet! So tonight I am working on March's shawl and as soon as it's finished, I'll be on to April's and I plan to mail the two of them out together by the 14th of April. Thanks, everyone, for your patience! At least you've got TampaDoll and Turtle to keep you going! Big :hug to all!

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My goodness, how very busy you've been, Elle! Playing catch-up can be such a tough row to hoe, I know. Do make sure that you somehow fit in time to breathe as you can, kiddo. And as far as your March shawl being wrapped up in April, crocheters may lose count, lose hooks and trains of thought, but when it comes to our C'ville friends, patience is never lost. Take good care and remember to breathe, Elle. :hug

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My goodness, how very busy you've been, Elle! Playing catch-up can be such a tough row to hoe, I know. Do make sure that you somehow fit in time to breathe as you can, kiddo. And as far as your March shawl being wrapped up in April, crocheters may lose count, lose hooks and trains of thought, but when it comes to our C'ville friends, patience is never lost. Take good care and remember to breathe, Elle. :hug


Thank you, Jeanne. I feel so badly because the February shawl was so very late because of me being down with the flu, and now this month's is ALSO going to be late because of me being so busy at work. Well hey, at least one good thing is that I'm not sick this month! :lol I'm SO glad that if I had to get sick, it was before all these people got here to the hotel! Man alive! There is no way I ever could have worked through this, and I would have had no choice, I could not have stayed out! Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your understanding and now it's back to crocheting! I am off tomorrow, too, so I am planning to start crocheting whatever time I get up and just go right through until bedtime. It's SO nice to finally have my days off back! I HATE it when we're that busy! :lol

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Elle, Do not worry about the shawl! You need to take care of yourself first. If it was the H1N1, I had it for 3 months on and off. The symptoms got better and then worse again. I am very glad to finally be over it. PLEASE take care of yourself first. We love all the shawls that you do but we can wait, even if you happen to miss a month. Prayers for your health and work.:hug

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Elle, never feel bad because one of your very generous gifts is later than you expected. Life has a tendency to get in the way. We all understand and will wait patiently until you get your self better and caught up to see the new shawl. Next week we'll have Mary Jo's bag and probably the week after that I should have my tote ready to go. That'll keep everyone occupied. :lol:hug



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On the one hand the way the economy is its great to hear that business is that good for you. It's really hard when its that busy and you are still dragging from being sick. Get as much rest as you can so you don't have a relapse. It's always fun to see your next shawl but none of us wants you to become so frustrated over deadlines that you feel like giving it up.

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Elle--please take care of yourself, rest and don't overdo it! I don't want you sick again. It's so nice of you to make these and send them out. But if you see you don't make your deadline, just let us know--we will understand. We have Tampa Doll's and TurtleLvr's exciting adventures to keep us occupied :lol.


Happy spring! And take care of yourself!

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Take it easy when you're not busy at work, the wait just makes seeing it much sweeter, and much much sweeter for the two who will receive the shawls!

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I remember when I worked and there just werent enough of days in the week to get the work done.


It can be very overwhelming, so make sure you take care of yourself and try to get a little crocheting in. It will make you feel normal :cheer

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Take care of yourself first and foremost. Boy!!!! Even though the economy is bad that sounds great the hotel is that busy. As much as we enjoy the shawls don't feel bad about taking longer with them. It just makes the waiting all that more sweeter. So don't get your knickers in a knot. (I just love that expression.):rofl :rofl

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