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Team Twinkies :cheer Go team !:cheer


And why you ask, since I'm a pretty healthy eater.. I'm cooking tonight. First is clam, potato,corn, bacon, chowder and some sort of salad and a slice of sour dough bread. But.. then I'm thinking about some extra time in the kitchen, since I'll be there anyway, what with all that stirring the pot...


What about Boston Cream Pie cupcakes ?:drool Found a recipe that's looks pretty good. Here it is at Martha Stewart's kitchen site.

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Well, Boy Howdy

Lookie There, Tab !!!


We got another CONVERT to the Twinkie Team

You better get some campaigning done to come up with a Healthnut quick. We've got you out numbered now. Can't play with an uneven number .



Pam- i'm glad you enjoyed your mail. I LOVE sending out cards. I send them a lot to friends and relatives. I like shopping for cards and stickers .


It makes getting mail lots more fun too . :)

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and your pictures are done so nicely ! You need to be a potographer if you're not already !

Love the colors too, nice & bright .



Ahh...thank you. :blush

Truth is it's all smoke and mirrors. It covers up all my crochet mistakes. :lol


Everyone's work is so beautiful, and I feel like the perpetual beginner. :nworthy



Wouldn't being a photographer be fun ! Love the idea, but so far I just push the buttons till it looks okay to me. :think


Yep.. smoke and mirrors. :rofl

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Come on people......where are all the healthnuts?? You can eat healthy and still have cake. :yes Yup, I said it.....cake.....better yet chocolate cake. There are recipes out there for healthy cakes, even chocolate. So come on and join the healthnuts. GO TEAM!! :cheer

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Good morning 63'ers !!


Time to get up an at'em .


Wish i was standing out in Tab's front yard with 2 metal pan lids right about now, I 'd bang them things together to get her hiney woken up. If she wants to be on a healthy lifestyle, then she needs to yank herself out of bed to go jogging . It's 4 :20 AM .




Time for a jog !!!!! Put down the Devil Dogs and do 20 laps around town .


When you get back, you can have a nice carrot stick for breakfast .


I'll just sit here watching Ghosthunters,eating a peanut butter creamstick ,still in my pj's .


I'm about ready to rumble on this squares challenge .. Come on folks, we need one more player to make our teams even. Tab needs one .


Someone step up and help her out . She has to jog all them laps this morning ,she could use some help .


Will check in later when all you Stay-a-Beds wake up !!! :D:D:D

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Cindy- not exactly, I'm doing it for my own good as well as others .So when i'm sounding like a drill sergeant to you all, I'm also yelling the same things to myself . :yes


Kinda reverse psychology or some such thing . :think


I'm a hillbilly, what more can I tell you ? That's the way we think .:lol

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Good Morning.


Julie~If you ever came banging in front of my house at 4 a.m........let's just say you would be eating them cream sticks a different way. :devil:lol:P


Just kidding, ya know I love you. :manyheart



And me jog?? HAHAHA!! :lol I might knock someone out with my rump shaker, so I just walk. :yes So, see it for everyone else's safety. Yup, that's my story and i'm sticking to it. :angel

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Come on all you healthy eaters or maybe you want to eat more healthy. Come and join TEAM CARROT STICK! :cheer I will provide a new motivational quote each day under my signature to help keep us on track. What do ya say?? Want to be healthier?? Want to be able to breathe when walking upstairs?? I know I do, let's make this commitment together. :clap We can support and motivate each other through the tough times. :clap So come one, come all and join TEAM CARROT STICK!! :cheer :cheer

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I think that person is awesome....I would love to see yummy yarn goodness all over my town upon awaking. I think that only happens in my dreams. :yes

I would love to see the colors she used....

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I would love to see the colors she used....


Me too.....I sure hope if they find her or him that they don't press charges since it was mentioned that it is illegal. It isn't like grafitti that is hard to fix, these are just sweaters that can be taken down. I hope they update us on the outcome.

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Me too.....I sure hope if they find her or him that they don't press charges since it was mentioned that it is illegal. It isn't like grafitti that is hard to fix, these are just sweaters that can be taken down. I hope they update us on the outcome.

I saw the article in my local paper then went online to find the link - so I'll check tomorrow to see if anyone 'fessed up.


Have a good day! Off to dress and get to the food store...

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You ornery thing you !


Eating my creamsticks a new way !!!


ATTENTION : The old Tab is back,folks,so look out ,old dogs and seniors citizens .....



OH , that includes me !!!!



Anyhow, you are funny, you nut bag !!!!


I don't know WHERE we're gonna get our last player . It's hard to liven up a place sometimes .

Let me go on a search and see what I can find for you .

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I'm back...went to the food store...:)


It's practically balmy weather here today! Gotta get me and Sparkie out for walk before the rains come tonight....and last over the weekend!

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It's already raining here, UGHHH!!



I finished my first square in the 63 cable squares book. I did #13 and boy was it a pain in the rump. :eek I think this book might be a challenge. :yes



Julie~I hope we can find someone else to play, but if not i'll just have to be twice as motivated. :crocheting

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