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Good morning everyone.

and... why is it that I get hungry every time I read this thread?????

Good morning!

...and I thought I was the only one who was feeling that way:rofl:rofl:rofl

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Don't go gettting all health-food on me here.. have to keep Tab on her toes ...


Just added a little more tempting avatar. Wouldnt you rather prop up on the couch with a nice big ole cupcake ,rather than a banana ,then take a walk ?








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Don't go gettting all health-food on me here.. have to keep Tab on her toes ...


Just added a little more tempting avatar. Wouldnt you rather prop up on the couch with a nice big ole cupcake ,rather than a banana ,then take a walk ?









YOU ARE EVIL!! :devil:lol

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As the leader of the 63, I think we need to run an experiment and see how many squares we can crank out based on caloric intake .


So,we need some volunteers for our experiment .


Let's choose some players to be on the HEALTHY eaters team / and the WHATEVER YOU WANT eaters team .


Let's see how many squares each team can complete within a certain time frame .


Anyone wanna play ?


You'd have to keep track of what you eat and how many squares you complete during a certain number of days .


Tab- you wanna lead the Healthy players ?

No offense.


I like you, but I don't wanna eat carrot sticks .

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:rofl @ Julie.....you are hilarious and evil. :yes It hasn't even been a week for my healthy change over, but my cravings are alot better so your avatar is no longer tempting. :P


I like a challenge and it may be just what I need. I will lead the healthy eaters, what am I suppose to do?


:cheer CARROT STICKS :cheer CARROT STICKS :cheer GO TEAM :cheer


:lol :lol :lol

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Morning and afternoon, I am so excited I managed to crank out another square, so I just need one more by Friday. Yipeeee for me, I'm doing the crochet square dance. :cheer:cheer


1wani - I love oatmeal cookies with rasins. Your house must smell reaL yummmmyyy


Hey Julie, stop tempting me with your yummy avatar I'm trying hard to stay on the healthy eating kick. :eek


I want to be on the Healthy Eating Team. GO Team Go !!!!! :applause:applause I don't know if I can keep up with crocheting a lot of squares a week but I sure can use the healthy eating motivation.


Have a great day everyone, have to play with my grandson who is 2, then I will probably work on my knitted baby afghan and knitted square for the month since I already spent the morning crocheting my second square. I already picked out my next square which I will start later this evening. See you all later. :hug

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Hey Cheeria !


Good job ! Sounds like you are on a roll,and since you are trying to also be on a diet AND since your name is ALMOST like CHEERIOS --which are supposed to be healthy -- you can be drafted for Team HEALTHY .


Tab- there's your first Recruit .



Let's see who else we can rustle up here by day's end ...


We're gonna have us a Ho-Ho Down in 63-Land Folks ..



Step right Up and watch the Twinkies Wrappers Fly ....



Looking for more Joiners for either team ----


We need some Healthy Eaters






and Unhealthy Eaters .:cchip:pizza:soda:popcorn:popcorn:icecream

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Ok Tab, you got it . We usually have most people check in here later in the day or early evening ,so we'll wait to rustle them up then .


How long you wanna run this challenge for ? Just through the weekend or for the whole upcoming week ?

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I finally got the box that was sent on 2/25. When the PO says 7-10 business days, I guess that is what they mean. :lol:lol Got the last 2 "63" books and a lot of Debbie Macomber novels. I'm set for reading material for a long time. (Thank you dear son.) Also could be making squares for a long time. I really like book 4. Still working on #3 square from book 2. Should be done with it today. I am just working them in order so far.

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Don't know which group of eaters I should belong to. Most likely the unhealthy group, since my intake for today has been cookies and a Little Debbie Nutty bar. But last night I has a soup/stew made with venison and all garden grown vegetables that we canned last summer and fall. I guess the cookies shot the healthy eaters group. You can count me in to the eat what you want.

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OK !!!

I have 2 for My Team !!!


Let's hear it for Team Twinkie !!!!:cheer:clap:cheer


I've got Jude and Wanda


Wanda ---I was sweatin it there when you were thinking about the stew vs the Nutty bar . Glad the Nutty Bar won out !!!


Now ---We need another player on Team Healthnuts . :D

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Tab- that's good, you got Cindy to join in with your Healthnuts team ---


we'll see if we get any more interested parties before picking out a start and finish date. We won't make it super-long or anything .


No pressure on anyone, just something fun to do just to keep everyone motivated ,and a little bit of goofing off to boot .

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Wow Judy, you had me fooled because I thought you were a healthy eater. :(

I used to be:devil



Cindy, that's a pretty pattern!

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My card is here ! :mail


My card is here !:woo


Thank:bheart you Julie.


It was a bit funny too. I saw something that was not a bill or advertisement..it had real handwriting on it.. my heart skipped a beat and the adrenaline kicked in.. my hands started to shake.... I thought somebody in my family must have died, and I'd be stuck seeing a bunch of them. :goodorbad

Then I remembered what it probably was, and all is right with the world now.


Guess the art of letter writing really is dieing out. Turns out I missed this sort of thing.

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