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You got it, those are creamsticks. They have maple ,vanilla ,chocolate and peanut butter frosting, then you can also get chocolate whipped cream instead of vanilla .


They are GOOD . I ate them for 9 months straight before I had my girl . My mom brought me a whole dozen to the hospital after I gave birth .


I gained 38 pounds before I had her . She weighed 9 pounds. The rest was CREAMSTICKS .


They make them in Amish country called JUMBO CREAMSTICKS . Them suckers are as long as my arm .:lol


They also have a bakeshop here that sells TEXAS DONUTS . AS YOU KNOW,WE ARE NOWHERE NEAR TEXAS ......... Those donuts are as big as wagon wheels .


And I wonder why I need to lose a few pounds .:think:D:think

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Tab -

Yea, they have the ones you are talking about here with the pudding GUNK -- but they are round -- I think they call them Boston Creme Filled or some such thing . I don't like them so never buy them .

YEK . Don't like the gunky pudding stuff. I like the whipped cream .

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Thanks, Cindy - I liked those patterns a lot.


I'm sorry you're having problemspicking patterns - but I can identify with that. I tried a couple of other patterns and ripped them out. My current method is to pick whatever one has the shortest paragraph of directions!:lol

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Thanks, Cindy - I liked those patterns a lot.


I'm sorry you're having problemspicking patterns - but I can identify with that. I tried a couple of other patterns and ripped them out. My current method is to pick whatever one has the shortest paragraph of directions!:lol



That is exactly how I'm picking mine also. :lol:lol:lol:lol

I also completed one square today, if I keep crocheting like this just maybe and I'm hoping I will have 3 squares done by Friday. Nite everyone. :sleep

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Resisting the urge to bake something or run to the bakery, I will show you my new squares.



Still trying to learn this new to me system of adding photos. Hope this one turns out better. I re-sized it less, hoping it's not as grainy.


Note the first grape hyacinth poking it's little face up in the bottom right hand side. I managed to get this between gusts of our current windstorm. What a test of determination.


The sunset colored square is my favorite so far. It's in the newer sampler booklet. #20 Loop-De-Loop. It's a basic Jacobs Ladder, just with only 4 sc between rungs, and there are ch12 loops..long ones. Sure is a nice square.


Then came the blue one...#23 called The Stitch. First one to need resizing right at the start. It would have been way too big if done with the starting ch as long as they say.

Wonder why they do that ? :sigh



I saw your three square challenge yesterday morning, before coffee and before heading out to work. You don't want to hear from me during such moments .:confused

What a good idea ! This could keep me on track.

I accept your challenge. :flower

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Julie~Yep, we have those but our center tastes more like frosting not whipped cream. Too sweet for me. I love the boston cream donuts and the eclairs are the same but long like creamsticks. And 38 lbs. is not bad, I gained about 60 with both my twins and my second pregnancy too. :eek:lol My biggest baby was 8 lbs. and he was the one I gained the least amount with (about 40). :yes



UPDATE: My book has arrived in Valatie, but it says it could still take another day or two. UGHH!! I hope not, hopeefully i'll have it tomorrow.

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I read your comments about your garden. Laughed at the where to put all these seed starts. Me too. Fact is I haven't even bothered for a few years. I do miss the process though.


My house was built in 1880 something, I'm the third owner, and have been here for thirty years now. We have all been gardeners. It takes a shoehorn to plant anything now-a-days. The lot is 50 X 150. Extra long for being close in big city. So yes, we all picked this for the amount of available dirt. :garden


My neighbors are almost all gardeners too, but they enjoy cutting down trees, and I love watching them grow. So when seen on Google maps, you see a block with a few green spots here and there, and one lot that is completely green tree tops. That ones mine. I specialize in moss and shade plants, except for the early spring time when the deciduous trees allow my spring bulbs to bloom.

I did have some sun on the narrow south side, but the guy next door decided on a hedge. Laurel !!! :faint


This is the year I will be redoing all of that and getting a container area up next to the house, in hopes of a few more years of tomatoes and such. I tore it apart last summer late to make way for roofers. Everything was dying from lack of sun anyway.


I do have a couple wheelbarrows in the back with flowers each year. But they have to be moved around every couple weeks to keep them in enough sun to try and bloom. I rather enjoy the humor of that situation. :lol


Good thing I think moss is beautiful.

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Thanks, Cindy - I liked those patterns a lot.


I'm sorry you're having problemspicking patterns - but I can identify with that. I tried a couple of other patterns and ripped them out. My current method is to pick whatever one has the shortest paragraph of directions!:lol

Thats often been my criteria for patterns too.:D

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Resisting the urge to bake something or run to the bakery, I will show you my new squares.



Still trying to learn this new to me system of adding photos. Hope this one turns out better. I re-sized it less, hoping it's not as grainy.


Note the first grape hyacinth poking it's little face up in the bottom right hand side. I managed to get this between gusts of our current windstorm. What a test of determination.


The sunset colored square is my favorite so far. It's in the newer sampler booklet. #20 Loop-De-Loop. It's a basic Jacobs Ladder, just with only 4 sc between rungs, and there are ch12 loops..long ones. Sure is a nice square.


Then came the blue one...#23 called The Stitch. First one to need resizing right at the start. It would have been way too big if done with the starting ch as long as they say.

Wonder why they do that ? :sigh


Beautiful squares.

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Plaid Kitty, I really like your blocks. Such great colors!!

So last night I got diverted by the fact that I could not find the cord to my camera and the devil dog conversation, but tonight I am all business. Now that my cat was kind enough to bring my cord back.

I did block 15, afghan square (which had a very long description!) in what I think you call book 1 (or 555).




Ok, too funny, I just typed a long, ranting message about how this book is on crazy pills when I realized that there are 2, count them TWO rounds of "finishing" and last night I was trying to skip to where it said "Rose and Green squares only" and I was throwing the book down saying: WHAT sc? There are NO sc!! Well, there would have been if I did round 1 first. I love the anonimity of the internet! I feel dopish now!:P

Ok, so I'll log off now. Try to fix my book's binding and go put round one on this block....(saunters away....)

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Great work, Pam

and your pictures are done so nicely ! You need to be a potographer if you're not already !

Love the colors too, nice & bright .


Now I know when to throw out a challenge to hit you when you'll try it. Thanks for the tip !!!:lol:D:D:D:D:D:lol

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good job ! Love the color !!


If you'd like to receive cards each week for completing your squares,please pm me with your address and I'll send one out to you each Friday that you complete a square for the week .


Glad you stuck with it long enough to figure out your edging .

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Hey ladies

Just a quick thanks to all of you for livening up this place in the past 24 hours. It seemed to be a little slow lately and I was wondering if we were going to be able to keep it running ,but it is actually picking up and doing much better now, so thanks for all jumping in and posting -- you've all helped out a lot !!!


I think the Devil Dogs may have helped too. :lol


Maybe I oughta send everyone a Devil dog for completing a square .


Better yet, maybe you guys should send ME one . :D

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You girls and your pastries are killing me. Had to make cookies night before last. Chocolate chip and DBF's speciality...peanut butter-oatmeal-chocolate chip. (Not 3 different cookies, all in one.) Started #3 in book 2146. Chevrons. Going slower, but looking good. Same size as others.

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Resisting the urge to bake something or run to the bakery, I will show you my new squares.



Still trying to learn this new to me system of adding photos. Hope this one turns out better. I re-sized it less, hoping it's not as grainy.


Note the first grape hyacinth poking it's little face up in the bottom right hand side. I managed to get this between gusts of our current windstorm. What a test of determination.


The sunset colored square is my favorite so far. It's in the newer sampler booklet. #20 Loop-De-Loop. It's a basic Jacobs Ladder, just with only 4 sc between rungs, and there are ch12 loops..long ones. Sure is a nice square.


Then came the blue one...#23 called The Stitch. First one to need resizing right at the start. It would have been way too big if done with the starting ch as long as they say.

Wonder why they do that ? :sigh

Beautiful!:clap I love bright colors, too:D


That is exactly how I'm picking mine also. :lol:lol:lol:lol

I also completed one square today, if I keep crocheting like this just maybe and I'm hoping I will have 3 squares done by Friday. Nite everyone. :sleep

We have many great minds here...we all think alike:lol:lol

Plaid Kitty, I really like your blocks. Such great colors!!

So last night I got diverted by the fact that I could not find the cord to my camera and the devil dog conversation, but tonight I am all business. Now that my cat was kind enough to bring my cord back.

I did block 15, afghan square (which had a very long description!) in what I think you call book 1 (or 555).


Great job!:cheer


Ok, too funny, I just typed a long, ranting message about how this book is on crazy pills when I realized that there are 2, count them TWO rounds of "finishing" and last night I was trying to skip to where it said "Rose and Green squares only" and I was throwing the book down saying: WHAT sc? There are NO sc!! Well, there would have been if I did round 1 first. I love the anonimity of the internet! I feel dopish now!:P

Ok, so I'll log off now. Try to fix my book's binding and go put round one on this block....(saunters away....)


And I have moments like you did...even after many years of hooking!:P

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Good Morning.


There is nothing like sugary goodness to liven a place up. :yes Even with all of this junk food talk I have stuck to my health foods. :clap


My plan for today is to get more of the peapod done, maybe even the rest of it. :hook Oh, and my walk.....gotta get that booty shakin as my Dr. said. :lol


What are ya'll up to today? :think

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Plaid Kitty, I really like your blocks. Such great colors!!

So last night I got diverted by the fact that I could not find the cord to my camera and the devil dog conversation, but tonight I am all business. Now that my cat was kind enough to bring my cord back.

I did block 15, afghan square (which had a very long description!) in what I think you call book 1 (or 555).




Ok, too funny, I just typed a long, ranting message about how this book is on crazy pills when I realized that there are 2, count them TWO rounds of "finishing" and last night I was trying to skip to where it said "Rose and Green squares only" and I was throwing the book down saying: WHAT sc? There are NO sc!! Well, there would have been if I did round 1 first. I love the anonimity of the internet! I feel dopish now!:P

Ok, so I'll log off now. Try to fix my book's binding and go put round one on this block....(saunters away....)


Beautiful square!! :clap

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Good morning, Tabby!

We have another beautiful, sunny day here - before the deluge headed our way! Yesterday I had a line up of my feathered friends at the birdbath I had just set up. It started with a young, beautiful cardinal who took a drink and looked directly into my kitchen window where I stood looking at him. He was closely followed by robins. When they take a bath they get relaly wet and get what I call the mad bird look, feathers all over the place, standing up in spikes! It's great entertainment.


I have some errands to run this morning and hope to get Sparkie out for another walk, too - my body is as in bad a shape as his is. I ache from yesterday's walk! But need to do it.

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Morning Judy. I love watching the spring animals. The guy that lives in the basement apartment here feeds the birds so we have tons of them around when it is nice. I love the cardinals and blue jays, although I have not seen a blue jay yet. I did see a big fluffy racoon, he was cute too. :yes


Don't over do it on your walk with Sparkie. Have a great day. :manyheart

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Good morning everyone. I managed to finish square two for this weeks challenge last night. One more to go before Friday. Not sure if I'll make it, since I have a lot going on this week. I'd have had all the squares done, if I hadn't frogged two starts, because I didn't like them.


Babypoohsmom, your purple square looks good, very pretty color.


and... why is it that I get hungry every time I read this thread?????

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Morning Judy. I love watching the spring animals. The guy that lives in the basement apartment here feeds the birds so we have tons of them around when it is nice. I love the cardinals and blue jays, although I have not seen a blue jay yet. I did see a big fluffy racoon, he was cute too. :yes


Don't over do it on your walk with Sparkie. Have a great day. :manyheart

We have lots of furry critters, too...our yard may be small but it;s very busy!


I'm not sure if I KNOW how to not overdo:lol:lol:lol


You have a good one, too, hon.

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