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2010 Weight Loss CAL


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I'm still here too. I have done very badly and am really trying to get back into it. I started on Monday and will weigh in on Mondays. I'm counting calories, exercising daily and drinking my water. I want to lose 30. Wish me luck!




Okay so I was talking to the dietitian at work who has mainly been working with 400+ pound people. Of course we were talking about dieting/weight loss. She stated that I need to get in the mind-set that I will not 'lose' weight, I am making a lifestyle change. If I make up my mind to 'lose' something then I will try to find it later. The mind is a crazy thing.

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Well I'm trying to work exercising back into my routine slowly. I'm trying not to hurt my foot again. I've had great success using the Dance Dance Revolution games (PS2) to help me exercise only it hurts my foot since you are supposed to use it barefooted, which means no support. I had stopped using it to let my foot heal, then a couple weeks ago, I tried it for about 15 minutes and slower too, but my foot hurt again for a whole week.


Someone suggested buying a metal dance pad, which I didn't know you could do, and use it with shoes. But they are expensive. Another person suggested using slippers with added gel soul inserts. So I bought a moccasins kit at Michael's, which has padding, plus I added the gel inserts. I just tried the game for about 8 min. with my new moccasins, so far so good. I'll wait a while and if the foot is still okay, I'll do another set.


I love those games so much, it makes exercising fun. If the moccasins don't work, I'll have to break down and get the metal pad. Exercise is so important and those games let me workout indoors all year round.

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Weekly Check-in!


How's everyone doing this week? I lost 10 lbs. this first week :yay, so I'm now prepared to have to scratch and scrape for every 1/4 of a lb. hereafter.


The padded moccasins seems to be helping with my exercising, only time will tell.

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Congratulations, Tia. I don't weigh in until Monday, but I did get a sneak peek at the hospital yesterday.:D Been having health problems, but I'm still sticking with this. I haven't cheated once all week and believe it or not, haven't even had the urge to.:)

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Good morning, friends. This has not been a good week so far. Oh, well, today is another day. I just have to get back with it.


Congratulations, Tia. :clap :clap :clap

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Congratulations, Tia. I don't weigh in until Monday, but I did get a sneak peek at the hospital yesterday.:D Been having health problems, but I'm still sticking with this. I haven't cheated once all week and believe it or not, haven't even had the urge to.:)


Check-in doesn't mean weigh-in, it's just a time for us to share how our week is going in all aspects of life....work, home, exercise, etc. It's important because it helps keep us accountable and is great emotional support.


Hope you feel better...:hug

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Teresa - WOW! 10 lbs in one week??!! That's amazing!


Let's see....I forgot to weigh this morning, so I'm thinking I'll weigh tomorrow morning....


As far as my exercise goes, it's pretty non-existant. I've hurt my right knee again, and I'm afraid to get on the exercise bike. I should probably go do some upper body exercises, but I have ulnar nerve damage in my arms and I'm not sure what I'm allowed to do yet. I have a Dr's appointment for that at the end of the month. The Dr who did the nerve test recommended surgery, but I just can't swing that right now....so I'm hoping I can get some alternative treatment suggestions from the Dr I see at the end of the month.


Anyway - I'm trying to make good eating choices, get enough rest, and generally be AWARE until I get approval to do something other than that. As somebody so graciously pointed out to me once - "if it doesn't pass your lips, it can't go to your hips." :P

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Tia :cheer whoo-hoo!! Those padded moccasins really work!! I'm glad you're having fun too!


happy stitcher...:hug sorry about your knee, ouch! can they give your a referral to a physical therapist so they can help you with what you should and shouldn't do??


tralee..I am happy for you to see good things!! I hope the doc will too


I weighed in @ 15.5 away from my first goal of half-way.....I am hoping to get it off before we go to Disneyland at the end of October!!! Dh and I are going for our birthdays and then visiting family. I am so excited, I have never ever been.


So I am a little discouraged, peanuts had way more carbs then I expected and the spicy tuna had carbs and wheat in it. Wheat? Really? I was shocked, wheat in tuna. I messed up there, I thought tuna had no carbs...plain tuna has no carbs. Live and learn I suppose.


We did go to breakfast, I was dreading it so much. But I asked for veggie omelet, no hash-browns and no toast (do you realize how hard that was?) anyway without skipping a beat she asked if I wanted tomato and cottage cheese instead. :think Then dh ordered pizza for lunch and there was a McD's next door, I tried the grilled chicken caesar salad. It wasn't horrible, I think double meat if I go there again.


onward and upward to a better and brighter week....

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Way to go, Susan. It's so hard when others are eating what you want and you are trying to be good. More and more restaurants are getting the message and having alternatives that aren't half bad for you. But it does take getting used to. :D

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happy stitcher...:hug sorry about your knee, ouch! can they give your a referral to a physical therapist so they can help you with what you should and shouldn't do??....


It's a torn meniscus again. Third time on that knee, so there isn't much meniscus left. I know what I can do, I'm just not ready to do it. I haven't finished paying for the last two knee surgeries. :P


I weighed yesterday morning, and I'm the exact same weight I was on Aug 1. So I guess that's better than gaining, right? ;) But it's not what I had in mind, so I need to do better.

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It's a torn meniscus again. Third time on that knee, so there isn't much meniscus left. I know what I can do, I'm just not ready to do it. I haven't finished paying for the last two knee surgeries. :P


I weighed yesterday morning, and I'm the exact same weight I was on Aug 1. So I guess that's better than gaining, right? ;) But it's not what I had in mind, so I need to do better.

Congratulations on not gaining. That's a lot better than gaining. Sorry about your knee. That doesn't sound like any fun at all. And sure puts a crimp in your exercise plans. :hug

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I'm so excited! I just did my first weigh in since I started to get serious last Monday. I am down 4.8 pounds!:cheer That is the most that I have ever dropped in one week. I'm off to exercise! Have a great day everyone!

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I'm so excited! I just did my first weigh in since I started to get serious last Monday. I am down 4.8 pounds!:cheer That is the most that I have ever dropped in one week. I'm off to exercise! Have a great day everyone!

:clap:clap Congratulations! You're off to a great start! :clap:clap

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happy stitcher.....yikes! Keep well! With all that trouble with your knees, you are not a professional football player are you?


trallee....fantastic!!! what a fabulous start!!!


I weighed in this AM at 182! Holy Cow!! I so couldn't believe it, 10 pounds!!

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Yay tralee and smith! Congrats on the weight loss! :cheer:yay


Does anybody have trouble every weekend? Dh is off Sun & Mon (usually) so that's my weekend and I have a hard time. I tend to not exercise and I eat more because he's home or we're out and about.


Tom has caused a 5 lb. gain :eek. Usually it causes a 2 lb. gain. Hopefully some of it is just salty foods because I've been keeping my calorie intake to less than 2000, more like 1400-1600 with a few days a little higher than that to keep my body from going into starvation mode, but always less than 2000. At my weight I burn 2300 cal a day just sitting around/light activity. So it doesn't make sense. :think

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we only have every third weekend off together and I work evenings and he works days.....not a big problem at my house.

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It's definitely harder to stay on track when DH is around. He's a bad influence! :lol


We're going out of town for a high school football game this weekend, and he's already picked out a Mexican food restaurant and a martini bar he wants us to visit. :P


Thanks for the support about my knees, everybody! :hug I'll get through it. I'm sure it would help to make them feel better if I could lose this extra weight I'm carrying around!

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I gained again this week. :( I think that proves that I have to write it down and count the calories to lose. Oh, well, back to doing what works.


Congratulations, Tralee and Smith. :clap :clap :clap


And yes, the weekends I have off are definitely harder to stay on track. And no one to blame but myself. :P

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It's Friday again! How is everyone doing? I'm about to go exercise, but just wanted to check in. I've been tracking my calories and exercising daily. That seems to be working for me right now.

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Weekly Check-In!


I've been struggling more this week than the last. I've been good at keep my calorie count. I've starting back to exercising slowly. But I haven't been in as good a mood since I gained a few lbs. while keep my calories low. I know it's probably tom, but even that has me worried as it's not my usual tom. I've made a dr.'s appt. about it. Ah, the joys of getting older. :blush Hope I don't need a hysterectomy or something.

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I'm back to counting calories, measuring portions, and keeping track of everything. It's a pain, but the only thing that seems to work. So I'm back to working on it.

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I'm back to counting calories, measuring portions, and keeping track of everything. It's a pain, but the only thing that seems to work. So I'm back to working on it.


Yes, as much as I hate to do it, I have to admit that it does indeed work. When I keep my calorie count lower and eat more produce and less carbs I feel so much better and sleep better too. Otherwise, I'm popping maalox every night before bed because of heartburn.

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