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THANK YOU VILLERS!!! sniff sniff

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WOW!!! That's all I can really think of to say!!! For the second time I've been gifted with a beautiful comfortghan. A comforting hug from my amazing friends here on the ville!! Everytime I use it, it will not only bring comfort but it will also serve as a reminder of the amazing people I have met here on the Ville!!! Gosh, if everyone in the world were half as nice as you all are this would be one AMAZING world.


THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I will always treasure this gift!! As soon as I'm done typing this and as soon as I get my horse fed and watered I'm gonna go cuddle up with it and my other comforting blankets (I've been freezing cold lately so it's nice to have lots of blankets to cuddle up with).


Thank you Collee for putting this ghan together and sending it and thank you to everyone who helped with it!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! LOVE IT!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!


Also,THANK YOU TAMMY for the sweet little Scissor tip cover. Maybe now my projects will be safe and my bags will not get holes in them!!






A little update: Looks like my dad and I are gonna be alone here for a VERY long time. My dad doesn't think my mom will ever be back. He does think my sisters might be back though. I hope so. I really miss them. I'm having a hard time missing my mom though. I still don't get why she did what she did. She wrote me a letter saying that someday I'll understand why she abandoned (not her word, my word for it) us but my question is "what's to understand?". What she did is wrong and hurtful to so many people. I hope someday she'll realize the mess she has made and is making. My dad really does care about her and is really hurt over the thing. She said that he doesn't provide well for her but from what I've seen, that's completely wrong. We have had problems with money in the past but my dad and God always got us through it. My dad always made sure all of us had everything we needed. It never got really bad. Just little bumps along the road. Yikers!!


Anyways, your prayers are always welcomed!! I'm still having a hard time dealing with this. I totally lost my get up and go and my nerves get the best of me sometimes. I am doing better than when I first heard the news though.

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So glad you liked the afghan. It was really interesting to see all the different bright colors. They were to bright your day and remind you, that youa re not alone.

Hang in there. Some people never have enough and are never satisfied with what they can have.

The hardest thing will be to let go of the hurt feelings and betrayl, but when you do, it will be a lot easier for you.

Keep warm, you have lots of hugs to help you.:hug

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Jewels hopefully you know how I feel if not you should. I'm glad you find comfort in this gift.


MissColee thank you again for assembling this for all of us. You are a doll for doing it for us. :hug

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Oh Julee, I'm soooo sorry this has happened to your family..It really stinks..Praying for everyone in your family..May you get the strenghth you need one day at a time..Some people just can only handle rough living for a time..Please understand I'm NOT in any way excusing anyone..I've seen it throughout the years in my family and with friends..My hubby is in construction,he's almost 37 and he's applying for the 1st time ever outside the construction industry..He gets sooo upset it physically affects him..I pray it will get a bit easier with time..Take care sweet girl...

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I missed your story too, Julee, but your update gives the gist of the rough waters you find yourself in and the pain that it's causing you. Positive and healing vibes are heading your way, along with prayers that everything sorts itself out soon. Remember to breathe, kiddo, and I'll remember to keep you in my prayers. :hug


Take care and remember how much we care...


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Thanks Everybody for your prayers and everything!!


Part of my moms problem are the friends she has chosen. One of them played a big part in her getting over there and at one time in my life almost turned me against my dad. I've always been a pretty deep thinker and analyze things pretty heavily and realized just how wrong I was and how good I had it.


I think I've been handling things ok recently. Just have had a few hard times but honestly, I'm doing much better then I ever thought I would. Bitterness is not a huge part of the way I feel. But the feeling of being betrayed is and that's what is making it so hard when it comes to my mom. I don't want to be betrayed/abandoned again (who would?) but at the same time I don't want to treat my mom like she treated me or ignore her because she is my mom and always will be.


Anywho, after the way things have been going lately I've actually been pretty chipper lately. I know you all have been a big part of that!!!


Thanks so much everybody!!



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I think you're right but we're still not completely sure what they all are. But I think we're slowly figuring it out. Me and my dad talk ALOT and he tells me everything that is going on (if he didn't tell me I'd figure out. I'm just a wee bit of a detective sometimes. Can't help it).



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Julee, I'm so sorry to hear what you've been going through. It sounds like you've got a very healthy outlook on things, though. I can totally understand that you don't want to be abandoned, like you said, who would? But try to look at it this way - you cannot change what your mom has done, and if you get all upset and fall apart over it, it's only going to make you sick and make things even rougher on your dad, it's not going to change your mom's part in it. So taking things one day at a time and trying to maintain a positive outlook is the best way to approach the situation. It's more helpful to your dad, as well, because he's not only dealing with his own situation, I'm sure he's worried sick about how you must feel. Hang in there, kiddo. You've got a TON of friends here at the 'Ville who are all on your side. You are a kind, talented young woman, and there is a world of good stuff waiting for you. This is but a bump in the road, and better days are coming. Hugs to ya.

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((((Julee))))) Somehow I missed all of this in the flow of what's going on here (not bad~just busy!), and I am so sorry. All my love to your family! I have a lot of thoughts that I'll just keep to myself... Let me just say that my Mom did about the same when I was 4, and especially as a mama now I will NEVER understand how a Mother could do that. I know for a fact that through it all my darling is doing what what he does and making decisions truly out of his love for us, even when they happen to to astray. I'm so glad that you and your Dad seem to have such a strong relationship and am delighted by your faith! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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