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Prayer Shawls

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I am hoping some one here can advise me. A good friend has recently lost her young daughter (early 20s) to melanoma. It is hard for me to imagine her grief, and my heart goes out to her and her family at this difficult time.


I was wondering if a prayer shawl was appropriate and if so, what characterises a prayer shawl? Are they a particular colour, yarn or style etc? She has a strong anglican faith and I dont want to offend her. They (prayer shawls) are not a big thing down here, and I am after guidance.


Many Thanks Susan

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Thank you so much Heather. WHat an informative link with some beautiful prayers. They brought a tear to my eye.

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I think a prayer shawl is a beautiful gesture.


I was looking to start making some for the local hospital. I found a booklet at Michael's called "Let's Wrap" by RedHeart Company.


It has six designs in it for both knitting and crochet. I plan on making the one on the cover (gray one) because it looks very comfortable and easy to make.


I'm sure if you prayed along while you stitched, every shawl can be considered a prayer shawl. And it's like getting a hug from a friend when the person wraps the shawl or wrap around themselves.


Good luck making a beautiful shawl. Your efforts will be rewarded.



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A prayer shawl can be any style and any pattern--any yarn you choose. I think it is a very comforting and thoughtful gesture. Not associated with any particular religion or denomination, just that you prayed for this person and their needs as you made it.

I received a beautiful knitted prayer shawl from a friend I had not seen in many years. It has been 6 months since my daughter (who was 20) died and a few weeks ago the shawl came and I can't tell you how much it meant to me. It is so hard to live with the reality of losing a child and the prayer shawl was a quiet way to offer me support.

I know there are many poems and things to go with prayer shawls also but I appreciated her handwritten note that said she was thinking of and praying for me. I felt that it was a gift from her heart to mine and was very appropriate.

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Thank you all for your assistance. I have this about half completed and it is looking quite pretty. I found some little charms at the craft shop and was thinking about attaching these to the fringe. They are little crosses, hearts and love. Do you think this would work?

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Thank you all for your assistance. I have this about half completed and it is looking quite pretty. I found some little charms at the craft shop and was thinking about attaching these to the fringe. They are little crosses, hearts and love. Do you think this would work?

I think that would be lovely! I guess you will just have to experiement with them a bit. please be sure to post a picture when you are finished...I am interested in seeing how the charms look.

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A prayer Shawl is very appropriate.


Prayershawlministry.com is the original site, it has lots of patterns and info.


What makes a prayer shawl a Prayer shawl, is the intent with which it is made.


As you work, you think of and pray for your friend. When you give her the shawl tell her that it was made as a 'hug'.


Many on this board participate in "Comfortghans" which are another type of "prayer shawl". It is all about the intent.

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I think a prayer shawl is a wonderful gesture for your friend. It seems like everyone is there for support initially but after the funeral everyone goes back to their routines and you still feel so devastated. I think the shawl will let her know you still have her in your thoughts.

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I am now about 3/4 through and will post a picture when I have finished. Thank you all for your encouragement.

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I've made several prayer shawls. They have always been appreciated. I've used different patterns, I've made triangles and the rectangle type. I know that she will appreciate it and she will know it was made with love.


I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of it.

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I finished it today and will take a photo. Thank you for all the lovely messages and suggestions.

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