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Jack, 80 year old crocheter

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Oh, thank you for sharing this! And, I didn't realize Red Heart had a newletter. Guess I need to sign up for another one :lol

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I hope it's okay to post this.


I received the Red Heart newsletter and it linked to this article about Jack Checkley, who crochets and does other crafts. Great article. I love that his dad tuaght him these skills.




Yes, it's okay to post a link to something like this. I'm going to have to take time to read the whole article. Thanks for sharing it (by posting the link and not the article itself)! :)


However, just as a general reminder to everyone, if a member is not sure whether something is okay to post, it's best to send me a PM and ask first so we can avoid potential problems and hurt feelings. If this had been something different and my answer had been this wasn't okay to post, then the following might have happened after I removed the thread:


1) The original poster might be hurt or embarrassed that the post was removed and possibly upset with me.


2) The people who enjoyed the post and didn't want it to be removed would be upset with me.


3) The people who posted in the thread might be embarrassed that they had responded, and then get upset with me.


I'd really rather not run the risk of potentially having all those people upset with me. :( But even more important to me, I'd rather not have to hurt, embarrass, or upset anyone else by removing a thread members were enjoying (even thought it might not be okay with our guidelines).


So if you're ever not sure about whether something is okay to post, just PM me first. Then we can avoid any problems if I can't allow the thread to be posted. If I can allow the thread to be posted, we can all just enjoy the thread. And I won't have to post any pesky reminders that probably just annoy and irritate a lot of people! :lol

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Wow just read the article hats off to Jack for helping charity and I'm so glad that his dad it goes to show that crochet and needlepoint in general is for all young and old :yay:cheer:clap

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I really enjoyed reading about him. I especially enjoyed learning it was his dad who taught him how to crochet and some other needlework crafts also. Not only to pass time in the evening but so he could make things to use around the house that he made and didn't need to go to a store and buy. Way to go. :tup

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