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Cotton Bath puff


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I've just spent hours on this bath puff. It was tiring because it was, at times, quite difficult to work the stitches in. And I'm a bit dismayed at the size. But I'll withhold judgement until I use it. It's actually quite purple (cottontots purple), by the way.









This isn't the pattern I used, but I was wondering if anyone has made this Super-Sized bath puff at http://cccpatterns.blogspot.com/2005/06/super-sized-bath-puff.html? How did it work out?

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i think your bath puff is very nice. i especially love how big it is. nothing worse than having something to small especially when my body isn't:lol :lol :lol :lol great job, hugs

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I just want to let you know that working the puff to write the pattern was very time consuming. It's a large puff (2 balls of Peaches & Creme) and has a lot of loops to work into. I found it difficult to work some of the stitches in as I was getting near the end~~I had to hold some of the worked stitches aside to find the unworked loops.


It ends up about the size of a grapefruit and very dense.

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Well, the body wash didn't lather well with it, and I think it cotton is going to take a very looooong time to dry, which might make for some ickiness later. Anyone made one out of anything other than cotton?


Cat, how does yours lather up?

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