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so mad at my dog

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I have a 40lb standard poodle. She is a very beautiful, lovable, playful, and mischievous dog. I was using my favorite crochet black purse the other day. My son had put a piece of candy in the pocket. I put the purse on the table and before I knew it my poodle had the purse lining ripped open to get the one piece of candy. I can't use my favorite purse now!!!!!:angry:eek:yell The only good thing is that she didn't rip the crochet part. I just need to go to Joanns and get more fabric so I can line it again, but I am still mad at her. I made her sit in her kennel and she didn't get her puppy treat. I know I will forgive her, but she should know better. I know you all would understand. Have a good day all!

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That would make me cranky too. Lucky she didn't rip the actual crochet!How long does she have time out? :)


She was in the kennel for about an hour. It was long enough for me to clam down and put the purse someplace where I wouldn't be reminded of what she did. I let her out, let her run in the yard and curled up with her on the sofa. I am still upset, but one look in those big brown puppy dog eyes of hers I couldn't resist. I will just have to be more careful from now on.

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That would make me cranky too. Lucky she didn't rip the actual crochet!How long does she have time out? :)


She was in the kennel for about an hour. It was long enough for me to clam down and put the purse someplace where I wouldn't be reminded of what she did. I let her out, let her run in the yard and curled up with her on the sofa. I am still upset, but one look in those big brown puppy dog eyes of hers I couldn't resist. I will just have to be more careful from now on.

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I made myself a pair of crocheted flip flops once ( Old Town Flip Flops). I wore them to death during the warmer months, then a couple of weeks ago I found our pug chewing on one of them. :2nono I have never known him to chew on shoes, but you'd better believe I've been more careful about where I leave my pricier shoes laying around now.

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Not her fault you left it where she can get it. That is what I tell my husband every time my puppy gets something. lol

Knowing full well it was my fault for not keeping an eye on him or in a crate when I can't.

Fortunately dogs can be trained and not do that anymore. (I have 7 dogs and one puppy. The puppy is in training.)

People are so shocked to see I can leave my front door wide open and not one of my dogs well go out it without permission.

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I'm sorry about your lining! I'm glad she didn't tear the crochet! Dogs love things like that! Since yours is so interested in sweets, keep an eye on your packages - lots of things contain xylitol now, and even one piece of candy or gum with xylitol in it can kill a dog. I don't buy Orbit for the kids anymore because I found a package on the floor one day.

Here's a link about xylitol: http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/xylitol.asp

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I'm sorry that happened. :hug But I'm glad it wasn't the crochet that was ripped. It's easier to replace lining than repair stitches. I'm sure your pup was sorry too when she realized that she did a *no-no*. Our Jackie used to chew on things a lot & even ruined a few things before she learned.


Provide plenty of chewy raw hides or long lasting chew bones or rubber toys. at least while you're teaching her to leave your things alone.


Since you have a crate, even better. Put her in it if you're gone out so she doesn't tear up shoes or other things. Some dogs are hard to break of chewing, some will grow out of it after "puppyhood", so good luck to you. Hopefully she has learned her lesson about bags!

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I have to agree with slowcrocheter. We have many dogs. We breed labrador Retrievers. When we have a litter, we always tell, the new owners particularly children & teenagers, "Put your stuff away...High!!". My labs have done more than their share to remind me "I didn't put it high enough". Happily they have outgrown their chewing stages. The Poodle was originally used as a gundog & retriever of waterfowl way back when. Maybe that little tiny instinct came out for the moment. She went looking to retrieve that piece of candy. Glad you can replace the lining. I too would have been heartbroken if she ate the purse also. It was probably the candy in the pocket that she smelled and wanted it.

It was probably a one time thing.

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Everyone had good advice on teaching puppies not to chew. The dog that ruined my purse is 6yrs old well beyond puppy years and knows better. She is usually well behaved, so I am sure it was an isolated event, however it will not keep me from paying closer attention. I am no stranger to how dogs behave either. I have had poodles my whole life and even though they make me upset at times I wouldn't trade them for anything.:) I can fix the purse I just need to get the fabric to do so. I made it once, I can do it again. Thanks all for the comments.

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If it was a piece of chocolate I can relate might have ripped a few linings myself for one :)


my 5 pd'er dog sneeks nicely wound skeins and turns them into as some call yarn barf the yarn is perfect not chewed nor wet just in a pool I really don't know what goes on there she is pretty stealth lol she doesn't do it all the time maybe every few months

maybe she thinks she is crocheting little blankets for the homeless at animal shelter lol

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