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Pattern Copies??

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Hi everyone! A question that has been bothering me since reading several comments on it is about making copies of patterns.

As you know, I am living in Europe. I own many patterns both here in Belgium and back in my stash in the US which I have not bought over to Europe with me. Many that I did not bring it is because I only wanted one pattern out of a whole book, so I made a copy of the specific pattern and left the book there (my luggage was a lot lighter for it). I occasionally have my mum do the same thing and mail it over to me to use when I decide that I need a pattern I left in the US.

Am I violating a copyright by making copies of patterns I've purchased for personal use?? :think I do not distribute these copies to anyone (and no one is using the ones left in the US since my mum is a knitter and not a crocheter), so I don't think so, but I thought that I would check!

Thanks!! :hug

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I don't know the legalities for sure, but IMHO, ethically, that is fine. I think legally it is fine too, just not 100% positive.


You paid for right to use the pattern and if you are the only one using the copies, the designer isn't loosing out on anything by the copies you made. I know if I have a recipe I use a lot from a cookbook, I'll make a copy of it and put it in a binder so I don't get the book all messy. With a pattern, it's logical to take a copy with you in your project bag. Or make notes, mark off rows etc without messing up the original.


Hope that helps (and hope I'm correct!!!)



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No you are not violating the copyright laws when you copy them for your own use. Just for the reasons you have stated. I like to copy a pattern I am using so I can make notes of how many rows I have done, ect, and not ruin my original copy. Also packing around a sheet of paper is definately easier than a book.

It is quite permissable to do that as long as that is all you do. You are safe in the manner you are using your patterns and I would not be concerned if I were you.

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Since you have purchased the pattern & the copy is for your personal use, you are fine.

I have had to copy some old thread patterns so I could enlarge the print (Grandma must have had excellent eye sight, lol)


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Thanks everyone for the input! I'll feel much better now and be able to sleep without fear that the copyright men are going to come and take me away :) Then again if they were single and cute that might be a good thing!! LOL :lol

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I always copy my patterns from my books, when I am ready to make the item. I do not want to bang up my books. Also then I can fold the pattern and stick it in whatever tote I am using.

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I make a copy or two of my working pattern too. One is to work from, marking my rows etc as I go. Also to make notes of any change or corrections needed, then on the next copy the corrections are written in and inserted in the book, pattern, etc. so I remember what I did.



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Most copyrights allow for two "backup" copies. As long as you are not sharing those copies then you are good to go.


When in doubt, you can always ask the publisher.

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I'm another person that makes working copies most of the time. That way I can X off each row as I've done them. MUCHO easier and it goes in the trash when I'm done!



Huggers! :hook

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Nope, no problems with the copies as it's personal use. In fact, if you sold the book and kept the copies, you can do that also as the copies were made under personal use while you owned the book. However, you cannot sell those copies.


I keep copies of every pattern I've ever finished (any needlecraft) primarily for repairing later or the off-chance that I want to make it again. If I sold the book/pattern, I could still make them from my copies legally.


Now, as far as sharing a copy with a neighbor/friend so that I don't have to lend out my book to get wrecked? If I still OWN the book, technically, that is still personal use, but I think this is a gray area (similar to lending someone a book). She cannot make copies as she is not the owner of the book nor is she a library. I have never had this come up because I personally don't know anybody who crochets or knits anything that I do.

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You can also make a copy from a book if you check the book out at the library.


I do this, but after I copy the pattern from a library book, I have sheet protectors in my crochet binder that I have cataloged as to what the pattern is: ie; doiles, afghans, etc;....it really helps keep things organized for me. Drives my dh batty but it helps. I need another binder soon:lol


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