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Making Your Own Patterns?

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I've seen a lot of people on this site posting their own original pattern. That got me wondering, how do you do it? How do you get the image in your head into yarn? I remember trying to crochet a mini horse, making up my own pattern. It...didn't turn out too well... :embar

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I make my own patterns. Many take trial & error. Some take more error than others!:eek If you know how to shape using increases & decreases, then it will come easier. Be sure to write down everything. I like using my PC. I can delete & re-write without having scribbles on my paper!:compute


Be willing to frog...rip-it, rip-it! pay attention to where you frogged. Then delete or cross off that part. :hook

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I make my own patterns. Many take trial & error. Some take more error than others!:eek If you know how to shape using increases & decreases, then it will come easier. Be sure to write down everything. I like using my PC. I can delete & re-write without having scribbles on my paper!:compute


Be willing to frog...rip-it, rip-it! pay attention to where you frogged. Then delete or cross off that part. :hook



Ditto but with a lot more froging :lol


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A lot of times, what I do is to take an existing pattern and modify it for my own use. It's not exactly "original," but it's different. For instance, a lot of sweater patterns are too short for me, so I elongate them. Also, sometimes I'll take a pattern and use a different stitch pattern for it, or I'll use stripes if I don't have the $$$ to go out and buy more yarn.

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I never actually thought about it! I just let the yarn tell me what it wants to be, and start playing with it. I've probably written tons of patterns that way. I've never published any-the upcoming baby dress will be the first. (If I ever figure out the end of it....) Many times, I will play with stitch combinations until I like what I see. If I don't like it, the whole thing comes apart. It doesn't matter how large it is, either. If I'm designing, and I don't like it, nobody else will either.


I think the key to good designing is to learn as many stitches as you can, and get good at them. Even if they are not your favorites. Worked in conjunction with another stitch, you may hit on a combination you really love.


Another thing I think is really important is to truly enjoy the whole process. Even the writing it all down part. You never know what you might learn while you're working!


(remind me that I said that next week, when I am writing out this dress pattern..........lol)

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I usually create an image in my mind and then I figure out what crochet techniques will make that happen. I do think trying/learning a vast array of stitches and techniques makes it easier to draw on that well when you need it.

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I haven't written down many patterns but I do it a little like darski. I envision it & then play around with stitches to try to duplicate what I saw in my mind. Right now I am stubbornly trying to duplicate one of those visions & it's not working yet! But if I keep at it I'm sure it will come. Just don't give up until it is the way you want it.


Designers seem to do the writing part in varied ways, some writing as they go & others reconstructing & writing it down afterward. I have to write it down because I have poor memory. I'll forget how many of this stitch or how many of that stitch I did 5 rows ago LOL

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I normally do a rough sketch of what I envision. Believe me it is rough, Just the basic concept. Then I start crocheting, Frogging and redoing until it meets with my approval. If I don't like it, you will never see it. I try and write as I work if I am near my computer. Otherwise I keep notes on what I have done and write it up as soon as I can.

It is different for every designer. We all work in a manner that is comfortable for us. Just be aware there is a ton of frogging in designing.

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