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Ball winder and swift

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I just got back from the LYS (which I hate):angry. My cousin wanted a ball winder and I knew my DH got ours from that store. We got there and the lady behind the counter refused to sell us one without the swift. I said she doesn't need a swift, just the winder. The lady says well you can't use a winder without a swift and proceeded to show us how a swift and ball winder worked. Of course she was using a shank of yarn from the store.


My cousin just wanted one to wind her skeins of yarn that she buys from Wal Mart, JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby, so she told the lady that. I thought that the lady was going to have a heart attack, the look on her face was unbelievable. Then the question came out of her mouth. What are you knitting? My cousin says very nicely, I am sorry but I crochet. You would have thought we were lepers, the lady turned and said well I can't help you here. I then asked for the manager or owner, neither was there at the time. I said thank you, and we turned and walked out and come back here to my house and ordered it online and saved $10.00.


My question to you all is do I go back and talk to the manager who will be there later today or do I let it go? When my husband bought our winder, they asked him if he needed a swift, he said no and they let him just buy the winder. I have no clue if there has been a change in selling policies or not. But after this latest incident, I will never set foot in that store again. :rant:rant:yell

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i would definately tell the manager. that is INSANE!!!! i've had my ball winder for a few years now and have never used a swift. it works just fine without one. if i do get a hank, i have my husband hold it like they did in the "old days".


again, i would DEFINATELY go back and tell the manager.

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By all means, tell the manager/owner. That was rude and out of line for a salesperson to act that way. She cost the store money by losing a sale and future sales. Be sure to be calm when you talk with her. Let her know that she lost a sale (not sure how much a winder is but whatever the amount--it's lost money to her) and that she will not be getting any of your business because of the sales clerk's attitude and behavior. Hopefully the manager/owner will have a better attitude but if not, tell her you and your money will be spent other places.:crocheting

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It mystifies my mind why a salesperson would refuse to sell something that is for sale in their store. IF they came in the same box, with a double price---I can understand not splitting an item up---that would be like buying one can out of 6 pack of soda.


We don't have a LYS here but from all the horror stories I've read about crocheters experiences with them, I think I am happy to shop at Hobby Lobby or WM for my yarn.


I really never got it, that some knitters dislike crocheters. It's yarn, it's different kinds of "sticks" turning yarn into something. It's the paintbrush & yarn is the canvas. Paintbrush is a paintbrush no matter what shape it is, or where you got it. It is the art that matters, what you do with it. I love my crochet, but seriously, yarn is not a grenade. It won't explode in the wrong hands lol. I read some of these stories about LYS employees & usually think that this shop person has mental issues.


I would def report this incident to the owner/manager.

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I dunno but I'd let it go except to tell the manager they lost a sale and 2 customers. You purchased the ball winder online so let them know that their pushy sales tactics didn't work. I recently realized that the LYS by me has a sticker on their door that reads "Crochet Friendly Shop". I'm glad about that but it ticks me off that they even have to have a sticker that says that. They should all be crochet friendly.

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I'd send a very diplomatic letter to the store owner. That way I could make sure I worded in in a way that was acceptable, not the frustrated rant I'd want to shout...Also with a letter I would not have to go back into the store.

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I would look them up on the computer and sent the home office a letter You should have got the sales clerks name and report her to

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I would definately talk to the manager! If you don't she may do it to other customers. I see no reason why you couldnt just buy a ball winder without the swift. I would talk to the manager, tell the manager that not only was she rude and snobbish after learning you were a crocheteer and not a knitter and because of thjat they lost a sale and that you brought your business elsewhere. I dont think he/she will like that! Unless of course they are snobbish towards crocheters too.

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Problem taken care of. Once my DH heard what happened, he was on the phone to the owner at once. She is his knitting teacher. She was very aplogetic and said she didn't know where the woman got the idea they went together. She did ask if the store was busy at the time and I said no, it was just the lady and another customer and they were talking and knitting. I was offered a $25.00 gift certificate, and the winder for $40.00 to which I said NO!!!!! I told her that we had ordered the winder on line and no amount of money would ever bring me into the store, and I would caution all my crocheting friends to be very wary of the store. If my DH wants to go in there that is fine, but not me.

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It's too bad that you had to go through this, with the economy the way it is, especially here in Michigan. I do a lot of shopping online now, with free shipping, and no hassles from sales people. After reading some of the posts from 'villers across the country, I can't see any response except to bring it to the attention of the owner/manager of the store. I would be nice, but definitly get my point accross about how I was treated. Sometimes the owners have no idea of what goes on, as the employees give a different face to the customers than they give to their employer!

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Unbelievable!!! Grrrr!!! You know, there is a website called knitmap.com where you can go and leave comments about your experiences at a yarn shop. It's pretty cool.


Just a reminder to anyone who may want to use that site: Crochetville doesn't encourage leaving rants about any LYS. Of course, there's no problem with leaving a calm, factual statement of your personal experience. I'm sure that's what all our members would do, anyway, right? :hook

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I left my rant here, I have no need to put it out on any other site. I trust the ladies here and I would never put the name or location of the store out there. Thanks for the comments.

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