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Good morning,


It was a busy day yesterday at work--and will be again today. There are some things that I have to do that are due end of week and I have no clue how to do them. So it will be trial and error I suppose. I didn't get to craft club- but I did enjoy some quiet time with DH watching our favorite show The Voice. So that was ok! Hoping to make it there next Monday-


Beth- Sorry to hear that 2 of your inventions are not feeling well. Positive thoughts that what ails them is over soon. How can they give you new students while you are in the office? I guess I'm missing something? Anyway, hope it is all sorted out quickly.

I finished the scarf for my co-worker- there are some mistakes- but I'm going to gift it anyway. I did take a pic but haven't uploaded it yet- and it's not the best shot (taken at night)


Beth- How exciting to have the time to organize your craft room---and get all your papers in binders! Good for you! I'm so very excited for you!


Marisa- Has the family left town?


Stacy- How's things with school and the volunteering? Any potential jobs? Are the girls getting excited for Halloween? I can't wait to go trick or treating with the boys! I took the day off work!


Off to get ready- Have a good day!

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Happy Hump Day!


LeeAnn- Kudos to you for finishing up lotions that I saw on FB..You are one busy beaver!


Beth- Hope the kiddos are starting to feel better--and that you and the rest of the family are feeling well. How's the gauntlets coming along?


Marisa- Are things getting back to 'normal' now that the wedding is over? Do you still have out of town guests?


Stacy- How's things in your neck of the woods? Or coast, I should say! 


Not much new to report here---Looking forward to a weekend off --and spending some time with my middle DD and youngest and the boys. Also have to get to some cleaning around here- and switching out some summer clothes for winter clothes.  (Guess I really do have to admit summer is over- and winter is on it's way) LOL

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Hump day!  I am looking forward to the weekend. 


My twins are both feeling better, but are coughing still.  It only seemed to be bad one day for each of them. 


Joanne, good luck figuring out the end-of-the-week things. It will be a lot easier from now on.  Hopefully, you will not be spending as much time at work as you were.


LeeAnn, congrats on another step closer to your grand opening.  I am so excited for you!  The lotions sound totally yummy! 


Marisa, Are things busy at work for you? 


Stacy, How is volunteering going?  Find any more scary spiders in your bedroom? 


I am a bit discouraged at school.  I am not good, and have never been good, at keeping a class quiet.  These kids are challenging, too.  My substitute was talking about how difficult my 8th grade class is.  I was told by the security officers yesterday that I am not sending them out of my room correctly.  Frankly, I am hoping to get them out as soon as possible.  They are that bad.  Now I need to direct them down a particular hallway because they are so loud when they leave that they disrupt other classes.  The security officers are talking about coming to our next class to talk to them about it. 

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Good afternoon!


Joanne, happy belated birthday to you!  All day long I kept thinking of popping in to post, and then would get sidetracked.  Sounds like you had a great day- and how sweet to receive a call from Ryan!  I love that he calls you "Mimi."  When I was little, my grandma wanted to be called Grannie, but I couldn't say it, and called her Nanny.  Needless to say, that is what all of the grandchildren ended up calling her.  :yes  How is your art-teacher dd doing?  Is she over her heartbreak, or is she still healing? 


Leeann, how very exciting that you are finished with the Migrant!  And can focus solely on your very own business.  :h5  What do the kiddos think of your new shop?  Glad to hear your ds is the social butterfly this year.  Such a change from last year, I'm sure!  How fun for your dd to be in drama club.  :yes


Beth, how are you getting new students when you are in the office?  It all sounds very unorganized to me, the way they are bouncing you back and forth from classrooms to office.  Sorry to hear your inventions are sick.  Hope they recover quickly!  As for the gifting question- yes, there would be sibling rivalry between two of my girls for something like that.  It really depends on the age range and toy preferences between the children.  Maybe one child is not really into dolls or dress-up, and that is why she suggested sending it anyway? 


Marisa, hope all is going well! 


Well, I started this yesterday.  :lol   I have midterms this week.  My Chicano Studies prof. added an extra chapter and two quizzes out of the blue, the day before the midterm.  Not a happy camper about that one. 

Dh and I talked last night and I think that I am going to fore-go the job search right now and focus on school. I need 5 more classes to finish my AA.  The law out here is that you can work with an AA, but must sign a contract that the BA will be completed within 3 more years.  I am hoping this means the girls don't need to stay after school, as Mia is really doing poorly.  She got 33% on her last math test.  The after-school coaches do not help with homework, which is ultimately what she needs.  She's doing extremely well in language arts, thank goodness.  The other girls are doing really well overall.

My niece is coming this weekend!  :yay   My kiddos don't know yet- they will be surprised!  Hmm, what else?  Isabella has a basketball game this weekend, and dh is leaving on Sunday to work in Northern CA for a few days.  He is covering for another manager who will be on vacation. 


I need to scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, I feel very disorganized at the school, myself.  I have students coming in with no notification whatsoever that they will be there.  I have to rush around, get them in the computer, show them how to use the system, while tutoring and monitoring the other students.  As far as them putting new students in my classroom while I wasn't there, well, I don't work for the school system.  I work for a contractor to the school system, and there was someone from my company in the room while I was off playing with data reports.  The school may not have known I wasn't there, actually.  Starting to think I am too menopausal to work with adolescents.  Someone stole the special pencils that I give out as incentives today.  I left then on my desk.  I guess I have to lock up everything.  Sigh.  Things are SO different from when I was that age.


Good luck with your decision to focus on school.  It sounds like you've been thinking about this a lot, and understand all the priorities.  I'm sure the girls will be thrilled to see their cousin this weekend.


LeeAnn, your store is beautiful.  I can't wait to see it all decorated.  I'll bet you feel a big time crunch, but it will be breathtaking!  I am happy for you!


Joanne, I hope your hump day was an easy day, and the end-of-the-week project you need to do is coming together better than you expected.


Marisa, How are the turtles?  How is business?  Do you have any fun plans for this weekend?

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HI all,


Beth- It sounds very disorganized to say the least. Kind of how my mind feels right now- being pulled in all directions with everything being a 'high priority'. I haven't even started what I have to get done by tomorrow because of all the things that happen in a day- and I've been working 10 hours day!  Today I have to start it--and I know it will be another long day since the production issues that have to be handled right away will still be there.  I am looking forward to the weekend and keep plugging away


LeeAnn- Love the pictures-- I am getting anxious to see it all stocked up--it's going to be amazing!!! WTG!!!


Stacy- I am happy for you that you have made a decision to stay focused on school. And it may just turn out to be a bonus for Mia that you'll be there to assist her with homework. I'm keeping you all in my thoughts.


Looked at the clock--didn't realize it was so late.....I guess that's because it's still so dark out! LOL


Gotta run----have a good day everyone!

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Good morning, all.  I think Joanne answered my unspoken question about why I can't get going in the mornings now:  It's still dark out!  Thanks, Joanne! 


I need to rush off.  Just wanted to wish everyone a great day!

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-you are so busy!  Is there any way that you can let the "Main Taco's" know that they are assigning too much to you?  I hope that you can at least catch your breath today.  hugs!


Beth-oh my!  It sure does sound a bit disorganized, I'm so sorry to hear that your pencils were stolen.  It's very sad, but in this day and age,...folks can not be trusted.  At the Migrant program, we left the paper cabinet open, 10 reams of copy paper were stolen as well as packaged of diapers, wipes, and gloves..seems like we had to keep everything under lock and key at all times.  How are your inventions feeling?


Stacy-you are one busy mommy!  Good luck on your midterms.  That is wonderful that you can not look for a job, being a parent and going to school is exhausting.


Marisa-miss you around here!


I have been working my tail feathers off..seems like my list is growing.  My sister called this morning and reminded me to just "breathe" and enjoy the process.  She is right, I am doing what I enjoy and just need to calm down.  With that said, I have been pouring lots and lots of tarts..and making more lotion.  I have tons to add to my etsy shop, that may not happen for awhile but it will eventually. 


My ds is still driving with his permit, I can't handle it..he's a great driver but my nerves are shot.  I make him so nervous which in turn makes me freak out..bless him.  He enjoys driving with the hubby. 


Off to shower, I did a bit of cleaning this morning in between wax pours.but best get cleaned up so that I can start on lotion and bubble bath.


hugs n extra squishes dear friends!

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Happy, Happy Saturday!!!


Beth- I hope DS is feeling better today---and that you and DH don't get sick as well!!! I'm looking forward to a day of cleaning (well not really looking forward to it, but it HAS to get done). Want to get that out of the way nice and early. Then off to see middle DD today and babysit tonight for the boys!


Stacy- Enjoy the weekend. I'll bet the girls are going to be thrilled to see their cousin!!!


LeeAnn- You sure have been BUSY! You are definitely like the energizer bunny and just keep going, going, going! It's almost here--the time of the grand opening!


Marisa- Thinking of you!


Time to get it in gear over her--so off to re-fill the coffee cup and dig in!

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Happy Saturday!


Joanne-so happy that you have the weekend off and get to relax with your gs.  How sweet!  Your dd sounds like she is adjusting so well.  I had a difficult time going from one to two..that was soo long ago. 


Beth-hope you haven't caught the bug.


I am back in the studio creating..I escaped yesterday to go get my nails done and to go set up the lotions and such that I had created.  I also cleaned the last bit of the shop, it is set up and awaiting product..woohoo!  Now I can totally focus on just adding.  It makes me feel tons better.  Everything will have a home. 


Created a batch of face cream last night, also worked on a few custom orders, I am up to 503 orders..woot woot!  Ok must hop off the clouds and package up orders so that I can start on Body Sprays.


hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, I am so excited for you.  I hope you'll have time to post pictures of the shop before you open.  Much success to you, dear Friend!


Joanne, enjoy your Saturday off from work!  Enjoy the time with your daughter and grandsons.  How is your middle DD enjoying teaching?


Stacy and Marisa, enjoy a good day. 


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Good evening, friends!


Leeann, you are such a busy bee- but I love that you love your new boss!  :rofl 


Joanne, hope you enjoyed the day with your dd's and gs! 


Marisa, how is your weekend?  Can't wait to hear about your fun adventures!


Beth, how's it going?  Are your inventions feeling better?


We have been busy; yesterday was especially hectic.  I helped in Eva's class until almost 10- they are balancing classes on Monday and the teacher asked if I would file all of the homework and projects for the kids who are going to a different room.  The teacher told me she is thrilled that Eva is staying in her room because she is finally adjusting.  :whew  That made me so relieved.  One of her friends is switching classes, but her BFF is coming to her class!  She is so excited. 

Mia came home VERY excited because she got a 4 (which is an A) on her MATH test!  :woo  I knew she could do it, she just needs the extra help.  :yes  After leaving the school, I had to go grocery shopping, came home to put it away and study for a midterm.  Eva forgot her book order which was due yesterday so I ran back to school, then home to take the midterm, then to pick up my new phone, pick up the girls, and head to a friend's house for a weenie roast.  The girls had so much fun, but by the time we got home at 8:30 I fell into bed.  :lol 

Tomorrow sometime I promised the girls we would look for Halloween costumes.  Eva is being Cinderella, and Isabella and Mia are going to be Dia de los Muertos skeletons.  Dh is leaving tomorrow evening for a business trip.  BIL will come by on Monday night to watch the girls so I can take my CD midterm.  My niece didn't come this weekend- supposedly she will be here the weekend after Halloween now.  Something tells me my SIL is going to back out of letting her come.  :no


Well, I better scoot.  I have been eating junk food all day and my tummy does not feel well.  Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, it sounds like you are busy, too.  I'm glad to hear that Eva is adjusting to school.  It should help to have her bff in her room with her.  I am proud of Mia for getting the 4 on her math test.  It is a shame that your niece didn't get to come.  What a relief that you didn't say anything to the girls about it.  Save them from the disappointment.  I hope you are feeling better today.  Good luck with your midterm.  My kids sign up for their next semester of classes next week already.  My daughter is swamped with school work, and the new Pokémon video game just came out, so she really doesn't want to do the work in the first place.  Will it be hard to find skeleton costumes?


Lee Ann, I am so excited for your opening.  How are you stocking the store: are you concentrating on some popular fragrances, or making many varieties of everything?  Enjoy the creating part of the process!


Marisa, Any plans for this weekend? 


Joanne, Did you get your R&R time?  How is your dd?  How are you?


I took two of my kids shoe shopping yesterday, and scored work boots for my oldest, and winter boots for my youngest for less than $40 each!  I feel like it was a great deal.  My son is kind of hard to fit, with his canoe-sized shoes. 

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Hi all,


I did have some R&R time yesterday- both boys have runny noses, but they were still in good spirits. I had fun with them. Robbie is sitting and crawling all over-


I switched out my clothes yesterday and have bags of clothes to go to Goodwill....Felt good to purge again. Also found a pair of new jeans from Gap with the tag on (totally forgot I had bought them). DD had mentioned she needed new jeans, so I brought them over and they fit her perfectly!  So they are now hers! :-)


Today we went out to breakfast, then to the mall so I could use my 40% off Birthday coupon from Vera Bradley. Got myself a new bag and then we went to LL Bean that just opened there. Didn't even know they had opened a store there- that shows you how often I go to the mall. (not often at all- :lol )  I scored a great denim skirt for 19.99 on sale- fits perfectly and I love it!!! Perfect to wear with boots!!


We're home now, and watching football (with again no vested interest in the teams, so it's relaxing football) I'm going to work on the border for son-in-law's afghan....hoping to get it done today!


Have a good day!

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I finished my son-in-law's afghan!!! Woo-hoo- 1 month to the day past his birthday! :lol Also attached a pic of the knitted scarf I made for my co-worker- He loved it- imperfections and all!



Not sure why the blanket color is not the same in the pics. The more 'true to life' colors are like the one in the 2nd picture.




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Joanne, congrats on the awesome projects!  Does it feel good to finish something?  I can't remember.  LOL.  How nice to find jeans for your daughter by cleaning out your closet.  That's like getting a prize.  I'm sure it's great to purge.  The shopping trip sounds like a great success.  Sounds like a really good weekend for you.


LeeAnn, love the pictures of your products.  The body sprays are just beautiful!


Stacy, I think your daughters picked out fantastic costumes.  Is there a reason you only have one scary one now?


Marisa, I hope things are going great for you.  Miss you!


I need to get moving.  I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet, and time to leave is looming.

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Good afternoon!


Joanne, your projects are beautiful!  I really love that scarf pattern.  :yes  Glad to hear R&R were still in good spirits, despite the runny noses.  Oh!  TJ's now sells Keurig cups.  I don't even know if you have one but for some reason they made me think of you.  LoL


Beth, I giggled at your son's canoe-sized shoes.  My dh wears a 13, which is difficult enough to find.  I feel for anyone who wears a larger size.


Marisa and Leeann, hope your week is off to a great start.  :hug


Let's see...I got a 90% on my chicano studies midterm.  :woo  Tonight is my CD midterm, and I've been kind of lax on studying.  But I think I'm pretty comfortable with the material.  We'll see how it goes.  Oh, and my English class officially started today, but I am waiting for my book to arrive.  Luckily the first class isn't until Sunday. 

Eva was so excited to go to school this morning!  The teacher even assigned her "bff" (I think it is so cute that it's what they call each other!) to be her partner for the breakfast in the classroom responsibilities.  I'm so glad that she is adjusting to school now. 

BIL is coming over tonight to watch the girls, so I need to run to the store for pizzas.  I'm hoping he can also kill the huge, scary spider that is on my ceiling, because I cannot find the can of Raid.  And I am NOT reaching up there myself! 

As for the costumes...we went to Wal-mart after dropping off dh last night, and the little two found costumes they absolutely "had to have." :lol   Isabella decided she didn't want to be the only one with a new costume, so she chose Scream.  This morning she said she was "worried" that I wouldn't have enough time to paint both of their faces before the parade at school.  I secretly think she wanted to get something at that exact moment, rather than wait another day to get the skeleton costume.  She is definitely my impulsive one. 


That's all from here.  My grocery list isn't going to write itself, so I must scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-your scarf and afghan is beautiful!  You do amazing work my friend!  I'm so proud of you knitting and crocheting.


Beth-how's your week going?  Busy I am sure.


Stacy-how cute that your dd's know exactly what they want.  My ds is like that but my daughter can go back and forth a zillion times.  This year she is going to be a "chocolate chip cookie"  I get to make her costume.


Marisa-whatcha up to?


The countdown has now begun and I am super busy!  I may not hop on here as much this week cuz I have tons to do...soaping here I come.  I am working on all of the novelty soaps..hugs n extra squishes my dear friends!

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Good luck, LeeAnn,  I am sure you are very busy.  We are cheering you on!  :cheer


Joanne, I hope your week is going well. Did you get the reports done that were due last week?


Stacy, Good luck with your midterms.  My kids are registering for classes this week.  I am so ready for a break. 


Marisa, I hope everything is going great for you.  I miss you!


I think I'm going to crochet and watch my hubby play some video games.  I found out yesterday that I am basically spending the rest of this week administering a standardized test to most of my students.  The heater is on in the room, but it is getting so warm in the afternoons that it is unbearably hot in there.  I am a REAL bear by the time my last class comes in.  Poor little 6th graders.

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Top of the morning!


Beth-hoping that you do not roast today!  that is terrible to have to work in overly hot/cold conditions.  Back in the days...lol when I was at the migrant, they do not have AC, I got sick from the heat..two summers in a row.  Hoping that you stay cool as a cucumber.


working on the finishing touches of the Pie soaps..something new.  Will post a pic to FB...back to work!


Have a wonderful day ladies!  Hugs n squishes~

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Good morning

I've got another cold so decided to stay home and rest. This is the second one within a little over a month. S many people at work have colds so I'm not surprised I picked up another one. I'm sure with all the long hours I've worked and the stress my immune system is not as good at fighting off the bugs. I was supposed to get my hair cut and colored tonight. It cancelled. I'll go next Wed night.


I hope that its not too hot in the classroom Beth. There is nothing worse. I'd much rather it be cold because you can always put on another layer.


LeeAnn. Can't wait to see the pies.


Stacy. I saw your post on fb about a 13 year old in your English class. Wow!!!


off to have some tea and get back under the blankets.

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