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Some good clean fun?!

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Good evening ladies!


Beth-your boss sure does sound amazing.  I bet you will do wonderfully.  Teenagers are difficult at times.  You can do this!  Your costumes for your sister's dogs sound soo cute!


Joanne-happy that you made it in to craft night, it's wonderful to get back to doing fun things.


Marisa-your weekend sounded wonderful and you finished a hooky project.  Awesome!


Stacy-yikes!  Our kiddos teach us so much even when we are trying to teach them.  Good luck my friend!  Spiders are scary.. :lol


I have been super busy again..I feel like I'm catching a cold again..goodness!  I know it's the stress and work..they have assigned me to the Toddler 1-2 classroom to work as the teacher because the teacher that we had in there quit on Friday....it's not necessarily a bad thing but exhausting.  The kiddos are super sweet and the other gals that are in the room are great but running after 10 toddlers all day is work.  :lol   I am counting down the days..only 13 more to go and then I can say adios!  Also received the order for 120 Chill Pill Soaps..thankfully I have 5 molds and can pour 30 soaps at a time..I am waiting for this next batch to set up and have shrink wrapped all 48 that are made..I had some in my stash..I'm hoping to have them in the mail by Saturday but if not Monday at the latest.   That is when I told my customer that they would be shipped out.


Going to go put warm clothes on..the weather has changed.  It was 32 F this morning..frost on our vehicles..not sure that I am ready for winter but it is coming.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Hi LeeAnn,  I can imagine chasing after toddlers is exhausting.  I'll trade you -- you can chase after the high school students!  LOL  I am so happy that you are doing something you love, and it will soon be your full-time job!  happy dance for you! 


Marisa, For someone without children, you seem to understand them very well.  I'll bet the two that get to hang out with you from time to time think you are wonderful. 


Stacy, I haven't heard about the pooches lately.  How is Miss Olive doing?  Is it possible that Mia is organizationally challenged?  Or does she think the assignments are stupid, and doesn't want to bother doing them?  (The first is my oldest son, the second is my daughter.)  If her teacher isn't opposed, I suggest a special notebook for homework that starts plain, but she can add one sticker or design when she turns in a completed assignment on time.  Have her write her assignments in the notebook, and have the teacher sign it every day, so you know what is due.  Then she can check them off as they are finished, and once they have been turned in, put another trophy on her notebook.


LeeAnn, so many chill pills!  What number are you up to for orders?  The toddlers do sound tiring, but what fun!  I think I would be happy to change places with you, my friend.  Chasing high schoolers is not nearly as rewarding.  LOL 


Joanne, I am so happy to hear you made it back to your craft club.  How is the blanket progressing?


Today is my last day at the Middle School again, for a while.  I think the lack of continuity would be bad for the kids. 

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Howdy ladies!


Beth-your poor middle-schoolers..that is tough, they need predictability too.  Sometimes I'm just not convinced that we have the students/children's best interest at heart.  Hoping that tomorrow goes exceptionally well.  I do enjoy working with the toddlers, high school scares me...kids can be so cruel and judgmental. 


Joanne, Marisa and Stacy-hope your hump day was extra spectacular!


Today was a good day, started off the day tired and finished exhausted.  The kiddos in the class are getting used to me which is soo nice.  I do enjoy spending the day with them and am going to miss them terribly when I am gone.  Other than that, nothing too exciting.  Still plugging away on the soapies..after tonight I will only have 44 more to make.  i think I can...I think I can.  Up to 486 orders..I'm almost there!


Thank you for the ideas on the fragrance.  i do have a Pumpkin Pie, what do you all think of that?


back to shrink wrapping, hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, I think pumpkin pie would be awesome for a fragrance in the fall.  of course, I would like it all of the year, but it's very seasonally appropriate.  Congrats on getting all those soapies done.  You'll have the rest finished in no time.  I can imagine how tired you are. But what fun to play with toddlers all day!  I would love that job.


Joanne, Marissa, and Stacy, Happy Hump Day!  Does anybody have anything fun planned for this weekend?  I'm meeting with my 2 crafty friends on Saturday.  Other than that, my daughter has homework she wants me to tutor her in, and I intend to play with her gloves whenever I can to help unwind.


Oh, I also figured out that I should be taking my vitamins.  I started eating protein bars for breakfast and lunch, and I think that may be part of the reason I'm so exhausted.


Have a good one!

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Hi all,


Stacy- I was thinking that maybe your DD is bored. I found that with my oldest--she was bored with the school work. We ended up putting her in a private school and she thrived- By the time she graduated HS she had already earned 18 college credits through advanced placement courses/exams. She really needed to be challenged.


Beth- My middle DD who was so afraid of teaching middle schoolers is thoroughly enjoying it! She said they are lots of fun and she is using some of the same techniques her favorite art teacher from middle school used. She has a small group of kids that come to her class after school and she lets them work on things ---she is loving it. I really hope she can find a full time permanent job- (or that the teacher she is replacing temporarily decides to retire) She was thinking of retiring soon, so who knows?


LeeAnn- Love the idea of pumpkin!!!! It's my favorite scent/flavor and I LOVE this time of year because you can lots of pumpkin things (especially pumpkin spice latte) LOL


I have to work 12-4 on Sat since we are rolling out more clients into the new system- not happy about it, but nothing I can do. at least I've been good about leaving work by 5 every day....no more crazy hours for me. I have my physical on Monday afternoon, so at least since I'm working Sat, I won't have to use personal time for taking a 1/2 day off on Monday.


Off to do laundry------

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Good morning.


I hope everyone is well and happy today.  It is FRIDAY!  Where's the Snoopy dance smiley?  :dance


Today we are allowed to wear jeans to school, if we give an administrator $2.  My feet are so happy, thinking about spending the day in comfy supportive shoes! 


I need to rush so I can start the pizza dough.


Joanne, sorry you are working Saturday.  I am glad it works out for your physical, though.  I'm so glad your daughter is loving her job.  I hope it becomes permanent, too.  If nothing else, it will be awesome on her resume! 


I found out yesterday that I am not going back to the high school (after I drove 20 minutes out of my way very early in the morning to get to the high school) so the middle school kids are mine!  I am glad.  I think I will do some good with them.

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HI all,

It's another gorgeous day here! We have been so lucky with the fantastic weather we have been having! Unfortunately, the day will be spent at work from 12-4--and hopefully not any longer than that!


I took a roast beef out of the freezer and going to make that for dinner tomorrow and invite DD and GS over. Hopefully they can make it. DH has been craving a roast for a while now, so I figure tomorrow is Sunday, and football...and making a roast is so easy!


I've got my cleaning that is going to get done finished. The rest of the dust bunnies will have to wait for another day.


I really should pick up the ripple ghan later on ==last night I opted to work on the knitted cowl. Thankfully, it hasn't been cold so my SIL wouldn't be using the afghan anyway!


Have a great day everyone!


Oh, Beth- I'm sure you are going to make a positive difference in the lives of those middle-schoolers. And as far a jeans to work- every Friday is dress down day--it's great--yesterday I wore a comfy sweatsuit and sneakers. Wish I could wear that every day to work...

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Happy Sunday!!!


Today is going to be a totally lazy, relaxing day for me....and of course hoping for some R&R time.


DH has a course he is taking today so I'll have the house to myself this morning!!!  No TV on , just me, my hook and pointy sticks and some nice music. Ahhh, heaven!


This afternoon, it'll be football time and hoping that my Giants can pull off a win.


Have a wonderful day!

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Joanne, I hope your day was as wonderful as you described it.  A day of relaxing, playing with yarn and grandsons...  throw in some pumpkin spice coffee for Coffee Day, and you would have about as close to a perfect day as I've ever heard.  I hope it was all that, and more!


I am working on my daughter's gauntlets in Paton's Metallic yarn in Steel Blue.  She wants the crocodile stitch, but we are calling it the dragon stitch, because crocodiles aren't blue.  LOL.  The girl has LONG arms, but besides that, the first one is coming along nicely.  7 more rows of scales, and it should be done.

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Good evening ladies!


it's been one busy weekend here in my neck of the woods..gosh..but it was fun.


Beth-ohh laaa laaa your gauntlets sound awesome, you are on it with you hook.  I'm so glad that you will not have to go back to the high school, what a relief.  The middle schoolers are so lucky to have you.


Joanne-a day of relaxation is just what you need.  Did you enjoy your hooky time?


Marisa and Stacy-betting you are both super busy.


Friday my ds had a swimming test for scouts.  Dh took the day off and I left work an hour early.  We had dinner out as a family then drove to the Hot Springs..it was pure bliss...ds took his test and passed!  woohoo!  The water was super warm..the hot tub was the best.  My dd met a friend there and played with her in the water.  The hubby was busy with Cristopher so I was free to float in the pool and relax.  What  a nice evening.  Yesterday morning I got up early to work on the last of the Chill Pill Soaps..whew!  They are done, packaged and ready to ship.  Then I met Kathy for a quick meetup and then back to pick up the family.  We drove to the in-laws.  They bought me a mini van for my business!!!  It's a classic..a 1988 but in excellent condition.  My father in law repaired a few things and gave it a tune up..we were able to drive it home.  I'm soo excited, it's perfect!  The kiddos were laughing because you actually have to roll up the window..too cute!  And it's blue..matches my shop colors wonderfully.  This morning I got up and read..I know...I took an hour all for myself..soo nice..then it was off to clean and work on filling another order..grocery shopping and homework and here I am..ready for bed.  whew!


the countdown begins dear friends...10 more days left of work..I so wish I would have given my notice on Monday this last week when I wanted then I would be done this Friday..oh well..we will see what happens.


Off to get ready for bed.  Night all!  Hugs n extra squishes!

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LeeAnn, 10 days will go by super fast.  I am glad you are going to follow your dream.  It sounds like a very good, productive, yet relaxing weekend.  Congrats to your son for passing his swimming test. 


Joanne, was your Sunday as advertised?  You had such a wonderful day planned.  I hope it was amazing.


Stacy, your girls are growing up.  Can't believe you are looking into middle schools.  Which one is your choice?


Marisa, how are things going?  Do you have any big plans?


Well, my MIL went to the hospital last night.  They found no stroke, but she has a recurring infection, and her kidney function is down to 50%. 

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Good morning,


Beth-Prayers for your MIL- glad she didn't have a stroke. Did they keep her at the hospital?  I had a wonderful day yesterday. Didn't get in as much hooky time as I had planned, though. I did end up going to the grocery store, then went over to DD's since she had to run to the store and I watched the boys. When she got home, I brought Ryan to my house since I had to start the roast and then DD and Robbie came over later. I had so much fun with the boys--Robbie is crawling now!!! Let the fun begin! :lol   Dinner was delicious if I do say so myself--and DH thoroughly enjoyed it.  All in all a good day and now it's back to Paradise for another week of fun and festivities :lol


LeeAnn- That's great that you have a mini-van for your business. That's great that your FIL is so handy with cars!!! 10 more days and you'll be able to focus all your energy on following your dream and getting your business going. How exciting :yes


Stacy- Good luck with the magnet school decision. Wow- can't believe Isabella is heading off to middle school already next year.


Marisa- Your Steelers are playing as bad as my Giants---I'm ready for hockey season!

DD and SIL bought tickets to go to the Devils/Rangers game being held outdoors at Yankee Stadium on Jan 26 and they bought one for me so I can go with them. It's my combined Birthday and Christmas gift. I'm so excited! Should be lots of fun! (and I'll finally get to Yankee Stadium on top of it)


Well, enough procrastinating. It's time to get ready for work. Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning,


Joanne, my mother-in-law came home.  She is on an oxygen concentrator for night time, and she needs to see a kidney specialist.  My sil says she is taking this seriously, and will allow help, which is unusual.  Your weekend sounds like it was great.  I'm so glad your husband enjoyed the roast. Was this the first time since Robby came along that you had just Ryan at your house?


LeeAnn, I'm sorry to hear about your printer.  Do you need a new one?  Is the old one repairable?


Stacy, I'm thinking about you, Jorge and the girls.  I hope things are going great for all of you. 


Marisa, I hope you have an amazing day.


I had another surprise class added to my schedule yesterday.  I am getting a bit tired of it.  This one went well -- I still had the orientation on the computers from the last new class, so we just went through that.  I don't have all the information I need to put the students into the computer, though, so I need to work on that today.  Goodbye, planning period.

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Good morning


Beth- Yes, it was the first time I've had Ryan to my house alone since Robbie was born. It was fun to have some one on one time with him!!  Sorry to hear that your planning period is gone and that they added another class. Are they middle-schoolers?

I saw that your R&R were able to fix your minivan--it's so nice having someone handy with cars. My DH can get buy, but thankfully, my son-in-law is very good (used to be a mechanic before becoming a corrections officer)


LeeAnn- I saw your post on FB that you only had 30 labels to do, but your printer died. How frustrating. Here's a few :hug :hug 9 more days of Migrant :clap


Stacy and Marisa- Hope all is well in your worlds!!


Went for my physical- and now have to get fasting lab work done and a mammogram.  Ended up going back to work and staying till 6:30...still lots of work since our last round of clients that we will transition into the system happens in two weeks. Hopefully after all the clients are in the system, things will slow down.


Off I go...have a good day.

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Top of the evening dear friends!


Goodness..so much to do...feeling a bit behind but am hoping to catch up.


Beth-I am so sorry to hear that your mil is sick but glad to hear that she is willing to see a doc and get help.  Not good that they gave you another class...what will happen to your planning period? Will you have to take work home?


Joanne-your sweet grandsons sound just soo adorable!  Beef stew sounds delish!  yummy!  I'm hoping that your work hours will slow down, what happens if you just can't stay late? 


Marisa & Stacy-hope you both had an excellent weekend! 


Lots of exciting new here...I finally heard back from the Chamber of Commerce, we have a Ribbon Cutting  Ceremony scheduled for October 29 at noon.  It is before my Grand Opening on purpose, as they will put the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in the newspaper,..this will hopefully draw more folks in..woohoo!  I can't believe that it is right around the corner.   I am also attending my first Chamber Member meeting tomorrow evening.  I whipped up 50 sample soaps and finally got them all packaged up with labels.  For some reason my computer was not recognizing my printer..the printer works ok but it just wouldn't send it..dh stepped in and un-installed the printer and then had to re-install..took about 2 hours but it's working for now..goodness!  I was stressing quite a bit.  That crisis is over for now..let me see what else is new...


My dd joined SADD and Drama-I'm so happy for her but between her and my DS..our nights and early mornings are full. But they are both happy and that makes me joyful.


Work is still work..the littlies are so much fun but boy am I ready for it to end..I haven't had a chance to work on new products but it must happen.  Lots to do!


I get to move my furniture in this weekend and am super ready to clean out my craft studio..it's packed to the gills.  Best get my tush in gear..still have laundry to fold and my taxes to do before calling it a night.  hugs n extra squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, you make me tired.  Just hearing about all you do.  I am excited for you, of course.  Not much longer with the littles.  I am glad your kids are happy.  That's great news.  I guess your son will be driving soon.  How is he doing?  I'm glad your IT man figured out your printer problem.   Doesn't it feel great when your family can fix your issues? 


Joanne, I am so ready for Friday.  How is your week going?  Will you be seeing your grandsons soon?


Marissa, What's up?  Did you make the PO's afghan? 


Stacy, How is school going?  Do you have any plans for the weekend?


I have two new classes, same period, but  one on A days, one on B days.  They are all middle schoolers.  These are 8th graders, geometry students.  I only have one class that is truly difficult (8th grade math) but after I had the security officer escort one of the girls to the principal's office yesterday, the principal came to talk with me, and I may not have the students who do not thrive in the self-directed environment any longer.  That's 3/4 of that class.  That may make this a do-able year.  Plus, I finally figured out the carrot to dangle to get them to do their work:  they can listen to music on headphones if they get a certain amount of work done.  They are all working now -- GASP!  Except one who really needs to be removed from the class.

My mother-in-law was taken back to the ER yesterday, and ended up in ICU where she spent the night.  I'm waiting for more news.  I guess her kidneys are doing better now, but I haven't heard about the results of the test for a stroke.

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Happy Almost-Friday.  I am eager for the weekend to get here.


My mother-in-law is still in the hospital, but has been stepped down from ICU to the next level.  Her kidneys are better, but she is not well yet.


I hope everybody has a good day.  The weekend is coming!!!



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 Good morning


Prayers continuing for your MIL, Beth!


It's been another one of those weeks in Paradise--and yes, the weekend is coming...have to work till noon, -not happy--but nothing I can do.....


I'm running late--having a harder and harder time getting going in the morning.....I guess I need another cup of coffee


Have a good day--will try and catch up tonight!


Oh, Marisa- Congrats on the Pirates win- loved the pics you posted on FB

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Good morning housemates :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


So obviously I fell off the face of the earth again!!!  It's been busy, both in the office and out so no complaints.  I was fortunate enough to get to go to the Pirates game on Tuesday, which we won :clap:woo  First time to the playoffs in 22 years!  They play today (away) at 5:07....I don't know where this '07' timing is coming from, Tuesday was 8:07 :think  They will be in town on Sunday, which is the same day Steph and Bean come home so I'm waiting to see what time the game will be to see if they're going to make it or not.  I have the PA Chiro Assn Convention this weekend on Saturday all day and Sunday morning, which should be interesting.  It's right here in Pitt and not even far from the house :whew  Tonight I'm going bowling, I joined a league!  Why....I don't know....I haven't bowled in 10 years :eek  So, I already warned them that I'm not good and that I haven't played in forever, but they seemed ok with that :rofl


So, I did not catch up on all that I've missed because it's just too much to go back to look over :sigh


I hope everyone is doing well and having a great start to October.....or Buctober as Pittsburgh is referring to it :lol

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Good morning!  Still have 5 minutes left, so that counts.  :lol

I have been trying to get in her all week to post, but something always distracts me. 


Beth, so sorry to hear about your MIL.  I'm glad she finally went to the hospital though, :xfin that they can figure out what is going on and get her on her feet. 


Joanne, yikes about another weekend!  I saw that you made it to craft club this week- woohoo!  What are you working on right now?


Marisa, the game sounds like fun.  I love the pic you posted on FB of you and Sloan. Did you only take him or did Avery go too? Have fun at the convention!


Leeann, my oh my, you are always so busy!  Your posts wear me out.  LoL  You must be so excited that the end of the Migrant is near!  I know you will miss the littles, but your own shop will be ready soon.  :woo  I think it's wonderful that your dd signed up for SADD.  :yes  How is your ds doing?  Does he keep in contact with his friend who moved away?


So let's see...I started volunteering in Eva's class.  Next week they start Breakfast in the Classroom- it is a federal program for all elementary and middle schools.  I volunteered to help and her teacher asked if I would start this week, so I get a chance to know the kids.  I have really enjoyed it, and the kids are just too cute.  Dh is not happy that I am there daily, but I haven't found a job yet, so I think volunteering can only help.  :yes

Mia seems to be doing better.  We received a progress report on Friday- her math scores are still low, but not as bad as they have been.  The main thing is that she talks too much and doesn't pay attention (which is probably why they are low.)  We restricted tv and iPad use to the weekends for all the girls and set bedtime back to 8 p.m. (we had been letting them stay up until 9.)  That little time change has been a huge help for our mornings. 

Oh, someone asked about Miss Olive.  Well, let me tell you...when my mom was here, she fed her people food on the sly, and Olive ended up with diarrhea for about a week afterward!  Then, on the day Eva and I went to the Doc Mobile downtown, Olive tore my purse apart!  I had taken a backpack and left my purse on the chair in the living room- she's never messed with it before so I didn't think anything of it.  When we came home, the contents were chewed up all over the floor, the lining and the sides of my purse were ripped off.  :eek   I was not a happy camper.

On the good news front, my BIL got the sales position he applied for in my hubby's office, and he will be starting next week!  We are all so excited to have him back in L.A.  He will be living with my IL's during the week, and he is supposed to bring  my neice in November!  My kiddos don't know about that yet because we are still worried that SIL will change her mind.  I am trying to get her into my girls' school, but since they are there through open enrollment (it's not our neighborhood school) she may have to attend a different school until next year. 


Well, that's all the news from here, I think.  Dh has class tonight, and there is a meet-and-greet for the magnet schools in our area that the girls and I will attend.  I need to go find something quick for dinner!  Love and hugs! 

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Wow Stacy,  you've had a lot going on as well.  I think volunteering is a great idea, maybe dh is just worried about Eva getting attached to you being there :think:shrug  Glad to hear Mia got a better report and great idea with the electronics and bed time :yes 


It's funny how the game worked out.  So Steph and Bean got their regular seats for the postseason, plus an extra set.  And, she was able to purchase extras on top of that, so she gave those codes to our neighbor and my aunt.  So Sloan and his dad Clay were using Steph and Bean's regular tickets and she sold her other set on Stubhub for a profit.  Meanwhile, my cousin had the tickets my aunt bought and he's Steph's age with a 15 year old boy who's really into the Pirates and another who's 18 and is in that rebel type stage and just isn't into another.  But, my aunt bought them 3 tickets.  So, my cousin text me in the morning to see when I was heading down because he assumed I was using Steph's tickets and when I told him I wasn't going I think he had trouble comprehending that :shrug  So, he said they were heading over early and to keep my schedule open in case the oldest didn't go (he always backs out of everything last minute) so I told him either way I walk down to meet them for a while and have dinner.  So anyways, the oldest wouldn't get his badorkus up to go so I got that ticket!  It was in the small section in front of Steph's section and we were really close to the field, but not so low that we couldn't see anything.  Well, Clay and Sloan didn't know I was going and they were already in their seats when we went in (and it was still almost an hour before game time) so I sat with them a bit to kill some time.  Averie didn't go.....she goes when we all do a whole family outing, otherwise aside from knowing if we won or lost...she's not really into it. 


It all just worked out last minute kind of....and it was a great game so I'm glad Aaron kept his tush in bed :lol

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Marisa, How exciting to come to the game because your cousin didn't want to go.  Enjoy your convention.


Stacy, I think volunteering at the school can be a good first step towards a job there.  You may want to talk to the office staff about substitutes, not just for teachers, but for assistants or office personnel.  I used to do that for my kids' preschool.


Joanne, so sorry you have to work Saturday.  I hope things slow down soon, and you get your weekends back.


LeeAnn, Is that your last week with the littles?  I  am excited for you.  Won't be long at all now.  It is great that your kids are so involved. 


My MIL is still in the hospital.  She is very confused.  She thinks she is in her chair, and wants to get up, which she can't do.  She is talking about her dead daughter, and getting the other daughters' names confused.  She did know my husband, though, and said she must be bad off if he came to see her.  (He and my daughter went today.)  My SIL says she is doing better, though.  Poor SIL.  She has been bearing the brunt of the stress from all this.

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Good evening friends, quick fly by..busy busy busy..my last work day is the 11th but I am going to take Monday and Tuesday off as I just can't keep up..so much to do.


Will catch up tomorrow, hugs n squishes!

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I went with my hubby and daughter to visit my MIL today.  She kept trying to get up and walk by herself, tried to call 9-1-1 on the nurses, and wasn't exactly lucid.  She kept saying a bad word, which was not like her.  She did manage to go home, though.  My SIL told the doctor about the full-time around-the-clock caregivers she has for her father-in-law, and all the medical equipment they have, and he let her go.  I'm glad.


By the way TGIF to everyone!!! It is so nice to be looking forward to the weekend.  I have another skein of the Patons metallic yarn to finish off the daughter's gauntlets, and a meeting scheduled with my friends that involves pumpkin spice coffee...  Life is looking good!  Enjoy your weekend.  Joanne, I hope work goes by quickly for you.

LeeAnn, I don't blame you for taking a couple days off. 

Marisa, I hope you have tons of fun.

Stacy, I hope you are enjoying volunteering.  Do you think it's any easier for Eva with you there?

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