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Some good clean fun?!

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Stacy, How nice to have the park mostly to yourselves!  I hope you all got your homework done.  I was a bad girl -- didn't go sit with the MIL after all.  I made some pork, sauerkraut, and potatoes to take, but my SIL texted me and told me I didn't have to go, just call, so I tried to call and didn't get an answer, and stayed home.  My stomach wasn't feeling very well.  I think I'm nervous about being in the high school without the second lab administrator today. 


LeeAnn, sounds like you have some great ideas, and fantastic finds for your store.  I can't wait to see pics of the whole thing.


Marisa, I hope you had a great weekend.


Joanne, I hope you feel better, had the best day with your sweetie.  Happy Anniversary a bit late.  Enjoy your vacation!


Another cup of coffee, and I'm off!  Have a fantastic day.

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Good morning,


The weather couldn't have been more perfect yesterday! Just like it was 12 years ago!! We decided to head to New Hope, PA and then to Peddler's Village instead of going down to the shore. It was such a lovely day to be out and walking around. We had a lovely lunch on an outdoor deck and simply had a nice, relaxing day.  Once we got home we turned on the Giants game- so other than them losing, it was a perfect day! Robbie turned 6 mos old already yesterday as well.


I've still got congestion- I thought by now it would be gone, especially being on the antibiotic. At least no ear/sinus pain, just the congestion. Today, it is supposed to rain and it is quite overcast out now, so I think today will be my stay inside, rest and be lazy day. I do have to run to the grocery store since that didn't get done over the weekend so I think that's what I'll do now before the rain comes.


Have a good day!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I haven't actually worked on the shoulder strap yet, so nothing to report there....I probably won't deal with it until after I come back from my parents, which I'm heading out there Friday to Monday.  Bean is currently layed off so is not using the bag yet anyways.  We had a great weekend.  The game on Saturday afternoon, which we won! Then in the evening I went out for a friend's surprise 40th birthday party :yay  Yesterday was spent relaxing and I didn't even leave the house.  I worked on the baby ghan, pruned the plants in the garden, and made lasagna soup :drool I saw the recipe in the current Food Network magazine and figured we probably had everything, well....close anyways but I did improvise a bit.  Did some errands earlier today and received my order for the exam forms and driver certificates AND I'm now listed on the NRCME's registry website!!!! :woo


LeeAnn - WTG on your sales and your store, I hope everyone is alright out your way with the floods :hug


Beth - Thanks, glad you had a great weekend with your family :clap


Joanne - Happy belated anniversary....I'm glad you were starting to feel better for it!


Stacy - Sounds like a good weekend for you as well.  I can also see how Mia's confused as well, I think they need to learn the material and know it before switching it up.  How are things with your mom?

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Good morning!


What a cool, crisp fall day it is out there! Time for me to switch out my clothes, so I think that's what I'll work on this morning.


I finally got back to craft club last night- it was wonderful seeing old friends! I spent the time working on my son-in-law's afghan- which I doubt will be done in time for his birthday on Sunday- but at least I'm making good progress.


Stacy- How's things going with your Mom being with you? Any news on the job front? Your outing to Knott's sounds like fun!! Speaking of fun, we are going apple picking tomorrow with the boys! The weather is supposed to be perfect and I'm looking forward to it.


Marisa- I am going to have to look up lasagne soup- that sounds delicious. I was actually thinking of putting something in the crock pot tomorrow now that 'fall is in the air'. Congrats on passing the test- and hoping that this will bring some more business your way!! Were you at the Pitt game last night? I watched for a while when I got home from CC and didn't see you in the stands. LOL


LeeAnn- It sure seems like you have been a busier than usual beaver. Take it from me-- slow down a bit--don't want you getting sick too. Hope your DS is feeling better. I'm still congested- but slowly but surely improving. How is your sister and family doing? The flooding that I've been reading about is unbelievable!


Off to get my coffee and begin tackling the clothes.

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Top of the morning dear friends! :D


Here at work with basically nothing to do so thought I would hop on here to check of my fellow friends.


Joanne-you are so right, I have been a busy beaver..my body feels tired but I can't sleep at night, worrying about everything that I need to do, haven't done and store things is driving me crazy.  I'm trying to enjoy the process but it is taxing keeping up with orders and running my kiddos back and forth.  Oh my!  I bet your son in law is going to love his ghan, bet you will get it done soon.  Is the weather taking a turn in your neck of the woods?  Apple picking sounds like so much fun and exhilarating.  Will you make apple pie?  perhaps a crisp?


Beth-How was your Monday?  did everything go as planned?  What's on the agenda for the week?


Marisa-so proud of you my friend!  I am positive that this will bring in new patients.  Have all of the ghans that were made for the KTB been donated?  That was such a huge achievement.  How exciting!  Will you still be meeting with all of the fellow yarners?


Stacy-oh my gosh!  A days outing sounds like so much!  Homework....not so fun.  Did you get all of your assignments finished?  How's the school week going?


Yesterday I took half a day from work off.  It was wonderful to cross a few things off my list.  The first thing that I did was take my Quick Books class..the teacher was wonderful.  She showed me a lot of the basics.  I have homework but am glad that I can at least get my business up and running.  Took my computer in for more memory, going to back up my computer this evening and get it rebuilt next weekend.  This will have it running like new.  :yay   Other than that, nothing juicy..my sister is back to work.  They were not affected however lots of neighboring houses and business were..such a tragedy.  My ds is feeling better and back to school, he has quite a bit of homework to make up..but he can do it!  He is such a good kid, and soo responsible! 


best find something to work on..I'm sure if I look hard enough I will find something that I needs worked on.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Just sitting here doing some paperwork....it never ends :shrug  I have a couple patients today and I met with another local chiro that I know to discuss vitamins and supplements :lol  Anyways, I just breezed through the posts quickly since I had some things waiting for attention.


I hope you're all having a wonderful Tuesday :hug


Oh LeeAnn...I think everything's been donated, but I'm not really sure where they are in the delivery process.  I know they were planning a celebration party for the core group and asked for opinions between 2 dates, but I'm not available for either :(

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Marisa, if your business keeps growing, you'll have an employee to take care of the majority of the paperwork for you, and you'll have more free time!  You are really awesome, you know. 


LeeAnn, you must be getting excited.  One and a half months to go before your grand opening!  Any news about the migrant job?  Is there any chance that it will close early?


Joanne, how has your vacation been?  Are you all better, I hope?  I love the pictures of you and the grandsons on Facebook.  Such lovely boys!  They are lucky to have a young, healthy grandmother.  By the time my kids have kids, I am not going to be much fun.  Can't wait to hear about your trip.


Stacy, how is school?  How is your mom?  How are the girls?  Anything fun going on in California?


I just deleted most of my post!  I don't know how.  I went to Wal-Mart, found Bernat Happy Holidays yarn for $.50 per skein, so I bought all of it!  I am going to split it with a friend, and we will probably both have enough for a good-sized afghan.  I finished my first Sashay scarf, and started my second.  I am using two different patterns, so we'll see which one turns out the best.  The one I'm doing now skips every other hole when yarning over, so the ruffles should be thicker, but the first one had 12 YO-s per stitch, so it should be a tighter ruffle. 


I need to get moving.  Later, friends!

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Good morning,


Another gorgeous weather day here in NJ! I couldn't have 'ordered up' better weather for my vacation from work! Yesterday, my DD, SIL and GS went apple picking. The orchard had honey crisp (my favorite apple) and gala apples available for picking. DD and I plan to make apple crisp and some apple strudel muffins tomorrow. Ryan had fun and was actually able to pick quite a few apples on his own!  After SIl went to work and the boys woke up from their nap, we headed to Kohl's since DD had 30% off coupon. I was able to finally get a new comforter set for my bed for a great price. Then we went out to dinner to celebrate "National Cheeseburger Day"- LOL.


Today, I've already washed the sheets and dressed my bed in its new finery!  I'm planning to head to the outlets today- and since it is not too far from the beach, i'm going to bring my nook and hang out a for a while. Peaceful relaxation!!!


Marisa- Love the picture you chose! Safe travels to your parents!


Beth- great score on the yarn!!!  I still can't get into the sashay yarn- I tried it once, and it's just not for me. I'm having fun knitting, though!  I finished a scarf that I turned into an infinity and now started a cowl- it's called Gaptastic.  I still have to work on the afghan for my SIL- so may do a few rows of that today.


Stacy- How's classes going? And how was Isabella's first football game?


LeeAnn- Glad to hear that DS is back to school and feeling ok now. Love hearing the excitement in your voice when you talk about your business. Love your grand opening cards!


Well, time to get the day started!

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Arrrr......Shiver me timbers matey's


An early morning today with my 6 am patient and am waiting for another scheduled at 9:30 :clap  I have a couple phone calls to make that I've been avoiding because I know I'll end up on the phone for a while.  I'm having trouble with emailing directly from my software program and I've been on the phone with them several times already and to no avail so I've almost given up :(  I'll crochet some then in hopes of whipping out a baby ghan for my mom to give as a gift to a cousin.  And I have 3 patients tonight :yay  Tomorrow morning I have a patient at 8am and should be heading out around 10:30 to my parents.  Maryann is heading to my parents Saturday morning and we are going to the Bloomsburg fair :bounce  Not much else going on.


Beth - Thanks!  And 50cent yarn.....oh boy, what a find :woo


Joanne - Thanks!  And it was beautiful here too, but I think today is supposed to be muggy and rainy....although it was wonderful at 5:45am :eek


LeeAnn and Stacy - I hope all is well :hug

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Good "morning."  Couldn't sleep, so I came here to babble incoherently for a while.


Joanne, I think your vacation is sounding wonderful!  I'd say like Paradise, but that's what you are trying to escape, yes?  I'm glad you are having such a great time. 


Marisa, Wow!  So many patients.  I am sorry to hear about the computer problems.  Sounds odd, though.  I hope it gets straightened out easier than you expect.


LeeAnn, how is the Migrant position doing?  How are things at your sister's house?  Did it stop raining yet?


Stacy, what's going on in California?  When are you planning to go to the spider exhibition?  Good luck to you! 


I finished the second sashay scarf.  I will try to post pics this weekend.

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Good morning all,


Another gorgeous day! I am so lucky that this week has been so wonderful and relaxing! Just what I needed.


Today, DD and I are going to do some baking with all the apples we picked the other day. Tonight  I'm going to babysit so DD can take my SIL out to dinner for his birthday! Of course, the afghan is not finished---but I'll bring it over and show him and he'll get it when it's done. Its's coming along nicely and by the time the weather gets cold enough where he'll need to use it , I think it should be finished!  I've been alternating between working on that and knitting. I put the baby blanket on the side and am using chunky yarn with a size 13 needle to make a cowl for me.


Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

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Happy Saturday!

Off to get a mani/pedi this morning as my vacation winds down.


We are going to bake today- we didn't end up doing that yesterday since my SIL took off for his birthday and they decided to go visit his brother. DH took a 1/2 day off and we headed to the beach for a few hours and then out to dinner.


Time to get ready- I have the first appointment of the day which is how I like it!


 We'll be watching the Rutgers game this afternoon and then tomorrow, DD is having a small gathering to celebrate SIL's birthday- and the Giants are on at 1--it would be very nice if they would finally win a game- it'd be a great present for my SIL!


Have a good weekend!

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Happy Saturday! 
Joanne, it sounds like you've had a great, relaxing week of vacation.  Are you nicely recharged? 


Marisa, I hope your trip went well, and you are having a fun weekend.  Enjoy the fair.


LeeAnn, got any new orders?  How close are you to 500 now?


Stacy, how is your mom doing?  How is school?  Any more unexpected trips to Knox lately?


A couple of friends and I are going out to lunch today, then strolling through the area craft stores.  We are celebrating a friend's birthday together -- it should be so much fun.  I am working a cat adoption event on Sunday.  I am meeting with my boss on Monday to discuss my success (or lack of it) at the high school, and decide where we will go from there.  I may start looking for employment at a store, if they are hiring seasonal workers.  It must be less stress than dealing with those high school students!

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Good morning,


Beth- I am nicely recharged as you put it. It was just what I needed. It was thoroughly enjoyable to do what I wanted when I wanted and to take things slowly. I did get a lot of relaxation in. Not looking forward to what awaits tomorrow, but for today, I'm going to enjoy every second of my last day of vacation.


We baked yesterday and the hot apple crisp with vanilla ice cream was delicious!!! We took a nice long walk and it was exhilarating. Today we're going to celebrate my SIL's birthday and Ryan spent alot of yesterday singing happy birthday to daddy. Even though he was at work! :lol  Guess he was practicing for today!


Off to make a nice breakfast, fill my coffee cup and savor the day!

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Joanne,  your vacation sounds wonderful.  There's nothing like relaxing!


I had an awesome time with my friends yesterday.  We went to AC Moores after lunch, and spent quite a bit of time petting yarn, putting it back, picking it up again...  I ended up with 6 small skeins of a wool blend and the metallic yarn my daughter has wanted for gauntlets.  I think the yarn will make a baby blanket -- they are small skeins.  I got 3 different greens to see how they would play together.

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Top of the morning dear friends! :manyheart

Remember me?  I am sorry I was MIA-I had the flu..knocked me down for a couple of days. :blink It started on Friday morning, I got up not feeling well but made myself get ready for work, drove all the way to work only to toss my cookies once I walked in the door.  Our center manager sent me back home to bed.  I drove home and spent the rest of the day being sick sick sick. I finally peaked my head out yesterday afternoon.  Goodness!  I had the worst nausea and flu that I literal thought I wasn't going to make it.  Today I feel a little bit better, I got up early as I just couldn’t lay in bed any longer, cleaned up the kitchen and living room..but now feel worn out.  I may have to lay down again to regain more energy.


Beth-oh no!  What happened at the high school?  Or didn’t happen?  :hug Can you work with the younger children?  I’m glad that you had a good lunch out with friends and was able to yarn shop..fun fun fun!  I can’t wait to see the new gauntlets that you whip up.  The metallic yarn sounds soo pretty.  You are super fast a whipping up projects.  Do you have any WIPS laying around?


Joanne-apple crisp with vanilla ice cream? Heavenly!  Sounds lip smacking delicious!  I hope that your team wins today and that your sil get together goes well.  :cheer  How was your mani/pedi?  I’m sure that it was relaxing.  You are on a roll, your projects will all soon be finished and then off to new ones.


Marisa-how was your weekend? :hug   And your parents?  I hope that they are doing well and that you mom is feeling lots better.


Stacy-how’s it going?  :hug  How’s the situation with your mom?  I hope that it is not too stressful.  Hope classes are going well.


Work at the migrant still has not ended.   I am going to turn in my letter of resignation tomorrow.  My last day will be on October 11.   I wanted to wait the season out but since they are not forthcoming with an ending date, I have to do what’s best for me.  The last of my new supplies arrived.  I had ordered rubber ducks to sell along with my soaps and also some to embed..they arrived yesterday…so cute!  The new lotion bottles have  arrived as well. I am giving 2 ounce small bottles of lotion to my first 25 customers for my Grand Opening.  I am not sure about the fragrances..I’m thinking a Frosted Cranberry for one batch and ??? what do you all think would be a great universal fragrance for the second batch?  My sister thought of Lavender..but lavender is just not my favorite fragrance..it’s grown on me..especially since folks like it soo much..but I wanted something different..something that will stand out..all ideas are welcome.  I am in the process of entering all of my product inventory into Quick Books..what a chore.  I am almost done..then it will be on to more creating.  I have a few custom orders on the hook..one possibly for 50-100 chill pill soaps and the other is a for sure order.  I am up to 482 sales..striving to reach that 500 mark. 


Off to rest a bit as I’m feeling a bit queasy.  Hugs n squishes dearest friends!

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Lee Ann, cyber hugs.  Hope you feel better soon.  I am glad you are resigning from that position.

I had some really difficult kids at the high school -- kids who would yell across the room, get out of their seats whenever, steal things, talk back to me, swear at me, etc.  There were so many of the misbehaving kids in the last class, I didn't feel that I was able to help the kids who actually wanted to work.  I haven't talked to my boss yet (that's scheduled for tomorrow) but I am leaning towards telling them that I am not cut out for that position.  I loved the classes where I could actually do my job, but I am not good at herding cats, and that's what dealing with the other class felt like.


I am currently working on a project for my sister:  hot dog costumes for her doxies.  (I can't spell the actual name of the breed.)  I have been playing with some ideas for the metallic yarn.  it is Steel Blue -- such a pretty color!  I can't wait to work on it.

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Happy (?) Monday!  The good news is that the middle school starts later than the high school, so I have more time to relax with my coffee and start the day right. 


LeeAnn, I don't know if you carry it, but if you are opening in November, would Pumpkin Spice be a good scent for your giveaway item? 


My brother-in-law brought home as puppy who needs a home.  That could be very dangerous.  (lab pointer mix.)


Have a good day!

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Good morning,


Back to reality today---not looking forward to the return to Paradise, but it is what it is.


LeeAnn- Feel better- glad you are giving your resignation in and can focus more on your business. Love the idea of Pumpkin spice for a Nov grand opening. Of course, I'm very partial to anything pumpkin spice. Treated myself to a few PSL's this past week! YUM


Stacy- Love the pic on FB- hiding from the dinosaurs--too cute!! Hope you had a great weekend.


Marisa- Hope you are having an awesome time with your family!


Off I go.......Have a good day everyone...OH, and Beth- good luck with your meeting today!

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Happy Tuesday!'


Beth- How did your meeting go yesterday?


I got out of work on time and went to craft club last night- plugging away on my son-in-law's afghan! It's getting there!!! I really want to finish by this weekend so I can get back to pointy sticks---LOL


Have a good day!

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Joanne, I don't know how she did it, but my boss convinced me that I could rule that high school class room, and I'm going back.  She is an amazing person -- I can see how she's the president and owner of a successful business.  I feel honored that she picked me so quickly, and is willing to work with me on my short-comings.  Like lack of spine...  But she gave me some techniques to help.  Two more days at the middle school to get the paperwork straight, then I'm back to the high school.  I hope your first day back at Paradise was good, and it keeps getting better.  Do you have any more launches planned in the near future?


Marisa, Did you get back to Pittsburgh safely, or are you still with your parents?  I hope you are having a wonderful time, no matter where you are.  I'll bet your patients will miss you if you stay away too long. 


Stacy, I'm glad you survived the up-close-and-personal encounter with the spiders.  Did the girls enjoy it?  I always love the pictures you post of your little darlings.  They are SO sweet.  You are an awesome mom, braving spiders for your girls.  I hope they appreciated it.


LeeAnn, did you decide what your other scent would be yet?  I know how hard it is when I try to pick a scent for a bar of soap. 


Got to run!  Have a great day.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


The weekend was wonderful!  We went to the fair Saturday morning and were done there by the afternoon and were able to get home before the rain started :clap  We relaxed on Sunday and went to see Grown Ups 2, which was funny.  I finished the baby blanket for my mom and still have the one I've been working on to finish up.  It was a decent ride back yesterday and there wasn't much traffic.  I had good weather both ways this trip, I usually always have horrible weather one way when I drive :think


I really just breezed through the posts, and even that's an understatement!  But, I'm glad you're feeling better LeeAnn :hug

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Good afternoon! 


Beth, sorry to hear you had a bad experience with the high schoolers.  Your boss sounds pretty cool, though, and :xfin that the techniques she gave you will work!  Your yarn store trip sounds fun- can't wait to see what your yarn turns itself into.  :lol   I've seen the metallic yarn at Michael's- it sure is pretty! 


Joanne, your vacation sounds wonderful, as does apple picking.  I loved the pics you posted on FB- your GS are growing like weeds, aren't they?  Glad to see you made it to craft club! 


Marisa, hope you had a wonderful time with your parents.  :yes


Leeann, so sorry you are feeling yucky!  :hug  The flu is definitely not fun.  The pumpkin spice sounds wonderful, but I'm with you on the lavender- I think it's overdone.  Maybe something along the lines of butter pecan or praline?  How are the kiddos doing?  Hope you are on the mend soon! 


Well, much has happened here.  My mom left- no big surprise.  Her hubby talked her into going back to MI. 

We went to the spider exhibit on Sunday and my kids (even the ones who wanted to go) freaked out and we left after about 10 minutes.  There were HUGE spiders in webs at eye-level.  I think we all figured they would at least be in corners, on walls, etc.  Nope- right there out in the open.  *shiver!*  I got a couple pictures, though. 

Mia is doing worse in school.  Last night, I found some papers crumpled in her backpack (which I check weekly) and when I took them to her teacher, I found out they were from two weeks ago.  The teacher allows late work, but refused to take them because of their condition.  Can't say I blame her.  Dh and I have decided to take away her iPad indefinitely and remove her from the after-school program, since she sees that more as a social event (Isabella has mentioned several times that she just talks through the homework hour.) Her teacher also spoke with her today and said if she keeps up the late/unfinished homework, she will not move on to 4th grade.  I am at a loss; last year the only complaint from her teacher was that she talks too much, but since she finished her work on time, it wasn't a big issue.  This year, she has had a real problem finishing and being on time with it.  All of her standardized test scores are advanced, though, so the teacher doesn't think she needs extra help.  :shrug

Let's see...oh, dh has been home the past 2 days with a cold.  No fever, though, so I don't think it's the flu.  My throat has been scratchy too, so I am loading up on Emergen-C.  :yes


Well, gotta scoot, I have to finish up the laundry.  Love and hugs!

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Sorry to hear Mia is having such difficulties with school....if her standardized test scores are advanced, maybe she's bored at that current level and needs to be challenged?  I'm not sure how you approach that subject or to even know if that's the case.  As I was reading, I was thinking maybe the work was too hard for her and it might just be easier to not try than to struggle with it.  But, if she's scoring well, it makes me think in the other direction.  Like I said, I'm not quite sure how you would approach that topic.  Maybe you can plan some quality time with her so it's just the 2 of you doing something special together to use as an opportunity to talk to her about it....trying your best not to yell or get frustrated about the situation, but just listen to her and maybe from that angle you can get her to open up as to what the problem actually is?  I'm not a parent so I've never had to deal with things like this, but that's my thought process.  Good luck!


Ewwwww, I wouldn't have liked the spider show either :eek

Good afternoon! 


Beth, sorry to hear you had a bad experience with the high schoolers.  Your boss sounds pretty cool, though, and :xfin that the techniques she gave you will work!  Your yarn store trip sounds fun- can't wait to see what your yarn turns itself into.  :lol   I've seen the metallic yarn at Michael's- it sure is pretty! 


Joanne, your vacation sounds wonderful, as does apple picking.  I loved the pics you posted on FB- your GS are growing like weeds, aren't they?  Glad to see you made it to craft club! 


Marisa, hope you had a wonderful time with your parents.  :yes


Leeann, so sorry you are feeling yucky!  :hug  The flu is definitely not fun.  The pumpkin spice sounds wonderful, but I'm with you on the lavender- I think it's overdone.  Maybe something along the lines of butter pecan or praline?  How are the kiddos doing?  Hope you are on the mend soon! 


Well, much has happened here.  My mom left- no big surprise.  Her hubby talked her into going back to MI. 

We went to the spider exhibit on Sunday and my kids (even the ones who wanted to go) freaked out and we left after about 10 minutes.  There were HUGE spiders in webs at eye-level.  I think we all figured they would at least be in corners, on walls, etc.  Nope- right there out in the open.  *shiver!*  I got a couple pictures, though. 

Mia is doing worse in school.  Last night, I found some papers crumpled in her backpack (which I check weekly) and when I took them to her teacher, I found out they were from two weeks ago.  The teacher allows late work, but refused to take them because of their condition.  Can't say I blame her.  Dh and I have decided to take away her iPad indefinitely and remove her from the after-school program, since she sees that more as a social event (Isabella has mentioned several times that she just talks through the homework hour.) Her teacher also spoke with her today and said if she keeps up the late/unfinished homework, she will not move on to 4th grade.  I am at a loss; last year the only complaint from her teacher was that she talks too much, but since she finished her work on time, it wasn't a big issue.  This year, she has had a real problem finishing and being on time with it.  All of her standardized test scores are advanced, though, so the teacher doesn't think she needs extra help.  :shrug

Let's see...oh, dh has been home the past 2 days with a cold.  No fever, though, so I don't think it's the flu.  My throat has been scratchy too, so I am loading up on Emergen-C.  :yes


Well, gotta scoot, I have to finish up the laundry.  Love and hugs!

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