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LeeAnn, big hugs, and Happy Friday!

Joanne, Happy Friday!
Marisa, Happy Friday!

Stacy, happy Friday!

I am working at a high school this morning, will be back at my school in the afternoon for my 2 classes.  Wish me luck.  I'm told the high school is rough.  We'll see what that means.


Have a great weekend, ladies!


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Good evening ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I had a couple patients this morning and then I ran to the mall to look for shorts for my neighbor back home (the one that does nails) because she couldn't find them for her daughter.  I was able to get her 4 pair and 2 shirts for her :clap  Then I had some coupons for NY & Co so had to go use those of course and picked up a pair of jeans and lounge pants.  I stopped for a burger & fries on the way back from one of the food trucks around town (since they were in the mall parking lot). 


I'm headed out tonight for trivia with my cousin.  Patients in the morning and then we're taking Knit the Bridge down this weekend so will head there after work :(


Joanne - how exciting to have a weeks vacation coming up, I know you'll enjoy your time no matter what you choose to do :)


LeeAnn - WTG with all your orders....you are doing awesome :yay


Beth - Happy Friday back at ya....are you having pizza tonight?


Stacy - Hope the school week went well :hug

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Marisa, I can't believe that beautiful yarn is all coming down this weekend!  I'm glad Pittsburgh got a temporary face-lift, though.  It is still the coolest thing I ever saw.  I hope you are having a good weekend.  It's great that you could help a friend find clothes for her daughter, and what a great bonus to find some things for yourself!  I did not have pizza, though everybody else did.  I made a frittata with fresh green peppers and onions from my garden, and mushrooms and cheddar cheese.  Enjoy your trivia night.  I hope it is fun.


Joanne, enjoy your weekend!  Does your vacation start now?


Lee Ann, did you get all those dolphins made yet?  They were so pretty.


Stacy, how is school going for you and the girls?  Are things getting any easier in the mornings?


Well, I can't believe how much fun I had at the high school today. Being in a room with a total of 3 educators and about 28 kids...  It was AWESOME!!!  I helped with the computer program, I got to do some one-on-one tutoring, and I just had the best time!  Then I came back to my school and my students, and they got so much accomplished.  I cannot begin to say how pleased I am!

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Happy Weekend!!!


Beth- I'm so happy that you had such an awesome day at work!!! How fun to enjoy what you are doing!!  I have one more week of work and then I'm on vacation! Next week, I will have to learn how to do the configuration in the new system from our vendor. Of course, it would have made sense for them to have me trained when we were in the implementation phase of the project--but the powers that be had someone else trained who doesn't remember most of it. He's going to be my back up- I really think that they should have someone else trained along with me and him--but what do I know? LOL Anyway, there will be a lot of work and of course they are still writing up my job description. Time will tell how this all pans out. I did leave work today @4:30 though!  There were still some things I was waiting on to hear about, but they'll just have to wait till Monday.


Marisa- Can't believe it's time to take down the beautiful yarny goodness from the Bridge. WTG on the great buys!!!


Stacy- Hope you are thoroughly enjoying the time with your Mom!


LeeAnn- Love the soapy goodness you posted on FB- did you get all 111 made?


I had a great call from my middle DD--she's starting a position on Monday in a middle school- she's very excited about it. It's in the same district she taught at last spring- but a different school. One of the art teachers who is ready to retire, fell and broke her leg and is going to be out for a few months. So they called my DD--she is nervous about middle schoolers- she prefers the younger ones, but I told her she'll be fine. I told her to remember her art teacher that she had in middle school and how much she liked him- and how 'cool' he was. And how he instilled in her the love of art that she has. I pointed out that she can really make a difference. I hope it all goes well for her.


Off to do laundry since I'm babysitting tomorrow afternoon for the boys! Have a great night!

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Top of the morning dear friends!


I am so very sorry that I have been missing, ever since I installed Quick Books on my laptop it has been freezing up.  Taking it to my mom’s computer guy to fix on Monday.  He may have to install more memory as I need everything that is on there.


Beth-I’m so glad that you had an awesome day at the high school.  You were meant to teach!  I’m so happy for you, finding a job that you love is wonderful.


Joanne-hoping that you get to rest this weekend, anything fun planned with your beautiful gs's?   One more week till you are on vacation..woot woot!  What’s on your hook these days.


Marisa-so sad to hear that the KTB is coming to an end, have you heard from you PO friend?  How’s his ghan coming along?


Stacy-bet you are super busy now that your mom is visiting, how is she?  How are you?  The rest of your wonderful family?


I have been super busy with the order for the dolphin soaps.  I’m so glad, just poured the pink dolphins, they are so pretty.  I love soaping and am so excited to be able to get to this for a living real soon.  Just heard my phone Cha Ching!  $$$$  That means I had a sale..a dozen more Oatmeal Luffa Glycerin Soaps..whew!  My customer had ordered 6 and loved them..she requested 12 more…wohoo!


  Life here in our house is busy, ds has a scout event tomorrow evening, dd has a school event Monday evening, Scouts on Tuesday, Confirmation on Wednesday…seems like we are going to begin our sprint.  I am glad that my kiddos are happy and involved.


I am going to go get my nails done, I cut my hair this week..short and am getting a new look.  We are not supposed to have long nails at work but I keep mine pretty short…actually my natural nails are more like stubs..nothing much to them as when I get nervous I either chew them off or peel them..not a good habit.  Will be back later.  Hugs n squishes!

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Hello, Everybody,

I hope your Monday treats you well.  I am having a hard time getting moving today.  I guess I need to get some coffee in me, and hope that helps.  Take care, and may your day be as awesome as you are!

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Good morning.  I may be going back to the high school again today.  I am really tired, and hate not knowing, since it would be quicker and use less gas to go directly to the high school.  I was reprimanded for not asking the math head yesterday if I could go today.  I do not like being reprimanded.  I still like having my own classroom, I'm just not thrilled with the pencil pushers I work for.


LeeAnn, I'm glad you got all those dolphins done.  They looked so pretty together.  What a great idea for gift baskets.  Are the loofas hard to make?


Joanne, Congrats to your dd on her teaching position.  What a great way to make an impact on young lives.  So often it is the art or music teacher who can reach kids who don't do well, or aren't interested, in their more traditional classes.  I hope training isn't too grueling for you.  Do you get to go home at a reasonable hour?


Marisa and Stacy, I hope all is well with you.


The last time I went to Ohio, my sister and I worked on a hot-dog dog  coat for her Doxies.  She says she can't do it without me sitting beside her, so she sent it back to me.  Now I have a fun project.  Can't wait to get one done, so I can send pics.

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LeeAnn, I hope you get your computer up and running soon.  No fun to battle computer issues.


Joanne, I hope training is going great for you. 


Marisa, I can't believe the bridge was un-bombed.  I love the videos, though.  I love how many people came together for it.  How is your practice going?  How is your mom?  Are the kids doing well in school?


Stacy, How is college?  Is it awesome to have your mom around?  I wish mine were closer.  Did she move down, or is this just a visit?


Well, I need to get going.  I didn't get a decent cup of coffee yesterday until noon, so I have to make sure I get some today!

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Good morning, and happy Coffee.  Well, the coffee is making me happy, any way...


LeeAnn, good luck searching for a new home computer.  They are so much faster than when we bought our first one a couple of decades ago.  It's amazing what my kids think are slow.  My son invested a huge amount of his summer earnings into a gaming computer, and now all the rest of ours feel like they are running on the power from a hamster turning a wheel..  I hope work goes well for you today.  Are you still mostly in classrooms?


Joanne, how is the training going?  Is it all week?  How are R&R doing?  Is your dd enjoying teaching?


Marisa, Have you been to the bridge since you decommissioned the art work?  I'll bet it looks cold and lonely now.  You put so much time into it.  Do you feel like you have a lot of time back now?


Stacy, So, inquiring minds want to know:  Did you drop the biology class?  How is school going for everyone?  Are mornings any easier for your little one?


I get to go to the high school today.  My husband was sick yesterday.  Please cross your fingers that I don't get it, or spread it to my students.


Oh!  I got some new yarn yesterday:  four skeins (2 each of 2 colors) of Borroco alpaca light, and two skeins of Sashay in team colors, one in my school's colors, the other in Redskin colors.  I want more time so I can play!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Yep, had my early patient today already :clap  So, looks like I fell off the wagon again not being here since Friday (or something like that)  Anyways, I spent Monday and Tuesday here studying and watching through all 6 modules for my course again (12 hours in 2 days :eek )  I went for the test yesterday morning and PASSED!!! :woo  Not with flying colors, but there were several questions with specific medications that I didn't know....I just reviewed the med classes :shrug  I should be getting a shipment in today and then I just ordered the exam forms and driver certificates yesterday, not sure how long that will take.  And then I do need to order a screening spirometer to test for lung function, which doesn't need to be done on everyone, but does need to be done in smokers over the age of 35 and dealing with commercial drivers.....I assume it will be a fairly large percentage :think  Then I'll need to get a screening audiometer as well, but don't NEED that right now since I can always refer out for it to be done and not everyone needs that either....only if they don't hear me with a 'forced whisper' from 5 feet behind them, which I don't think will be quite so often.  Other than that....I'm good to go!  Now to market that I do them. 


Then I spent the day yesterday running errands, came here for about 2 hours and then headed out to a friend's house for an evening of crocheting (insert calming/serene smiley here).  I do have some errands to run today as well with the bank being at the top of the list.  My bills are cutting it close this month, but that's because I just switched clearinghouses and am still getting everything in order with them.....so yep, a phone call to them today is on the menu.  Aside from that, not much else going on for now :think


Oh, do any of you ladies know where I can find a shoulder strap padding piece?  We've been looking for a new lunch bag for Bean for quite a while....just couldn't find the size and shape he likes that holds his lunch, snacks, and his water/coffee thermos'.  So Steph finally found one that fit the bill, but it doesn't have a shoulder strap, which he prefers but was not a deal breaker considering how long we've been looking.  So as you've guessed....I've been elected to add a shoulder strap to the bag.  I picked up the hooks and strap yesterday at JoAnn's but thought it would be great to add one of those pads onto the strap as well.....any ideas?  I thought about making one, but I'm not confident about that idea.


Beth - I'm so glad that you are loving your job and the kids are showing progress with your help.  But, I guess every job does have its shortcomings and I think it should be the supervisors job to tell you where you should be if it's different than the norm.  My mom is improving!  The bridge sure does look so... :yuck 


Joanne - I hope learning the configuration isn't too bad :xfin  Congrats to dd on the job and I'm sure she'll be fine!  I think she'll be able to have them convert their middle school energy into artistic energy


LeeAnn - :yay for more orders and it's great to hear about your kids involvement with everything!  I haven't stated the ghan for the PO yet, but do have the yarn.  A friend asked if I'd make the baby blanket for her nephew due in October so I wanted to get that done first.  Why don't you look into getting an external hard drive?  You can get one with a terabyte for just under $100...then transfer a lot of your info and clean off your hard drive.  They basically work like an oversized USB drive.

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:hi friends!!!


I didn't realize how long it has been since I've checked in, until I came today and found I had been signed out!  :lol


Joanne, enjoy your vacation, and congrats to your dd on the new job!  How exciting! 


Leeann, I am so excited for you that you are getting so many orders and your very own store set up!  Have you heard if the Migrant will close sooner? How are the kiddos?


Marisa, those gorgeous bridge pieces are coming down already?  Boo!  I'm sure it was colorful and fun to look at while it lasted, though.  :woo for your mom feeling better!  As for the shoulder pad, could you just get some batting and fabric in the color of the strap, and sew one on?  :think


Beth, :woo for enjoying your job!  Sounds like it is the perfect fit for you.  How are the inventions doing in their classes?


There's so much news from here I don't have time to tell it all.  LoL  I dropped the bio class, but picked up an online history class that will count toward my electives.  For now, I am only taking that and child development.  My English class will start in October. 

No news on the job front.  I've applied to many different places and only had 2 interviews so far.  I no longer qualify for the TA positions at the girls' school because I am not a full-time student.  Tomorrow I am going to register with a temp agency. 

Eva has been hit-or-miss with school.  Tuesday was rough so I picked her up after school.  The older girls are thrilled with the after-school program, though, and Isabella is part of the football team.  :yes  Mia is having trouble with schoolwork; more specifically, completing it.  Dh and I met with her teacher, who seems to think she craves attention.  Which is funny because she is the one who probably receives the most.  I think she just prefers to socialize.  However, we have talked to her about consequences of not completing it, even the possibility of being sent back to 2nd grade because of it.  She was not happy and promised to try harder. 

My mom moved in with us.  She has been very helpful with chores, but not too concerned about looking for a job.  There are issues to work out with her as well.  It will take some adjusting on everyone's part.


Well, I think that's all the news from here.  In between schoolwork and everything else, I have made a couple of ruffle scarves (I can't believe how incredibly easy they are now! :lol ) and started the chrysanthemum shawl It is pretty and very easy.  I still haven't finished the blanket because I'm not sure what kind of border to add. 


Love and hugs! 

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Thanks for the idea Stacy!  I hope Mia gets her act together with the school work, although I did chuckle at your FB post where she stated she didn't do it because she was busy having fun! :rofl  I hope everything gets ironed out with your mom :hug  That shawl is gorgeous :manyheart

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Yes, that one was funny!  That girl cracks me up sometimes.  Unfortunately, she brought home another one the next day, which just said, "I forgot." :no  And yesterday she didn't do any of her homework after school, she brought it all home and said it was too difficult.  Isabella said she had been talking during the entire homework period. 


Good luck with the strap!

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Good evening ladies!


Beth-sorry to hear that you dh is sick, we have had colds and tummy problems here in our house. My dd stayed home from school on Monday she was sick sick sick.  Luckily the hubby was able to stay home with her.  I haven't been in the classrooms as much as our number of children enrolled is extremely low.  I am hoping every day that they will give us a closing date.  I really dislike that they do not ever give us a beginning or ending date they just expect us to fly by the seat of our pants. 


Joanne-Congratulations to your dd!  How very exciting and how proud you must be.  Is she doing better?  How are you?  I am sure that you are getting ready for your vacation?  What's on the hook these days?


Stacy-the school year is always so different, seems like kiddos have so much to deal with on a daily basis.  Hopefully your dd will get her assignments in on time.  I can imagine that it will take quite a bit of time to become adjusted to your mom living with you.  Did she move all of her stuff too?  the sashay scarves are pretty addicting, I love working on them in between everything. 


Marisa-what pattern are you using for your new ghan?  I love love love whipping up baby ghans, they are my ultimate favorite.  I need to work on a few for the shop...one of these days.  We are all sharing my laptop but with the kiddos back in school we need more than one computer.  Thank you for the info-I'm not very computer savvy, I appreciate all the help that all of you offer.   Perhaps a strap out of fabric and a heavy batting?  I think that is what Stacy suggested, I am positive that you will come up with something fantastic.   you are so very creative. 


Monday I am taking a Quick Books class..I'm so grateful as I am totally lost and rather then muddle through it, I am going to receive one on one training.  It will be worth the fee.  Finished the last of the 12 soapies..woohoo!  Caught up on all orders..kinda..just remembered that someone ordered a room spray in French Vanilla and a set of soy tarts...will have to work on those this weekend.  Going to take a quick bath and call it a night.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Marisa, is there a outdoor store that sells backpacks and such in your area?  I bought the things to fashion a sling for a friend who would be wearing it for a long time (nerve damage) from one a couple of decades ago.  A high-end hiking/camping supplies store would probably have all sorts of things, including some nice, adjustable straps and shoulder padding.  I hope you enjoyed the crochet time.  I am looking forward to crocheting this weekend.  I bought some ruffle scarf yarn from fabric.com just because my daughter wanted to buy some faux fur, and I was adding to the order so we wouldn't have to pay for shipping  Yeah.   That's the only reason I bought yarn.  You believe me, right? 


Stacy, I had one who was just too lazy or disorganized to get homework done and turned in on time.  One of the many reasons I started to home school.  I could be on top of it.  He was lying about it, and deleting messages from his teacher on my answering machine...  LOVELY.  Any way, good luck with your daughter.  I'm sorry her homework is so hard.  I think they give too much to little kids.  Is she possibly overwhelmed, so she puts her head in the sand and pretends it isn't there?  (And socializes, because that's who she is?)  Good luck with your mom living with you.  It will be a beautiful thing, once you get the kinks worked out. 


LeeAnn, I hate not knowing what's going on at work, too.  At least you know you will have a great boss in November.  Are things continuing to go well for you kids at school?  The oatmeal loofas look awesome.  I like Marisa's idea about the external hard drive.  I might do something like that, back up some of my files. 


Joanne, vacation bound!  Today is Happy Friday to you!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and the most fun vacation ever.  Tell you daughter Happy Birthday from me!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I had a few patients this morning and a new one on her way now :clap  Then I have some errands to run for Steph.  Aside from that, not much going on today. 


Thanks for the thoughts Beth, I'll have to look into that :yes 


I hope you're all having a great Friday!

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Happy Saturday dear friends!


Woke up early but stayed in bed listening to the rain fall.  It has been raining a lot here in our neck of the woods.  In some parts of our state, it has flooded.  My sister and her family are stranded at home, thankfully their house is built on top of a hill but all of the streets/roads are closed.  They haven't been able to leave their home since Thursday evening but we are just glad that they are safe and dry.  So many folks have lost their businesses and homes.  Such a tragedy.


Beth-ohh laa laaa what will you do with your new yarn?  Will you get hooky time this weekend?  How was your Friday the 13?  Did the kiddos pull any pranks?


Stacy-hoping your weekend is relaxing but I bet you will be out doing something totally fun.


Joanne-happy Vacation!  What's on the agenda for the day?  Are you driving up to visit your dd?


Marisa-how's the shoulder strap coming along?  I bet you figured out something really cool.  That is great that you can now offer CDL to your patients, this will bring in more folks for sure.


I fell asleep early last night..like 7:30 early..I must have been tired.  I awoke to a few orders...I'm at 477...come on 500!  Going to package them up then drive to the PO to mail them off today.  I am meeting with "Joyce" the owner of the building.  She is soo kind and generous.  She has been super kind to me and shared her mailing list.  I am sending my postcard to the print shop today for 600 postcards...whew!  I am stopping to tell her thank you and to look at a catalog that she has, she found the cutest glass rubber ducky ornaments that would look awesome in my shop and soap dishes!  I'm soo excited as I have wanted to sell soap dishes along with the soap but haven't found the ones that I love. I must love them before selling..that's my rule.  :yes


off to work I go.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning!


Leeann, I think that is a wonderful business rule, to not sell something unless you love it.  :yes  How exciting to see your very own business coming together!


Joanne, have a wonderful vacation!


Marisa, what did you figure out for the strap?  How cool that you now offer the CDL, that's sure to bring in more business!  What's on the agenda for the weekend?


Beth, new yarn, how fun!  I love your excuse for ordering it, too.  I do agree- why pay more for shipping than you have to?  :lol   I agree that schools give too much too the littler kids.  This year has been a confusing one for Mia.  One day they were working on order of operations (already!) and the next was estimating and subtracting three-digit numbers.  Then the next was multiplication, then back to estimation/subtraction.  It's part of the new "common core standards" but to me it is just disorganized and confusing for the kids.  I can see how she is frustrated- I am, too! 


This morning I woke up and started pumpkin cinnamon rolls...only to realize the girls ate all of the cream cheese so I need to run to the store before finishing them.  Dh took my car to FIL's house to fix it.  :xfin that the spark plugs are the only issue!  I have two homework assignments due this weekend, but I think that is the only thing on the agenda.


Love and hugs! 

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Hi everyone!

I've been sick for  few days- got a doozy of a cold- finally went to the dr yesterday- I went to work each day, but yesterday decided I probably needed a dr- so went and got started on antibiotics- turns out I had the beginnings of an ear and sinus infection. feeling much better already today--good thing too since I'm on vacation now!!!!


Will try and catch up --but tomorrow is our anniversary- so we're probably going to take a trip down to the shore to one of our favorite towns- with lots of nice little shops----

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Lee Ann, you MUST have been tired.  I fell asleep in the chair while my husband was watching tv/playing video games.  But I got up at 4:30.  I have a list of things going through my head that I should have done at the school on Friday, but I ran out of time.  I love the idea of selling soap dishes, too.  That's  perfect!  I'm sure Joyce wants you to succeed, so she gets her rent!  lol  She sounds like a very helpful person!  Perfect!  I hope your sister gets un-flooded soon.  Are her kids getting cabin fever yet?  Do you remember when we were pulling for you to hit 100 sales?  I can't believe you are approaching 500.  Well, yes I can.  You sell good items at a good price.


Joanne, enjoy your long-awaited vacation!  We will hear from you when you get back.  I hope you are all having the best time!


Stacy, I hope your weekend is full of fun.  I can't believe your daughter can do yoga while reading.  That is totally cool!  You are a fantastic mom.


Marisa, loved the picture from the game.  You looked like it was a lot of fun.


Well, I am spending the afternoon at my MIL's house.  She lives with my sister-in-law, who went to visit her son at college this weekend.  My BIL is a fire-fighter and will be working all day.  While my MIL doesn't require someone with her all the time, my SIL wants someone to check on her.  Notice my loving husband didn't volunteer, and it's HIS mom!  But we always have a good time.  I may actually buy a movie to watch with her, bring some home-cooked food (and a crochet project) and just relax and let her talk at me for a few hours.


Off to plan the groceries for the week...

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Hello ladies! 


Joanne-Happy Anniversary dear friend!  Hoping that your day was as wonderful as you are.  Do you feel better?  I sure hope so.  Any plans for tomorrow?


Beth-my sister is still stuck at home, her boys are extremely stir crazy as they can't even go outside, it keeps pouring rain and the puddles are huge..more like lakes.  They have evacuated in her area, her house sits on a hill..thankfully they can stay as long as the water levels do not rise any more.  


Stacy-your desert sounds just yummy!  I love cream cheese! Hopefully this week goes well for your dd's and school work.  Hang in there!


Marisa-can't wait to hear about your weekend!


I ordered my new soap dishes and a few other fillers for the shop...it's soo wonderful!  The catalog that Joyce has is superb!  Great prices..but you have to order a minimum of $500..thankfully she is ordering too..so it wasn't a biggie for me to add my list to hers.  I ordered new Laundry Soap tins..as I will be adding them to my product line..they are soo cute!  Also ordered these cute bubble bath signs, two different kinds of soap dishes..they are vintage looking and just adorable!  Also ordered "laundry room signs", washboard shelves, all of the items will be for sale in my store and will just add to the cuteness factor.  Also ordered more Rubber ducks..as I plan on selling them embed in soap but also alone..can't go wrong with rubber duckies.  It's all so exciting and exhausting.  Tomorrow I will be dropping off the check and cardstock paper for my 600 postcards..and meet with my Quick Book lady and hopefully get my computer fixed...so much to do..not enough time.


My ds has been sick all weekend, better go check on him and package up this last order so that I can work on candle tarts..they are on my to do list for the weekend.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Just checking in...we took the girls to Knott's this morning.  It was unexpected, as dh had planned to go hiking but woke up later than planned.  It worked out well, though.  The park was nearly empty until right before we left, so we got on most of our favorite rides with little to no wait.  Came home around 4 because Isabella and I both had school work to finish.  Oh, and dh just HAD to watch the Seahawks game, which is now on rain delay anyway.  Fun day!


Leeann, sure sounds like you are getting everything in place!  Joyce sounds wonderful, I'm sure it is a huge help to have her as your landlord.  Your new goodies sound adorable, can't wait to see pics!  Sorry to hear about your sister!  Her kids must be going stir-crazy by now.  My mom has a friend who lives in Pike's Peak and she said many of their streets are flooded and there is no way to get out also.  Scary!


Beth, how sweet of you to go and sit with MIL.  Did you buy a movie?  What kind of home-made goodie did you take?


Marisa, can't wait to hear about your weekend!


Joanne, happy anniversary!  Hope you had a wonderful time strolling the neat shops.  Glad to hear you are feeling better with the antibiotics. 


Gotta scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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