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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning!


School has been so hit-or-miss with Eva, it is frustrating.  She was fine on Friday, but yesterday my friend called again and said that Eva found her and asked if she would call me.  So I spoke with Eva and let her know that she HAS to go with Coach Cindy, even if it is just to tell her that her tummy hurts.  Well, she ended up staying the entire time, but I had class last night and she was so upset when I left.  :cry   It breaks my heart.  She's too young for the after-school program and I am praying that dh will say we can take her out of it once my mom is here.


Leeann, lots of :hug to you!!  I'm sure your body must be trying to tell you to take it easy (I know, easier said than done!)  I am glad you took the day off, though, and hoping that you are feeling better today. 


Beth, once they get to know you, they will love you!!  I know I would love to work with you.  :yes  Also, the assistants in our computer lab and library aren't teachers, either- so I wouldn't think you are taking anyone's job.  :shrug  Good luck getting your room all set up!


Joanne and Marisa, hope the week is going well!


I should probably get off my duff and clean.  I have another load of laundry to do, and I need to leave early for class and stop by the bookstore.  Love and hugs! 

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Hi all,

Just to let you know I'm still around--tired, but here!!! Yes, we went 'live' on Monday- and I worked a lot of hours on the weekend- Sat night worked 3 and then 7.5 on Sunday. I'm TIRED!!! But a few more days and it's a 3 day weekend.


Still some glitches that we're working on and as much as I try to leave at 4:30 something always comes up and I end up not leaving till after 6. After Labor Day, I am planning to leave at 4:30..these 50+ hour weeks are starting to get very old!!!!


I'm going to grab a bite to eat and then do some knitting ...and then sleep!


I'll try and catch up here over the weekend!

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Good afternoon housemates!!! :hi


Well, I haven't been here in forever :eek  It's been crazy!  So since I've been here last.....my hard drive crashed, I came to work last Monday and it was dead!  Meanwhile, Sunday I got a new cell phone because mine was no longer holding a charge :sigh  So, Monday I had a couple patients, and then in the evening I went and bought a new computer.  Spent Tuesday morning unhooking the old one, cleaning the whole desk area and then hooking up the new one.  Averie and Sloan were here so later in the day after they left, I turned it on and got Norton and MS Office on there.  Wednesday I worked on my professional EHR software, which I was super paranoid about, but my backup was good :clap  I only lost 2 days of notes, which was 2 new patient files and I think 3 regular visits.  That was because I didn't back it up at that point, so not too shabby.  Thursday I spent getting quick books going and my printer hooked back up.  So, then I was able to starting adding in what I had to redo.  By the end of Friday I watched 2 more modules for the medical examiner training and got some notes in the computer.  Had patients Saturday morning and did more notes, then we had a neighborhood block party at 4 and we hung out until 1ish!!!  Then Sunday was the KtB party on the bridge, they had a yoga session with over 700 participants!!!  Monday, I officially caught up all of last weeks work that got put on hold with the whole computer issue and getting the stuff redone that needed to be :yay  So then yesterday, I watched the last 2 modules required for the training.  There's still one more, but it's not needed for the training it's an added bonus that I will watch as well.  I did get the paperwork sent into the school so now I need to wait for the certificate to be able to sit for the certification exam.  They said within 45 days to receive that, which I'm guessing is an overestimate but also figured I can get through the modules and then spend that time studying :think


I started the baby blanket, but have only gotten to the first row of the first color change.  It's repetitive so once I get that down, it'll move quickly I think.  I also need to get the other one going too.  This weekend will be busy again.  Friday night I'm heading over to the ribfest :drool and a local band will be playing there and I always enjoy watching them.  Saturday we are going to the Pirates game and Third Eye Blind is playing after, so that'll be fun :)


I just breezed through the posts and didn't take notes :(  But I hope all is well with everyone!  I should hopefully be back to a 'normal' schedule now :xfin

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-thinking of you and hoping that those 50+ hour work weeks end.  :hug


Beth-how's it going?  the kiddos in your class?  Did you get your room purrtied up?


Stacy-what's a happening?  How's school for your kiddos?  is your dd feeling less anxious?


Marisa-oh my gosh!  Yes!  you have been busy, how fun!


Adding candles to etsy..I may never get them all added...seems like I have too many.  It's a good problem.  The new cash register came in today and a few other supplies..my craft room is filling up..actually some of the things are spilling into the living room..dh said it's getting a bit scary..but what's a gal to do?  I have the counter/stand in the living room as it's too heavy to haul into the craft room only to be moved soon...other than that..nothing too juicy.  Work was ok..we may slow down after all.  I'm hoping and praying for an end date.


best get my tush to bed.  So much to do but am going to call it a night.  I did pick up new yarn at walymart..similar to the sashay yarn but more like a ribbon..so pretty!  now if I could just squeeze in hooky time. :manyheart


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Hello Everybody,

LeeAnn, how exciting that everything is coming together for your business to open!  I am sure it's spilling out to other parts of the house but you have to put it some where.  I'm glad things at work are slowing down for you.  You needed that!


Marisa, you busy girl, you!  I'm sorry your computer died, but it sounds like you have the new one up and going.  I'm glad you didn't lose too much.  Backups rock.  Sounds like you have some fun things planned.  Enjoy the ribfest -- sounds YUM!!!  And the game and Third Eye Blind. 


Joanne, I hope the 50+ hour weeks are over for you.  I am having trouble with the 8 to 3 hours I'm having now. 


Stacy, I hope you enjoy college.  Eva is a young thing.  She will be OK.  It will just take time.


Ooops, gotta run!  Take care, my friends!

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Good morning ladies :hi


It's an early morning for me today, I saw a patient at 6 am!  He would usually come at about 7:30 at night (after the work day and then getting through traffic) and then he called my cell the Sunday we were putting the bridge up to ask if I can see him in the morning and we did 6 so he can get in and out before traffic because where he lives is not around the corner, but out by the airport, which happens to be on the other side of the city.  It worked out really well for him and quite frankly I'd prefer 6am to 7:30pm myself :shrug  That just blocks up the whole evening.  Now my next patients aren't until 3:30, a wonderful elderly couple and they always put a smile on my face :)  Then a new patient at 6 tonight :clap  After that, it's stroll and patrol on the bridge again tonight for me.


I brought the baby blanket with me to get some work done on and I'll also spend some time reading my training manual.  Throw in some Candy Crush and internet searches and the day is gone :eek:blush:lol


LeeAnn - I'm so excited for you and the shop!  At least you'll be able to move a lot of the stuff from your house into the new store space.


Beth - Are you still enjoying the new job?

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Good morning!


Marisa, so sorry to hear your computer crashed!  Yikes.  Thank goodness you didn't lose too much info.  Your weekends always sound so fun!


Leeann, I love the sign!  How exciting!  Hopefully the migrant will end soon so you can focus solely on your store. How are the chickens?  Have they started school?  So many different start dates this year- it's hard to keep track!


Joanne, yikes @ the 50+ hours!  :xfin that you can actually manage to leave by 4:30 after Labor Day.  Oh, hey!  I read this morning that if you go to the Bux and ask for a PSL10, you can actually get pumpkin spice already!  :eek   Hardly seems like it should be time for that.


Beth, how is the job?  Did you get your classroom set up?  How are the inventions liking their classes?


I had an update all typed out yesterday, then clicked the wrong box and closed the window!  Eva has been hit-or-miss, yesterday she was excited because the class sang 'happy birthday' to her and she got a pencil from her teacher.  Then she lost the pencil. Today she cried because there was no special "event" to look forward to.  I'm starting to see a trend.  :lol  The teacher said she could pick out a new one and I told her to keep it in her lunchbox this time. 


Tomorrow we are going to the beach with some friends to celebrate her actual birthday.  Then on Saturday we are going to Knott's to celebrate mine.  And my mom will be here next Wednesday!  :cheer:clap  I'm just a wee bit excited.  


Classes are going okay.  I'm enrolled in 4, but only need 2 of them for my degree since I switched to child development.  This semester I have child development, English, biology, and Chicano studies (which counts toward humanities.)  The bio teacher is incredibly rude, and I'm thinking of dropping it.  I already took Anthropology, which counts as the equivalent, but needed the bio for nutrition.  So it's kind of like wasted units.  We'll see how the next week or two play out.  Oh!  I finally received my FA award letter, but no disbursement dates are set.  I'm thinking they will wait until after the last day to drop without a W, to send it out.   :think 


On the hooky front, a friend sent me the YouTube link for a ruffle scarf, and it is SO much easier than the one I had done last time!  Leeann, now I know how you were finishing them so quickly!  :lol   I bought more Sashay yesterday and started on my second scarf last night. 

Gotta scoot!  Love and hugs!



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Hi all,


Well, the end is finally in sight of all these working days without a break! And tomorrow is our company bar-b-que form 11:30-1:30 and then as an added bonus, they sent an email announcing that we can go home after that!! WOOT!!!!!!!


Not much on tap for the weekend other than LOTS of rest/relaxation and of course R&R time!!! Lots of ME time planned--doing what I want when I want! LOL


Next weekend, I plan to really dive in and clean this place---but not until then. This weekend, it's only the basics that HAVE to get done!


Hugs to all!

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Joanne, I'm so glad this is going to be a short day for you!  that's awesome.  I'll bet you are very ready for some good R&R!   Enjoy your much-needed YOU time!!!


Stacy, I think I'd drop that bio like a hot potato.  There are plenty of other teachers out there who are pleasant, and make learning easy and fun.  I hope your baby girl had a happy birthday.  The picture from Target is so adorable.  She has the sweetest little face.  Our FA disbursements are around the 20th of September.  Your ruffle scarf turned out very nicely.  What colors will the next one be?


Marisa, the stroll and patrol sounds great.  Is there a schedule set up for that?  I love the pics of the bridge.  How awesome!  I think I'd prefer 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., too, but it sounds like you are most willing to accommodate your patients.  I'll bet they love that about you! 


LeeAnn, how is school going for the kids?  Are they adjusting to the new year?


Well, the van died last night, needed a new battery.  Hooray for quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive problems!  I still don't have my class rosters, and I have been informed that there will be additions to my schedule, which is a very good thing.  I only have 3 45-minute classes scheduled, which makes for a very long day sitting around waiting.  My son and I got our hair cut yesterday.  I came home, and my husband said he wasn't sure whose is shortest, mine or his.  But it is very curly, and I love it, so that's all that matters.  I haven't crocheted much lately.  I came home today, my daughter was in tears, she's so stressed about class work already.  I had to go back, check due dates, and prioritize, then take a bike ride and eat something.  She felt better after that.  We worked on her precalculus together.  She says her classmates are jealous that her mom can tutor her. 

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Good morning housemates :)


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I had patients at 9 and 10 this morning, but the 10:00 didn't show up :(  Oh well, it happens...what can you do.  I'll give her a call in a bit, I hope everything is ok!  We had a couple pieces to fix the last 2 nights of our stroll and patrol on the bridge...just some wear and tear, nothing major.  Some people don't leave much tail when they tied things off :shrug  Tonight is the rib festival and a show :clap  Tomorrow is the Pirates and another show!  I have to do some grocery shopping for Steph today to get stuff for the tailgate tomorrow since this is the one she puts together for work.


So my patient that does my IT stuff.....is also a photographer and last weekend she took some headshots for me to use on my website!  So attached, you see the link for my proofs....they are all the same with just super tiny differences.  So, I know which one I like and am taking a poll........




Let me know your thoughts :)


I hope you all have a wonderful Friday, I may or may not be back during the day.


Stacy - If you don't need the bio, I'd say follow your gut instinct and avoid the excessive aggravation so you can focus all that energy towards the classes that you do need :yes  Have a wonderful birthday weekend celebration for you and Eva!


Joanne - :yay for a long weekend being kicked off with a bbq!  Enjoy!!!!


Beth - Great news about classes and I'm glad dd was able to rethink things through and 'get through' the stress.  How funny that her friends are jealous that she has you....well, calculus isn't really a walk in the park and that's not typical class work that parents can help with, so of course she is super lucky :yes

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Good evening ladies!


Time is whizzing by and I'm holding on for dear life.


Marisa- Your pictures are stunning!  You look beautiful and so happy!  I love all of them but my favorite is 005.  But then again, they all look great!  Have a good weekend, it sure sounds exciting.


Beth-Oh my gosh!  Your dd is taking calculus?  She is very lucky that you are so wonderful and can help.  Can you crochet at work while you are waiting?


Stacy-Happy Birthday to you and your dd!  That is soo sweet that a pencil meant so much to her, nowadays kids want lots of stuff and do not appreciate the little things.  The sashay scarves are addicting!  I bought new yarn the other day and can't wait to play.


Joanne-hugs and extra squishes dear friend!  you worked so hard, you deserve an entire weekend to yourself.  What will you do?  I bet hooky time and perhaps dinner out?  I hope so.


I am still sick, I have totally lost my voice.  :cry Yesterday I did not go in to work AGAIN..my dd was sick..I wasn't feeling that great either, I was glad that we stayed home.  I am struggling to manage everything :reyes ..everything that I have ordered is in..now it's on to figuring out Quick Books and the cash register...gadgets like this are not my strong suit..I would much rather create..dh has agreed to help, he's awesome at this kind of thing. I'm still super excited and really really want to quit the migrant but I am talking myself into staying.  I don't want to burn my bridges..but it's a daily struggle to be there.


Tomorrow we are driving to Salida, the town where I have some of my product consigned, I am picking it all up.  :clap  The shop owner had called to see if I wanted to back out of my contract as it wasn't flying off the shelves fast enough..she had sold quite a bit but was wanting it all to sell.  I'm totally fine with it, I will add it to my growing stockpile.


The kiddos are enjoying school.  Ds has a school dance this evening that he wants to go to.  I am going to work on Etsy and my long list of things to do but I LOVE working for myself. I can listen to my own music while sipping coffee..it's so enjoyable.


Back to work.  Hugs and extra squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well.  It is good to hear how happy you sound, talking about your own business, though.  I can't wait for it to start for you.  I told my summer boss that I would have lots of free time at the beginning of the year, and offered to keep doing the work I did in the summer.  She is very happy to hear it, and sent my first assignment.  That will keep me busy.  And happy. 


Marisa, I like all the pictures, but I think 007 is my favorite.  They are all so good, though.  I can't wait to hear which one you like best, and why.  You are a very pretty lady!


Joanne, I hope you are having a magnificent, relaxing weekend!  I came home after half a day, and got a bit of cleaning done, and it felt good! 


Stacy, Happy Birthday a bit on the early side.  I hope your big birthday weekend is a lot of fun!!! 

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Good morning!


Beth- Glad that you are enjoying your job---and that you are able to help your DD with calculus. That is help that my DD's would have loved!! And I was not one who could help them. Luckily, though, they all did ok with it.


LeeAnn- I hope you find your voice soon-but at least we can 'hear' the excitement in your 'voice' when you 'talk' about all the exciting things happening with the new business. Great weekend for the 'grand opening!! Nov 1 is my youngest DD's birthday and we'll all be heading up to Boston that day for a few days to celebrate. She wants to go there since she loves it there plus she'll get to see her oldest DD too. Win-Win! I've already scheduled my time off for that - and figured may as well take Halloween off too so I can go 'trick or treating" with my GS!


Marisa- Wow- what a busy weekend you have on tap- all good though! Have fun at the games and the concerts! I like picture 5 and 12--well actually I like them all! They came out awesome! I can't wait to hear which one you decide on.


Stacy- Yes, I heard that about PSL10--Pumpkin spice latte has been around 10 years already!!! I've been saving up my rewards just for this time of year so I can get 'free' ones!! They brought it out early this year I guess because it's the 10 year anniversary-I just may have to get one this weekend!! Loved the pic of Eva with the birthday hat on! Enjoy your celebration this weekend. I would also drop the biology class!

:birthday:cake:bday  Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!!!


Can't believe I woke up early this morning on my first day off in what seems like forever! But that's ok--I'll get my laundry done and some very basic cleaning done.... I went over to DD's yesterday and spent some time with her and R&R- it was wonderful! They are coming over later this afternoon after naps and we're hoping to go into the pool. She also wants to come over on Labor Day for one last summer fling in the pool- and my SIL is off on Monday too (he works today and tomorrow). Hoping the weather cooperates-since right now they are forecasting T-storms for Monday. Other than that, not much on the agenda--which is just how I want it.  Hook time, pointy stick time- and some nook time---that's what is on the agenda!


Have a great Saturday!

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Joanne, sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned.  I'll bet it feels GOOD not to go into work.  I enjoyed my half day on Friday, got some house work done, though you can't tell.  My husband and dd will be working on the electrical wiring in her room today, so she put a lot of the things from her room in other parts of the already-crowded house, and it looks like an episode from Hoarders.  Enjoy your R&R time, your hooky and pointy stick and nooky time, and relax!!!  I love that your daughters plan their trips to include seeing each other.  You did a great job raising them!


Stacy, :bday  to you and your beautiful daughter!  She must have been your best birthday present ever!


LeeAnn, an Marisa, I hope you both have a fun, healthy weekend.  My daughter needs me, Bye

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Top of the morning dear friends! :yay


Joanne-your weekends sounds just wonderful!  Your dd's all sound amazingly sweet and caring, I know they take after their "mommy".  trick o treating with lil Ryan, how fun!  Does he have his costume?


Beth-my craft rooms looks like an episode from Hoarders..I'm going to try to tidy up this weekend as it's too much for me to handle..I love organizing. Your dd is soo sweet, does she have a colllege major? 


Stacy- :bday:birthday   hope your day is as awesome as you are!


Marisa-I bet the concert was super!


Got up early, I fell asleep early.. :lol   dh took ds to his dance and drove back to pick him up at 11...he asked if I wanted to go but I was so out of it...I couldn't make myself get up.  Going to keep plugging away on Etsy.  New candle jars arrived  yesterday, they are sooo cute!  I can't wait to pour candled but first I must get all of the ones that I made last weekend up and listed..off to work.  I'm waiting for dh to get up so that we can take out lil trip.


have a Happy Saturday.  Hugs n extra squishes! :ghug :ghug

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LeeAnn, I hope your son had a magnificent time at the dance.  Your shy little guy seems to be out of his shell now!  You must be very proud of him, and happy for him.  I can't wait to see pics of all the new goodies.  I think I need to head over to your Etsy shop to check it all out.  You continue to amaze me.  My dd is following in her father's footsteps.  She is majoring in Computer Aided Drafting and Design, and possibly taking courses in Graphic Design. 


Joanne, enjoy a quiet Sunday.  I hope it's wonderful!


Stacy, I hope you are still enjoying your birthday weekend. 


Marisa, Have fun at the game and concert.


I need to come up with a grocery plan for this week, and go shopping.  After that, I think my day will be spent cleaning up a bit around here, helping my daughter with any school work she wants a hand with, and working on a crocheted baby guinea pig.

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Have a good Sunday everyone!!!


It's cloudy here, and I'll probably head over to DDs later on this afternoon to help her hang the pictures we picked up yesterday at Hobby Lobby for Ryan's room. Other than that--a nice LAZY day!!!


Hugs to you all!

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Hello my friends and Happy Labor Day!


Beth-did ya get all of your shopping done?  I need to create a menu for the week and then go from there, it sure does help when you're tired and you don't know what to make for dinner.  Thank you for reminding me.   Did you get hooky time in?


Joanne-hoping that your weekend was filled with lots and lots of R & R and of course yarn fun-nes!


Yesterday I got up early to work on orders and such, cleaned up my craft studio..whew!  Then we drove to the in-laws for lunch.  It was soo nice to get away.  Since we have been in the car for the last two days I was able to get a bit of hooky time in.  I made 3 scarves.  I was finally able to play with the new ribbon Sashay yarn, it's super fast and easy once you wind it into a smooth cake, you can really whip the scarves up.


On the way home we stopped at the park as my brother and his band were playing.  They are pretty good!  I'm so very proud of him.  Then it was back home to pour the last of the soaps and pour new lip balms..Cinnamon Supreme..I am so glad that I stayed up late working on it all, I feel like I may be catching up.


My ds had fun at his school dance, he's become quite the social little bug, I am super proud of him.  He gets a little grouchy when he doesn't sleep enough..yesterday morning was one of those mornings but he "chilled out" as the afternoon went by. 


best get my tush in gear..packaing up orders and working on the new September Fragrance of the Month goodies..how did I forget about them?  yikes!


hugs n extra squishes dear friends!

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Off to school I go, heigh ho!  I still can't entirely believe that I'm  getting my own classroom this year. I'd feel more prepared if I had my class rosters.  And my city school ID, which allows me to access the printers and copiers and e-mail...  Oh well.  We will get there when we get there.


LeeAnn, sounds like you've been very busy.  Did you get your voice back yet?  Are you feeling any better?  I'm glad your son had a good time at his dance.  I think we are all a little cranky without enough sleep, but growing kids, especially, and he's at that age where he might grow a few inches this year.


Joanne, I hope your weekend was just what you needed!  I hope work goes smoothly for you today.


Stacy, How are your classes?  How are the girls doing? 


Marisa, I am sad that I didn't get to go to Pittsburgh to see the bridge in all its glory, but I think you are amazing to take such an active role in such a huge project.  You are awesome.  Did you have fun with your very busy weekend?


I finished the baby guinea pig pattern that Lion Brand linked to on Facebook.  It's cute, but not as cute as the ones made with multiple yarns.  It was a fun little project, about the size that I could handle this weekend.  Next, working with sock yarn and a B crochet hook (it's so tiny!) to make fingerless gloves for my dd. 

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HI all,


Well, it was a very relaxing weekend off that I thoroughly enjoyed!!!!

Today it was back to reality- although I've made it a point that I'm not going to work the crazy hours! I left by 5--which is great for me- I technically can leave @4:30- but sometimes there's just some things I would rather get done rather than leave for the next morning.


Beth- Hope you had a great 'first' day at school. The guinea pig must be cute- I had seen it on FB.


LeeAnn- I was wondering also how your voice was doing. Just keep thinking that pretty soon , Migrant will be a distant memory.


Stacy- thought of you yesterday when I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season! YUM

Marisa- Hope you had an awesome weekend. You must be tired from all the fun!


Off to get dinner....I'm starving! LOL

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Good morning.  I can't sleep -- too much running through my head from yesterday.  I very much enjoyed being in charge of a class again.  I like the students so far.  The 6th graders are just adorable!  They seem so young, and so eager to do their work.  I had to go buy some new shoes, though.  My other shoes are pretty, but not practical for being on my feet all day.


Didn't touch a hook all day.  Maybe that's why I can't sleep! 


Joanne, I'm glad you went home at a decent hour.  I hope you enjoyed your Pumpkin latte. 


LeeAnn, the soap with the deer on it is just beautiful.  The scent sounds great, too.


Marisa, How are the kids?  Are they back in school yet?  How are the turtles?  Is your mom doing OK?


Stacy, How is your class?  Did you drop the biology, or are you toughing through it?  We're here to cheer you on, one way or the other.



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Good morning, and Happy Thursday to all of you. 
Joanne, I hope you are continuing to go home by 5:30 every day.  Are you playing with yarn?  What are you making?  How are the boys doing?  I'll bet they are growing so fast.  Did you shut down the pool for the season, or is it still open for a nice warm weekend day?


Lee Ann, Are you hanging in there?  Have things improved at the Migrant job?  How are things coming together for your grand opening?  It is so exciting.  I sure wish I could be there for it. Do the kiddos like their teachers this year?


Stacy, I hope you are having a wonderful time with your mother.  I'll bet she's happy to see you and your beautiful daughters. 


Marisa, Are things going well in Pittsburgh?  How is your mom feeling?  Have you had time to play with yarn lately?


Well, I like my job, so far, but we haven't really started using the program yet.  I am waiting for some paperwork to go through so I can get the e-mail address and web access I need to communicate with everyone, and to print or make copies.  But besides that, It's going well so far. They are already talking about giving me more classes, but they are going to take away my brightest 6th graders.  Sigh.  So much fun to play with math with bright kids... 

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Good morrrrrrrnnnnnning ladies :hi


Thanks for your input on the pics, I think I went with 2 but am second guessing my choice because the majority of the other thread also picked 5.  Anyways, I think in 2 my head is straighter as opposed to just slightly tilted and so I thought that made it a 'stronger' picture.  Although, the differences were tiny...well except the ones where I was clearly laughing my badorkus off!


Yes, it's quite early and I think I need a nap....the coffee's not doing it for me.  I had my early patient this morning and couldn't sleep last night so am running on about 2 hours :eek  I don't have my next patient until 12:30 and then a couple at 3:30.


So, lets see.....it's been a while yet again so Friday I went to rib fest and saw the Clarks play and loved it (as always).  Saturday I ran an errand for Steph and then we tailgated before the Pirates game (this was the one that she organizes as a work event) and Third Eye Blind played after and OMG let me tell you they were flat out horrible!!!  I didn't even recognized half the songs until the crowd started singing, the vocals were just that bad.  I think they must've still been drunk or high from the night before (or maybe earlier that day :think )  Sunday was a pretty relaxing day and I feel like I ran out at some point, but I can't remember and then on Monday I had a relaxing day as well and then we went out for the Pitt game.  We always go to the bar for the first half and then into the game for the 2nd half, but they weren't playing well so we just stayed at the bar :lol  But, I won us $10 for our tab with a little contest they had :clap


Tuesday Steph colored my hair for me in the morning since we didn't get to it over the weekend (she was pretty busy).  I bought a used scale on ebay, so drove out to pick that up then (about a 40 min drive)....it was much cheaper than buying new and it's in good condition!  I got in here and didn't have any patients, but did have a mess waiting for me from Friday because I was having a frustrating day and just left everything :sigh  Then I did a lot of searching and price comparing for the items I need to get for doing the commercial drivers physicals and placed those orders.  Let's see....yesterday I was here early and did a few things then spent the better part of the day playing candy crush to get my mom passed her level that she's been stuck on for over a month and every time I talk to her that's the first thing she mentions :rofl  So, I logged into her FB on the computer and kept sending lives from my account on the ipad and eventually got her past.  But, I think the game was mad at her or something because it was really just being evil to her on that level!


So, I finished the modules for the training course and received my certificate of completion on Tuesday, which allows me to sit for the certification exam.  So, I logged on to schedule that and I could've done it the next morning but I felt that was too soon and I still need to study.  So, I'm taking the exam next Wednesday morning!  I'm not telling my family in case I don't pass the first time :eek  I have to remember guidelines for all sorts of diagnoses that I don't typically deal with outside of just marking down the patient history and I won't be diagnosing people, this is just performing exams to label the driver as being 'fit for duty' so there are federal standards and values that are threshold numbers to remember.


I guess that brings us to today :)


Stacy - Happy belated birthday since I wasn't here that day :birthday


Beth - I can't believe the bridge is already coming down this weekend! 


Joanne - I'm glad you got to leave at 5 on Tuesday, keep it up.


LeeAnn - Glad to hear that ds had a great time at the dance, it sounds like he's really 'coming into his own' as they say.

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HI all,

Marisa- WOW!!! YOu have been super-uber busy!!! Good luck on your exam- I'm sure you'll do fine- and if not, you can take it again!!!


Stacy- Hope you are enjoying having your Mom with you- how long is she staying?


Beth- How's work going? Are you settling into the routine?


LeeAnn- Cute goodies you've been posting on FB!! How's the Migrant going? Hopefully you didn't have too stressful of a week.


Today was gorgeous so after work I went for a nice walk. Nice clear skies, low humidity- touch of fall in the air! LOVE IT!!!!


Happy that tomorrow is Friday already and then two days off...and then one more week of work and I'm on vacation for a week. No real plans yet, and I'm thinking of making it a stay-cation. DH can't get off- so I'm thiknking of beach one day, maybe trek to the Lion Brand outlet one day, Spend a day with the boys and DD...who knows? I'd love to go to Boston, but our anniversary is the 15th (sunday) so it wouldn't be nice of me to go up to Beantown on the 14th and if I go up during the week, DD will be working. Still have time to figure it out and on that note, I'm going to go eat something and settle in with the baseball game for a while, and then tune into the first football game of the season- Go Ravens!

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