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Good morning- and Happy Friday!


I picked up the needles again last night, and started a scarf. I had some Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky in my stash and decided to do this scarf:  http://www.purlbee.com/the-purl-bee/2008/12/2/easy-mistake-stitch-scarf.html


That, of course was before I saw the link to the one that Beth posted. Beth, I have tons of homespun in my stash, so I think that may be my next one.


I am babysitting tonight so my DD can go out with one of her friends. Looking forward to seeing my GS after work.


Hope you all have a good day!!

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Happy TGIF!  Goodness!  It has been a painful week. 


Joann- :clap for spending time with your gs and hooky time.  You are amazing! Any big plans for the weekend?


Beth-your scarf looks so comfy and puuurrrtttyyyy and you look mighty lovely.  :manyheart


Marisa-are you doing the KTB this weekend as well?  Do your wrists hurt from all of the hooking?


Stacy-how's the week gone for ya all? 


Got up early to package up an order.  :D   Also stopped at the shop yesterday to drop off the lease and such.. :yay I was super nervous but the excitement is building.  I did another walk thru and am doing more homework regarding signage.  The "sign man" got back to me and is super expensive..I think I may have to find a different route and have looked into a few fellow Etsyans that create vinyl signage for much cheaper.  They may be the route that I am going to take.  Will keep working at it.


Better hop in the shower and get the day started.  Hugs and squishes to all of you!

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Joanne, that scarf pattern is lovely!  i can't wait to see your finished project, and I will be adding that to my list of things I want to knit.  Out of cashmere -- Oooohh, sounds delightful!d  Is it fun to work with?  So glad you got some GS time.  I am not rushing my kids, but I am really looking forward to joining you in grandparenthood some day.  Sounds like a great job!


LeeAnn, so many exciting things happening for you!  I hear signs are expensive.  I hope you find what you are looking for from your etsy friends.


Stacy, I hope school continues to go well.  I am proud of Eva for doing so well.  She is progressing quickly.  I hope that's signs for a good year for everyone.


Marisa, I love hearing about your new patients.  How many regulars do you have now? 


Well, the two male cats are having their first face-to-face time.  Bear (the old cat) outweighs Teddy (the new cat) probably by 3 or 4 pounds.  But Teddy has Bear backing up.  He is making unhappy kitty noises.  Bear doesn't seem to want a confrontation.  It bodes well for the newcomer.


I need to get going.  Have to paint my face before I go off to work. 

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Good morning housemates :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Well, I think I missed Thursday and Friday again :eek Wednesday night I stopped at HL and picked up yarn. ILTY in royal blue and black for the PO's ghan, so much softer than RHSS or Caron. And my friend picked her yarn for the baby blanket, which is that baby bee's (?) in blue and off white. I brought a few patterns for her to look at and she just loved this one http://www.michaels.com/Loops-Threads%E2%84%A2-Lilac-White-Crochet-Baby-Blanket/e08024,default,pd.html?cgid=projects


We had a great dinner with friends and on Thursday I had another dinner....this one hosted by a dr at the Ohio Valley Hospital looking to work more in conjunction with chiros. It was a great discussion with a decent turnout, although I don't know how many people were invited :think


Yesterday I sat and watched 2 modules of an online training course I'm doing to get certified to perform CDL physicals, which is coming up soon that only the certified dr's can perform them an physically certify truck drivers. When my parents were here, we were over at Ingrid's and Clay (her husband) asked me about it and when he looked to get his done, there were only 2 in the area. So of course we all thought it was a great idea and I told them I had looked into it but the course was a couple hundred (something I don't have), so of course my parents were all about it and dished out their credit card for me to do the course. I registered on the 8th before the left and did the first 2 sessions yesterday, which ate up about 5 hours of my day. Now I'll review all of that info before I go to the 3rd. I really should've reviewed 1 before doing 2, but I have to do it on the regular computer to get the credit for the course. For some reason it won't register you if you watch the webinar on the iPad. So I figured I'd blow through 2 and then I can pull up the notes and info to review on the iPad whenever I have some downtime. I have 4 more to go. Then need them to send me the certificate of training and completion so that I can then sit for the examination and it takes up to 45 days to receive that info from the school.


For those you that are bored :eek (I know, I know....what's that) or if you don't have time now, save for later. I'm going to share the link with you to the bridge public database. There is a 'walking tour' feature that you can see pictures of every panel on the bridge (you would be able to use this as you went across to follow along) and the artists names are provided only if they checked that it was ok to make their name public (which was most people). Or if you know others that participated, you can search the person's name from the 'find someones panel' link on the left to see theirs specifically.




There is a mobile version of the site as well.


LeeAnn - I hope the signs work out and WTG with your business, I've been out of the loop for a while but am super excited for you!  I used a local guy for my signs which more much more reasonable than the bigger companies :yes  I found them when I was driving down a back road one day, lol.  I'm getting ready to leave here and head home to walk down to the bridge to help install the lower black railings now and I'm patrolling the bridge today and tomorrow after the Pirates game lets out.


Beth - I was thinking the same thing about the ghan, it surely won't get wasted if the PO don't contact me.....but, I must admit that I was kinda hoping he would because he's really cute too!! :eek:shrug  Right now I probably have about 15sih patients that are on 1-2 weeks and maybe another 10ish that come more for maintenance about every 4-6 weeks.  Then there's the ones that just call when something is bothering them.  The couple I just saw this morning are bringing their neighbor with them next week!


Joanne - WTG with your knitting.  I hope all goes well with your project as it's winding down :xfin


Stacy - Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

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Quick stop in to say hi and yes, I'm still here- tired from working all these hours---but the end is in sight..so onward and upwards!


Hope you all have a great day.....


At least I have been doing a little crafting--knitting or crocheting each night- it is what calms me down after working so much


Oh, and Beth- saw your post on FB about the position for the school year---you must be so happy- sound's perfectly suited for you!!!!


Off to get ready----Have a good day all!

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Marisa, I'm so glad you shared the link for the walking bridge tour.  It is so cool.  I love seeing all the pics up close!  I was wondering if the PO wanted your contact information because you are so cute!  I'm hoping he gets in touch soon, now that I know he is cute, too. Your friend picked a beautiful afghan pattern.  Can't wait to see pics of the finished item.  It sounds like your business is growing well.  I am so proud of you!  The certification for CDLs sounds great. 


Joanne, the end is near!  You'll make it.  I'm glad you can unwind with yarn.  I wasn't feeling well yesterday, and snuggled under the giant granny I'm working on, and crocheted a bit, and napped a bit... 


LeeAnn, I hope you are having a relaxing weekend.  I'm sure work is rough, down all those teachers.  Any chance that you'll end up back in a classroom?


Stacy, how did the movie go?  Do the girls have much homework?  When do your college classes start?  My kids go back Wednesday already. 


well, I have procrastinated the grocery shopping long enough.  Off to the store! 

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-Congratulations!  I am so happy that you have found the perfect niche for you at work.  :hug  The teacher situation at work is really a mess...I am fighting tooth and nail to "Not" go into the Infant classroom.  It's not that I do not like the babies, I just feel caged up..it may come between my co-worker and I regarding who gets assigned.  She and I have had some pretty terse conversations this last week...as I am pulling most of the workload as far as going into the classrooms..long story short..we have had a bit of conflict..I'm hoping that it will resolve..but one never knows. 


Joanne-rest up my friend.  :hug hooky play does the heart good.  I tried knitting yesterday but goofed a few rows so decided to put it down for another day when I can concentrate more. :yes


Marisa-thank you for sharing the link, the PO sounds like a cutie.  :hug  I'm hoping that you two can meet up for coffee or something.   You are one busy gal!


Stacy-so much to be done with back to school.  You are doing an amazing job keeping everything in order. :hug


Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning and ordering on line. My dh found a place on line where I could custom create a store banner, window decals and a "store hours" window cling for a 1/3 less than what the gentleman had quoted me.  It took quite a bit of work to design them all, but I did it!  Whew!  That is one thing crossed off my list.  Also have an order placed for a cash register that is Quick Book compatible and...a few ideas worked out for window displays.  Today I will be ordering labels..thankfully..I don't have to research as I order from the same company.  whew!  And then I get to play with soy wax..I need to start creating candles..oh goodness!  I just remembered I need to order candle tins.. :lol  



The men went to the mountains to haul a few loads of wood, so it will be me and the lovely "Celine".  :hug


Need to also start on Halloween soaps..last year I did not create/promote them in time..hopefully I can fix that this year.  Have a wonderful day sweet friends!


Hugs n squishes!

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Geez, LeeAnn, I didn't get a load of laundry folded yesterday, and you are doing all that???  Wow, I feel slow.  You are amazing, and you will succeed.  I'm glad you found a better price on the signs.  Enjoy your day with the lovely Celine.  I hope you two have fun. 

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Leeann, you sure know how to make a person feel lazy!  :rofl  Just kidding.  I am so, SO happy for you that the loan was approved and you are getting your store off the ground!  :yay  I'm sorry to hear about the bad feelings between you and your co-worker.  I hope it all gets straightened out and that you do not have to spend time in the infant room.  :hug


Beth, I saw that you received your assignment!  :woo  How exciting!  Are your inventions excited to start?  We go back on the 26th, but I have managed to arrange my schedule so I have 2 classes online, 1 over the weekend, and 1 in-class. I really enjoy the on-campus classes, but figured it would be much easier to work during the daytime if I only had to work around one. 


Joanne, the scarf pattern is pretty!  I'm sure you had a blast babysitting your GS.  :hug  Here's hoping your work week is not too crazy.


Marisa, you have been crazy busy, too!  Thanks for the link to the panels- how neat that there was a panel donated from a classroom.  :yes  Good luck with your certification!  Dh just renewed his electrical cert and kept moaning about how boring the online modules were.  LoL  I guess because it was info he already knew...:shrug 


Yesterday, Mia and I had a fun day.  Dh left with his cousin around noon (they went to his other cousin's place for "cousin-fest, which is a yearly thing) I dropped off Isabella and Eva to my IL's, and took Mia to the Autry museum, which she was dying to go to.  Then we went for lunch, and on the way home I heard about the free movie in the park.  We arrived early to make sure we found parking, and ended up leaving 15 minutes into the movie.  It was very inappropriate for kids, it was my fault though- they liked the first one, so I didn't even think to check out the trailer for the third one.  Anyway, we left and stopped at Target for a small birthday gift for her bff.  Then stopped at the Redbox and got Hotel Transylvania, which we have watched 3 times since last night.  :lol


I received a call this morning from the coach at the after-school program- she only has room for Eva, there are no spots available for 3rd- or 5th- grade.  She did offer to enroll them in the other program, but it is unsupervised after the first hour and they are free to leave whenever they want.  :no   I know that my girls know better than to leave campus, though...and I am worried that Eva won't stay in the supervised one unless the other two are with her.  We have to go tomorrow and fill out forms for the other program and then they can start.


I need to run to the grocery store for lunch stuff, and Mia wants to take a trip to the park.  Love and hugs!

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Just a quick pop in from me as well----long hours and tired. But on a good note, I finished the ripple last night- now to just weave in a few ends and wash it. I should be able to mail it to step daughter by the end of the week. Even though I didn't finish it in time for her baby shower, at least it should arrive to her before the baby does!


Have a great day everyone!

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Joanne, Congrats on finishing a project during crunch time.  You are amazing.  Happy Thursday!


LeeAnn, so excited as things come together for your shop in a building!  I hope work goes well for you today.


Marisa, Did all the railings get installed?  I think that is the most amazing thing ever.  How are things?  How are the turtles?


Stacy, so sorry to hear about the problems with the attendance at your daughter's school.  Seems that there is an organizational problem.  It's a shame to see a child who is there on time getting accused of coming in late.


Well, the boys start school today.  My poor daughter has to get up early on her last day off to take me to work so she can pick up her one brother when he is done, then pick me up at 3. I'd so like to have another car.

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Good afternoon!


Leann, I love hearing about how your shop is coming together! Can't wait to start hearing about the customers rolling in! :yes


Beth, sorry to hear your dd has to get up early to be chauffeur. Good luck to your boys on their first day!


Joanne, :hug WTG on finishing the ripple. Did you get a pic? Hey, I have a friend on FB who is a manager at the Bux and she said they received their pumpkin spice shipment last week! :eek I thought it was kind of early, but it sure sounds good!


Marisa, thanks for sharing the KtB links! It looks so colorful. :yes I hope there is a wonderful turnout for the bridge party.


Lots of news from here...The girls started the after-school program on Monday. Eva sobbed and clung to me, but she seemed fine when I picked them up. The older girls had a blast! There is a co-ed football team which plays against kids in a different school, and Isabella is so excited to be a part of that! She has been bugging me about football for quite some time, but to be honest, I have no idea where to even find a co-ed team. Guess that really worked out. :yes

Yesterday I popped in after school to be sure the girls would find their way to their correct line-up areas. Eva went all by herself (she was supposed to wait for one of her sisters to walk with her) and Isabella told me she cried the whole way there. My heart breaks for her. :ohdear It will take some getting used to.

Oh, I have an interview tomorrow! It's for a retail position, it is for a new store and I am :xfin that there is a position waiting for me!

Oh, oh! :lol And I purchased my mom's ticket to come visit! :woo I am so excited! She will be here September 3, so far she is staying a month, but will see from there. Her plan is to move out here but she needs to get some things straightened out at home first.


Well, I better scoot. I have a couple loads of laundry to put away, then I'm thinking of making a run to the school again to be sure they get to the correct areas. Love and hugs!

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Quick Happy Thursday!


Stacy- Good luck with the interview!!!!!!


Beth- How did it go yesterday with DD having to get up to chauffer? How's the job?


LeeAnn- Pretty soon, the Migrant position will be a thing of the past and you can focus lots of energy on your exciting new business!!!


Marisa- Have fun at the Bridge party on Sunday- I'll be thinking of you while I'm working. (TG, last Sunday of working)


Went to DD's after work last night and had some much needed R&R time!!!!


Off I go.....

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Stacy, good luck with your interview today!  I hope you get it. 


Joanne, I'm glad your Sundays of working are almost over.  I'm glad you have your precious R&R to help you unwind. 


LeeAnn, How is everybody doing?  What do the kiddos do while you are at work, before they start back to school?  Isn't it nice that they are old enough to stay home alone?  I hope you have a good day at work today.


Marisa, Love love love the KtB posts.  It really looks great with all the railing pieces up.  So now what's on the agenda?


I am still trying to adjust to working, and I'm not full-time yet.  That starts next week.  With lots of travel time.  Not looking forward to it.  I need to improve my wardrobe, and I am not looking forward to that, either.  First thing I need to do is to get another car.  I finally convinced my hubby that we need it.  That's my plan for Saturday.  I found one I like a lot, but it has some questionable history on the car fax, like an accident and seven owners.

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Hello, and Happy Friday to everyone!  I am glad it's the weekend.


Does anyone have time to work on any projects now?  I am using some very old ribbon yarn to make a scarf, but it feels so heavy, I don't know if I like it.  I'm 3/4 of the way done, but will probably frog it, and try to make it lacier.  Poor thing was originally going to be knitted, but I wanted to be able to wear it soon, so I decided to crochet it, now it's going to get frogged for the 3rd time (at least -- I think I started crocheting with it before I decided to knit it the first time.) 


The kids seem to like their classes so far this semester.  It's so weird not to be there all the time to find out what they are up to.  My daughter has kept me informed about her classes and assignments since she's chauffeuring me around all the time.  I will miss that when we get another car.  Poor her, though, getting up in the morning when she doesn't have class to get me to my office.


Today I have training.  Monday I have training.  Then I start working at the school.  I am really going to miss the nice people in the office.


I hope you all have a wonderful day.

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-that is soo awesome that you are getting another set of "wheels" the chauferring back and forth can be fun at time but exhausting.  I'm glad that your inventions like their classes.


Joanne-you are on a roll, finishing projects, I can't seem to get much done as far as hooking..one of these days.


Stacy-I'm so sorry that your dd was crying and walking all alone, :cry makes my heart break.


Marisa-how's it going?  Any word from the PO?


This week has been extremely stressfull and busy..I have been in the classrooms all week and am soo behind that I'm not sure when I will recover..I am enjoying spending time with the kiddos in a preschool classroom.


Exciting news on the shop front..new orders have been arriving daily..It's so exciting!  New candle labels are here :manyheart they are brown craft labels and look very much like a paper bag..I think they will look pretty neat..and stand out more.  Also ordered new circular bulb lights in blue and white..they are going to be used in my shop windows...I'm trying to go for the "bubble" look...also ordered window clings in the shape of bubbles..a new shop banner, the window decals for my store hours..cash register is on it's way..picking up the new display case that Kathy gave me this weekend.  I drove out to her ranch to look at it,....it will be perfect! 

and of course bought new candle jars in different sizes...some are blue..now if I could just get the energy to pour more candles and start on more novelty soaps..I will be in business.


On the etsy front,..still selling...have a few custom orders to get out...I will work on them this evening and get them in the mail tomorrow..


kiddos start school today..best get my tush out the door.  Will post more this evening.  Hugs n extra squishes!

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Good morning (it still is here!)


Leeann, I get worn out just reading all that you have been up to!  Sounds like your store is coming along nicely. The bubble idea sounds really cute. 


Joanne, how is Paradise?  Will you get R&R time this weekend, or do you have to work?


Beth, how exciting to start work at the school!  Good luck with the car- 7 owners does sound like a lot!


Marisa, what are you up to?  Have you heard from the officer yet?


Well, Wednesday seemed to go well for Eva- Mia met her at her class, then walked her over to the correct line, and she didn't cry at all.  :yay  We celebrated with ice cream.  :lol   Then yesterday I decided they knew where they were going and I wasn't going to hang out at the school (actually, dh "suggested" that I stay home) and guess what?  My friend called to say that Eva was crying hysterically and didn't want anyone near her.  The after-school coach was having a difficult time trying to get her settled down, so my friend offered to call me (which the coach was going to do anyway.)  Eva kept saying her stomach hurt, so I went to pick her up.  Afterward we went to the library to do homework, and of course she was perfectly fine.  :sigh  Today they are having a picnic, and I'm hoping that helps a little.  School starts on Monday and I have biology from 2:20-3:45, so if they call, I won't be available.  :(


I thought the interview went well yesterday, and it certainly seemed like I was going to be offered a position, but the interviewer stepped away for a moment and came back to say they were looking for someone who could work nights.  :no   I have one night class and dh has two, so that won't work.  I did offer my availability for the 2 nights we have off, and for the weekends, but they wanted someone who was completely open.  :shrug  Oh, well.  Like dh said, it wasn't the only job in the world. 


This morning I went grocery shopping, and later I have to run to the store for ham and cheese, and drop it off after school.  I should probably clean, and maybe do some laundry, too.  Love and hugs! 

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LeeAnn, your kids started school on a Friday?  That seems rather odd.  I guess it gives the teachers a chance to get through all the paperwork/introductory things  that day, and start the week ready to actually teach, maybe?  You have been so busy.  I'm glad you are enjoying class time with the little ones.  I love the idea of candles in blue jars.  It sounds like your shop is coming together nicely!  It is impressive that you can get so much done after a busy day at work.


Stacy, Ewwwww about the dad hitting on you.  Just Ewwwwwww.  Eva will adjust.  She is a bright girl, and gifted children have more trouble adjusting to change, but she will be OK as long as you are strong.  I hope your class goes well.  Are you excited to get back to it?  I hope you find the right job soon. 


Joanne, happy Saturday.  Is this your last weekend working for a while, or do you have to go in next Saturday as well?  I'm sure you're more than ready for a break.  You can do this, though.  We're cheering you on.


Marisa, What's up in Pittsburgh?  What's next on your to-do list?  How is your mom doing?


Well, I got out of training early yesterday, so I dragged two of my kids to an auto dealer and we looked at their 2 least expensive used cars.  One was a very very pretty convertible.  The top was a bit stained, and there were a couple small dings in it, but I could live with that!  Unfortunately, my son is too tall to drive it.  His  line of vision is right above the windshield.  Sigh.  I loved that car!  But the other car was a Ford Taurus, 2007.  They just got it on the lot.  They were still detailing it when we interrupted to give it a test drive.  My son and I agreed to buy it.  They took it back to finish detailing it.  We came back an hour later to pick it up.  the salesman went to get it, but came back without it.  He said they were running the heat to dry the car, and it was super hot in there, so he put on the a/c, and the a/c wasn't working.  It worked when we test drove it.  So he thinks it's the sensor.  they are going to repair that today, so we should get the car some time today.  If it's not ready, they will loan us a car from their lot until it is ready.  I am pleased that the sensor broke there, not once we got it home, and that they are taking care of us when we bought the cheapest car on the lot.  So if any of you want to buy a car in Hampton, I'll recommend that particular dealer.  LOL. 


Now we have 2 silver cars, well, one is a van...

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Good morning!


Beth, thank goodness the sensor broke while the car was still on the lot!  :yes  Congrats on getting a new (to you) car! 


Joanne, hope you didn't have to work today!  We stopped at the Bux on the way home from the dog park, and they already have pumpkin bread out!  I had to get a piece.  Yum!


Marisa and Leeann, :hug  Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


Yesterday I took the ham and cheese to the school, and Eva saw me.  Well, actually, she didn't at first, but Isabella did and waved and yelled to me.  :sigh  Anyway, Eva called me over and said she left her hat in her class, so I went to get it. I had a nice chat with her teacher (who also taught Isabella) and she remembered that I was going to school for dietetics.  When I told her I switched to child development, she suggested that I volunteer at the school while waiting for a position to become available.   :oops Why didn't I think of that?   Anyway, then I took the hat back to Eva and she said thanks and ran off.  :whew  I was so relieved!


Today my in-laws are coming over for lunch.  The girls are super-excited!  We are going to bake a cake, so I should probably get them going on that.  I also need to make some salsa.  Nothing else on the agenda for the weekend.  Next weekend is Eva's and my birthday, so we will do something fun then.


Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, how did the cake turn out?  Did you have a good lunch with the in-laws?  What a good idea to volunteer at the school. 


Joanne, I hope you got some R&R time this weekend.


LeeAnn, did you have a good weekend?  How are things going?


Marisa, how was the party on the bridge?  How is business?  Are the turtles doing OK?

My daughter decided she wants to make pose-able "art dolls."  She began researching all the things they require, and we went to craft store after craft store so she could check out what is available around here.  I love that she's taking her crafting to a higher level.  I have been trying to get things ready for my classroom, but I need much more information before I can purchase anything.  Hopefully, I'll know more by tomorrow.  My daughter offered to go in with me on Wednesday to help with set up.  It is awesome that my son has his own car.  I had to van this afternoon to run around with my daughter.  AWESOME!!!

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Good afternoon ladies!


Beth-I'm so happy for you, the new vehicle is going to relieve so much running.  You get your own classroom?  I love that!  How exciting, what are the age groups of the children you are teaching?


Stacy-a cake sure does sound yummy.  I have been craving homemade muffins..but the baking fairy hasn't visited in quite a while.  :lol   I'm glad that your dd is doing better and is happy.


Joanne-hoping Paradise flew by for you.


Marisa-bet you had another fun filled weekend, can't wait to hear all about it.  I love reading about all of your adventures. 


Yesterday was super busy..oh my gosh!  I got up early to pour candles..I have been pouring candles for quite a few days. :yes   They really aren't difficult but I only have one candle melting pot..I love it!  You just add the soy wax pellets, colorant and then wait for it to melt, then add the colorant.  It has a knob that you turn and the wax pours directly into the candle.  The company that I ordered it from discontinued making them..I need a few more but will just have to make do. I can always melt the wax in a double boiler but the melting pot that I have is just so easy.  Anyhow, we picked up the display case/cashier stand from Kathy (it has a built in light too)  it's soo neat.  Brought it home, cleaned it and then ran back to town for a bracket for the shelf..while we were in town, did a bit of grocery shopping.  While I was waiting at the hardware store for dh, I found another neat moon table/shelf that a lady was selling on line..came home and switched vehicles...drove quite a way to pick it up and then stopped at a yard sale that a friend was having.  Her friend had a  glass shelving unit for sale...so had to bring the half moon table home and drive back to pick up the glass shelves..it was a lot of driving back and forth but I got them all for such a bargain that it made it worth it. We cleaned them all up and have them sitting here in my craft studio waiting for the shop. 


whew!  I am exhausted..but must plug away..poured Lego soaps and have a Green Bay Packers Football soap to make and get ready for shipping..back to work I go...I can't wait for the migrant position to end, it will be such a relief to be able to focus only on one job.


The kiddos had a good first day of school.  Ds missed the bus home and had to walk to dh's work.  Neither of my kiddos have ever ridden the bus, we have always dropped off and picked them up..but we are going to give it a try.  Having the first day of school on a Friday is kinda silly but I think it may work, they brought home all of the required paperwork and such..Monday will be down to business.  :lol


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, I can't wait to see the pictures of your finished shop, ready to open.  It won't be long, at the rate you are going.  I'm sure it will be nice to concentrate on one position.  It sounds like you had some awesome finds this weekend.  Did you get all the pouring done you had planned?


Stacy, I hope today goes smoothly at school for your girls.  Did you have a fun weekend?


Joanne, if I remember correctly, yesterday should have been your last Sunday working.  The end of this push is near!  I hope everything goes well, and you have a great day.  Are you looking forward to the weekend, and a day off?


Marisa, Have you heard from the PO?  How are things at the office?  How are the kids?  What do young, beautiful, single girls do in this day and age?  


Well, more training today.  If I have time after training, I am supposed to go to "my" school and introduce myself.  I have to get my room set up, all the data input in the computers for the students, decorate...  in one week.  Yay! 

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Hi ladies!


Beth-how was training today?  I hope that you were able to get  your classroom put together.  When do the children start?


Stacy-A BUX coffee sounds delish!  I had a nice cold cup of coffee with dinner, it hit the spot.


Joanne-I am sure you are crazy busy, hoping that you can find a little bit of time for resting.


Marisa-miss you!


Today was a weird kinda day.  I was not feeling well this morning, so called in "sick" I haven't missed a day of work in all season.  I woke up and was trying to make myself get with it, but my body just wouldn't cooperate.  I felt nauseous, had a headache and felt generally sick. I have been moving in sloooowwwww motion, haven't accomplished much besides dinner and light cleaning.  I am trying to upload the new pics and candles to etsy but it may not happen.  I just want to lay down.


Hugs n squishes my dear friends!

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LeeAnn, hugs!  :hug I hope you feel better soon, sweetie!  I'm sure you needed a day off, though -- you have been pushing yourself so hard.  It will be nice when you just have one job. 


Stacy, Welcome back to school.  How is it going?  How are the girls doing?


Joanne, I hope this week is going well for you.  I do not remember numbers well, but was the big day yesterday?


Marisa, I hope you are having a good day.


I was not overly impressed with the personnel at the school when I went there yesterday.  Of course, they are all in crunch-time mode, and I am the red-headed step-child, since I'm not a school employee, and I could be seen as taking a teacher's job.  I hope I can win them over with my charming personality before they really get to know me.  :devil


have a great day!

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