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Top of the morning dear friends!


Joanne-hoping that you get lots of R & R this weekend with lots of hooky time.  :manyheart   Can you flex the overtime that you have been working?  I hope so. 


Beth-how are your inventions and your dh adjusting to your new work schedule? 


Got up early this morning, cleaned up the kitchen and living room, poured a bit of soap and am labeling and then working on the fall products as well as a few custom orders.  I have had many requests for a whipped soap, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner.  I have the supplies for the whipped soap and deodorant,...will have to look into hair care products...after I add all of these, I will be set for a full list of products to choose from.


Things for the bizz are coming together.  I am meeting a gentleman regarding signage on Monday, the loan folks on Tuesday.  I will drop off the signed lease and first 6 months rent on Thursday..and then it will be on to tying up a few more loose ends.  But it's coming together...lots of work and late nights and nail biting days but the excitement is building...I can't wait to finish the Migrant and am oh so happy to have something else to look forward to.  It makes the days more manageable. 


Marisa and Stacy-hope your weekends are wonderful.


back to work..hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, sitting here with my pompoms to cheer you on! :cheer  I think you rock, and am so glad your business is taking off.


Joanne, I hope you are having a good day.  I know it's busy, but at least the end of the rush is near!  I'll bet you are looking forward to that.


Marisa, love the pic of the bridge on facebook!  I love having a famous friend.


Stacy, did you make it back from camping yet?  You post the best pics. 


I am volunteering at a cat adoption event today.  I need to leave soon, but wanted to stop by to say "hi" to my 'Ville family.



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HI all,

What a nice relaxing awesome day I had!!! I had a mani/pedi in the AM and then around 11:30, DD, SIL, the boys and us headed to the county fair. What fun! Ryan loved the sheep and alpaca....and the pigs. Not so much a fan of the snakes (thank goodness, cause I'm not either- LOL) DH and I came home afterwards and then after dinner I headed out to do a little shopping. Got some good deals at Kohls for myself and then at TJ Maxx I got a NY Giants sweatshirt and a tee-shirt for $20!!! Can't wait to give it to him tomorrow!!! Robbie has the NY Giants onesie that I had gotten for Ryan. So the whole family will now have their Giants gear to cheer on the team! Watching the first preseason game as I sit here with my laptop!


Beth- Hope it went well at the adoption event and that many cats were adopted.


Marisa- Can't wait to see the final pictures of the Warhol bridge!!! I'll bet you are exhausted!


Again, LeeAnn- soooooo happy for you!


Stacy- I hope you are not affected by the Cali wildfires! Love the pics of the girls fishing! Loved that pink fishing pole!!!


Tomorrow will be another relaxing day. DD and the boys are coming over and we're planning to go in the pool and just have a nice lazy day!



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Joanne, so glad tp hear you got to relax yesterday, and are planning on more relaxation today. I hope the weather cooperates for you.  It has been raining like mad here.


Marisa, I am loving the pics of the bridge.  I'll bet it is much more impressive in person!  What a great tribute to the power of a community.  I hope you are having a blast.


LeeAnn, I hope you are relaxing this weekend.  I'll bet you are busy with your soaps and housework.


Stacy, I hope all is well in California.  Having fun?

The adoption event went well.  We had 8 cats, and 2 were adopted, so that's a 25% success rate.

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Hi ladies!!!


Sorry it's been so long!  I've missed all of your updates.  :hug 


Leeann, I am SO very excited for you about your shop!!  :yay  Wish I could come and see it for myself. How much longer do you have at the Migrant?


Marisa, I love the pics on FB- KtB looks awesome! 


Joanne, so glad to hear you are having a relaxing weekend before your weeks of craziness.  The pic of Robbie is adorable! 


Beth, hope you're enjoying that a/c!  WTG on getting 2 kitties adopted.  Have your inventions started school yet?  How is the job going?


It's been busy here.  My kids LOVED camping- all of them!  :woo:yay I am so happy about that.  Eva (who I was most worried would not like it) even asked to go for her birthday.  Unfortunately, that's Labor Day weekend and the entire campground is reserved.  We are thinking of going the week after. 

My girls start school on Tuesday.  My mom sent school supplies on Friday, and MIL took them shopping for backpacks and uniforms yesterday.  Today I had planned to hang up/iron all of their uniforms, but I lost motivation after tossing them all onto my bed.  :rofl  We took Isabella to get her hair cut, and it is really cute. 


I've put in 7 applications since we came home on Thursday, and submitted a resume for the kids' gym down the street.  I figured maybe my yoga classes will help me qualify for that.  :think  Hoping to hear something soon!


I should scoot and figure out lunch.  Love and hugs!  :hug :hug

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Hello everyone,


Stacy, I think you crammed a full summer of activities into a short summer!  I'm so glad the girls had fun camping.  Aren't you exhausted?  I would be!  I think it's great that you started on the uniforms.  I'll bet you'll do something with them before bedtime.  That's why I put my clothes on my bed when they need to be folded.  Gotta clear the bed to sleep, and I do like to sleep!  I love the pic of the new hairstyle.  Too adorable.


Marisa, I am enjoyin all the photos from KtB.  It looks fantastic!  I'd love to see it in person.  I'll bet it is breathtaking!


Joanne, your grandsons are both officially too cute for words!  I love the expression on Robbie's face.  He has certainly grown a lot already.  Seems like he should still be a newborn -- time slides on by.


LeeAnn, I am loving the leaf-shaped soaps.  The colors are great.  You are so creative and talented.


Well, I am procrastinating.  I need to get the dishes done and my coffee pot set up for tomorrow. 

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Hiya Friends!


Beth-you are so ahead of me..I need to set the coffee before bedtime but am too lazy.  :lol   The fall soaps were so much fun to make and smell so good.  So glad that 2 of your fur friends were adopted.  Are you feeling more energetic after work?


Joanne-a mani/pedi sounds just perfect.  I am so glad that you were able to take care of yourself, you sure work hard.  I bet you are just getting home.  Hoping these next few weeks fly by for you.


Stacy-your summer sounded wonderful!  Are your girls excited for school to start?


Marisa-oh my gosh!  I am super excited every time I see pictures on FB of the KTB..you all did superbly!!



Thank you all for cheering me on..I am feeling excited and worried.  I met with the sign man today :yes  he took measurements and such and will hopefully get back to me soon.  Work was ok but not too bad considering it was a Monday.  We are loosing 7 teachers this week...they have all found different jobs or are returning to their other jobs..this will make it for an intense few weeks.  We do not have a closing date but since we did not get the # of children enrolled we may close earlier....I am secretly hoping that we close in September..now that would just be perfect.


Other than that, nothing juicy.  Going to take an etsy break and enjoy the evening with the family.  hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, I poured the coffee grounds in the water reservoir one morning, so I am following my wise friend Joanne's lead, and setting it up the night before.  So much easier to just press the button in the morning.  I like feeling organized about at least one thing.  So what will your signs look like?  Are you keeping the HeavenScents name for your shop?  It is so exciting!  I am sorry work will get busy.  I will keep my fingers crossed that you get to close in September. 


Joanne, Must be crunch time for you.  I hope you continue to take care of yourself. 


Stacy, Are the girls excited about going back to school?  Any news from the job search?  I thought about you this weekend.  I have been eating protein bars for breakfast and lunch at work, and wanted to try something different, so I was looking down the aisle where they keep them.  I found Lara bars:  cherry cobbler and roasted nut roll.  I decided to try them, since you sent me a recipe for them.  Now I HAVE to get a food processor.  They are so amazing!  I'll bet homemade are even better!


Marisa, I think my favorite photo from KtB is you in front of your own contribution.  The second best is probably the one from Lion Brand yarn.  I wish I could see the whole thing up close.  There must be so many different patterns to take in.  What a cool thing!


Well, I took my son shopping for a chair for his room today.  I am becoming the thrift store queen!  We found a really nice rocking recliner (as in I am jealous) that is making him very happy. 

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Good morning!


Beth- Isn't it great waking up and knowing that the coffee is ready to go? I have a programmable coffee pot, so it's brewing already when I wake up.  Great find at the thrift store!!! I bought Robbie an 'excersaucer' (he's in it on the pic on FB) from the local consignment store for 35.00---they go for 100 in the store. And the best part? He loves it!!!


LeeAnn- Sorry you are losing 7 teachers! We've been having some turnover at work as well. To say that our department is 'stressed to the max' is putting it mildly..We've got training going on for the new system as well as testing as well as having to keep the business going as they say. Good luck with everything for the new shop- it 's so exciting to have something to look forward to!!!


Stacy- Wishing a wonderful first day back to school to the girls. Hope all goes smoothly! And I love Isabella's hair cut!! That cut is perfect on her!!!


Marisa- I love the pic of you with your creations as well---i am just in amazement at how awesome the bridge looks!!! I really with I could see it in person!!!! Kudos to you and all the volunteers.


Well, time to get ready for another fun-filled (said with tongue in cheek) day at paradise!

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Good morning, and happy Tuesday!


Joanne, it must be double crunch time, if you are understaffed right now on top of getting ready to launch the new program.  I hope work isn't driving you too insane.  I am so happy to make coffee in the morning without thinking.  A programmable pot sounds fantastic!  Next appliance on my wish list is a food processor, though.


Stacy, I hope you get an amazing job offer today!


LeeAnn, I hope you have a great day at work!


Marisa, I hope you have many many patients today!


My knitting is coming along.  The ball of yarn is smaller than a baseball now.  I've never finished a knitting project, so I don't know how much yarn I need to do that.  I worked on my giant "spiral" granny square yesterday, took the time to lay it out on the bed to see it.  I am very happy with how it looks.  It felt bigger than it is, though, so I'm glad I was planning on 3 more big balls of yarn in it.  That will take a while.  Those are the two projects I'm playing with right now.  Is anybody else working on anything?

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Good morning housemates................I'm heeerrrrrreeeee! :hi


Joanne - Cut and paste alert!


Well, it's been a LONG time since I've gotten in here. The past week was crazy between my parents being here at the start and then rounding up for KtB, which was quite successful.....it looks awesome and I think I've noticed you saw a lot of pics on FB. I myself didn't take any pics there, except the dark one with my panel. But last night a little group of us went on the river tour and I got some pics with the camera from there. I'll have to post some for you :) We still are working on bottom railing covers so the black will go along the bottom of each panel as well :yes It's sooo exciting! And the police officer that was doing our security on the side my panel is on (I got the very 1st spot on the sidewalk :bounce ) loved it! I had a friend take my pic with it (my phone battery was dead) and he asked if I made it and subtly mentioned about 3 times that he wouldn't mind having one like that. Anyways, after my phone charged a bit I got that dark pic with my camera and he again came over asking if he could take it with him when he leaves. So, I offered to make him one and let him choose his colors....which he picked blue and black which are their 'officer or district' colors. I figured since he donated his whole Sunday and volunteered for 12 hours, it would be a nice thank you. He was just really into it all and we had a knit in up front for passers by to help with those bottom railings and they were trying to teach him to crochet. :lol


As for mom, her colonoscopy went well (as well as one can) and of course as we all knew....she wasn't up to leaving to drive home after so they stayed until Thursday morning. The ulcerative colitis is moderate, but not very ulcer-ish....it was more like diffuse pussing :think But, overall things are looking better. They are slowly increasing her meds to a higher dose....the same med that she reacted to initially, but we all think that the slow increase over time will be alright for her :xfin


Ummmm, what else....I guess that's it.....KtB has been all consuming while getting this together. I spend 30 hours on the bridge over 2 days!!! :eek


I totally didn't read anything to catch up, so please fill me in on anything important I may have missed :hug

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Good morning, lovelies!


I am so keyed up about the girls' first day of school!  I had to come and chatter away here, because it will help me feel better.  Eva's room assignment was mixed up today- they put her in the ESL class.  :eek   Her kinder teacher went to find out why, and they switched her right away- except that none of her friends are in this new class, the only kids she knows are the problem children from her kinder class.  I could cry.  She already has high anxiety and doesn't like school, I'm afraid this is going to really set her back.  I do know the new teacher and really like her, but she is very no-nonsense about behavior issues.  I am going to speak with her after class today.  There is another first-grade teacher that is great with anxiety-ridden children (Isabella had her, and the difference she made in Isabella was amazing) so :xfin that we can get into that class. 

The older two were excited to find out which classes they were in, and luckily they both are with friends as well as good teachers.  :yes 


Marisa, :xfin that your mom's meds work out for her this time.  I am loving the KtB pictures!  Is your office closed while you work on the bridge, or are you still seeing patients along with the 15-hour days?


Joanne, good luck getting through the next two weeks!  You can do it!


Leeann, hope these next few weeks are not too crazy for you.  Losing 7 teachers at once is very difficult, I'm sure!  Can't wait to see what your sign man comes up with!


Beth, sounds like you are a busy bee with your projects.  WTG on the knitting.  :h5  Right now I am working on amigurumi monsters for my monsters.  Eva was so thrilled with these little guys in a pattern book at Michael's, and she ran to show Jorge, but I guess he thought it was one of those free pamphlets so they walked out with it.  :eek   I took it back in and the cashier thanked me for being honest.  :yes  I bought the book anyway because Eva was just in love with those little guys.  :lol  I would also like to finish up the afghan I've been working on since January.  Oh, did your inventions get their classes and FA straightened out? 


Well, I better scoot.  I have laundry going and had planned to make brownies for the girls.  Love and hugs! 

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Hey Stacy - I hope everything works out with Eva's class!  The 15 hour days were just Saturday and Sunday, but I was in for a patient at 6 am yesterday :eek  I'm still feeling my exhaustion.....but this is a once in a lifetime project :shrug  I learned today that we will be doing the bottom railing pieces this coming weekend :clap  I'm not sure what the details are for this part of the install :think

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Marisa, I love that you will be making an afghan for the police officer.  What a great gesture to show your appreciation for his help.  You rock!  And the more pics the better.  I will be going to look at the ones you posted as soon as I am done here.  Glad your mom is getting better.  I'm sure it is taking too long for her taste, but progress is a lovely thing.


Stacy, I sure hope you get Eva moved to the class that would benefit her the most.  Poor little one. 


LeeAnn, I hope things are going smoother than expected in the school, with all those teachers gone. 


Joanne, I hope your Tuesday went well.

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Stacy- I hope it all works out for Eva!! Any news on a job ?


Marissa. Great pics. And the police officer is surely going to love his afghan.


Beth - wtg on the knitting!!!


LeeAnn- hope you had a good day.


I got home around 6:30 and I'm making pasta for dinner. I'm in the mood for some comfort food. I'm starting to get tired already and still lots of stressful days ahead, but like Stacy said, I can do this.

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Good evening!



Beth, the Larabars are so good, aren't they?  My favorite is the peanut butter chocolate chip- yum! 


Joanne, that's a great deal on the exersaucer!  And Robbie looks like he really enjoys it.  :yes  Sorry to hear you are tired out already- you can do it, though, one day at a time!


Marisa, how sweet of you to make a blanket for the police officer. 


Leeann, :hug just for the fun of it. 


Well, the older girls seem to like their teachers.  Eva's teacher said she was fine after I left, so I'm hoping it's just the initial separation that she's having trouble with.  I did tell the teacher to let me know if she has any more issues so I can see about having her switched. 

We had hot dogs for dinner ( :yuck ) but the girls sure loved them.  Then we went to 7-11 for ice cream.  Not the most nutritious meal, but the girls sure loved it.  :yes 

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Stacy, I think it's good to have not-so-healthy meals once in a blue moon.  You are such a great mom.  I can tell -- your girls are amazing!  I'm glad the older two like their teachers, and I hope Eva comes around.  She just needs one really good friend.


Joanne, comfort food - my favorite!  I am sure things are really busy at work right now.  Is everything on schedule?  Are you expecting long hours for the next 10 days or so?


LeeAnn, Did you get to see the signs yet?  How very very exciting!  How are things going at Migrant?


Marisa, Are you helping with the rail covers for KtB?  How is work? 


I am knitting this morning.  The ball of yarn is down to golf-ball sized, so I am really close to finishing the scarf.  I would be very happy to have that done before I go to work, but it seems to take forever!  I have one more knitting project in mind, the pattern for that shawl, but as a scarf, but I am ready to concentrate on crochet for a bit.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here.  I had a new patinet this morning, and have another one scheduled for tomorrow morning :clap  I have to run to staples in a bit to get some big envelopes and then to the post office to mail a file out to an attorney.  I'm meeting Steph and some friends for dinner later, one of whom asked me to make a baby blanket for her nephew due in Oct/Nov.  She said she'd pay me, but I won't let her.  Maybe, I'll let her buy the yarn though :think  I'm heading over there early to stop at HL so she might meet me there to look at yarn.  I have to go shifting through patterns too, she's thinking lightweight.  I want to check out their colors for the PO's blanket.  It's going to be black and blue (his choice), but I don't want to use RHSS.  Depending what's available in ILTY, it'll be that or Caron pounders :lol  So, I gave him my email address and am thinking it should've been the other way around....I should've taken his so I could let him know when it's done.  I hope he contacts me or I'll be making a blanket for no reason :shrug  I surely wasn't thinking at that point in time!  Oh well, time will tell.


Stacy - I'm glad to hear that the girls did well, even Eva....great way to finish the day....ICE CREAM :drool


Joanne - We had pasta over the weekend, very yummy  You'll get through this project, you're almost there!


Beth - I'm glad you're enjoying work and :yay finishing the scarf!

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Quick stop in!


Beth- That's great that you finished the knitted scarf! I'm itching to get back to knitting, but I want something quicker than the baby blanket I've got on the needles. I'm thinking something with chunky weight yarn and big needles so it goes quickly. We'll see. I really do need to finish the ripple blanket for my step grandson to be!!!


Marisa- Kudos on two more patients. Did you find good colors at HL? I think they have a great choice of colors-and we have a new HL that opened 5 minutes from my house--this could be dangerous!!! LOL


STacy- Hope Eva had a good day. And I think a not so healthy meal topped off with ice-cream on the first day of school is the PERFECT thing!!!!!


LeeAnn- Hope you are getting through the week without too much drama at work.


Oh, and yes, I will have very, very busy days until we 'go live' on the 26th including weekends. But as they say, another day is 'in the books' and only 12 more to go.



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Hiya friends!


Marisa-we sure missed you!  But what an exciting time for you.  I am so proud and happy to share all of your photos with friends and family.  I have been talking to anyone that will listen about the KTB, that is just soo AWESOME!  Happy to hear that your mom is feeling better, I'm sure it is tough for her to not feel well.  And the new ghan for the PO, how sweet!  Have you decided on a pattern?


Beth-ohh laaa laaa!  You finished a knit project?  Exciting and wonderful.  I will head over to FB to see the end results, which I am sure are stunning.  How's the new job?


Joanne- you can do this friend!  Comfort food makes one feel so much better.  The countdown is on my friend, we will be here cheering you on.


Stacy-new school jitters can be tough but glad that your dd's are liking school and are meeting up with friends and get to meet new friends.  My kiddos are counting down the days..well dd is...my ds is nervous but I know that he is excited too.


The meeting with the "sign man" went well..I am waiting patiently for his estimate and crossing my fingers and toes that it's affordable.  Today I had a meeting with my loan officer.  I took out a small loan to get started..nothing too extravagant but it will help to offset some of the opening costs.  Tomorrow I am dropping off the signed lease and 6 months rent..no turning back.  I am also meeting up with my friend Kathy-she has an antique cupboard/shelf that would be perfect for a cash register stand.  She is giving it to me.  :manyheart  I feel truly blessed that she believes in me so much and wants to help with my business.  My father in-law is also refurbishing an antique hutch that they had given me to use for my product displays.  So many wonderful things are coming together that I am feeling so grateful and happy.    Dh has also built the neatest stands for me to use for my "men's line" I will have to take pics to share with all of you. 


Work is terrible..but my head is always in the "clouds" that I'm not sure that I am really taking in all of the stress as I just keep thinking of more positive thoughts.  I think that's a good thing as the stress and drama is so taxing.


off to work on my checkbook and perhaps rest a bit before calling it a night.  Hugs and squishes dear friends! :hug :hug :hug

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Marisa, if you make a blue and black afghan, and never hear from the PO again, you'll have a very nice, manly gift ready when the opportunity arises.  I think it's so cool that he picked out your afghan among the many that were there. 


Joanne, hugs to you.  I hope things go well for the rest of your crunch time.  At least you can count down to a deadline, then things will slow a bit.  


LeeAnn, I'm glad having your head in the clouds is insulating you from the stress at work.  I'll bet your son will be more enthusiastic when school starts.  Is he missing his young lady friend a lot?  It's so hard to say goodbye when you are young.


Stacy, I'm glad the older two are liking school.  I hope Eva has a good day today.

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Quick good morning all!


Beth- Love the pic of you and the scarf on FB!!!!  BTW, what pattern did you use. I'm itching to make myself a knit scarf....last night I ended up working on the ripple and I should have that done soon.


Wishing you all a great day! I'm optimistic that today will fly by and before I know it, another day  'in the book's and one day closer to 'go live'



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