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Hello, and Happy Sunday!


Joanne, I hope you get most of the day off at least.  It doesn't seem fair for them to call you in for a Sunday, too.  Will you be able to do that work at home?  So glad you had some R&R time.  I am so glad your grandsons get time with their grandmother.  It's so good for kids to have many people who love them in their lives.  I'll bet they are growing too fast!  How is Ryan doing in the pool?


LeeAnn, good luck filling the orders.  This is the perfect time to advertise the football soaps.  Everybody is fired up with training camp in full swing. 


Marisa, I hope things are going great for you.  Is KtB still on schedule?  Are the panels made?  It sounds like your business has taken off.  And I love that your neighbors hang uot together.  I've lived here for over 20 years, and don't know all my neighbors.  I only speak to one on a regular basis. 


Stacy, I hope you are having a great weekend.  Enjoy your visit with your BIL.


Well, I need to get going.  Got to come up with a menu full of easy foods, or food that can be premade.  Wish me luck!

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Good morning,


I didn't end up working yesterday---although I had to keep checking my emails to receive updates. So work was on my brain all day even though I didn't actually work. Today will be extremely busy with what seems like everything having to get done 'first thing in the morning' :lol


Beth- I hope you have an awesome first day at work!!! :hug

In answer to your question, Ryan loves the pool and i'm glad we got to go in on Sat- yesterday was not a pool day. But i did go watch the boys so DD could get her grocery shopping done and then we took Ryan to get new shoes. They had a special buy one, get one 50% off so she bought 2 pairs, one in his new size and one pair a half size bigger.


Stacy, Marisa, and LeeAnn- Happy Monday! Time to get ready for a fun filled day in paradise.

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Joanne, I hope you have a good day at work, too, even though it sounds super busy already.


Stacy, your pics from your visit look like a lot of fun.  Your kids are too adorable.  Love the pics of the girls shooting. 


Marisa, How are things in Pittsburgh? Anything exciting going on?

LeeAnn, Did you get all the orders ready?  I am surprised that people would e-mail orders even when your shops were on vacation mode.  You sure must be in demand.  I hope your week goes well. 


I guess I need to get ready.  I am so nervous about what I plan to wear.  Most of the girls in the office wear cute little dresses -- I do not have the youth or the figure for that!  (Plus with the scars from the surgery for the skin cancer, I really don't like to wear dresses.)  Oh well.  I am a temp.  I will buy better clothes if I am promised that it is a long-term position.  Good luck, everybody!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Not much going on here today.  We had a great weekend at KtB with 2 trainings that went well, we've already had over 150 trainees come through and still have 2 more sessions to go :clap  We are moving right along and continue plugging at everything that needs done.  I got to spend extra time both days there working since there wasn't much going on this past weekend.


I hope everyone had a great weekend. 


Beth - I wouldn't worry too much about the clothes, just wear something decent that you're comfortable in.  If you're not comfortable in what you're wearing, it'll probably reflect in your attitude and work.....and besides, they didn't hire you for your clothes :wink

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HI all,

Beth- I saw on FB that you had a great first day at work..Hope you get to play with algebra today!!! I wouldn't worry about clothes either Like Marisa mentioned, they didn't hire you for your clothes. Again, thanks for having the aC instsalled. Another beautiful low humidity day here!


Marisa- Have fun with KtB...I can't wait to see pics of the Warhol bridge all decorated!


Stacy- Great pics you've been posting on FB--especially love the one y ou posted of y ou and Jorge.


LeeAnn- Hope that your Monday went well after having a relatively stress free weekend.


Our router died, so I can only use DH's computer which is hooked directly to the modem. Of course, that leaves me little computer time.....at least I worked some on the ripple I'm making for step grandson- to - be.....


Off to go get ready to 'make the donuts'.....have a great Tuesday!

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Good morning! 


Joanne, you are welcome.  If I'd known I was solving global warming by getting a/'c, I would have done it years ago!  LOL  I hope your "donut making" goes well.  I am really excited to go back to work today.  It is temporary -- I have 30 days guaranteed.  They want me to go to a high school and teach, but it is at least a 30 minute drive from my house, and the president of the company is worried that I'm too soft for that particular crowd.  She said something about me staying at the office and continuing to do what I am doing now.  That is a 5 minute drive, very nice people, very nice atmosphere, and I love what I do there.  Hmmmm.   Do I tell her that I'd rather stay at the office, or keep quiet until close to my 30 days?


Marisa, sounds like KtB is going to be an amazing success!  I think it is so cool that you are involved in something so big! 


Stacy, you and Jorge are a beautiful couple.  Love the pics you post. 

LeeAnn, I hope your week is going well.  Did you get to spend any time with the kids?  Do you have lots of orders coming in?  When do your kiddos start back to school?  Mine start the 21st of August. 


I actually did some knitting yesterday.  I am so energized now that I have the job. 

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I have Averie and Sloan today and we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part I....only one more to go to finish the series and the kids are really enjoying them.  Averie just a bit more than Sloan, but I think that's the age difference.  Not sure if we'll watch the last one next week or the week after, my parents will be here next week, they are coming Saturday and leaving probably Wednesday after mom's colonoscopy :think  So probably we won't be watching a movie.  My mom usually has activities up her sleeve.  We got pizza today since the kids were being good and Sloan went the extra step and let Averie have the big comfy chair :lol  They both wanted it and usually Averie lays down to go right back to sleep when they get here, she's so not a morning person but Sloan is so he's always ready to go :shrug


Tomorrow afternoon is another training for KtB and then the last core group meeting.  It's only a week and a half away!!!!  I'm getting more and more excited :bounce


Beth - Yes, thanks for the getting the AC, I hope the effects last through the KtB installation :xfin  Sending good thoughts for you to keep the closer job, but so happy you're enjoying it.  Speaking of a job, I'm thinking for looking for something part time to help alleviate most of what my parents are helping with for my bills.  I feel bad that they continue to help (yes, I know they're happy to do it but I also know they're pulling from their retirement).  And after KtB, I'll have more free time again, so I'm thinking that it's something I need to do for now :think  Still thinking......


Joanne - Sorry to hear about the router, but glad to hear that you made progress on the afghan!

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Hiya friends!


Beth-I am so very happy that you are happy.  I bet they just love having you around at work.  How fun!  I like dressing up but I mostly wear casual clothing..I'm not a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal but once in awhile I give in.   Extra hugs and warm thoughts to you and your daughter, I'm sure she is devastated loosing a beloved pet. 


Marisa-what kind of part time job are you looking for? It's a tough call to make.


Joanne-sorry to hear about your computer, but that is so great that you are getting in lots of hooky time.


Stacy-are the days for school beginning getting closer?  Are your kiddos excited?


My kiddos start school on Aug. 23..a Friday!  I can't understand why a Friday of all days but oh well..they are kinda of excited but sad to see summer dwindling away.


Work has been icky busy..uughhh...I'm trying not to let it get me down but I really just do not like it..not enjoying the days.  But on a happier note, I am meeting with a lady that owns a shop/building.  I am looking into renting a small part of her building to open up a Store..woohooo!  not sure if it's affordable..but I will sure negotiate..then I can kiss the migrant goodbye!  Keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out but truthfully I am terrified..will keep you all posted.


to bed with meself..finished uploading all of the new fragrance of the month products and added new product, have orders packaged and ready to ship.  Night all!


hugs n extra squishes!

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Wow LeeAnn!  I went to your Etsy shop -- so many goodies!  The white chocolate rasperry sounds like it would smell so good.  Good luck with the building.  I am sure it would be awesome to just have one job (in addition to being a wife and mom.)  Would you be able to make your products in the shop?


Joanne, Happy Hump Day!  Have your hours been more sane this week?


Marisa, I'm sure KtB is kicked into full gear by now.  Very very soon!  I am so excited.


Stacy, Are you wringing every last ounce of fun out of the summer?  Can't believe school starts so soon.


I am continuing to love my job.  I think I'm getting the hang of the editing part.  The president of the company is paying for me to go out to lunch with my coworker today to talk about the teaching part of the job.  Pretty good, eh?


My daughter is very sad about her cat.  I am sure we made the right decision.  We gave the vet a chance to see what was wrong.  There was a tumor.  With the cat's feline leukemia, it was probably cancerous.  Putting poor Sparky out of his misery was the best choice.  Just not a happy decision. 

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Hi all,


I'll be very busy for the next three weeks until we go 'live' scheduled for 8/26. Then, maybe I can breathe and take some vacation. I already have 4 wks accrued and it's only August (tomorrow will be August). Would have liked to take a week in the summer at least and head to NH and Maine, but not allowed to take vacation. OH, well, the fall is pretty in New England so will take a week and head up there then.


Beth- Glad you are liking your job- and nice that you got to go to lunch on them. So sorry about the cat, but think you made the right decision- doesn't make it any easier, though!!


LeeAnn- That would be great if you had a 'brick and mortar' and could give up the Migrant position!!


Stacy- Hope you are having a ton of fun--by the pics on FB- I'll be you are


Marisa- I'm getting so excited to see pics of the bridge. Have fun with it! And you are great to take care of the kids!!! Good luck with your decision on whether to get another job or not.


Hugs to you all......I'm tired, just got home at 7:45 and still haven't changed from my work clothes---time to unwind and work on the blanket.

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Hi friends!


Well I've been gone so long that Crochetville signed me out!  :rofl  We stayed with BIL much longer than intended but dh and the girls were really enjoying themselves.  We went bowling and to see Despicable Me 2, which was hilarious!  I had fun, too- until Tuesday night.  We treated them to dinner as a thank-you for letting us stay at their house, and on the way home, I rode with SIL so we could stop at Michael's....and she felt the need to say some very hurtful things to me.  :(   After that, I just wanted to go home, but dh had already promised the girls we would leave today. 

Anyway, we came home to dh's truck having a flat tire.  :no   When it rains, it pours, I guess.  But the weather at home is nice- a very welcome change from the 120+ days we had there!  :eek   Now we need to get ready for the camping trip, which I am very excited about!!  Tomorrow morning Isabella is going to help her teacher from last year organize and set up the class.  The teacher called around 6 tonight to ask if she would be willing, since the teacher had orthopedic surgery and can't lift anything.  She invited a couple other students, also, so it should be fun.   Isabella is dying to see her friends. 


I haven't read through all the posts I missed- will get to that in the a.m.  Just wanted to stop in and say hello.  Love and hugs!  :hug :hug :hug

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Happy Saturday!  I hope you all get some rest and relaxation (And the other meaning of R&R for Joanne) this weekend. 


My husband and I took the dog out to walk in our backyard this morning.  She pulled me over to the bushes behind the garage.  Something in the bushes hissed at her!  We may have a cat living out there.  Or a raccoon..  I vote for cat, personally.  My husband has seen a couple cats in the area lately.  It would seem like fate if we find a friendly cat living outside our house when we are "down" a cat.  That's how we replaced the last two.


LeeAnn, I'm so sorry you are having a rough year.  I hope you get things organized so you can just run your shop.


Marisa,  Did you get a nice visit with your foks?  How was your mom's procedure?  Is KtB training over?


Joanne, Will you be playing in the pool with Ryan this weekend?  Is Robbie doing anything amazing yet, like finding his toes?  I'm counting down to the 26th with you.  Would you go away for vacation, or have a staycation?


Stacy, the pics from hiking are awesome.  I'd love to go back about 10 years and have you for a friend, so I'd have more ideas of good things to do with my kids.  You really do rock!


I am so happy to say that with my dd's help, the housework is all done, and laundry is caught up, so I don't have a lot of hosuework to do over the weekend.  I did some weeding, and that's it.  (I'll do the daily laundry and cooking and dishes, but that's all!)  Enjoy your weekend! 

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Happy Saturday!  I hope you all get some rest and relaxation (And the other meaning of R&R for Joanne) this weekend. 


My husband and I took the dog out to walk in our backyard this morning.  She pulled me over to the bushes behind the garage.  Something in the bushes hissed at her!  We may have a cat living out there.  Or a raccoon..  I vote for cat, personally.  My husband has seen a couple cats in the area lately.  It would seem like fate if we find a friendly cat living outside our house when we are "down" a cat.  That's how we replaced the last two.


LeeAnn, I'm so sorry you are having a rough year.  I hope you get things organized so you can just run your shop.


Marisa,  Did you get a nice visit with your foks?  How was your mom's procedure?  Is KtB training over?


Joanne, Will you be playing in the pool with Ryan this weekend?  Is Robbie doing anything amazing yet, like finding his toes?  I'm counting down to the 26th with you.  Would you go away for vacation, or have a staycation? I had to work today but will be seeing them tomorrow. I stopped last night to visit for about an hour and the R&R time was just what I needed. And Robbie has found his toes!!! About 2 weeks ago!!! LOL He smiles a lot and turns over (has been doing that for about a month Can't believe he will be 5 mos old already on the 15th! Ryan is saying more and more words and some short sentences now. It amazes me all over again!!!

I'm planning to go to Boston on the 1st of Nov for a few days with my DD SIL and the boys- this is what she wants to do for her 30th birthday. Also planning a trip to AL in early Oct to visit DH's family and meet his new grandson who should be a few weeks old by then. The rest of the time I take off will probably be a staycation--although I may just go to Beantown for another long weekend in Sept. We'll have to see how it all pans out.


Stacy, the pics from hiking are awesome.  I'd love to go back about 10 years and have you for a friend, so I'd have more ideas of good things to do with my kids.  You really do rock!


I am so happy to say that with my dd's help, the housework is all done, and laundry is caught up, so I don't have a lot of hosuework to do over the weekend.  I did some weeding, and that's it.  (I'll do the daily laundry and cooking and dishes, but that's all!)  Enjoy your weekend! 

What a week---and more fun to come. Thisis really crunch time with the project and training staff begins next week. Long hours, but I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I'm doing my laundry and cleaning today and DH already went to the grocery store. So I plan on a day of strict R&R tomorrow!


Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! Hugs!!

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Happy Sunday Friends!


Beth-I am so happy to hear that you are loving and enjoying your new job, it sounds like the perfect fit.  :manyheart   And that you are caught up on housework, priceless!  Are your inventions missing  you during the day?  Did the new cat come out of his/her hiding space?


Joanne-you sure have worked a ton of hours, I feel your pain.  That is wonderful that you get to spend today resting and relaxing.  I love Sundays!   And your vacation coming up sounds like pure bliss.


Stacy-so sorry to hear that your sil was not being nice but glad that you had a good stay in spite of her hurtful words.  Are you getting ready for school?


Marisa-oh my!  The day is getting closer, I bet you all are super pumped.  I bet all of you have been hooking like crazy. :yay


I had a long busy work week..Thursday was Family night, I worked 12 1/2 hours.. :reyes  and then a full day on Friday. But on a much more positive note,   Yesterday I met with the lady that owns the building that I was looking at.  She has a shop right across the hallway and a Chiropractic office  down the hall.  Her husband is a dr. and she is his office manager..she runs both shops and is running herself to exhaustion and she has 50 vendors that she consigns with.   I made her a deal that she said she couldn't refuse..I will help run her shop and mine for less rent as long as my shop hours are open.  In return..my rent will be greatly reduced and she will cover my shop while I am off on Monday's...she is getting back to me on the price for rent but has assured me that it will be quite affordable.  I can also borrow a lot of shelving from her as she had the shop where I am set up as an antique store..I can use two of her antique hutches and an antique wood stove (the stove is too heavy to move..).but I am more than happy to use it a display unit..and she has a pedestal sink that I can use as well as wall decor. She has several wash boards that are for sale that I can hang up..all in all it is WONDERFUL!!!!! :clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap I will finish up my season at the Migrant and if all goes well have a grand opening on Friday November 1 :c9   I have a ton to do before then but am soo excited that I can't stand it!  I'm praying that it all falls into place as far rental price and such...I am meeting with my adviser from the Small Business Association to make sure that I cross all of my "T's" and dot all of my "I's"...this is truly a dream come true..I couldn't sleep last night as I was soo excited!


I have a few orders to fill and new products to make..I got up early but decided to finish the last of my chores and start laundry before starting.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, I hope everything falls into place for your very own shop, too.  It will be so nice to have a home base for your products!  I hope the migrant season flies by. 


Joanne, I am glad you have a finish line to aim for.  I know you will really appreciate your time off when you finally get it.


Marisa, Any fun things this weekend?


Stacy, what fun things are you up to?

The new cat wants to explore the house, but I really want to wait until I get him and my cat to the vet tomorrow after work.  I am going to have my cat tested one more time for feline leukemia, and if he is clear, I will let the two get acquainted with no reservations. 

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Hello, and Happy Tuesday everybody!  I hope you have a glorious day.


I'm wondering how any working woman does it.  I am so tired, and I'm not working a full-time week.  So glad my dd is taking over most of the household tasks. 

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Good evening friends!


Great news!!!!  The shop owner called me back and it's a GO! :clap:cheer:clap:cheer   We settled on an affordable rent, now it's on to planning things out and then taking action.   I am soo happy!  I am waiting for dh to get home, we are going to celebrate with pizza..happiness!


Beth-it's tough..but hang in there, it will get better.


Joanne, Stacy, & Marissa hope your week is going well.  Off to eat din din then back to soaping and filling orders.  Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


How nice to read the wonderful news, LeeAnn! :clap Congratulations! And kudos to you for working out a great deal!!! I can feel your excitement!!! I think  you mentioned earlier that if it worked out, you would be opening on Nov 1--that's a great day--it's my youngest DD's 30th birthday!!!! I'll be heading to Beantown with her and her family for a few days to celebrate her birthday--but will be sending good thoughts your way on that day---seems far off--but it's right around the corner!!!! Sounds like you are having a dream come true!!! :yes


Beth- Glad you are enjoying work--it takes some getting used to for sure. How was your lunch the other day? Do you think you'll be teaching? Sounds like your DD has inherited your compassion for cats! :)


Stacy- Have the kiddos returned to school? Or is that next week? How are you doing? That's too bad that your sil felt the need to say some hurtful things to you--hope you haven't let it get to you.


Marisa-  Positive thoughts for your Mom today with the procedure. Hope they find out something so she can be back to herself....KtB must be getting very busy now in prep for the yarnbombing. How fun and exciting!!!


Well, my friends, time to get ready for another fun-filled, busy day in Paradise!!! I've been so tired I haven't even picked up the hook or needles...doesn't look like I'll have the blanket done in time to mail to my stepdaughter by the shower on the 17th. Will probably end up just bringing it to AL when we go there in the fall to meet the new GS!

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Joanne, I am sorry you won't get the blanket done.  You can only do so much, and the big push will be over soon.  I'm glad you have a nice trip to Beantown with your dd planned. I need to follow in your footsteps and get my coffee ready at night for the next morning.  I poured my ground beans into the water reservoir today...  Need coffee to make coffee!  I thought of you after I did it, though.  I'll try to be smarter in the future.  I hate wasting perfectly good coffee beans.


LeeAnn, when do your kiddos start back to school?  How far is it from your house to your shop?  What will you do with the space this move will make in your home?


Marisa, good luck to your mom, and with the KtB. 


Stacy, love the pics you post.  Those marshmallows made my mouth water!

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Happy Almost Friday everybody!


I hope today goes well.  Is anybody playing with yarn?  I've been working on the knitted scarf.  I hope to finish it soon, but it seems to take forever to make any progress in using up the skein.  And I will need help binding off, since I never did that before.  Good thing I have friends who knit, right?

Joanne, did you get your recommended daily allowance of R&R?


LeeAnn, will you get to work in classrooms soon?


Marisa, how is your mom?


Stacy, loving the pictures of the camping trip.  You are managing to pack so much into your summer.  I love it!


Oh, I went to the dentist yesterday and got a good report!  Happy dance time!

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Top of the morning friends!


The week seems to whiz by but I am finally able to hop on here.  The store front that I am going to rent is 324 square feet.  It is on the main street of our little town and will be perfect!  :manyheart  I will take all of my products but continue to whip things up here in my craft studio.  This way I can focus on customers and the other shop.  I have been making phone calls like crazy and am working with a gentleman regarding signage.  Still have tons to do but am making great progress.  I have a floor plan drawn up and am deciding on the placement of product and shelving.  My father in law is going to build a register stand for me..still need to order a cash register. :yes   I have a money box but am thinking that I should upgrade.  Sad to say but I haven't had a chance for yarn play.. :lol .in between everything dh has been registering the kiddos for school.  They are going to ride the bus home as it will be too much for me to close the shop to go pick them up..this way they can come home and get homework started.   School shopping is done..whew!  They are both anxiously awaiting for school to start.


And I have been whipping up new Fall products with the most amazing fragrances...Pumpkin, Apples & Acorns, cranberries...my studio smells yummy. 


Off to pack lunch and head out the door.  hugs n squishes dear friends!  will post more this evening as it's my day off from working out..still trying to get those workouts in.. :lol

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So happy and excited for you LeeAnn!! Everything sounds like it is going to be perfect!!


Beth- good news from the dentist is always nice. I watched a you-tube video  that showed me how to bind off...I haven't picked up the pointy needles in a couple of weeks since I was working on Ryan's blanket and then started the one for my step GS to be...which hasn't gotten very far, I'm afraid.


I'm off this weekend, but have to work the next two- and then we 'go live' on the 26th....it's going to be very, very busy these next two weeks. I will still have work to do after 'go live' but hopefully the pace and the long hours will be a fond memory- LOL


Off to do laundry- I want to get as much done tonight as I can so I can have a relaxing weekend in preparation for the long hours ahead of me.


I see the Ktb installation is this weekend- how exciting, Marissa---thinking about you--and can't wait to see pics.


Stacy- Hope all is well in Cali.



Well, the clothes won't wash themselves, so off I go...

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