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Good morning,


Stacy- Love, love, love, Eva's afghan- and absolutely adore the picture on FB with her holding it. It's priceless!!! The afghan for DH's friend is also coming along great!!!! i'm still plugging away on Ryan's blanket. I'm hoping to have it done by his real birthday which is Wednesday.


Beth - Hope you can find the owner of the cat. I will definitely give hugs to the boys from you. The weather is not supposed to be great today, but we'll manage and have a great time anyway. Like the new NJ slogan goes---we're stronger than the storm. LOL


Marisa- the deck looks great and looks like all were enjoying themselves. Did your Dad build it?


LeeAnn- Enjoy your weekend.


Off to get the last minute things done.......

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Top of the weekend dear friends!


Beth-I couldn't agree with you more, this is going to be my last season at the Migrant..I find myself really disliking my job this season..the folks that I work with are dramatic and some are just plain bossy, petty  and mean...it's been a struggle to stay focused while I am there..I find myself constantly wishing that I could be somewhere else...I have had a few breakdowns this week and am exhausted.  I am grateful that I have such amazing family and friends.  Without all of your support and kind words..I feel like I would just fall apart.  It just doesn't seem like it is about the children in our program..it's all about the mighty $ and how much data/paper work you can collect.  Makes my heart break but it doesn't seem like it will improve.  October can't get here soon enough.   Oohh laaa laaaa a new fur baby?  How exciting?  have you found his owner? :hug 


Joanne-on a happier note, how was the party? I am sure that you all had an awesome time!  Can't wait to hear all about it. :hug


Stacy-your ghans are stunning!  I love them both, how exciting to get them finished.  Your sweet dd looks so very happy with hers.

Precious! :hug


Marissa-how are your parents doing?  your mom?  I hope that she is feeling better. :hug


I have been working all weekend here in my craft studio..lots of orders to fill..not feeling all that great.  I think I have caught a summer cold but alas must work.  I'm sorry I am in such a blah mood.. :cry Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, :hug to you!  I'm sorry you aren't feeling well -- hope you feel better today.  Did you get any rest this weekend?  You are so sweet, even in a blah mood.  It must be frustrating working with a program to help kids who really need the help, and everybody is chasing the almighty dollar, rather than concentrating on the kids.  I am sorry it's a rough year.  You can do it!


Joanne, how was the party?  How is your big boy doing?  I can't believe he's already 2.  The time is flying by.  Did he have an amazing time?


Marisa, I hope your trip has been great.  How is everybody? 


Stacy, Did you manage to do anything fun this weekend?  I still want to be adopted by you. 


Well, the adorable cat didn't come back.  I'm confident he found his way back to his house, which may be pretty close to mine.  He was certainly sweet.  Today is the day they are supposed to start installation on the a/c.  Not that I"m anxious or anything...  It has been so hot last week, I was pretty useless.  No more excuses after this, though!  Have a great day everybody!

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Good morning!!


The party was awesome and everyone had fun in the pool! The weather held out- it was sunny and hot- perfect to go in the pool. I'm glad that we had the party here! Yesterday I spent a lazy morning in bed working on Ryan's afghan and last night I finished it! Will try and get pics tonight after work. I'll give it to him on his actual birthday, which is Wednesday!


Beth- :clap  The day is finally here that the installation of AC begins!! You must be beyond excited!!!!! Once you have it you are going to wonder how you ever lived without it!! I'm thrilled for you!!


LeeAnn- :hug  Here's some more hugs from me. You have worn yourself out with the long hours and the stress of the position. Hang in there- before you know it, Oct will be here. It's so sad that the almighty buck takes precedence over the well-being of the children. That in itself is enough to stress anyone out. Hope today is a better day for you :hug


Stacy- Hope you are enjoying the time with your visitors!!!  Did DH get his FA straightened out?


Marisa- Hope you are enjoying time with your folks!


Just checked the clock--I'd better get a move on...have a great day everyone.

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It amazes me how young these technicians look.  Signs that I am getting older.  The installation is moving along, to my inexperienced eyes, but they say it will be done tomorrow.


I was called back for a second interview.  I meet with the president of the company tomorrow afternoon.  Am I nervous? Oh yeah!  Wish me luck!


Joanne, so glad the party was a success.  I'm glad the weather cooperated.  We had some very scary lightening and thunder here, but no rain -- weird.


Hugs to all! :hug

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Beth- Good luck tomorrow--and maybe by the time you get home from the interview, you'll have cool air in your house!


I didn't get home till 7:30 tonight- and it's raining ...finally- and we do need it. I'm off work Wed for Ryan's birthday--very happy about that!!!!


It's too dark for pictures of the afghan so either tomorrow night (if I don't get home too late) or else I'll take them Wed before I deliver the blanket to Ryan.


Off to get something to eat....



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Good day friends!


Joanne-your party sounded like it was so much fun!  I love that the weather was nice out and that you were all able to get together to celebrate and also that you had a bit of relaxation time in.  So happy for you.


Beth-woohooo!  A/C sounds like heaven!  How exciting that you have another interview.  I bet you will nail it!  Positive thoughts headed your way, you are going to do wonderfully.  I know it!


Marisa and Stacy-hope your day went well.


The work day was a bit better as I was in the classrooms for most of the day, spending time with the littlies does my heart good.  I also put my shop on Vacation mode for the week, needed time to regroup.  Other than that, nothing juicy.  Going to get to bed early, hoping that will help me to feel more relaxed during the day.  hugs n squishes friends!

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LeeAnn, I'm glad you had a good day at work.  Taking a bit of a break from the shop is probably smart right now.  You were so exhausted.  I hope you are feeling better already.


Joanne, The rain was nice last night.  We needed it, too.  I can't wait to see the pics of the finished afghan.  Congrats on getting it done.  I'm glad you are getting a day off to celebrate Ryan's birthday.


Stacy, maybe you should go to your part of the art museum before you take the girls to their part.  That way, you are guaranteed to see what you want to see.  LOL.  It sounds like your daughters are having a wonderful summer. 


Marisa, I hope your visit is going well.  It will be nice to hear about it when you get home. 


Well, the installation is going fairly well, but I am not pleased with the boys who are doing the work.  (They all look like they are about the same age as my kids.)  They left the back door open numerous times, and we have 4 cats who want to escape.  Luckily, the cats were all hiding from the noise.  They got plaster dust in my coffee pot!  They did not clean up at all after themselves.  They even stacked the litter boxes on top of each other, and didn't put them back when they were done.  I am QUITE unhappy with lot of things they've done, but as soon as I have cool air blowing in my house, I will be a much happier camper. 


Trying to find clothes for the interview has been a challenge.  It is just too hot to wear a suit with a wool blazer.  I have a much lighter suit, but I'm not sure burgundy is a good color for an interview.  I am wearing it any way. 

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We have a/c.  The cats that got into the crawl space that the workers left open have been retrieved.  Three quarts of pickles are done.  I am as purtified as I can get for my interview...  Now I'm worn out!

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I was hired as a temp.  I will be editing a math program.  It sounds like a great job for me.  I may be running a math lab in a high school eventually.  I think I would prefer editing the program.

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Wow Beth!!! I'm so happy for you---and even thought it's too late...there's nothing wrong with wearing burgundy for an interview!!!


Glad to hear you got the job and you have AC---and that you found the cats!!!!!!


Didn't get home till late again tonight- will post more in the AM since I'm off work for the day!!!!!

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Joanne, :bday to Ryan!  I hope you enjoy his birthday as much as he does! 


LeeAnn, I hope you aren't working too hard. 


Marisa,  Thinking of you.  Are you having a good time?


Stacy, How are things in California?


I am really enjoying the A/C.  These are so quiet, so much more effective than the window units.  We are turning them all up at least 5 degrees warmer than the window units, and it's quite comfortable.  Happy lady here!  And I'm so excited about working again.  (Let's see how long that lasts!)

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Joanne, the blanket is awesome!  I love the colors -- how well they work together.  Nicely done!  I'll bet Ryan will love it for years.  How special that his grandmother made it for him! Happy Birthday to him!  Enjoy your day off.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I'm back! Sorry I didn't get in over the weekend at all, we kept busy both at my parents and at my friends house....her 10 month old daughter is just as sweet as can be :manyheart I came back Monday and had 2 new patients that evening as well as a regular patient. Yesterday I had Averie and Sloan, so we watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (6) but it was a copied disc and wouldn't work in the dvd player so we watched it on the computer. Then I had to finish Monday's paperwork and headed over for KtB. Today's a slow day and I'm getting paperwork done and going through the mail from the weekend. I have some errands to do today.


My mom's c diff test finally came back negative last week and we're hoping it's not a false negative :xfin She's still running to the bathroom all day and maybe now they can focus on getting the ulcerative colitis under control. She's coming out for a colonoscopy in 2 weeks, so I guess we'll see then. The following week she's having allergy testing done as well. We'll see if that yields anything.


I breezed through the posts to get caught up, but didn't take notes so I hope everyone is doing well.


Gorgeous afghans Joanne and Stacy!


Beth - WTG with the job :clap


Joanne - Yes, my dad built the deck :manyheart

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Hiya friends! 


Beth-Congratulations again on the new job, I am so happy for you.  Will you be starting soon?  You said it was part time?  or full time?  Sorry couldn't remember.  Bet you are excited to give it a go.


Joanne-Happy birthday to dear Ryan!  His afghan is stunning!


Marisa-welcome back, glad that you have a relaxing day.


I took the afternoon off as did dh.  We are taking the birthday boy to go shopping, a stop at the library and out to pick up dinner and then home to watch a movie.  He's soo sweet!  Can't believe that my baby is 16..such a wonderful young man.  I am super proud of him.  Best get my tush in gear.  Hugs n squishes!

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Today was awesome!! Had so much fun with Robbie and then dinner out with the birthday party. He had a blast at the water park--and they kept telling me how nice it was that they did n't have to take Robbie along. Made me feel so warm and fuzzy!!!


They all loved the blanket and son-in-law wants a blanket now! His birthday is towards the end of Sept. Now to decide colors. I'm thinking royal blue for the NY Giants....will see- maybe I'll do Royal Blue and Red...(if I have enough of those colors in my stash) . After cleaning out my family room and putting all my yarn in totes, there is no reason at all for me to buy yarn. LOL


LeeAnn- Glad that you got 1/2 day off to spend with your birthday boy!!! Hope it was an amazingly awesome day!!!


Marisa- Hope that all goes well with your Mom's procedure in a few weeks. Keeping her in my prayers. Glad you had a good time with your folks!


Beth- I'm sure  you are thoroughly enjoying the central AC--so much nicer than window units---and so nice to be comfortable!!


Stacy- Hope you are feeling better!

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Joanne, Sounds like a really good day all around, not just for the birthday boy.  I'm sure he enjoyed some one-on-one time with the parents.  And I'll bet you enjoyed some one-on-one time with your Robbie.  How awesome.  I can't blame your SIL for wanting a blanket like Ryan's.  You did a wonderful job.  What type of yarn did you use?  It looks so very snuggly.


LeeAnn, :bday to your son!  I am glad you had some time off to spend with him.  What did he buy?  Where did you eat?  What fun to do things as a family.


Marisa, welcome home!  I'm glad you had a good time.  I hope you will keep us posted as far as your mom's procedures.  It's no fun to run to the bathroom all the time.  How sweet to spend time with a baby girl.  I'll bet Sloan and Averie were happy to watch the HP movie with you. Glad you had a back-up to a DVR player.


Stacy, did you have a good day?  Are you feeling better?  Is everybody else OK? Did Jorge get time to take care of his FA?  My kids still haven't heard about theirs.  I am scared they won't get the classes they want.


OK, the job that I got...  It's a temporary position.  My hours weren't exactly set. I think it will be part-time, which really suits me to a T.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Not too much going on here right now.  I had a patient this morning and 2 more this afternoon.  Tonight I have KtB and am then meeting my cousin out for a drink :) 


I hope everyone is having a great day :hug

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Good evening!


Beth, congrats on the job!  How exciting!  And for the a/c...I'm sure it's a huge relief.  :yes  Good luck getting the kids' FA straightened out.  Dh found out he does have to pay back some of his grant money, apparently he was overpaid last semester.  :think  I called this morning to find out about mine and the woman I spoke with said their system does not show that I was emailed, and that all of my paperwork is fine.  Now I'm confused, because I know the email is from the FA office.  I hope it's not something that is going to come up again the week before school starts. 


Leeann, your day with ds sounds wonderful.  Happy birthday to him!  I think it's a good idea to put your shop on vacation mode for a bit, just so you can get a breather.  :hug


Joanne, sounds like lots of fun was had for Ryan's birthday!  The pics you posted on FB are adorable.  I can't believe he's two already!  Time sure does fly with little ones around.  The blanket is gorgeous, too.


Marisa, how's KtB going?  Have fun with your cousin. 


Lots going on over here....BIL and his fam were here over the weekend.  We went to Chuck E. Cheese for my niece's birthday.  I took the girls to the art museum and they had fun.  There was a Michael's program where they could work on a craft from around the world for 2 hours, Monday, Wednesday, or Friday- well we went the first week, and when I went to sign up for another class, every single class until August 2 is full!  They were kinda bummed, that's why we went to the museum- there is a children's gallery where they can paint.  This summer just flew by!  So many things I wanted to do but we just didn't have time.  Tomorrow we are packing up and heading to visit BIL.  :lol   Then we leave for camping on the 5th.  Somewhere in between, I need to buy new uniforms and lunchboxes.  Eva can't have a backpack this year, and the other two already have good ones, so at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about.


I should scoot and figure out what's for dinner, the littles are complaining of hunger!  (Like they haven't eaten in the past hour.  LoL)  Love and hugs! 

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Good morning,


What a long day yesterday was---so glad I was off Wed, but yesterday surely made up for that- didn't get home till 8PM! Another long day on tap and then have to work Sat as well...at least the end of the project is nearing an end ---should be 'live' 8/26...


Stacy- Have fun at BIL's and camping...I think you do lots of fun things with your girls!! I sure hope you have no issues with your FA--it is such a necessary pain to deal with....


Beth- the temps here have cooled off---thank you for having your central AC installed---to me, it's kind of like when you carry an umbrella it won't rain---you had your AC installed and the temperatures are lovely----but I here the humidity is supposed to start climbing again this weekend on Sunday.  Enjoy your last weekend before your return to the working world...


LeeAnn- Woot! It's Friday---hope you are feeling less stressed this week....


Marisa- Can't believe it's almost time for the Bridge to be decorated in yarn! Seems like yesterday you first started talking about it. How are things coming along for it?


Off to get ready for a "fun-filled Friday"........

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Joanne, I laughed about my a/c "causing" the lower temps.  I am just so very comfortable in my house now -- it's been lovely.  I am sorry you are having such long hours making up for a day off and then some.  When you go live in August, will it be the end of the entire project, or just another part of it?


LeeAnn, happy TGIF to you!  I hope you didn't have a very rough week, and you enjoy your weekend.


Marisa, the bridge is coming, the bridge is coming!  I was thinking about driving up there to see it in person, but now that I'll be working, I may not make it.  I will certainly let you know if my schedule allows it.  I told my husband about it just yesterday.


Stacy, I hope your FA stuff is going better than ours.  We still haven't heard.  I think we will have the kids sign up for classes today, pay with credit card, and just get paid back when they get their reward, which may not be until October.  At least the person I talked to was very hepful and knowledgeable.


Well, I need to make some pizza dough. 

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I had a few patients today, the last one being my cousin who backed out of going out last night so we're going to head out to trivia night tonight.  The first KtB training went well last night, but of course learned what we can do differently to have it go a bit smoother.  Overall thouogh it went well and we got complemented on how organized we were :D  Since I didn't go out with my cousin, I made it home in time to catch the tail end of our neighborhood 'stoop night' and met some new neighbors.  We have 2 more training sessions this weekend for KtB, but otherwise, not much else going on.


Beth - Thanks for the cooler temps :wink

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Good evening ladies!


Beth-I bet you are basking in the coolness of your home?  I love being home and comfy.  it's my favorite place to be.  Any big plans for the weekend?  I bet you are super excited to start your new job?


Joanne-yikes!  That sure was a late night!  I bet you are counting down the days for your project to end, will you be able to work less hours then?


Marisa-that is so awesome that you have outings and such with neighbors, family and friends.  I am sure that your weekend will be busy.


Work has slowed down a bit..I'm behind but am not stressing about it anymore,...nothing I can do but keep working.  I opened up my shop last night, wasn't going to open until Monday but had several emails and customers waiting..have a few orders to fill.  I'm super excited as I am almost to 450 sales.  I can't believe it!  I'm super happy.  I have been working on more of the football soaps, while they are fun, they take quite a bit of time to figure out colors and such.  Once I get a team football done, it's fairly easy as write the recipe down in my notepad but figuring it out is tricky. 


Thank you all for the birthday wishes, we had a wonderful evening. We stopped at the library to check out a few books, then it was on to the game store.  I also stopped at a new thrift store, I found the cutest mauve chair.  I fell in love with it, it now sits by my bed..it's the perfect chair to crochet and read in.  Then it was on to walymart and then to pick up dinner and a movie, and then home to relax.  All in all it was wonderful.


The kiddos are at the in-laws for the weekend.  Last night I fell asleep early, today I have been reading, crocheting, cleaning and soaping..it's been nice staying home.


Off to bed with myself, tomorrow dh will be going to the mountains for a load of wood, he will pick up the kiddos.  I will have the house to myself, need to get all of the new August Fragrance of the Month goodies whipped up.  The new fragrance is called "Breeze"...a nice beachy smell.


hugs n squishees!

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Good morning!


Yesterday I went to work, and then on the way home I got called into a conference call for another 40 minutes!! YIKES!! Got home around 1:30 did a quick over in the house and then DD and the boys came over. When Robbie fell asleep, DD, Ryan and I went in the pool- it was fun. After dinner we all took a nice long walk- it was beautiful out!!! They left around 8:30 and then I checked my work email only to find out I may have to do some work today. Needless to say, that bummed me out quite a bit! I can't wait for this project to be over. Once it's over, my hours should cut back to normal hours---at least that is the hope.


LeeAnn- I'm happy that you've had some 'me ' time and your post does sound less stressed! Enjoy the quiet time at home today.


Marisa- Hope you had a good weekend


Beth- Enjoy your last day of workless-ness!! Not that you don't 'work at home' , but you know what I mean. Hope all goes superbly for you tomorrow!!!!


Stacy-Thinking of you and hope you are all having fun at BIL's!


Off to start the day.

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