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Some good clean fun?!

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Happy Friday!  I hope you all get a nice, relaxing weekend. 


Joanne, I haven't been working on purling.  I thought I'd do the "quick" scarf, just to get used to holding the needles and the yarn, then make a scarf with the shawl pattern that caught my eye.  It is so hot here, the yarn wants to stick to my hands rather than flow, so I am not working on any projects much now.  I'll bet you'll be a pro when you have that blanket finished.  So will you want to learn to knit cables?  I love the look of those!


Stacy, I hope you feel better today.


Marisa, Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?


LeeAnn, We miss you.  I understand you must be crazy busy.  I think you are an amazing person! I am not sure i"d be able to keep up with my own business, much less work outside the home, be a super mom, AND have your own business. :nworthy

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Good morning!


Well, I was feeling ambitious yesterday and decided to take Mia to the library program after all.  We saw some friends there, and by the time we got home, I couldn't talk.  :eek   My voice is really hoarse today, sad to say but tea is probably in order, rather than my usually cuppa.  :ohdear


Beth, I can't believe you made it through an entire day of cleaning without realizing you hadn't had coffee!  You really must have been working hard.  :yes  Are you making the trek to the FA office today?  We found a problem with dh's last night, as well- it seems he was over-paid last semester.  Well, they are saying he was, but his debit card statement doesn't show the second deposit was even made.  So he has to go today and get that straightened out.


Joanne, TGIF!  You don't have to work this weekend, do you?  Will you be enjoying the pool with dd and Ryan again?


Marisa, happy Friday!  :hug


Leeann, hope all is well!  :hug


Gotta scoot, Mia just woke up looking for breakfast. Love and hugs!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, yesterday I had a headache come on progressively through the day so crawled into bed early skipping out on a girls night with Steph and some friends.  I finally slept well though, woke up this morning to use the bathroom, took a little more Motrin and went back to bed for a little over an hour longer.  I haven't taken any more Motrin since...have a slight nag now, but not like it was and if it doesn't creep back up it's 'doable' without medication.  I came in this morning and got some paperwork together.  Saw a patient at 1, then met Steph for lunch, ran some errands, and got back a bit ago.  I have a new patient coming at 5, so do need to get all his stuff together yet and I have the turtles in their feeding tank and would like to have that mess cleaned up before the new patient gets here as well.


Tomorrow morning I volunteered to help at the Epilepsy walk/run hosted by the Pirates in the morning, then I have 2 patients at 10.  I'll probably head over to KtB after that :think  Sunday is Stitch n Pitch day for the Pirates so I'll be going with some of the KtB crew, they do have a little vendor room for about an hour and a half prior to the first pitch so me and another lady will be 'working' the KtB table.  I'm just excited to get my swag bag!!!! :bounce


Beth - I will have more time after KtB because right now I try to squeeze that in wherever I can....that would be great if you got out here to see it!  Maybe we could even meet for a coffee or lunch while you're in the area if you do make it?


Joanne - We still have A LOT of prep work that needs to be done....but we're getting there!


Stacy - Sounds like you really talked up a storm at the library....why does that just sounds wrong :think:lol

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It's the weekend!!!!! Yipee!!!!

No work this weekend- and if the weather cooperates, we'll go in the pool---next weekend we have Ryan's birthday party here so I really have to start cleaning this weekend! I've got stuff in the family room (stuff as in yarn ) that I really need to put away ---because it really looks like I'm a hoarder! (of yarn, that is---which I guess I am!!!)


Beth- I do want to learn how to knit cables- I think they are awesome!! I've heard they are not that hard- but we'll see!!!


Stacy- Rest your voice- and drink tea--I agree, better than coffee when your throat bothers you. Hope the FA gets straightened out!


DH just got home--and brought sausage and pepper subs home (hoagies in PA world, not sure what they are called on the West Coast---Heroe sandwiches, maybe???)


Anyway, have a good night!

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Joanne, I'm glad you get a full weekend.  I'm not sure how your house can look like you're a hoarder.  I thought all the yarn lived here.  So much pretty pretty yarn...  I can't believe your Ryan is going to be 2 already.  Time certainly flies.  Will it be a pool party then?  Very nice of hubby to bring home dinner. 


Marisa, I hope things with the new patient went well.  Are the turtles well-adjusted to life in the office?  It sounds like you know how to deal with a headache.  I hope it stays gone.  Good luck with the Epilepsy walk/run tomorrow.  I think it is awesome how you are involved in the community.  If I can come see your bridge, I will definitely let you know.  I'd love to have lunch or coffee or any time with you face to face.


Stacy, did the tea help your voice?  Does your throat hurt, or are you just a pony -- you know, a little hoarse.  Oh, for the ice cream, I'm sure any two containers that seal would work, as long as one fits inside the other with room for the ice and salt.  I hope your hubby's FA nightmare works out OK.  We are taking a deep breath and hoping for the best right now.  We didn't receive any notification one way or the other.  It seems that tuition was due very early this semester.


LeeAnn, thinking of you.  I hope you get some rest in this weekend. 


Today while we were taking care of the kitties, someone walked by with an 8-week-old puppy.  It was a german shepherd/lab mix -- SO cute.  I got to hold him.  He licked me on my nose.  He smelled like new puppy -- warm, milky breath.  I want one so bad. 

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Good afternoon friends!


I'm alive!  I have made it through one tough and painful week!  I missed all of you so very much and have just not felt right about being gone for so long.


Beth-a new puppy sounds adorable.  How sweet!  I am hoping and praying that you can get your kiddos FA stuff figured out.  It can be pretty stressful.  I loved your kitty bed that you posted on fb.  What a sweet bed to make for your wonderful fur babies, I am sure that they are loving it.


Joanne-oh my gosh!  I can't believe that Ryan is turning 2..wow!  It sure has flown by.  Home made ice cream sounds delish, I have never made some but what a great idea.  And your knitting?  so proud of you!  You are on your way my friend.


Marisa-so glad that your headache is more manageable.  I bet you are super duper busy with the KTB group, but what a great way to network.


Stacy-hoping that the tea worked and that you feel slightly better.  And your lil nurse..why she is just soo sweet and adorable.


This last week was extremely painful.  I had several orders, one big order for 60 lip balms to be packaged in clear cello bags and tied with ribbon..she needed them asap..stayed up late quite a few nights..4 hours of sleep isn't really working for me...but it's what I have been doing..no bueno.


The kiddos are doing well, they are amazing helpers and have really helped with everything.  My dd has been keeping herself extremely busy crafting. She is into duck tape wallets, purses, hair bows and has been working like crazy. She will be selling them as she is raising money to go to New York for a week during her 8th grade school year.  I'm so proud of her.


My son has been busy working out and networking..he has slimmed down quite a bit and is really on a health kick.  He's getting ready for his big 16th birthday on the 24th of this month. 


Work has been super busy and doesn't seem like it will get any easier..I'm just  hoping that I can manage. My dh has been helping with grocery shopping and cooking..seems like after I get home..I start another day.


My shop is booming and in full swing.  I am receiving more custom order requests and have been working like a bee filling orders...this morning I got up early and cleaned...going to work on orders but going to take a small break first.


Miss all of you terribly, I will try to be better about hopping on.  hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


LeeAnn --I don't know how you do all that you are doing! 4 hours of sleep is defnitely not enough--even for someone like me who usually gets by on 5-6. Good for you with all the custom orders, but that sure takes a lot of work--on top of being an awesome Mom and working full time right now! wow- can't believe your DS is going to be 16 already!! Funny that my GS and him have the same birthday!!! Hang in there- and hopefully once the migrant position is over, you'll only have 2 full time jobs instead of 3!!!


It rained here yesterday- so no pool time. But DD and the boys came over and had dinner with us and we played inside.  I had stopped over her house in the afternoon, and then we came back here. They will probably come over again this afternoon and we'll see what the weather holds. Right now it's like 'pea soup' outside---sooo, soooo, humid!!! YUCK!


Off to straighten out this family room, which didn't get done yesterday! Going to seriously weed through the stash as I put it away for the party--I see a donation of yarn to the Sr Center in my very near future. No use holding on to yarn that I know I won't ever use.


Have a good day everyone!

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Hello, and Happy Sunday!


Joanne, Your grandson, LeeAnn's son, and my brother all have the same birthday.  Must be a great day for great men, right?  The humidity has been unbearable here.  It has been the wettest summer I remember, which my plants (and the weeds) love.  How fast is Robbie growing?  What great strides has he made lately?  Is Ryan excited about his birthday?  How is the knitting going? 


LeeAnn, I am sorry you had such a rough week.  It is good that your business has grown so much, but I'll bet you'd like some rest.  So how does it feel to watch your son turn into a man before your eyes?  They do grow fast.  I'm glad your kiddos and hubby are  helping.  Makes all the difference in the world.  Too many women with jobs come home and have to take care of all the housework, too.  Big hugs to you, my friend.  I hope you get some sleep.


Stacy, I hope you are feeling better.  I love how your girl took care of you! 


Marisa, I hope you are having a great weekend.  Is your headache gone yet?


I need to run to the grocery store today.  I started crocheting cat beds (not the caves, just little beds or mats) for the adoptables.  I will take a couple of them in today.  The woman was given some strange things as donations -- some that have to do with reptile care.  She is giving that to us, since Amanda would like to get a bearded dragon some day.

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Had a great day today! I organized all my yarn and the family room looks spectacular if I do say so myself! Lots of work, but feels so good to have it all organized by types of yarn- in clear bins out in the garage!


DD and the boys came over and we had burgers and hot dogs and went in the pool (well Robbie didn't :lol ) "Pop-Pop" was in charge of Robbie when we went in the pool He was very happy to stay inside with him and watch the Yankees!


Beth- The knitting is coming along- I messed up a row last night- I should have stopped since I was getting tired, but I'll just call it a design element) I've got 57 or 58 rows done.  I took Ryan's blanket over to their house and put it on the mattress (his crib turns into a bed when he's ready) and I'm nearing the point where I can start a border :yay  I told DD it may not be done in time for the party- but she did tell me she LOVES it! And the little boy blue that I'm using in the blanket matches his wall color perfectly!!!!


Hope you all had a nice Sunday!!!


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Good evening ladies!


Wow!  The weekend has flown by, but I am happy to say that I got a bit of rest in, cleaning is done, grocery shopping is done, laundry done,  and all orders are packaged up.  Life is good.  :manyheart


Joanne-your Sunday sounded just wonderful.  :c9  I  am so happy for you, your ghan is coming along, how exciting!  And you organized your yarn?  Woohooo! It's wonderful being organized, I love it. 


Beth-did you enjoy your day?  your dd wants a new pet?  Luckily for your kiddos that you love all animals.  I am not very good at smaller friends...but I do love cats and dogs.  :hug


Marisa and Stacy-hope your weekend was wonderful.


Wanted to pop in to tell you all have a wonderful week!  Hugs n squishes!! :hug :hug

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LeeAnn, sounds like you had a very busy weekend.  How nice to be caught up, though.  I'm glad you managed to get some rest.  Big hugs.  I hope your work week isn't too crazy.


Joanne, It's awesome that the blanket matches the room.  You'll be done soon, which is pretty darn amazing, since you work so much.  I'm glad you got some pool time in with your big boy and his mama.  My friend calls mistakes "my artisitic interpretation of the piece."  I love it!  Glad the knitting is coming along.  Ryan's blanket is crocheted, isn't it? 


Stacy and Marisa, happy Monday.  I hope you have a good week. 

DH's alarm didn't go off this morning, so he was late for work.  He couldn't find parking, so he came home and called in.  It worked.  I got the car into the shop for it's state inspection and an oil change.  It was convenient to have someone up when they wanted me to bring it in.  We are making pickles today.  I am soaking them now, and I have sterilized the jars and lids.  I think we'll end up with 3 quarts.  Not bad for a tiny garden with just 2 cucumber plants!  And my tomatoes are finally turning red!!!  Oh joy.  I am also mopping the bedroom floors today, and hopefully cleaning off the wardrobe in my room.  The top is covererd with stuff that needs to be organized, and to find a more appropriate home.  I assume most of it will end up back up there, though.  We have no storage areas in this house.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I had a good weekend.  Friday was a relaxing evening at home and I was up early on Saturday to volunteer at the Epilepsy Walk/Run.  Then I had 2 patients.  I can't remember what I did in the afternoon and then in the evening went with some friends for a board game night.  Sunday was the stitch n pitch Pirates game...we lost :(  I helped Steph with her cooking and then just watched some TV to wind down.


Joanne - WTG with your organizing and cleaning!  I'm pretty sure we are all yarn hoarders!  And yes, they are hoagies :)  You are moving right along on Ryan's blanket :clap


Beth - Too cute with the kitties and the puppy, maybe one day..... :think  The turtles are doing well here and all my patients love looking at them.  I'm still getting an off/on again nag type of headache, but not bad.  How exciting making pickles, we are going to try some too!


LeeAnn - Averie is really into the duct tape now too!  Good for ds being healthy and working out, I think most boys hit that stage at some point.  WTG with all your orders.  Do you think you see a point in the future where you can just do your orders and not have to work another job?


Stacy - Great pics of the girls on FB :manyheart  Hope all is well.

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Good morning ladies :hi


A quick check in. I'm heading to my parents house today, so am getting ready. I do have one patient before heading out and he just got here, he's doing his exercises right now. My phone froze up on me so I took the battery out to find the micro sd card missing :think Now, I remember it acting up a bit when I was trying to update the phone a few months ago....so now the question is WHAT did I do with it? The only other option is that someone snuck in while I was with a patient and swiped it from my phone directly, which I find highly unlikely since I have bells on my door that sound like christmas every time it's opened :lol:shrug Oh well....good luck to me :xfin


Hoping you all have a wonderful hump day and I'll try to check in tomorrow :hug

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Just dropping in again to let you know I found the  memory card behind the trash can!  I guess it slipped out when I removed the battery :whew


Of I go, shouldn't be any traffic now and I need to stop by KtB on my way out to drop some things off.

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Marisa, I hope you didn't find much traffic, and have a good time at the folks' house.  I'm glad you found your memory card.  They are so tiny -- if I lost one, it would be end of story, unless my dd helped me look for it.  I swear, that girl has a gift, kind of like being psychic, only with inanimate objects.


LeeAnn, Stacy, and Joanne, I hope your weeks are being nice to you. 


The kids and I got their financial aid straight.  We had to do some on-line work.  We have to wait 3 days, then we can submit everything else.  So early next week, they should get their aid, and they will be able to sign up for classes.  We are just hoping they will get the classes they want.  My son in particular has to fight for class space for his automotive classes.


5 days until a/c!  (or at least until installation begins!)

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Good evening friends!


How is everyone?


Beth-ooohhh laaaa laaaa I'm counting down the days with you.  How exciting!  I lose tons of stuff and never find it..seems like I misplace lots of items.  That is wonderful that your dd is a good locater..my husband is.


Marisa-have fun with your parents!  Will you be staying long?


Joanne-how's the work week treating you?  Hope you aren't working too late.


Stacy-bet you are having a fun week.


I have felt a little bit better this week..lots of orders..working on football soaps..12 of them to be exact..whew!  They sure are popular..one of these days I will have all of them listed on etsy..but for now will keep taking the custom requests.  Work is work..tomorrow is going to be a late night as we have so much to catch up on..but oh well..what to do.


back to soaping...have a wonderful Thursday!  Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning! 


Marisa, all of your community work sounds like so much fun!  Thank goodness you found the microSD card in the trash!  They are tiny, that sure was lucky.  :yes 


Leeann, the football soapies are so cute!  WTG to your ds for keeping active and taking care of himself.  I always wanted my kids to get into the duck-tape crafting, but they never did.  There are some really cute prints out right now. 


Joanne, :woo for being done with Ryan's blanket.  How cool that it matches the room, too.  Do you go to craft club anymore?


Beth, :woo for the a/c!!  And for getting the F/A straightened out.  Dh still hasn't gone, he's been getting out of work late and the FA office summer hours are only until 3 p.m. 


Today dh left at 4:30, which is about 45 minutes earlier than usual.  I went back to bed, and when I woke up, I was crabby.  My poor kids.  I had them clean a bunch.  I am usually very lenient about them cleaning but I am still coughing and can't do it all myself. 

BIL and fam are supposed to be here today.  My niece's birthday is on Saturday and I think we are going to Chuck E. Cheese.  Dh's cousin is having a party on Sunday for his birthday, so we will go to that. 


We are supposed to meet friends at the splash park again today, so I need to scoot and get the girls to make their lunches.  Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, I hope you had fun at the splash park.  That sounds like a great way to spend a hot afternoon!  I hope your dh gets the financial aid stuff straight soon.  Can he e-mail about it?  Our FA office says they take e-mails, but we didn't get any answers to the ones we sent.  It was much faster to go in person.  Have fun with the birthdays this weekend.  I hope you enjoy your family's visit.


LeeAnn, busy busy busy!  I love the football soaps.  My sister is so proud of hers.  I hope she actually uses it, instead of having it for a decoration.  I told her I'd get her more if she wanted them.  It's good to have a present I can fall back on.  Now is the time to promote football items.  The teams are all at preseason practices, and everybody is optimistic about this year being the year..  Plust college students are getting ready to go back to campus -- they may want something in their college team colors.


Marisa, I hope you had a safe trip, and are having a great time this weekend. 


Joanne.  Happy Friday to you!  Once you get home Thursday evening, it's all that's left between you and a weekend!!! 


I am having a lot of fun making cat beds for the adoptable cats. On my most recent one,  I used RHSS "Woodsy" with some nice forest green accents, mostly since I ran out of Woodsy. 


I need to get moving.  I sat in my room with the a/c on most of the day, and didn't get my work done. 

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HI all!!!

It's the weekend for me!!! :clap  I'm off tomorrow so I can clean here for Ryan's party on Saturday! I'm going to watch the boys in the afternoon so that DD and her MIL can do some of the cooking/baking- which is not my forte!! I'd much rather watch the boys! We're supposed to get T-storms on Saturday, and I'm hoping they hold off till later in the day or evening. It'd be much more fun if we get some pool time in!


It's been hot/humid and disgusting out. Thank goodness for AC!


Beth- You are so going to LOVE it when you have your central AC installed There is no way I could live without it!!! The cat mats sound great- what a great way to use up scraps.


LeeAnn- I love the football soapies--don't forget about making NY Giants colors! LOL


Marisa- Hope you are having a good visit with your Mom and Dad!


Stacy- You are such a mean Mommy making your kids clean :lol  NOT~!  Hope that DH's FA gets straightened out. I sure don't miss those days and headaches!!!


DH is calling- so off I go--I just got in a little bit ago since I'm off tomorrow and had to finish up on some things!

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Joanne, I just love to hear how you and your dd's MIL get along and spend time all together.  :yes  Enjoy babysitting- I can't believe Ryan is 2 already! 


Beth, our FA office claims to take emails, but they rarely respond.  It is much more efficient to go to the office.  Speaking of which, I just received an email saying that there is a conflict between my FAFSA and school about my high school diploma status!!!!  :eek :eek :eek   Seriously, I could cry...my fall FA is never on time.  Never.  :sigh  Hey, I just saw on tv that with humidity, it feels like 120 degrees there!  Yikes!  Hope you are able to spend time in the room with the window a/c. 


Marisa and Leeann, :hug :hug


We had a blast at the splash park.  I actually went in!  But the water smelled weird....after I got out, my hair had that "well water" smell.  :yuck  I guess BIL and his fam-bam are coming tomorrow.  Also, my friend had said she tried calling me but it went straight to voicemail.  It turns out that when I called Sprint to cancel dh's phone, they cancelled mine, too!  I need to straighten that out, because it's my only source of communication, we don't have a landline.


Gotta scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, I hope you had fun with the splash park.  Did the weird smell wash out OK?  I hope you get our FA straight.  My kids are supposed to take their forms in tomorrow for their last step in the process.  Then we wait.  I hope they get up early enough.  The colllege offices close early on Friday since it's still their summer.    I have been spending lots of time in the room with the a/c.  If it's on all day, it works a lot better then when I turn it off for a few hours then turn it back on again.  Just a couple more days!  I am not looking forward to the new electric bill, but it will be worth it.


Joanne, enjoy your long weekend.  It doesn't seem like 2 years already.  Your babies are probably both growing so fas.  Enjoy the party. 


LeeAnn, Happy Friday to you!  I hope you get some time to relax and unwind.  Are the wildfires out near you now? 


Marisa, I hope you are having a great time with your parents.  Be safe!

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Hi all,

Taking a break from the cleaning---one thing about having a party- you clean things that have been neglected for a while. Thank goodness the AC is still on- cause there is NO way I'd be doing all this cleaning without it. As it is, I am working up a sweat!


Beth- Hope that your kids got up in time to take care of the FA. It's such a hassle!!! And, BTW, the electric bill is so worth it. I'd give up lots of things, but central AC is not one of them!!One day closer till the installation begins.


Stacy- The splash park sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy your time with your company!!! Right about now, I'm missing having some kids here to help with the cleaning. Although I must admit, having the house to myself while I'm doing it isn't too bad...it's easier than when DH is here.


LeeAnn- Happy Friday, friend!!! One day closer to no more Migrant position and  you can focus solely on your thriving business!


Well, time to get back to what I have to get done.


Have a good rest of the day. May not be back in till Sunday since tomorrow is party day!!! But, you never know........

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Good morning!


Beth, hope the inventions got up early today to take their forms.  One day closer to installation!  :woo


Joanne, good luck getting it all done!  Hope Ryan has a wonderful, fun-filled birthday party!


Leeann and Marisa- happy Friday!  Love and hugs! 


This morning Eva started to cry and said she was afraid of going to the after-school program this year, because she might not "know what to do."  :cry  So of course I started to cry because 1) I'm a hormonal mess, and 2) I really dread the idea of sending them.  The older girls are super-excited, because the program has fun theme-activities (like Hawaiian or pajama day), snack, playtime, etc.  It's really well-organized, but I've never left my girls with a daycare-ish system before.  Anyway...

Today I need to do some laundry and run to the grocery store.  I'd like to go to the library, too.  I've started a new coffeehouse mystery series- it's not the most well-written, but it's entertaining.  :reyes:lol   I've read all of the crochet murder mystery series except for the last one, which is not available in our library system.   I also need to finish the border on Eva's 'ghan, then take a pic.  It's pretty cute, if I may say so.  :devil  

Well, I need to scoot and get all of the library books together.  Love and hugs! 

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I'm back, with pictures!  The first one is of Eva's blanket, which I am planning to add to the border with the multi-colored yarn after she goes to bed tonight.  She is too impatient to do it right now.  LoL  The second is the one for dh's friend, the colors represent the world champion jersey for cycling.



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Stacy, AWESOME job on the afghans!  I can't believe you are getting them done in the heat you have.  It is hard to leave the kids in day care of after school care.  I'll bet she'll do fine when the time comes.


Joanne, enjoy the party!  Enjoy your nice, clean house.  Give the birthday boy, and his little brother, big hugs for me.


LeeAnn, I do think you are amazing.  I hope this is your last year with the migrant position.  It sounds like so much to do on top of your business and that whole wife/mom thing.


Marisa, love the pictures from the deck.  I hope you are having a blast!d


I had to spend part of the day in bed with a headache.  I don't usually get them that bad.  Then tonight, my son pointed out a cat on our front porch.  I went out and talked to him.  He talked back, and came to me.  He is SO sweet and affectionate -- obviously someone's baby.  I hope he finds his way home.  If not, Amanda is already planning on canvassing the neighborhood, looking for his home.


Don't melt!

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