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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello, Happy Monday, and pass the coffee!!!  It is raining pretty hard here this morning -- ironic, since I watered the garden this morning.  At least I did my weeding first thing.  Not much going on here today.  I plan to pay the bills, clean my bedroom, and get the sheets washed. 


Joanne, I hope your day in Paradise is a good one. 


LeeAnn, I hope your work day goes by quickly, and is a lot of fun.


Marisa, I hope KtB is going well.  Did you have a good weekend?

Stacy, what are the girls up to this week?



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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


The radio station festival got rained out on Friday, I was on my way there when it just started to downpour and I got a call not to bother coming, they were packing it in :shrug Saturday I had patients in the morning and then headed over to KtB for the better part of the day. By the time I got home, Steph and Bean had already left to go out a bit before the Pirates game. I opened up my grams' old sewing machine that my sister got and cleaned her up, boy was that a job! It hasn't been used in FOREVER! Which reminds me that I wanted to head over to the sewing shop :think Anyways, the light bulb still worked and the machine works too. Although I cleaned it as best I could, it still needs more done on the inside plus some oiling. I was having trouble getting the tension loosened up on the bobbin. Then on Sunday I helped Steph a bit in the garden and then headed over to KtB again and we had a leader meeting too....there was about 20 people there! So, the project is coming up quickly, we only have a few days left on the indiegogo campaign for fundraising and we're pretty far behind on our black railing covers we need :eek When I came home Ingrid and Averie were over while Sloan and his dad went to the game (with a 2 hour rain delay) and we cooked out.


Today I washed sheets and towels while the cleaning people were there and got over here around noon. Don't ask what I've done since I've been here, because I just don't know! LOL.

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Hi all,


I didn't feel well last evening and slept the night away from 7:30 pm till the alarm went off. Well, I was up and down a little bit, but for the most part, I got a lot of rest. Still feeling a little queasy, but not enough to keep me home from work. Going to call it an early night tonight as well.


Hope everyone is doing well and I'll try and catch up on things when I'm off on the 4th!

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Marisa, I'm sorry the radio show thing didn't work out.  Did you get the sewing machine going?  I cleaned and oiled mine, and it was purring like a content kitten. 


Joanne, I hope you feel better soon.  No fun working when you feel ill.  No fun doing much of anything when you feel ill.  I hope you get the rest you need tonight. 


Stacy, any plans for the 4th?  Do the girls like fireworks?


LeeAnn, How are things in your neck of the woods?

It is stinking hot here today already.  I'm glad I got up and started on the housework so I only have a little more scheduled for today.  I frogged one of my afghans.  There wasn't enough yarn to make it big enough, and I think it will be make most excellent cat beds.  Today we schedule the air conditioning installation.  It can't come soon enough!!!  The cats will miss the open windows, though.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Just a quick check in before running some errands and thanks Beth for the reminder about the sewing machine!  I cleaned it up nice and took before and after pics, I'll share at some point :yes


Joanne - I hope you're feeling better :hug

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Feeling much better- and wish that the rain would go away- Ryan was going to come over tonight with DD and Robbie and try out the pool- but what is it doing? Of course, thunderstorms!


One of these days, we'll actually get to go in the pool! LOL


I'm planning on a very low key day tomorrow- going to go to the parade with DD and the boys- it's the one I took my DD's to when they were growing up. Other than that, hoping for some relaxing time floating in the pool in the afternoon, some burgers and hot dogs and grilled veggies and maybe even a little nap! (I could do that floating around in the pool) LOL


Have a very happy 4th!

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Top of the morning friends!


Happy 4th of July!  I am hoping that all of you will have a day filled with rest and relaxation and of course yummy food.


Joanne-I bet your dd and gs is excited to hop into a nice cool pool.  I hope that you can today, sorry to hear that you are feeling icky.  I'm hoping the rest will help you. 


Beth-how did the ac instillation go?  Are you too cool?  I bet you are loving it!


Marisa-what's on the agenda for today? 


Life has been so busy that I literally feel sick.  I don't like to complain but work is super duper stressful and so busy.  Yesterday we had Family Night...it was a 10 hour day for me with a 5 minute lunch break..no bueno.  On top of it all, I have had quite a few orders to fill and have been up late most evenings doing that..I feel a tad bit better today, I fell into bed around 10 and just couldn't seem to move. 


Today we are taking the kiddos to the park and hopefully to see Dispicable Me 2, they are super excited.  Going to work on a few orders before they get up.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, we just signed the contract for the a/c, and scheduled the work.  It will start July 22nd, probably take 2 days.  Funny, when the guy was telling us about the system, he said it would probably only take one day.  Doesn't matter.  I am very excited to get it in here.  I am sorry you are so stressed at work.  I'm sure a good rest helped a lot.  You are doing bunches, and I am proud of you.


Joanne, I hope you feel better today.  No fun being sick.  Is your weather behaving?  It is gorgeous here today.  Still hot and sticky, but it is July. 

Stacy and Marisa, I hope you are having a great 4th.


Both my sons are working today.  My husband is working hard, scraping and cleaning so the trim outside the house can get painted.  My daughter will be helping with that.  I am going to do some reorganizing.  The hubby wants the workers to have easy access to the places where they will be installing a/c.  I'm glad we will have some time to get all that ready.


Oh, I crocheted and knitted today.  I'm working on the giant afghan, a simple knitted scarf (just knitted -- is that a garter stitch?), and a cat bed/box/cave/cubby...  thingy ma bob.  I need a few less WIP's.  But it works.  I can't knit for long without losing concentration and dropping stitches, which I don't know how to fix, so I start over.  So I knit a couple of rows and stop.  Then I work on the afghan a bit, but it's pretty boring and getting really big, so I'll do a side or two then go to something else.  The cat bed is two strands with a relatively small hook, so it's hard on my hands.  Flipping between the three projects helps.

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Happy 4th!!!


Went to the parade this morning- it was fun, but very hot! (no complaints- it's not raining) We didn't stay for the entire parade- Ryan was getting a little bored--


Planning to float around the pool in a little while. I usually like to go in around 3 or 4- the sun is not directly overhead then...plus we added some extra chlorine early this morning. By then some of it will have dissipated.


LeeAnn- I feel you about the 10 hour days with no lunch! Been there, done that  and still am doing it many days- it's is not good. I do eat, but I'm working at the same time. Really tired of the grind.....but I also don't have my own business and 2 little kids at home.


Beth- That's great that the AC will be in for the 'dog days of summer' aka August!!! Yes, when you knit that is garter. I think stockinette is when you knit and purl. I find myself doing a row or so of knitting and then switching off to crochet- I don't know how to fix knitting mistakes yet.  I worked on the granny stripe last evening- it's getting there!!! I want to have it finished by the 20th.


Stacy and Marisa- Hope you are having a wonderful 4th!



It's Friday!! I do have to work, but then it's the weekend!!! I did finally get to enjoy my pool yesterday!!!! It was wonderful!!! 

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


We had a very nice holiday at the game and then cooked out at the house, it was low key for us too.  We watched the fireworks from the house although the views were obstructed by the HVAC unit on top of the office building across the street :shrug  We went for breakfast this morning with our company and then they headed out.  I have a patient this afternoon and then we're going to a friends house for a party.  I have a couple patients in the morning and then we have Bean's older nephews graduation party. 


I'm glad to hear that everyone had a good holiday and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  If I don't get in tomorrow, I'll see you on Monday :)

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Good morning!


Joanne, glad to see you were finally able to swim yesterday!  Did dd bring the boys over? 


Leeann, BIG hugs to you!!  I can't imagine how you do all that you do, no wonder you fell into bed and didn't want to move.  Your ladybugs are so adorable.  And it is wonderful that your kidlets are helping, too.  :yes


Beth, :woo for a/c!!  How exciting, I am sure!  We had central air at the old house, and it was so much better than our a/c now.  It points toward the kitchen rather than the main rooms, and we have a fan set up on the kitchen table to redirect it.  Good luck with the math position!  I would love to hear some of the recipes that you are trying- I have decided to make a menu including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, so we are all on the same page.  (Usually, breakfast is sort-of a free-for-all.) The girls seem to really enjoy having breakfast together now, but I am fresh out of dinner ideas past this week.  :lol


Marisa, good luck getting all of the KtB parts that you need.  What ever happened with the woman who used your phone?  Did you address the situation with her?


Well, we haven't done much of anything this week.  There was a program at the library on Monday, then Tuesday we met some friends at the park for an hour or so. We've been going to the library 2-3 times a week.  It's been in the 100's, so we have been swimming almost daily.  Yesterday, we went to Warner Center Park by my school, to watch the fireworks.  There was a free concert by the school's woodwind band and of course food vendors.  We had create-your-own ice cream sandwiches.  Yum!  A play ground was nearby, and it turned out the fireworks were being shot off from parking structure across the street!  We didn't realize we would be so close.  It is the same show we see every year, but we are usually on the roof of FIL's work building.

Today is another library day, and tomorrow Eva has a birthday party.  She has been talking about it for at least a week.  They are all ready to see their friends, and she is kind of rubbing it in that she gets to see hers.  :lol 


I need to go gather all of the books to return, and figure out what is for lunch.  Love and hugs! 

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Hello everybody, and Happy Friday!  After the husband was home all day yesterday, it feels like Sunday.


Stacy, the 4th at the park sounds like fun.  As far as the menu thing, try food.com.  You can search for recipes using your favorite ingredients, then save them to a shopping list and a cookbook, print them up when you use them, make private comments, so you'll know what you did or didn't like.  I love the shopping list feature.  This week included lasagna rolls, pizza, burritos, nachos, chicken fried steak, pork loin with carmelized onions, Swedish meatballs, hamburgers and hotdogs.  I can't remember what else. 


Joanne, so glad you made it into your pool.  Happy Friday to you.  I hope your weekend if a lot of fun and relaxation.  I hope the weather cooperates, too.


Marisa, so sad that the view of the fireworks was ruined by the HVAC unit next door.  It sounds like you've had a good time any way.  I'll bet things are picking up fast for KtB.


LeeAnn, did you get a little break on the 4th?  Love the pics you posted on FB of the kids.  They are very attractive, but growing entirely too fast. 


I'm going back into the a/c to crochet some more.  Later!  (17 more days!)

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Quick stop in to wish you all a Happy Saturday!!!!!


Hot/Humid = perfect pool weather. DD and GS are coming over later today---but in the meantime, I must get things straightened up around here.

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Good morning ladies :hi


A quick check in.  I had 3 patients and have the paperwork to do as well as 2 from  yesterday.  I'll see what gets done before I head out, but Monday's always a new day :lol  I usually don't like to leave things, but when it's busy you gotta do what you gotta do :shrug


Stacy - I haven't seen that lady again.  That was actually the last group here before we got the warehouse space and moved everything over there then :shrug


I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll 'see' your on Monday afternoon :hug

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Happy Saturday friends!


I'm excited for the weekend to get here.  Having  a day off in the middle of the week was great but two days off is sure bliss.


Joanne-I can't wait to see your latest hooky project.  How's the knitting coming along?


Beth-crocheting in a nice cool room sounds just like a bit of heaven..How fun!  And your menu???  mmmmm....delish!


Stacy-I remember the library days, we used to go every Wednesday when my kiddos were younger.  How fast they grow up.


Marisa-glad that you had a good 4th of July, it's getting closer to your KTB..I bet all of you are feeling super pumped.


I slept till 8 this morning...felt great. I have been up and cleaning.  The kitchen is done and so is my bedroom on to bathrooms...and then to photo and list last weekends soaps and package orders and fill new orders.  Thursday we took the kiddos to see Dispicable Me 2...so cute!  Before that we went out to lunch and then stopped for ice cream after the movie.  It was wonderful to spend the afternoon with my family.  I miss them...feels like I just do not have enough time in the day.


Guess I had better hop to it. Hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,


Today was a good day- hot/sunny and the boys and DD came over and Ryan loved the pool!!! We had alot of fun!!! They are going to come over again tomorrow!!


LeeAnn- That's great that you slept in till 8! Your family day sounds like it was much needed! Loved the pics you posted on FB of your kiddos!!!


Beth- What are you crocheting? And now it's only 16 more days till the AC!!!!


Stacy- Love, love, love the pic of the girls on FB!!!


Marisa- Hope you have a good weekend- and Monday will be time for paperwork!!  Is there a pool where you live? Couldn't remember if Steph and Bean live in a condo or house.


Off to crochet a bit. Ryan's blanket won't make itself :lol

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I'm melting, I'm melting!  I hate sitting still with sweat pouring off me.  I'll be so happy when I get the a/c.  Any way, the heat is a major reason that I'm not checking in as often as I'd like.


Joanne, so glad you have the pool and it is being used and enjoyed!  What fun!  I'll bet it's awesome to watch your big little dude enjoy himself.  I am currently knitting a scarf from Lion Brand homespun, crocheting the cat basket/cave/house/bed thing that I posted on facebook, but I'm changing the pattern to accomodate different yarn, and I work on the super granny square, but only in a/c. 


Marisa, I hope the paperwork gets done quickly.  Hooray for lots of patients!  I'm glad to see your business grow.  I am so proud of you!  You certainly are staying busy.


LeeAnn, love the pics of your kids.  They seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company.  Congrats on all the orders.  Good luck working on your craft corner.


Stacy, I saw that you might be trying the ice cream in the bags.  Another way to do that, same basic recipe, is to put the ingredients in a small coffee can, close the lid (we usually would tape it to prevent leaking) put that in a bigger coffee can packed with ice and salt, and roll it back and forth between two kids.  So much fun to make your own!  Good luck with that.  Will you be going to Michigan any time this summer?


Well, I am retiring to the room with the window a/c.  later!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Well, Saturday.......


OK, so a little background....Bean got a new Jeep Wrangler 4 door with a hard top a few weeks ago....gorgeous! Anyways, shortly after realizing that the hard top is not so convenient to take on and off regularly decided he wanted a soft top for summer, and of course Steph talked him into it sooner than I think he would've gotten it. It came in on Friday I think and so he tried getting the hard top into the basement, but it wouldn't work because he couldn't angle it right to get it around the stairwell. So low and behold, it's now sitting in my spare room here at the office :rofl He resisted a bit since he hates 'being a bother' but I think Steph made him realize there really aren't any other options. Unless they want to build a garage, in which case it wouldn't be done right away anyhow! We should've had someone video taping us getting the thing in here, it had to be hysterical. So we took care of that on Saturday just before I left and we all reconvened at home to get ready for Sloan's baseball game at 2, which they lost but considering they haven't played with 'real' rules before...they did alright. Then back home to get ready for the graduation party and we packed for the evening so we wouldn't have to drive back. It was a late and crazy night! So, yesterday was a relaxing day at the house after getting home.


I showered and worked on a panel that needed to be 'enlarged' since it was way too small. It was a knitted panel and I would've crocheted onto it if someone didn't start knitting onto it already and somehow I got volunteered for continuing that one :think So I got 2 sides added on to and now have the 2 longer sides left. Considering knitting is not my forte, it's coming along fairly quickly and I've been practicing the continental method. It was always awkward to me since I go into 'crochet mode' with the yarn in my left hand, but could always see how it could be quicker....so with this practice it seems to be coming a bit more naturally now with the exception of the first and last couple stitches of the row :yes


Today's a farily slow day and did have a new patient, who's also my cousin! He's never been adjusted before and loved it!


LeeAnn - How did you flash sale go that I saw you post about on fb?  Glad you got some much needed sleep!


Joanne - Steph and Bean have a house, so no pool there :(


Beth - I hope your ac gets fixed soon :hug


Thanks Joanne and Beth for the paperwork reminder....I'm soooooo procrastinating!!! :eek

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Hi all,


Beth- My DD made homemade coffee ice cream yesterday so after spending time in the pool and eating dinner here, we headed over to her house for dessert. Can you say YUMMY???? It was SOOO GOOD!!!!!


Long day in paradise, and I'm off to go figure out dinner and crochet some more on the blanket for Ryan. Hoping to finish it up this week so I can get back to my knitting and also want to start a shawl. No more blankets until the heat calms down- and I will be making one for my son-in-law---originally planned for his birthday--but I'm thinking it may end up being a Christmas present.

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Joanne, Yummy!  Homemade coffee ice cream...  I'll be right over!  Sounds like your dd is very talented in the kitchen.  Good luck finishing Ryan's afghan.  Can't wait to see the pics.  And I agree  -- it is too hot to crochet an afghan.  I was sweating working on my cat bed yesterday, and it's only 15 inches wide.  I'm working on the top now -- 16 more rows, which are decreasing, so it shouldn't be more than a day or two, if I get time to work on it.


Marisa, Jeep top in the office -- Did you guys need adjusted after you moved it?  LOL  I'm glad your cousin enjoyed his first adjustment.  Thirteen days until the a/c installation starts!  It will definitely be done by the 23rd.  Oh I'm smiling already!


Stacy, I hope you are all managing to keep cool.  Lots of time at the pool still?


LeeAnn, how did the sale go?  How is work going?  What are the kids doing while you are at work? 


Well, I bathed the dog and cleaned the bathroom this morning, and made some bread pudding from some slightly stale gluten free cinnamon raisin bread.  I need to do a lot of laundry, once the kids are all up, and I have a trip to the grocery store planned that I avoided on Sunday.  I want to spend some time working on my cat bed project, also.


Stay cool!

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Happy Hump Day!


Stacy- saw on FB that you are under the weather- here's some :hug :hug  and hope you feel better soon!!!!


I knitted some last night- 45 rows done on the blanket and many more to go!!!


I'm so tired-work has been crazy busy so I think I'm going to retire to bed early tonight! May just read a little and call it a night


Will try and catch up tomorrow!

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Good morning!


Marisa, the Jeep top in the office is too funny! 


Joanne, it must be so fun to watch Ryan in the pool!  And I agree with Beth- your dd certainly sounds like she knows her way around the kitchen.  Homemade coffee ice cream?  Yes, please!  Thank you for the well-wishes.  :hug


Leeann, :hugs  I'm glad that you had the family time.  Did you see  Despicable Me 2?  We were supposed to take the girls this weekend, but MIL just offered to take 2 of them, so we may put it off until they are back.


Beth, :woo for a/c very soon!  I third the "no blankets" idea!  I had a blanket to finish for dh's friend's birthday (the one who always brings stuff for my girls) and worked on it over the 100+ days to get it finished- no bueno.  :sweat  Thank you for the coffee can suggestion.  I only ever buy the same-size coffee can, do you think it would work with peanut butter or spaghetti sauce jars?  I have a ton of those and in many different sizes.  


Let's see...on Sunday night we took the girls swimming and they talked Jorge and I into playing chicken fight (where you carry someone on your shoulders and they try to push each other off.)  Well, I alternated between the two "lighter" ones while Jorge took Isabella, and by the time we were done, my back was in so much pain.  :ohdear  When I woke up Monday, I felt so tired and didn't even want to get out of bed, but figured it was due to the pool "fun." By noon, I realized I had a fever, and by dinner time, the full-blown flu had set in!  Body aches, high fever, cough, the works.  Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty much spent in bed, but yesterday morning I did manage a short Trader Joe's run- I stood with the cart and had the girls run off and get the items.  :lol  thankfully the fever is gone, but it was down yesterday morning, too, until around 2 or 3, then it spiked again.  MIL just got home from San Diego yesterday and offered to take 2 of the girls.  So will drop them off around noon.  Today is free Slurpee day, so I'll take Mia afterward.  She has been such a little sweetheart, getting me water, making tea, fluffing my pillows, even taking my temperature.  :manyheart  This morning she woke up at 6:30, asked how I was feeling, if I needed anything, and then went back to sleep.  She definitely deserves a treat once I'm fully back on my feet.  :yes


So, we haven't done anything wildly exciting this week.  Next week, BIL and fam are coming to visit for my niece's birthday.  The week after that, we are going to visit them for a few days, and the week after that we are going camping.  Then the girls start school.  I am so sad that summer vacation is half-over already.  I need to get serious about my job search in the coming weeks, also. 


Gotta scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I thought I was here a few times this week already, but it appears I've been MIA yet again :sigh  I don't even know where the time goes!  Not much going on and have been on the phone quite a bit this week getting some things taken care of and I must get back to it :shrug  Oh well, when you work by yourself and for yourself.....it only gets done if you do it yourself :wink

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Marisa, If you business keeps growing, you'll be able to hire an office manager soon. Do you think you'll have more time when KtB is over?  I hope I can head in that direction while the bridge is in full glory.  I doubt pictures will do it justice.  What a monumental task!


Stacy, I am so sorry to hear you've been sick.  It sounds like your little caretaker has been working very hard.  How sweet!!!  I dragged my kids to 7-eleven today for slurpees.  It was a nice little outing.  And the small slurpee was a nice size.


Joanne, happy almost Friday!!!  I can't imagine knitting a blanket.  It is taking me long enough to knit a scarf. Will you get a two-day weekend this week?  Got any pool plans?


LeeAnn, I'll bet you are super busy with work and your store.  Have you had time to come up with any more fun ideas?


Well, today I caught up with the cleaning I was supposed to do yesterday and the cleaning I was supposed to do today.  I did about 5 loads of laundry -- my son cleaned his room, and uncovered many many clothes and blankets that were a bit musty and dusty.  I am caught up!  Weird part of today:  I am having just having my morning coffee now that my husband is home.  I was wondering why I was so tired.  Finally figured it out.  I am more awake now.  Caffeine!


Tomorrow, I may have to take my daughter to the college to check on financial aid.  Tuition is due tomorrow, and my kids haven't received notification that they got their aid.  Neither has my friend's daughter, who has been in close communication with the financial aid office during the summer, so I am not worried.  I would hate for them to have to reschedule their classes, though.

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Hi all,

Quick stop in!

Stacy-  I hope you continue to feel better- and yes, your little 'nurse' sure deserves a special treat for taking such good care of you!!


Beth- I love the knitting- even if it is slow going. Ended up doing 5 rows last night- it's very relaxing- probably because there is no deadline on it. Don't think I'll do another knit blanket, but it's been really helpful to practice my knit and purl!!!


Marisa- Hope you got all your calls done. KtB must really be gearing up now that the time is drawing near!


Leeann- Thinking of you- and sending hugs!

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