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Excuse me for posting here, but I wanted to agree with you, I think they're are some posts missing, at least on my thread (Friendship ghan thread, ) it seemed so, oh well, least we are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back Ville, and thanks to everyone for all the hard work to get us back online!!!!!

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Excuse me for posting here, but I wanted to agree with you, I think they're are some posts missing, at least on my thread (Friendship ghan thread, ) it seemed so, oh well, least we are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back Ville, and thanks to everyone for all the hard work to get us back online!!!!!

No problem!!! I did see a post from Donna this morning that posts are missing from Thursday and Friday! Glad I wasn't losing my mind! :lol

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Joanne, we do seem to be missing some posts.  Sounds like you have a good weekend planned.  I hope you get your pool opened.     It looks like rain here today.  I am supposed to go to church with my son's gf, but my dh isn't feeling well, so I will probably stay home with him. 


Went to a coffee shop and got tea yesterday.  Is something wrong with me?  They have an assortment of amazing sounding teas.  I picked coconut truffle.  It was good, but my friend got orange spice, and it smelled amazing. 


LeeAnn, can't wait to hear about the art walk. 


Marisa, How goes the KtB?  everything on schedule?


Stacy, what fun and amazing things have you done with your girls?

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Good morning!


I haven't posted since...Tuesday?  Wow, where does the time go?!  Our summer has been flying by.  On Wednesday, the girls had the craft event at Michael's...I was required to stay in the store for the whole 2 hours, such torture!  :lol  I only came out with 2 skeins of yarn, though- the Caron Country in deep purple- it's discontinued and was only 1.97!  :yay  I'm going to make a poncho I found on Pinterest.  Afterward, I took Mia to MIL's house, and Eva wanted to stay, also.  That is VERY rare, so MIL asked if she could.  On Thursday, Isabella and I just lounged around and read until noon, ate lunch, and went to the tennis courts.  It was fun but se really does not like to be corrected, so it is a bit frustrating.  On Friday, we went to get the rest of our hiking food, and met some friends at the park.  And our hiking trip on Saturday was really fun!  It was so nice to spend time with just dh and Isabella.  We hiked to a place called the Bridge to Nowhere, it is basically a bridge in the middle of a valley forged by the San Gabriel River.  The "river" is snow runoff from the local mountains, but since it's June, there was a slight trickle of water.  :lol   However, there is a natural spring right next to it, and a rock to jump off into the water.  Apparently it's a very popular spot, there were so many people!  We had lunch and swam around a bit, and watched the bungee jumpers from the bridge.  Altogether, we hiked about 10 miles, and I am SORE today! 

At noon, I am going to pick up Mia- she has been coughing for a couple days and MIL says it sounds worse than when she started.  So I see a dr. visit in our future.


Leeann, sounds like you had a blast with your nieces.  They are adorable!  The new products sound wonderful, and I bet the one with 3 butters will be soooo smooth and soft!  :yes


Joanne, how sweet of your dd to call and invite you for dinner.  Your night sounds like fun!  Boy, do I already miss my girlies being that small.  Did you open your pool?


Beth, I would love to adopt you.  :yes  WTG on finishing the chair!  Although, to quote my dh, "If there are no pictures, it didn't happen."  :lol   I can't believe you got tea at a coffee shop!  Do you have a fever?  :wink  Coconut truffle sounds yummy.  I bought some coconut dark chocolate from the natural-foods store, but have yet to try it. 


Marisa, how is KtB going?  It is so sweet of you to watch Averie and Sloan and go to their games/dance recitals.  :yes 


I better get moving....need to find a recipe to throw into the crockpot for dinner, so I don't have to cook!  :rofl  Love and hugs! 

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Good afternoon ladies!


Joanne-I am super glad and happy to hear that you had a relaxing weekend, and a mani squeezed in sounds just perfect.  Ohh laaaa laaaa swimming sounds like a wonderful idea.  I bet your grands loved it.


Beth-hmmmm tea?  not much of a hot tea drinker but I do enjoy iced tea.  Warm tea smells so good.  Is your dh feeling better?


Stacy-a few hours in any craft store would be simply amazing.  I could easily spend half a day walking around and petting the yarn.  I am very proud of you friend, your new yarn score is a wonderful deal.  Hope your dd feels better soon.


Marisa-goodness!  you are one busy gal, hoping that you were able to get in a bit of R & R this weekend.


The Art Walk was fun, I didn't sell a whole lot but sitting and chatting with Kathy was wonderful.  I did network, that always helps.  Today has been a day of cleaning and organizing.  The kids are helping me put all of my new product away and label all of my storage boxes that are filled with containers and such.  I am proud to say that all new containers and old are put away and ready in the event that I create new products.  I made a couple of batches of hemp lotion this past week and body butters,..need to add them to my shops and then start on the new products. 


The kiddos have been amazing,  They have really been helping with laundry and cleaning.  I am so grateful, without them I would be further behind. 


Other than all the business, this next weekend I am hosting a StampinUp party...I'm a little annoyed at myself for agreeing to host a party and am hoping that a few of my friends turn up. 


back to etsy listing.  Hugs n squishes!


p.s. the fires here in CO are horrible, two fires are fairly close to Alamosa but I think we are safe for now. 

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Good morning!  2 cups of coffee later, I'm about ready...


Joanne, I hope your day in Paradise goes well.  How was the pool opening?  Did the grands get to swim? 


LeeAnn, in this part of Virginia (maybe more of it, I don't know) "tea" means iced tea.  If you want it hot, you ask for hot tea..  Only place that isn't the case would be a chinese restaurant.  I did get my tea iced.  My friend got orange spice as hot tea-- it smelled so good, I bought some orange cinnamon tea bags the next day.  You've done a great job raising your kids -- that's why they are such great helpers.  I'm glad things aren't piling up too much for you.  It sounds very hard to run a business, work full-time, and be the mom of a busy family. 


Marisa, I hope KtB is going well.  Did you have a fun weekend?


Stacy, what adventures do you have planned for this week?  Oh, the reason I didn't get coffee was that we met in the afternoon, and I already had a pot of coffee.  If I had more, I'd be jittery.  Plus, I really didn't care that much for the coffee I had there before.  They have so many different blends -- I need to try more to find what I like, but the tea was perfect for that day. 


I did go to church.  I'm glad I did.  My son's gf's twin sister was baptized, and it seemed very important to me that the family invited me to witness it.  We had to leave early, so my son could get to work on time, but we did get to stay for most of it.


Gotta get moving.  I need to catch up on house work, garden work, and grocery shopping that didn't get done yesterday.

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Good morning!


Beth, I had to giggle at your "pot of coffee."  :lol Sometimes the day does call for tea.  :yes   I think it's wonderful that you and ds went to witness the baptism.  


Leeann, stay safe!  Sending prayers that you will not be evacuated.  :hug


Our week isn't really planned like it has been, thank goodness.  Mia came home coughing, so I might put in a call to the doctor.  I think it's just a virus, since she has a runny nose but no fever.  Dh seems to be concerned, but as I frequently remind him, I've dealt with many sicknesses in the past.  :wink  I think we might stop by the library this afternoon, once it warms up.  I've started a new crochet murder mystery series (I think Joanne mentioned reading some of them before) by Betty Hechtman.  The books are set in Tarzana, CA, and that is where we live!!!  I love reading her descriptions of the valley, because I can envision exactly where everything takes place.  :lol  


Guess I'd better get moving and start the day.  Love and hugs! 

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Hmmm, I thought I posted on Thursday, but I didn't see anything :think I also tried getting on Friday and encountered the issues :sigh The weekend went pretty quick again. Saturday morning Steph and I went for a walk over by Heinz Field and it was like a parking lot in the streets already at 9AM for the Kenny Chesney tailgating parties :eek Then we walked down by the river and the boats were partying too, some of them were there by Tuesday to get a front docking spot! We walked over into town and got a Starbucks then walked over to the Strip, which is where we always get our produce...local and cheap! And the fish market is over there too so we walked back with an extra 10 pounds....5 of swordfish and 5 of ice LOL. When we got back near home, I took all that and headed to the house while she branched off over to the post office to pick up a couple packages they had for her. Then we went across the street to visit the neighbors for a little while. Ran more errands, then did some gardening.....all by 2:30. Then it was shower and relax time! Yesterday I went over to our KtB space and helped work on panels. It's amazing how many people submitted theirs that don't actually know how to measure. I brought 2 with me to work on as well....I have to add 8 inches to one of them! In the evening I finished the edging for my shrug that's been waiting for a week or so. Now I just need to hide my tails before taking some pics.


That brings me to today and of course I just breezed through the posts again :blush


LeeAnn - glad to hear you are safe for now :hug

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Marisa, I stand amazed at how much you get done!  I'll bet you and your sister are quite healthy with all that walking and fresh produce and fresh seafood.  Good luck fixing the panels for KtB. I can't wait to see pics of the finished project!  I'm assuming there will be a lot of photos and videos documenting the assembling process?  Too cool!!!  How was the swordfish?  Sounds so good. 


Stacy, the joy of being on vacation is that plans can change without fuss.  I hope your little one feels better soon.  No fun having sick kids.  Does she have allergies?    And yes, I drink a whole pot of coffee by myself almost every day.  Not all at once, but by early afternoon, it is generally gone. 


I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow to run a math lab.  I am so excited.  I think the job would be a great fit for me.  I love teaching math.  We'll see how it goes.  My dd and I went to a thrift store to find something to dress up my wardrobe a bit for the interview.  I now have a very pretty black blazer that is styled perfectly for my figure (I think.)  It makes me look like I have a waist! 

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I was in pretty early today with a patient at 9 and Averie and Sloan are with me too, they got here just before the patient.  We just finished watching the third Harry Potter (Prisoner of Azkaban) and now they have to wait 2 weeks for the fourth one.  Ingrid should pick them up soon so then I'll do the bit of paperwork I have.  Once that's done, I think I'll work on a KtB panel addition.  I don't have another patient until 7 tonight so have some time to fill.


Beth - Well, that swordfish is in the freezer.  We always get whatever is on sale for the week and Steph's waiting for salmon.  Our stock is depleted and they keep putting the swordfish on so she keeps buying it :lol  But we did have some swordfish last week that was quite yummy :drool  Good luck with your interview if I'm not too late :xfin

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Hi all, and Happy Hump Day!


Things have been hopping around here and I'll try and get back online after work....just not enough hours in the day.  Just wanted you to know I'm still around! :yes

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Hello all,


Not so sure that is the dream job for me after all.  Everything is done on computers.  I would do a little tutoring, but mostly keep the computers running, send in reports, that sort of thing.  I used to run the computers for the local transportation company, but things have changed a bit in the last 20 years or so.  I aced the algebra test, but tanked the computer knowledge test.  Came home, asked the twins a couple of the questions, and they shouted out the answers, like, yeah, everybody knows that, mom.  Heavy sigh -- I used to be smart...  Any way, if the job is meant for me, I will get it.  If not, I got back out in the real world, had an interview, and survived.  I can do this again if I need to.


Joanne, glad you popped in.  I hope Hump Day is good for you.


LeeAnn, I hope you aren't being pushed too hard by work.  How is it going?  Thanks for the good luck wishes for the interview. 


Marisa, I'd love to have swordfish in my freezer!  My men-folk don't eat much seafood, unfortunately.  We live right on the Chesapeake Bay.  Can't get much fresher than this.  Thanks for the good luck wishes.  Now for the waiting game.  I hear back in a month about the position.


Stacy, I hope you are having a great summer with the girls.  What classes are they taking at Michaels?


Oh, just found out my niece got married.  I don't feel too bad about that, since her mom also just found out that she was married.  Ah, the family dynamics!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I lost power last night while my patient was on the therapy table, so he got cut a little short :(  So then I left since I couldn't do the paperwork anyway....yet another reason why I prefer paper charts to electronic :(  The rain was absolutely insane and kept waking me up through the night.  It's supposed to continue off and on today I think.  Sloan has a baseball game tonight so if the weather cooeprates, I'll go.  It's his last regular game.  Then he starts tournament ball in July....he's super excited, he was asked to try out and made it! 


LeeAnn - Hope you get some relaxing time soon.


Joanne - I also hope you get some relaxing time soon too.


Beth - You still are smart, don't let computers decide that for you!  They are tough to keep up with and when I have a question, I ask Averie! :rofl  If it's meant to be, then it will be.  I would think the math portion would hold more weight than the computer portion, but that's just me :shrug

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Good Evening ladies!


Beth-I am sure that the job folks are impressed with your math knowledge.  I agree with Marisa-that has to count tons.  Work is super busy..I'm pretty much running like a chicken.  Tomorrow is our first day with children.  Hoping that I survive this week..I take it week by week..can't wait for the weekends to get here. 


Joanne-I am sure that Paradise is keeping you busy, hoping that you can enjoy a bit of summer sunshine.


Marisa-we would love to have rain here..could you send some?  :lol   The fires are all over CO,...makes me super sad.  The sky is gray and red most evenings.  It's kinda freaky.


Stacy-how's it going? anything fun today?


Working on a pink lady bug order...waiting for the soap to set up so that I can package and get ready for bed. .Feels like I am waiting for water to boil.  :yes   hugs n squishes!

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Hello everybody!


LeeAnn, Enjoy working with the children.  That's always fun!  I hope you will post pics of the pink ladybugs.  What scent are they?  Love your soapies.


Marisa, Did you lost power because of the weather?  We've had rain almost every day lately.  My garden is loving it.  Congrats to Sloan for making the tournament team!  That's awesome!!!


Joanne, I'm sure Paradise is keeping you busy.  I have good news for you -- tomorrow is Friday!  The weekend is coming! 


Stacy, I hope your summer is just wonderful!  School starts soon enough.


We were approved for the loan, so we can go forward with the plans for the a/c.  I hope we'll have it done by mid-July.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I'm getting ready to head out soon over to the KtB warehouse.  Went to the gym this morning and then got in here just after noon :yes 


LeeAnn - I'd be happy to send you some of this rain, it's still coming off and on in spurts!


Beth - :yay for the loan being approved.  Yeah, my power went out at the office just minutes after it started 'booming' and pouring!

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Beth- Great news on the loan-and the sooner you get the AC, the better!!! You are going to never want to be without it again!!!


Marisa- We didn't lose any power with the thunderstorms that have been passing through, thank goodness. But it looks like it's going to storm again tonight. I'm ready for some nice warm, no humidity weather. Wish I was headed to NH and Maine like we did last year at this time. Instead I'll be in Paradise for the summer. And July is going to be SUPER busy at work. At least we got the pool open so I'll be able to unwind at the end of the day and float my cares away!


LeeAnn- hope it's going well with the kiddos at work. And your kiddos at home. What are they doing while you are at work?


Stacy- Can't wait to hear about the latest exploits with your kids. You always do such fun things with them!


I'm going to work some more on the granny stripe I've got going. It's going to Ryan for his 2nd birthday- and will be for his 'big boy' bed once he moves out of the crib. So far, though, he hasn't even tried to climb out of the crib, so DD is leaving him there until he does.


Have a good night


And yes, Beth--tomorrow is Friday!!!!! :clap

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Just a quick check in while waiting for my patient to get here since I just realized that I haven't' been in yet today :eek  I had a couple patients earlier and have been getting paperwork caught up all day!  After this patient I have to go represent KtB at a local radio station festival....should be fun.


I hope you're all having a great friday and if I don't see you tomorrow, I'll be back Monday :hug

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Joanne, happy weekend!  As I think more about getting a job, I realize how much I will miss sitting at home all day.  Work DOES get in the way of crochet time!    Hope you get to unwind.


Marisa, how did the radio station festival go?  I'd love to hear all about it. 


LeeAnn and Stacy, enjoy your weekend.

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Hi all,


 (Marisa- cut and paste alert- LOL)


Got up early today- we had someone come over to replace the skimmer on the pool and the switch on the electric outlet that we use for the filter. He also cleaned out all the leaves that had dropped to the bottom of the pool when the cover ripped during Hurricane Sandy. We had the pool cover replaced shortly after the hurricane, but the damage was already done. It was worth every cent we paid him today to get that all taken care of. The pool should be ready tomorrow for swimming at least that's the hope.

I got the grocery shopping done and the laundry done..then went for a pedicure!


DD and the boys came over this afternoon and we went over to the carnival when it opened at 5 and ahd dinner there and walked around. There was one thing that Ryan did- they had a pool with fishing poles and fake fish and every child won a prize whether or not they caught a fish or not.. Ryan actually caught a fish! He picked a ball as his prize! He's still a little too young for the rides that they had there, but we had fun anyway.


They'll be coming back tomorrow afternoon after SIL goes to work and we're really hoping that the pool will be ok for swimming and the weather cooperates. DD is very anxious to see how he reacts!


Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-You are on the ball!  Got your cleaning and laundry done, wow!  I'm working on laundry and have the cleaning done.  Thanks to my wonderful kiddos.  How fun to go to a carnival.  ;)   I'm glad that you have the weekend off.


Beth-how's your weekend going?  Is your dd driving everywhere?  I'm so happy happy that you will be surrounded by cooler weather...in your casa that is.  :yes


Marisa-how did your radio event go?  exciting for sure.


Stacy-has it been super hot in your neck of the woods?


It's been crazy busy as usual...today I was supposed to host a StampinUp party...I only had 1 rsvp so we decided to reschedule...I am secretly so happy as I was really freaking out about it all.  The kiddos went to spend the weekend with the inlaws.  Dh has been working outdoors and I have been working in my craft studio...whipped up new soaps, lotions, bubble bath and scrubs.  All for the fragrance of the month sale and then a few extra's.  I made a Wild Peach Poppy Soap with real poppy seeds and a coconut base..it sure feels good and smells great too!  my other soap loaf is setting up and then on to more goodies.


Here's a pic of the pink lady bug soapies..they are so cute and fun to create.  Back to work.  Hugs n squishes!


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LeeAnn, the ladybugs are so cute!  The wild peach poppy soap sounds great, too.  I know how it can be to feel so much relief when something is cancelled.  My dd and I were on the schedule to work today, though Friday is our usual day, and I didn't remember volunteering for an extra day.  When we went in, the woman who was supposed to work was there.  We got some extra kitty cuddle time in, which was great, and went home and relaxed.  I got a bit of crocheting done.  Give your kiddos a big hug and a thank you from me -- I am glad they are helping you out, so you aren't more stressed.  What great kids!


Joanne, here's fingers crossed that your pool is ready tomorrow, and the weather cooperates.  The carnival sounds like a lot of fun.  How cool that Ryan caught a fish! 


Stacy and Marisa, I hope your Sunday was fun and relaxing.


I managed to get the laundry and grocery shopping done.  I went through all the recipes I tried from Food.com, and picked out some of the ones we liked.  We are having them this week.  Today was beef rouladen.  I also made more jalapeno poppers.  I think I may be addicted to them.


I am working on the giant granny square.  If I'm not half done, I'm very close.

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