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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello everybody!  I hope your worlds are fun and full of yarny goodness.


We had the third a/c  contractor come in yesterday for an estimate -- 3 contractors, 3 systems, 3 totally different ways to address the situation.  It will be a challenge to compare them.  Of course how much they cost will have a big impact on it.  Today, the small, family company is sending over an electrician to see what he would have to do, and give an estimate on his part of it.  


Yesterday, my dd and I went thrift store shopping.  I need to take her shopping for father's day gifts.  My husband needs a new measuring tape, since he keeps running off with mine.  LOL


Not a lot going on here.  My sons are both working a lot.  My husband is fixing up the outside of the house nicely.  I am trying to find a cool place not to melt.  (Not very productive, that job.) 

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Good morning!


Yesterday we went back to our friend's house to swim again.  We had planned to go to the park, but the weather was just, blah.  Definitely swimming weather.  Today I must do laundry, but we might make it to the park later.  Tomorrow Isabella is going to stay with MIL, and on Friday, dh and his co-workers are going to Medieval Times as a reward for having the best sales month in the history of the company.  He is taking Mia as his date.  :manyheart  So it will be just me and Eva for the night, we will have to find something fun to do.  Maybe we will go out for pizza or something.  Hmm...


Beth, good luck trying not to melt.  Yesterday it was hot and very humid here- unusual weather for our area.  We almost never have humidity in the summer.  Have fun shopping for Father's Day gifts.  Isabella is making a pencil box for Jorge- she wanted to paint it black, so I told her to wait a couple hours and we will go to Michael's.  She became impatient and wrapped it with duct tape.  :eek:think

Joanne, sorry to hear Paradise is so draining.  :hug  My dh is a meat-and-potatoes guy, too, which I *think* is what makes this so difficult.  He likes healthier foods, but loves a good steak along with the salad.  :yes 


Leeann, hope you're enjoying the time with your brother!  How sweet that he and dd made you a card.  :yes  Are you near any of the fires in CO?  Our news stations say there are 3 or 4 going on.  I have a friend who is right down the road from the fire in Black Forest, and they evacuated last night.  So sad. 


Marisa, hope all is well in your neck of the woods.  I read that your area is supposed to have the "derecho" winds today or tomorrow- stay safe!  :hug


Well, I guess it's time to scoot.  Sadly, the laundry isn't going to wash itself.  Love and hugs! 

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Hi all,


Beth- Good luck with the decision about the AC--and hoping that you don't melt until it is installed. We still haven't opened the poo- we've had so much rain this June. Today was a beautiful day but more rain and storms expected tomorrow and Friday. Hoping to get it opened soon.


Stacy- Have a fun 1 on 1 night with Eva. I would do something with her that she loves to do. Did your laundry get done? Don't you wish it would wash and dry itself? i do!!


LeeAnn- Hope you are enjoying your time with your brother.


It's been a very busy week (what else is new? LOL) at least I can have next Friday off so will have a 3 day weekend. Can't wait!!! (and I don't have to use my vacation time)


Off to eat left-overs- thank goodness that when we cook a meal we often get several nights out of them. Tomorrow I'll have to figure out something to make - and that doesn't take too long.

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Joanne, I saw that you will be getting more rain.  It's wonderful that you will have next Friday off, with a 3-day weekend!  :woo


I did two loads of laundry before the manager came upstairs to tell me the washer had leaked and she's not sure if my second load was even clean.  :ohdear  She offered to replace the money I had used for both loads. The towels and dh's work shirts are clean at least, but we will probably be off to the laundromat tomorrow. 

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Stacy, I'm sorry to hear you had laundry problems.  It was nice of the manager to refund your money.  I appreciate my washer and dryer so much.  I need to spend some time with them today -- get caught up.  Have you decided what you are going to do with Eva for your mommy/daughter day?  (Those are my favorite days!)  Love the pencil case wrapped in duct tape.  Very masculine!


Joanne, enjoy your 3-day weekend.  It has been very rainy here, too, but my garden loves it!  I had a jalapeno and an onion from my garden in my salad last night.  So good!  I'm excited for my tomatoes to start getting ripe.


LeeAnn, congrats on shipping all your orders.  Did you get many sales for your birthday special? 


Marisa, Love seeing all the KtB posts.  I may have to drive up there to see the bridge when it is done!  (Then drive the other hour to see my folks.)  I hope your patients are keeping you busy busy busy!


I need to get moving -- got my semiannual dermatology appointment this morning. 

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Top of the morning friends!


Seems like the days are flying by!


Beth-yummy for fresh veggies.  My dd had her heart set on planting a garden...we just seem to have run out of time. 



Joanne-that is unfair for you to work all of those extra hours and not be reimbursed.  I will not work off the clock..I did so for so many years as a preschool teacher...I completely understand.


Stacy-laundry is never ending but the kiddos love washing and drying..the folding not so much, but I am grateful that they get it done.


Marisa-missing you!


Goodness!  I am officially caught up on orders...kinda have one special one that I need to create for a friend, I am hoping to get to it tonight.  I did have a few sales from the Flash Sale and am thinking of doing one every week on specific items..Sugar scrubs only and such.  They are alot of fun and fairly easy to do with a new Etsy app.  The other on line shop a little more tedious but manageable.


Have  a late start today.  Training doesn't start until 9 but have a few errands to run before then.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, I'm sorry your dd didn't get her garden.  That's how things usually go here.  I stated VERY small, one 4x4 foot plot, and got a couple more in before it got too late.  I hope your training today is relatively painess. 


I got a good report from my dermatologist, and I only have to go once a year now!  I am so happy! 

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Good morning!


Beth, congrats on your good report!  :woo  The onion and jalapeno for your salad sound wonderful.  When your tomatoes come in, you will have the fixings for salsa.  :wink 


Leeann, glad to hear your flash sale went well!  Sorry that your dd did not get to plant her garden- time is so finicky when it comes to planting them, isn't it? 


Marisa, :thinking of you!  :hug


Joanne, hope Paradise goes smoothly today.  :hug


I've been going back to bed after dh leaves, and when I wake up again, I am tired and cranky.  So I think I have to accept my fate of getting up at 5 a.m. every day.   Today I need to make a grocery list.  I am dropping off Isabella to MIL at noon, then making a grocery run.  The littles want to go to the park, which we might actually do this time.  :lol  We didn't make it yesterday due to both of their listening issues.  :no  But the park is right down the street from Trader Joe's, so we might as well head over.  


Happy almost-Friday!  Love and hugs! 

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Hi all,

It was a long rainy day yesterday- I was at work, got call from DD around noonish that her car was at a shop - she had to get it from there to a dealer- so I left work at 1- went to get her, took her to where her car was, then followed her to the dealer, and then took her back home. Luckily with the crazy weather, it was actually pretty calm while we were going here and there. Storms came again in the evening, but I was already back home.


Her car will be fixed today, and if she can't get a ride to pick it up I'll take her tomorrow morning to go get it. I have work today and then hair appointment tonight.


Hope you got your laundry done Stacy- and that you got to the park with the girls!


LeeAnn- I was wondering where you were in relation to those awful fires in CO as well.


Beth- Such very good news from the dermatologist! So very happy for you!!!!


Marisa- thinking of you.


Time to skoot and get ready- have a fabulous Friday!

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Hello, and Happy Friday!  I hope you are all having a great day.


I did some weeding first thing this morning, and didn't discover that we'd lost our phone connection from the storm last night until about 10 this morning.  I called my husband on the cell phone to let him know, didn't reach him, and found out when he called back on the home phone that it was fixed.  So that wasn't bad.  There are areas with no power today, including the outdoor pool where my son works.


JOanne, I hope your dd's car is fixed OK. 


Stacy, I can't always stay up at 5 a.m., but I do get up then, too.  So I feel your pain.  I tend to be less cranky when I go back to bed, though.  A Trader Joe's run sounds like a good idea to me.  Oh, my aunt posted a link to a recipe for cookies made from oatmeal and bananas and that's all.  Would you be interested in the link?  I could repost on Facebook.


LeeAnn, and Marisa, I hope everything is going well for you both!


have a happy Pizza Day!

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Good morning


Marisa- cut and paste: LOL


While I was getting my hair blown out last night, DD called. Seems when it rains it pours- so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. There was a fire in the building where she lives (her studio as well). No one hurt, cat ok, they were able to retrieve some of their belongings- so she has some clothes, her computer, etc. She said she has a place to stay and that all of her print shop equipment is fine. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this. I'll be calling her later this morning, She wasn't sure if she needed me to come to bring her to get her car or if one of her friends is going to take her. She told me that surprisingly she almost feels a sense of relief- because of the memories at the studio.


Off to take care of my laundry/cleaning (oh, joy! :lol )

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Wow, Joanne.  I am so glad your dd and her cat are safe.  Will she be moving then? 


Happy Saturday, everybody!  I hope to get to Trader Joe's and a health food store this morning. 

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Good morning!

As Beth mentioned wishing a Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's and Dad stand-in's!!!


My DD will have to move- lots of smoke damage- and it was a commercial space. Hanging in the best we can.

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Good morning  and Happy Father's Day!


Joanne, how scary for your dd!  Poor dear...I'm sure the fresh start will be good for her.  She is in my prayers.  :yes


Beth, thank you for sharing the link to the cookies.  Have you made them yet?  I still need to go grocery shopping so will be sure to get some bananas.  Has the power been restored at the pool yet?  Glad to hear your phone is working again. 


Marisa, how's it going?  I hope you weren't hit by those storms too hard!


Leeann, any fun plans for the day?  Are your men home from camping yet?  Is your brother still with you?


Yesterday we went to the park with dh's parents and aunt, uncle, and cousin.  It was fun.  The girls had tons of fun and were in bed by 8.  :lol  Tomorrow the little two are going to work with dh.  He lets them have free roam of the copier and staplers, so they always come home with a few dozen "packets" of hand/feet photocopies.  :rofl

Dh had wanted to go hiking today, but the littles complained that their feet will hurt.  :no   So that's a no-go. I guess we will go out to lunch and maybe for a bike ride later.


Love and hugs! 

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hiya friends!


Quick fly by but wanted to check in with you all.  Joanne prayers and hugs and squishes.


Back from my weekend trip to see my baby nieces and pick up the hubby and son.  Will post more tonight!


hugs n squishes! 

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Good morning, and Happy Monday!  My kids are just starting to rise and shine, and it's not even the crack of noon yet!  LOL  Oh to be young! 


LeeAnn, can't wait to hear about your visit to see your nieces.  Must be nice to have the family back together again.


Stacy, I had to buy bananas and gluten free oatmeal, but now I'm ready to try the cookies.  Problem is, I made a pineapple carrot cake (not in the least bit healthy, but YUM!) and I should wait for it to evaporate before I bake anything else. 


Joanne, I hope your Monday goes well, busy enough so the time goes by quickly, but not so busy you feel stressed over it.


Marisa, I can't wait to hear what you've been doing. 


My son's girlfriend gave me a quick lesson in knittint and purling.  I got to meet her mother, which I think is long overdue!  She's a lovely, sweet person..  We shared twin stories!  FUN!  I need to get some practice in before I'm ready to make the shawl pattern that I like so much, but I may make it skinny and turn it into a scarf. 


Have a good one!

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Quick stop in- I'm still here- although very busy!


Beth- How fun to meet your son's girlfriends Mom and share twin stories!! Good luck with the knitting. It's slow but fun and nice to switch up between crocheting. Haven't touched my knit blanket in a few days- I started yet another project- a granny stripe blanket- nice mindless, quick crocheting!


LeeAnn- Can't wait to hear about the visit with your nieces


Marisa- Hope all is well and that you had a nice time with your Mom- How is she doing? Loved the article about the KtB on FB!


Stacy- Sounds like a nice weekend at the park! How did the girls enjoy their day at DH's job?


Gotta run- time to head to Paradise.


Have a good day!

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Happy Tuesday,


Joanne, Glad you popped in!  Are you getting non-stop rain up there?  I feel that's all we've seen lately, though it is good for my garden.


Marisa, Did you have a good visit with your parents? 


LeeAnn, Do you have any new ideas for products?  How is work going?  Has school started yet, or is it still training?


Stacy, Are the girls having a great vacation?  I love hearing all the things you do. 


My son and I are slowly working on recovering a desk chair that he basically stole from me.  That's OK.  Once the massage features quit working, I'd rather sit in my recliner.  He did the arms on Friday.  Yesterday we did the seat.  I still have to do the seat back, which will involve (shudder) sewing.  But I have my machine oiled and ready to go, just have to figure out exactly what I'm doing, or make it up as I go, which is probably how I will do it.  I've been working a little on the knitting, just practicing the stitches.  Problem is, it feels like I'm doing it right, but I really don't know how it is supposed to look.  And I know my needles are too big for the yarn I'm using, so it probably doesn't look right any way.


Wish me luck for this evening.  We are meeting with one of the a/c contractors to get the quote.  If the price is about where he "rule of thumb"-ed it to be, he wins. 

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm still here!  Sorry I was MIA last week.  My parents came in on Thursday the 6th and then my mom stayed all week through this past Sunday.  So she was coming to the office with me.  I basically saw my patients and then we'd be out and about running around.  I surely kept her busy.  So, yesterday I spent catching up on all my paperwork that didn't get done last week, which filtered over to this morning but is not complete :clap  I'm now on hold with my chiro software company because my update didn't run correctly.  I didn't really read through the posts since it's been over a week since I was last here so if I missed anything important, please update me :hug  We got to see 2 of Sloan's baseball games and he played very well and then Averie's dance recital was Saturday.  The kids are with me today and will be every Tuesday through the summer now while Ingrid works.  I have a haircut appt today and then the KtB is on the schedule at the court house for public comment today.  So, today is the day we get our last and final signature for the bridge :xfin  Hopefully there will be no hiccups.


I think that's about it for now, but I should be on my regular schedule again now :yes

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Hi friends!


Marisa, how nice that your mom went to the office with you all week.  I saw on FB that the KtB passed county approval- Woohoo!!  How exciting! 


Beth, how wonderful that you finally met your son's girlfriend's mother! It must have been fun to trade twin stories.  Good luck with the sewing for the chair.  


Leeann, I bet it is nice to have your fam back together again.  Can't wait to hear about your adorable nieces!


Joanne, how is your dd holding up?  Have you had any R & R time lately?


Well, on Monday our friends invited us to go swimming again only to find out they are only allowed to have 2 guests in the pool (there were 4 extra kids.)  So we probably won't be going there anymore.  The littles had a blast at work with dh, but by the time they came home, my dh looked like he was worn out.  :lol   Of course I had to laugh, but I'm sure it was extra trying to work with them hanging around.  :yes   Isabella and I went to the library, she signed up for the summer reading program and has read 2 books already.  I am so happy that one of my children loves reading.  :yes


This morning I didn't have a thing planned, but Mia came in around 10 asking if we could go to a museum or something.  We got dressed with plans to head to the Autry, but I took the wrong off-ramp and we ended up at the Tar Pits (which I had to go to anyway to redeem the Groupon membership voucher.)  We walked around the museum (it is very cool, here is the link if you have a second to check it out) and past the actual tar pits, but Eva really didn't like the smell, so they spent most of the time rolling down the hills instead.  :lol   Then we went over to the L.A. County Museum of Art, where they offer a free youth membership until the kids turn 18!  I posted a couple pics from that...they had such a blast in the children's gallery, painting and drawing.


Anyway, I completely neglected the housework today because I didn't want to arrive at the museum too late, so I suppose I should probably do some of that right about now.  Love and hugs! 

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Happy Hump Day!  I hope your work week is flying by.


Marisa, sounds like you had a great visit with your mom.  Is she feeling any better?  I am so excited that the KtB got the green light from the county. 


Joanne, Will you be getting any R&R time?  Your first report from your dd's art show was very good.  How did it turn out?  Did she sell more things?  Have you had any yarn time lately?  What colorsare you using for the granny stripe? 


Stacy, love the pics of your girls on FB.  I think I'd prefer to roll down a hill to walking around smelly tar pits myself!  LOL.  Your girls are so much fun, like their mom!  I'm still open for adoption.


LeeAnn, can't wait to hear more about the new products and fragrances.  Do your children help you pick things out?  Where do you come up with all your ideas?


We got all the quotes in for the a/c systems.  I will be talking to the bank today, and telling two of the contractors that we picked the other guy.  Is it cheating to use e-mail for that?  I hate confrontation.


Oh, I finished a project!  (Please, don't faint!)  It involved sewing!  (Maybe I should have warned you so you wouldn't faint.)  My son and I recovered his desk chair.  It isn't perfect, but it isn't bad, either! 



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Beth- I had some R&R time tonight after work! Just what I needed. DD called to tell me she made lasagne and did we want to come for dinner? how can you turn that offer down? Played with Ryan outside for a bit, held Robbie for a bit, gave Ryan his bath and then came home. It was lots of fun!!!

I would have no problem emailing the contractors. I don't like confrontation either! When will the installation of the AC start. I chucked when I read that you made something that involved sewing!!

I haven't spoken with DD since Monday night- she moved in temporarily with a friend and her art is in the gallery until the end of the month. I don't know if she sold anything else, but luckily she did sell 4 items so far ---the $ will come in handy---she's looking for an apt, and a job for the fall .Lots on her plate and I pray for the best for her.


Stacy- You do such fun things with your DD's. Love going to museums--especially art museums. Loved the pics! My DD's used to join the library summer reading club every year. They all love to read and I'm so happy about that! I'm hoping that because DD reads to her boys every night that they will also love to read.


LeeAnn- looking forward to hearing about your new fragrances.


Marisa- So excited for you that the KtB project got approved. So awesome!

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Good evening all!


Whew!  Is it really almost Thursday?  Where did the week go?  Seems like I'm so far behind that I will never catch up.


Our trip to my sister's was wonderful.  :c9  My baby nieces are growing up so very fast!  What little hams.  Isabella has the longer hair and is quite the character very friendly and a bit feisty too!  She is also very dramatic..don't know where she gets that from...my sister calls her "mini Lee"  now that just can't be possible, :manyheart she sure is adorable and so loving.  My sweet Savannah is much more reserved and the sweetest baby girl, she is extremely caring and loving but has a fear of strangers. :angel  She accepted me into her group.  I feel so honored.  I was able to hold her all weekend as she has severe stranger anxiety.  They are both so much fun to play with but boy was I exhausted. 


The men in our family had a good time camping, they came back tanned and exhausted.  Both of them are still trying to recover..they were extremely grateful to sleep in a bed. 


Work has been keeping me super busy..and orders of course.  I received a new product order.  I get ideas from the company that I order from as well as from friends..ideas are always floating around in my mind.  New Coconut soap, buttermillk soap, shea butter soap, and a new 3 butter soap (SHEA BUTTER, COCOA BUTTER, AND MANGO BUTTER)  are on the horizon.  I can't wait to play and experiment.


This Friday and Saturday I am a featured artist in our local Art Walk.  I need to pack up products to take them over to my friend Kathy's shop.  I will be working her shop on Saturday..super excited but not sure that I will be ready.


Will all do individuals tomorrow..must pack product but wanted to pop in.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!







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Hi all,


I feel like there are some posts missing after the Ville being down since Friday...


Had a great day off on Friday- took my car for it's first routine maintenance, went for mani, step-grandson's HS graduation was in the afternoon and we all went out to dinner to celebrate.


Today was a lot of R&R time (and DD too). Went to breakfast this morning and this afternoon and evening they were here. We finally got the chemicals and things for the pool, finished draining the cover and tomorrow we are planning to open it up.


LeeAnn- Hope the art walk went well today! I was thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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