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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Saturday was busy, but yesterday was relaxing.  At the arthritis walk on Sat monring, I bought some raffle tix and won a 30 membership to LA Fitness and also a Steelers gift basket!  Then I stopped here in the office for a few minutes and when I got home Steph was heading out to get lunch, she was craving a salad.  So, I went with her and then I walked over to the bistro where KtB was having a panel drive form 3-5.  Walked home and showered to get ready to head out for Steph's get together with our friends.  It was a late night, but definitely a lot of fun :)


Yesterday, I didn't even leave the house and it was a relaxing day of tv and crocheting.  I worked on my shrug and did about 10-11 rows :clap  It will definitely  need to be blocked when it's finished!  I'm enjoying working with the filet chart though.  The cleaning people came this morning, so I didn't leave the house until around noon.  And now here I sit feeling like I'm wasting the day :think  Any how, after checking in here I have some KtB panels to log into the database and there were a couple people that called to see if they can bring theirs today and tomorrow, of course we knew there would be come late comers :lol


Joanne - So glad to hear dd is doing so great with her art....only time will help her broken heart, just be there for her as she needs you!  WTG with your knitting!


Beth - So glad to hear that the date went well!  I hope you get your laundry finished up.


LeeAnn - Sorry to hear that ds' friend had to leave, but so sweet to see her off :manyheart  Hopefully he'll keep busy and you're right, they can still keep in touch via social media.


Stacy - I hope you had a great weekend!

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Beth: The link to the sunny spread is here: http://www.redheart.com/free-patterns/sunny-spread


The link to the knitted sunny blanket is here: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/sunny-baby-blanket


I am so grateful I have Central AC -hope you can get a good estimate and get it installed quick! It makes ALL the difference in the world!!!


Marisa- Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun- even the part of watching tv yesterday and crocheting!!!


Stacy and LeeAnn- Hope your Monday was a good one.


I'm off to eat dinner. I'm starving and just got home a bit ago- it was another joyful day in Paradise :lol

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Joanne, I love both of those patterns!  Can't wait to see your finished projects!


Marisa, you stay so busy.  I'll bet a day sitting at home felt good! 


The first business I called about the a/c didn't want anything to do with us.  We need the ducts put in, and they are kind of low on man power right now.  The second one is coming tomorrow to give us an estimate.  I need to find at least one more.


Gotta take the dog ou

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Good morning ladies :hi


I was up bright and early today and for no good reason (no bad reason either) :shrug  Guess I was just ready to be up and at 'em.  It's another slow day for me.  So, I'm heading over to my chiro and lunch.  Later on Steph asked if I'd pick her up and drop her off at the Jeep dealer before my KtB group.  Bean is getting a new Wrangler today so she wants to meet him there and then I think they're going out for dinner or something.  It's about time too, he's needed a new car for too long IMO!  This would be his 2nd year without AC, last year was rough and this years just weird, you never know what's going on from day to day :eek  And, he gets stuck and needing a tow about once a month :sigh  So, he's just putting more into the car than the car is worth, but it definitely doesn't owe him anything!


I got home pretty late and didn't really do anything.  Watched a show and then read before bed.  I picked up a binder and some sheet protectors to organize my printed off patterns :lol  So, if I have time to start on that today I will, otherwise it will wait.  My parents are coming in on Thursday night :clap  Sloan has a baseball game on Friday night, so my parents and I will probably go....I think my mom said she wanted to and I haven't gotten to one yet this year so it works out.  Steph and Bean won't go because they'll have to watch the Pens game.


Joanne - I have the pattern for the Sunny Spread, I love the knit one too!


Beth - Good luck with the AC adventure!  At least the first company was straight forward about it and didn't jerk you around for a while first.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!!!


I am up and at 'em early today. There were a record 15 people here for KtB last night :clap So when we were leaving one of the young girls' car was parked in :( The Enterprise car rental place is next door and I guess someone returned the car after hours and put the key in the dropbox. There are 2 parking lots, that one and one on the other side (that I always use). Anyways, they had the police come out thinking that the cop would just break into the car and move it back :think I don't know why they would think that the cops can just do that. Anyways, apparently I'm the only one that would be able to call for a tow truck because it is private property and I'm the business owner. The girl takes the bus to work and understood that I really preferred not towing if we could get around it. After all, these are my business neighbors and I don't like burning bridges. Especially when they're not at fault. The fault would lie on the guy that returned the car. Anyhoo, there was one lady here that was adamant about calling Enterprise headquarters and trying to have them send someone over. Me and the girl made arrangements and had our plan in place when I came back into the building to find that lady behind my desk and using my phone to call Enterprise!!!!! :angry So, I didn't say anything last night because it would've been really bad. I'm still very pissed this morning considering that the whole situation didn't even involve her. So, now I just don't know how to go about saying something so that she knows she cannot do that and has to respect my decisions when here whether she agrees with them or not, that's irrelevant. So, I don't know if I should address her directly or just make a general statement that nobody is to go behind the desk or use any of the office equipment without my consent. Any little thing could lead to a HIPAA violation and that does not sit well with me at all. Advice/thoughts?


Other than that, it was a good day. I went to get myself adjusted and then we went for lunch. I ran home to pick up Steph to take her to meet Bean at the car dealer before my KtB group and we stopped at Chili's for a happy hour margarita :drool Today, I have a patient at 10. Then in the early afternoon I'll take a ride into the city to bring the girl her car key. I moved it to a better place on the other side (where I park) since she can't get back over til almost 8 tonight and takes the bus to work anyways. But, I didn't want the same thing to happen. Even if I told Enterprise and they left it open when they left for her to move it, there's no knowing if someone won't return a car and park her in again :shrug So, she felt bad about me bringing her key to her and I felt bad that she had to leave her car. Then, this evening we have a KtB community leader meeting at the new work space :clap


OK, I'm done babbling and venting for now :lol

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Marisa, that poor girl.  It's good that you will take her the key.  I think I would address the woman directly who went behind your desk,, then possibly make a general announcement as well, so everyone knows that your desk area is off limits.


Joanne, I hope Paradise is good to you today.  Happy Hump Day!  Are you getting some R&R time soon?


LeeAnn, how is work going?  Are you getting all your training and certification done?   Will you be teaching this year?


Stacy, What's shakin' in California?  Sorry, I love saying that!


I need to get moving.  Snuggle time with my cat this morning ended up being nap time...

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Good evening friends!


Beth-how's your week going?  Is your dd getting more driving in?  I am still attending more trainings..today was my first training that I gave..it was so cool!  My partner and I did a good job, I think.  We sure had a lot of engaging conversation.  I will not be teaching per se but I will be in the classrooms quite a bit mentoring/coaching...another added duty.  But I do not mind, this will allow me more time to get to know the children.


Joanne-thank you for sharing the patterns.  I loved both of them.  I haven't had time to hook at all..but one of these days I can get back into it.  I sure miss it.


Marisa-totally not nice of that lady to use your office phone and make a phone call that you had already discussed.  I would pull her aside and have a friendly chat with her then have a discussion with the entire group. as it is your office they are using.  Rules and respect must go hand in hand.


Stacy-hoping your summer is going well.


I am a bit tired this evening, seems like I should be promoting and working on new products..it will have to wait until the weekend..as I just want to relax.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Hi all,

Beth- Yes, I had R&R time tonight!!! I was supposed to have my hair cut/colored tonight, but DD texted me about 2 and asked if I wanted to come over after work and go for a walk- it was beautiful outside! So I rescheduled the appointment for next Fri evening and went to DD's. We had a great walk and I left after she put Ryan to bed. It was just what I needed because Paradise is really bringing me down.  It's just so busy and not enough hours in the day.


Marisa- I would definitely speak to that woman - and would explain that you could get in a ton of trouble if there was a HIPPA violation- then I would also make a general statement explaining how important it is that your workspace be respected and desk area is off limits. Glad you were able to take the key to the girl- and hopefully no damage was done with your neighborly relationship with Enterprise


LeeAnn- I like the two patterns too- but don't think I'll get the knit blanket done anytime soon! LOL. Glad that things are going well for you with the Migrant position!!! Hope you relaxed tonight


Stacy- I'll add to what Beth said- what's shakin in Cali? Hope you and the family are all doing well.

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Good morning!  Happy Thursday!


Joanne, so glad your grandsons are close enough that you get R&R time to help unwind.  I would have loved having my mom nearby when my kiddos were small.  What a blessing for everyone!  Glad you could reschedule your hair appointment.  The R&R time sounds so delightful!


LeeAnn, you busy lady, you.  Of course you are tired and need to relax when you get home!  Your products will sell because they are awesome products at a good price.  Relax a bit!  So do you have ideas for new products? 

Marisa, I hope you are doing well, got the keys to the girl OK, and decided how to handle the woman who went behind your desk. 


Stacy, Are you having a wonderful time?  I sure hope so!


The first a/c contractor tried to reschedule yesterday.  I told him to call me when he feels better, and we'd work out a time.  He can't come today, the next guy is coming today!  (I didn't tell him that part.)  It feels like it should be Friday, at least.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Thanks all for your input, I appreciate getting outside perspective on things.  Sometimes I wonder if it's just me or not :shrug  It won't actually be addressed until I see her again because I don't feel it's something I should mention via email.  She has some things she'll have to drop off, so I'll mention it then because at least it will be only her.  Anyhoo, last night after the KtB leader meeting that was at the new space :clap  I worked on my shrug some more while I watched Restaurant Stakeout then read a chapter before bed.  This morning I did laundry and worked more on the shrug.  Met a guy at noon for networking over coffee and then ran to the market.  Came here and ate lunch, now checking in here and have dusting and vacuuming next on my list.  I have a couple coming in at 3:30, then a later one at 7.  My parents are coming in today and my mom is going to stay the week! :clap


Beth and Joanne - Keep yourselves safe with the hurricane that's coming up the coast! :hug


Beth - Hope you enjoyed your 'cat' nap yesterday :rofl  I'd let the contractor know you're getting multiple quotes...then they're aware they need to be competitive in their pricing :devil 


LeeAnn - I hope you got some relaxation in so you're ready to work with products over the weekend :hug


Joanne - How exciting to get R&R time!


Stacy- I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

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Good morning! 


Beth, I love your pun.  :lol   Apparently, Malibu shook last week, which I barely found out today when my mom called to ask why I didn't tell her.  Good luck with the estimates for a/c!  How are your inventions enjoying their summer?


Leeann, WTG on leading your first training!  How exciting!  It was sweet of your dh to drive ds to the airport.  How is your ds?  I'm sure he must be bummed.  What are your kiddos up to for the summer?


Marisa, I can't believe the nerve of that woman!  I would also say pull her aside and let her know that it could be HIPAA violation, and that your words need to be respected.  It was thoughtful of you to take the girl's keys to her.  :yes  Did I read that your parents are coming to visit?  How fun!


Joanne, I'm happy to hear you got some R&R (&DD :lol ) time in!  How is your dd doing with 2 sweet little boys now?  For some reason, to me, it was a more difficult adjustment from one to two children, than from two to three. 


Not much going on here.  I went to the new laundromat by the girls' school this morning.  It was nice, as far as laundromats go.  Eva wet my bed last night, so I ended up moving to the floor in the girls' room around 2 a.m.  Then I couldn't sleep, because I had seen a huge black spider in there during the day and kept thinking it would find me.  :lol

I need to put the laundry away, take a shower, and head to the library to finish up my resume.  I'm not sure if I should take it to the office today/tomorrow, or wait until it is open again in July.  :think   I'm sure if I take it in right now, it will just sit there until July anyway. 


Well, gotta scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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Hi all,


Marisa- It's not a hurricane!! Tropical Storm Andrea- it started raining lightly tonight- going to be heavier rains tomorrow and hopefully not too much flooding or anything. DD's art opening is tomorrow night and I hope the weather doesn't put too much of a damper on things!


Stacy- Hopefully tonight you'll get a better night's sleep! DD is adjusting ok with the two little ones. I also found it harder to adjust to two then I did adjusting when the third came along. She returns to work on Monday- and is not looking forward to it even though she loves what she does. She's thinking of going part time- so that would mean working two twelve hour days /wk instead of 3 twelve hour days. She's hoping to be able to have one day off with her DH (he's off Mon/Tue- and she always works those days so there is no daycare costs) and her MIL babysits on the third day she works. She's thinking she could work one of the days her DH is home and one of the days MIL babysits. I hope they can work it out.


Beth- Did the 2nd AC contractor show up? We had the plumber here the other night and our outdoor pipe is fixed and he also installed another faucet closer to the deck area.  Now we'll be able to open the pool since we have the water turned on. Don't think it'll be this weekend with the rain in the forecast. Hopefully next weekend. I know DD is anxious to see how Ryan reacts to the water!


Off to get dinner- it was another late day in Paradise.

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Good evening!


Joanne, I hope your dd gets everything straightened out the way she wants.  It's wonderful that she loves what she does, but I can imagine she is not looking forward to it!  :xfin that the rain doesn't cause flooding and that you can make it to dd's art show tomorrow night.


I worked on my resume earlier, but got frustrated with the program I was using- it keeps inserting bullets and double-spacing where it doesn't belong, and there is no way to fix it. 

After school, we were supposed to meet at the park with 3 other families.  Well, one of the mothers doesn't like the dad that hangs out with us, so she never showed up, and the other mother texted me to say she "forgot" she had an appointment.  So I'm thinking they went to a different park together.  Anyway, we had a lot of fun with the dad and kids.  Dh had his braces tightened this afternoon, so he didn't want dinner.  I made a huge salad for myself, and the girls had chicken soup. 

Tonight was kind of funny- I had planned for the girls to write cards for their teachers.  Isabella wanted to go to Michael's for scrapbook paper, and as we were about to head out the door, the mailman brought a large box from my mom!  Filled with- what else?- scrapbook supplies!  :rofl  Isabella made a very elaborate card for her teacher, I need to get a picture and post it.  So sweet.  The other girls' cards are cute, too, but Isabella really put her heart into making hers.  :yes


Well, I'm going to scoot and get the girls ready for bed.  Last day of school tomorrow!  :woo :woo

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Stacy, Last day of school!  Enjoy your summer.  Good luck with the job search.  That's what I intend to do when I finish posting here.


Joanne, I am glad it's not a hurricane, but some times those tropical storms can be a mess. My fingers, eyes, and toes are crossed that your daughter's opening goes very well.  I won't say swimmingly, because...  storm...  flooding...  OH, never mind!  Too early to try to be funny.


Marisa and LeeAnn, I hope you busy ladies have a great Friday and a happy weekend!


Well, I found the meeting with the contractor to be much more entertaining than I thought it would be.  I hope it works out for us to get it soon.  It would be lovely to have a cool kitchen this summer!  Pizza day today, then kitties, if the weather is good enough.

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Hi all,

Well, Tropical Storm Andrea was here with all her glory- and rain and such! So, needless to say, I didn't trek to Brooklyn for the art opening. Of course today is beautiful and sunny---oh, well, glad that the weather is nice today since I have to work tomorrow. :-(


We are hoping to go to the gallery next Sat and see her art.


I didn't do anything last night- other than sleep! LOL I got home around 7:15, ate dinner and putzed around for a bit before heading to bed at 9! Slept all night and I feel more re-energized. Cleaned out a couple of cabinets in my kitchen and have the laundry going. Also finished cleaning the kitchen- floors, counters, etc and now it's on to the bathrooms.


Because it's so nice out, I'd like to take a ride somewhere relaxing and crochet or knit in public to celebrate World Wide knit in public day. Hopefully DH is up for that!


Have a great day everyone!

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Happy Saturday friends!

Seems like this week has flew by but gone slow at moments too.  Guess mostly at trainings and such.  I feel like they will never end, I have so much to do that I am not even close to being caught up.


Joanne-so sorry that you didn't make it to your dd show.  I  am sure she is super excited to have her artwork featured.  Knitting in public sounds like fun, I really wish I could carve out time for hooking of any sort.


Beth-central air would be wonderful.  We have window units, speaking of...we need to get those installed soon.  Your pizza night always sounds like fun and super delish.


Marisa-wow!  you have been busy with the KTB, what a wonderful way to meet folks and pet all of the yarn.  Awesome that you can do that.  Any plans for the weekend?


Stacy-Happy summer!  Are your girlies excited to be on vacation?  I am sure that you have lots planned.


My kiddos have been resting and relaxing, reading and enjoying their time off.  Dh and ds are leaving early tomorrow morning for summer camp.  They will be gone an entire week.  My brother will be coming over to stay with us, he will keep my dd company during the day while I am work.


This last week I met with a wonderful lady from the Small Business Association..we took a look at my products, advertising and such...lots of wonderful ideas and new strategies.  I have a bit of homework to work on until we meet again towards the end of the month, I am excited as my long term goal is to be able to work my business and not return to the migrant.


This season has started off bumpy and super duper busy as usual.  It has been extremely difficult for me to keep my head above water..I just feel like I do not have the energy to keep everything afloat.  But I am trying.  The kiddos and dh have been fantastic but I feel bad, as I want to spend more time with them and find that I can't split myself in  two.


today dd wants to have a girls day, we are planning a trip to local accessory store and lunch.  I thought I would get up early and tackle my to do list before we head out.


Have a wonderful Saturday dear friends!  hugs n squishes!

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Good morning,


LeeAnn- I hope you and DD enjoyed our 'girls' day!  Has your brother arrived?


I got all that was getting done completed yesterday- cleaning, grocery shopping and laundry. DH and went to B&N for a little while in the afternoon instead of going somewhere outdoors since it was overcast with some occasional sprinkles. I also went into Michael's just to look around- they have some new yarn- mostly their own label- but were well stocked. I didn't buy any, just looked!! I crocheted a bit in B&N while DH was on his Nook. After dinner, I went over to DD's and she and the boys and I went for a nice long walk. It was wonderful. Came home, made a sqaure for the sunny spread and called it a night.


DD said her show was a success- lots of people came (despite the weather)- that's the nice thing about it being in a city- people can walk places! She sold 3 pieces and someone is very interested in one of her larger pieces. We are going to go next Sunday and check it out! 


Wishing you all a good day!

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Joanne, congrats to your dd on her successful opening!  That is awesome!  It sounds like you had a nice day. 


LeeAnn, I hope you can quit Migrant soon, and just concentrate on your business.  You are doing so well with it.  Your day out with your dd sounds wonderful.  I need to take mine out for a bit of pampering soon.  Hopefully, the weather will be nicer today, so we'll be more likely to go out and do more.  Enjoy your time with your brother.


Marisa and Stacy, have a fun Sunday!

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Hi all,


Didn't get home from work yesterday till 4:30- so my weekend (well actually just Saturday off) was not enough time to re-energize. It was a beautiful sunny day out - luckily it doesn't get dark till close to 9 so I was able to enjoy some of the day outside.




:bday:birthday:cake:bday:cake:birthday  Hope your day goes by quickly at work today and that you have some 'me' time to celebrate your birthday


Beth, Marisa, Stacy- Have a great Monday!

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:bday LeeAnn!  i hope your day is as sweet and special as you are!


Joanne, sorry you didn't get to recharge like you wanted.  Weekends must go by in a blur for you. 


Stacy and Marisa, have a good day!


I picked my first jalapeno from my garden yesterday!  I am making jalapeno poppers today (bought more at a store.)  I am really pleased with my garden!

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Good morning!


:bday   LeeAnn!!  Hope your day is super-special! 

Beth, how exciting that you grew a pepper!  Jalapeno poppers are so yummy.  How is the job hunt going?  I spoke with the school principal on Friday, and she said there are no open positions right now, but to submit my resume anyway, and to let the coordinator know that I spoke with her about it. 


Marisa, how was your weekend?


Joanne, sorry to hear you did not have a restful weekend.  Did you buy anything at B&N?  All of the stores in our area closed, which is sad because they had the largest selection of crochet magazines.  How wonderful that you at least got to spend time with your dd and R&R this weekend. 


We have had an eventful start to our summer break.  On Friday, we went bowling with some friends after school.  11 kids with 4 adults- It was chaotic, to say the least.  But fun.  The girls did well on their report cards, so we went out to dinner Friday night.  On Saturday, we cleaned for most of the morning, and went to a birthday party in the late afternoon.  The girls had tons of fun and I chatted the night away with some moms from Mia's class.  We exchanged numbers to hopefully get together during break. 

Yesterday, we bummed around at home for most of the day, and had a bbq for dinner. 

This morning, we were up bright and early and went for a walk.  My mission for summer is to get my kids walking every day, and to start making healthier food choices.  In a couple hours, we are meeting up with some friends for a pool party. 

I received an email this morning from Michael's that they are starting a kids' crafting club every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, starting next week.  It's $2 per session, so if I take them once a week, at least we will get out of the house for a few hours, and they'll have fun crafting.  :yes


Well, that's all the news from here.  Gotta get moving and get the swimming things together.  Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, I am loving the jalapeno poppers!  I don't imagine they are exactly healthy, but what a fun food!  Of course, my jalapeno tasted much better than the ones from the store.  LOL  I would love to be your child.  You are such a great mom - finding lots of fun things for them to do, teaching them good, healthy habits while they are still young, instilling a love of crafting.  You rock!  Good luck with the job at the school.   Since the tropical storm came through, it has been hot and humid here, and I have melted.  It is embarrassing how little I do in the summer. 


Joanne, Did you make it to craft club?  Have you worked on your knitting any? 


LeeAnn, did you get the birthday you deserve?  Are you enjoying your brother's visit?


Marisa, I have been enjoying your posts about KtB.  It seems so very cool.  I may go to Pittsburgh (on my way to Ohio) when it is done, so I can see it.


It's raining again.  We've had lightening, so I will go.

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Good evening all!


Thank you all so very much for the birthday wishes, I woke up early like 4 a.m. early and have been running since.  Whew!  Decided to have a Flash sale...lots of work but managed to get a few orders, packaged and ready to be dropped off at the post office.


Beth-you jalapeno poppers sound amazing!  I am positive that they taste much better than store bought ones.  What other goodies do you have planted in your wonderful garden?


Joanne-one day off?  No bueno..I hope that this weekend you get both days off.  Your grands are beautiful! Simply adorable and growing so fast!


Stacy-your summer sounds like so much fun!  i would love to be one of  your kiddos..swimming, bowling...lunches out and warm weather..what's not to love?


Marisa-how's it going? I am sure that you had a super busy weekend?


We picked up my brother last night, he is amazingly sweet.  I am so glad that he was able to come and spend the week with us.  This is his 3rd year that he comes over while the guys are at summer camp.  He is just a sweet, caring young man.


Other than that..had to work today..nothing exciting but I did receive two of the sweetest cards..one from my dd and brother and one from a co worker..both so unique and sweet.


Going to sit and relax..hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning!

Beth- I'm so happy that you are enjoying your garden so much! The poppers sound delicious!!!! My DD has been supplying us with strawberries and I must say the ones she grows are the sweetest I've had!


LeeAnn==Enjoy having your brother stay with you! Sounds like a very busy birthday for a very busy woman!!! I'm trying to take one day at a time with all the hours I am putting in. I guess it wouldn't be so terrible if I was getting paid for all the hours above 40 in a week that I work. Or at least it would be nice to get a day off during the week if I have to work a day on the weekend. The corporate culture of do whatever it takes to get the job done is beginning to wear thin.


Stacy- Enjoy summer vacation with the girls. Sounds like a great idea to take the girls to Michael's for crafting. You always do such great ideas of things to do with the girls- and I love the idea of healthy eating. Best to start young with that! I sure wish I could convince my DH to eat healthier- but he's a real 'meat and potatoes' guy!


Marisa- Thinking of you and hoping you are having a wonderful visit with your Mom- How's she doing?


Time to get ready to 'make the donuts'.  Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning! 

Joanne, the long work weeks would wear thin real fast in my book.  I'm glad you have your R&R time and crafting to help you unwind.  I would love for my husband to eat healthier, too.  At least he started walking.  Amazing how much more he is doing around the house since he took that up.  He has so much more energy. 


LeeAnn, glad you had a good, but busy, birthday.  I am glad your brother is spending the week with you.  Seems like a win-win proposition there!  Have a good day at work.


Stacy, the poppers were amazing!  Not hard to make, particularly when I gave up trying to hold the bacon on with toothpicks, and just wrapped the bacon around.  I will make them again.  Have fun with the girls today!


Marisa, I hope you are enjoying your time with your mom.  How is she doing? 

Gotta bathe the dog -- wish me luck!

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