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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello everybody,

Thanks for the birthday wishes.  I'm having a very laid-back day so far today.  The boys are spoiling me, the girl isn't up yet. 


Joanne, happy TGIF. I hope you get the holiday off -- seems like paradise is trying to sneak into all your free time.  Will you be working on any particular projects?


Marisa, enjoy having the house to yourself for a while.  Ah, bliss!  Do you give your patients the option of calling you when you aren't in the office?


LeeAnn, have fun camping.  Will you be taking any crafty things with you?  Good luck with the new directors.  I hope the lines of communication  clear up soon.


Stacy, have a great weekend.  Do you have any plans?

Well, Memorial day starts the community pool season here, so my middle child will have 2 jobs for the next 3 months or so.  He is very excited to have some more income, though he will be one tired pup in August, when he has college and 2 jobs.  It won't be for long, though, and he certainly enjoys the money. 

I have my pizza dough made.  I made my cake, just need to "frost" it later.  (It is supposed to be covered in whipped cream.)  It's chocolate with caramel sauce.   Can't wait to try it!  I hope you all have a great Friday.  It is threatening to storm here again. 

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Good morning!


:bday :bday :birthday  Dear Beth!!! :bday  Glad you are having a wonderful, laid-back day.  Enjoy your pizza and cake!  It sure sounds delish!


Leeann, good luck with your Migrant position this season.  3 supervisors sounds like a lot, and kind of confusing...hoping everything goes smoothly for you!  Have fun with the kiddos.  What will they be up to once you start working? 


Marisa, your morning sounds enjoyable.  Cracker Barrel- yum!  I have only been there twice (it opened where my parents live about a month before I moved) but from what I remember, it was tasty.  How are the turtles?  Did you enjoy the movie with Averie and Sloan?  


Joanne, any fun plans for the weekend? 


Not much going on here.  I went a little crazy on Wednesday night and took trash bags to the girls' room.  Two 30-gallon bags of toys are now sitting in my hallway, but I don't have the energy to sift through them.  Maybe on Monday.  Today I have an extra credit opportunity for speech, to watch some debates at school.  It starts at noon, though, and the girls get out at 2:30.  I'm worried about leaving in time to pick them up.  :think   It would be terribly rude to get up in the middle of a speech, if they are not finished on time. 

Last night was Museum Night at the girls' school, where the SAS classes show off their end-of-year projects.  It was crazy packed, and my dh got a little overwhelmed.  The girls had fun, though- they know everyone, I swear.  It always amused me when I was growing up and my mom or grandma would say, "Oh, there go the Jones' kids again" or whichever family it was, and now people say that about my kids.   :lol 

Tomorrow dh is going hiking again, and the girls and I will meet some friends for a picnic at the park.  We may bbq here on Monday, and swim if it is warm enough, but other than that, the weekend is wide open.  We were so busy last weekend, that I kind of just want to sit around on my badorkus and :hook - I'm hoping dh doesn't object.  I'm still trying to finish that afghan I started in January, and started to work on one for a friend's birthday in July.  It will be a corner-to-corner throw, in the colors of the rainbow cycling jersey. 


I guess it's time to stop :blah and start moving.  Love and hugs! 

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Hi all,

Beth- Glad to hear you are having a laid back kind of day- that's the best way to celebrate a birthday! The cake sounds yummy!!!!!


Leeann- I feel you about the anxiety and stress. i have so many tight deadlines with this project and too many head honchos. But for these next 3 days, I'm off work!!!! Turned the work phone off and it's not going back on till Tuesday!! Have fun camping!


Stacy- I hope you have a good weekend and get to the park tomorrow! I love going to the park- it's so relaxing!!!! Hoping that DH lets you get in some hooky time too!


Marisa- Enjoy your weekend- and the house to yourself!


Tomorrow we have a family reunion (DH's family) in Jim Thorpe, PA. I love that little town- so I told him, we need to get into town and browse around some of the shops in addition to attending the reunion. Sunday there is NOTHING on the agenda and I hope to keep it that way- Monday we have a bar-b-que at DD's- so that will be my R&R day (and son-in- law too- LOL)


Off to knit a little- I've got 19 rows to do  and many, many more!  Haven't decided what I'm going to do to yarn bomb the planter- I was thinking of making stripes or maybe granny squares sewn into a long strip to wrap around it???? In any event, it's raining here so I can't even go out to measure it! Maybe on Sunday!

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Good morning housemates :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I have a patient coming this morning, so am waiting on him now and figured I'd check in. I had a quite evening last night and only added a couple rows to the shawl I'm testing. When I got up this morning, I put my sheets in the wash and got ready for the day. Cut up some cheeses and got a tray ready for later. Ingrid test me last night that they're going to her BIL's today and that I was invited and since we don't go places empty handed :lol I also pulled out 2 bottles of wine and some crackers so it's all ready to go later. I need to make a stop at Joann's at some point, I picked up fabric yesterday, but am a bit short as I apparently remembered the numbers incorrectly :blush After I leave here I have the KtB group, then will stop home to drop things off and get what I need to head over to meet Ingrid and family. Then it will be a relaxing evening. I think I'll toss a project in my purse :wink


Joanne - Oh, I love Jim Thorpe too....it's only 20 minutes from my hometown :yay  Too bad I wasn't visiting my parents this weekend :think  Have fun and enjoy.  Have you ever toured the mansion?  If not, I recommend it.  It's the Harry Packer Mansion I think (there's also an Asa Packer Mansion, but I don't think they do the tour there).  The train ride is always nice too.


Beth - Yep, most of my patients have my cell phone number.  Works great for now, but I guess when i get busy I'll have to do more strict office hours :think


Stacy - Good luck getting your hook time in and taking care of the toys!  I love Harry Potter, so yep...I enjoyed the movie :lol


LeeAnn - Hope you get to relax this weekend!


Have a great holiday weekend everyone and I'll be back on Tuesday :ghug

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Marisa, have a fun time this weekend.  What are you doing with the fabric from Joann's? 


Joanne, did you get the measurements for the planter?  Did you decide what you are going to do?  Do you have some yarn picked?  I'm glad you are enjoying the knitting.  Have fun in PA.


LeeAnn, I hope you are having a lot of fun camping.  I think it would be fun in a camper.  I did some tent camping with the kids.  We grew out of it pretty quick though. 


Stacy, Hhow is your summer vacation going so far? 


I am meeting a friend to walk on the beach this morning, assuming I can find her house.  It is embarrassing, since I've been there before.

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Good morning! :sun The sun is shining!!! The wind is starting to die down and it's supposed to be about 70 degrees and sunny- I'll take it!!!


Beth- Hope you find your friends house! Enjoy the walk on the beach!


Marisa- cut and paste alert:


It was cold and rainy yesterday- so we didn't end up staying long! We went downtown for a while and then came home. I worked on finishing up the shawl for my friend and then finished up a scarf this morning. So two wip's are now finished!!! YAY!!!


Found a bunch of granny squares I had started a long time ago-solids- in different shades of blue. So I'm thinking of putting them together in strips and making a few more solid granny's to add to it. My house is gray with blue shutters, so I think these will be perfect for my planter.


Got up early and started the dreaded switch clothes out - mine are done, but waiting on DH to finish his. I asked him to please pile up those things he hasn't worn in a while so we can donate them. I don't have any problem anymore getting rid of what I no longer wear that is in great condition. DH, not so much--always thinks, but I might wear that....Um- NO you won't!!! :lol


Hope you all enjoy your day!

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Joanne - congrats on finishing two wips!  That's awesome!!!  I hope you had a good time, even if you didn't stay long because of the weather.  So cool that you found all those granny squares and have a good use for them!  Very nice!


Marisa, LeeAnn, and Stacy, I hope your Sunday is sunny and fun, like this one.


My middle son is busy cleaning and reorganizing the living room (which is where he sleeps now, so he calls it "His" room.)  He has some good ideas.  He helped me fix a problem with the kitchen organization earlier.  I am glad my twins are better at the housekeeping thing than I am.  The walk on the beach was AWESOME!!!  My friend is on vacation this week, so we may go a few more times.  I wouldn't mind it becoming a weekly thing. 

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Hi all,


Beth- How about sending your awesome son to my house to organize? That's great that he has some great ideas for the kitchen organization. I'm happy that you had such a great time at the beach! Best place to go walking, IMO.


I went over to DD's late in the afternoon and we took a nice long walk with the boys. We ended up walking to Dunkin where there is a Baskin Robbins and got some ice cream. So at least hopefully it was a wash since we did so much walking.


We stopped in the small memorial park they have in her town on the way back and read all the plaques and reflected on the service men and women who served our country throughout the years. We gave Ryan a little lesson that I'm sure he probably didn't understand, but he did enjoy the flags that were on each plaque.  It was an enjoyable way to end the day, with me reading to Ryan and putting him to bed. Robbie is starting to smile so much more now and he has the cutest dimple!


Today, we head over there for their bar-b-que. It's a beautiful sunny, although cool day! I'll take it. The end of the week is upposed to be in the 90's and humid. (Yuck).


Happy Memorial Day- hope you all enjoy the day.

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Happy Memorial Day! 

Joanne, I think it's awesome that you are starting to teach your grandsons early!  You'd be surprised -- Ryan is old enough now to remember things.  I remember some things from a very young age.  Enjoy your extra day off!  I'll bet it felt good not to go to Paradise today!


I need to do my grocery shopping.  I kind of blew it off yesterday.  I am hoping to wait for the last-minute bbq shoppers to get through, then go later.  At least that's my excuse for procrastinating.


Have a wonderful day!

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Good morning!

Back to Paradise- :(


Yesterday was the perfect day for a bar-b-que! Sunny, blue skies and very comfortable temperatures. We had a great, relaxing time and I'm sorry to see the long weekend end.


I pulled out another long-standing WIP last night- the sunny spread I had started many, many months ago. I've got 25 squares done and am determined to finish it. Than I will have officially finished all my wips...oops- crochet wips. I do still have the knit baby blanket and I also had started a pair of knit fingerless gloves. I'm loving that I can now change between knitting and crocheting.


Hope everyone had a great weekend and now I better sign off and get ready for Paradise.

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Joanne, I hope your day back at Paradise is a good one.  I think it's awesome that you are getting all your wips done -- well, the crochet ones, any way.  Your Memorial Day sounds perfect!  We didn't do much to celebrate.  My oldest son had to work.  My younger son was supposed to work, but the outdoor pool needs more work, so they couldn't open. 


I am meeting my friend at the beach for another walk today.  I need to call the veterinarian, make some appointments.  I want to drop our cans off at the recycling center.  And Tuesday is bathe the dog, wash the towels, and scrub down the bathroom day.  I'm sure the dog is looking forward to it -- NOT!


I hope everybody had a great weekend, and is having a good day!

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Good afternoon housemates :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I had a good and productive weekend. My patient on Saturday morning didn't show, which is annoying because I had no other reason to be over here :shrug Anyways, then I went to JoAnn's to pick up some fabric and heading over to a knit-in. Late afternoon I went to a cookout at Ingrid's BIL's house. Then made my bed when I got home before crawling into to :lol I had washed my sheets earlier in the day. Sunday I washed all my scrubs (I don't wash the tops too often because I always wear a shirt underneath and am not working with biohazardous materials). Went to another knit-in, but it was nice so we sat in the garden....so I guess it was a knit-out :lol Stopped at the market on my way home and had a piece of steak for dinner. Yesterday I went an washed Steph's car for her (she asked 2 weeks ago, but they've been calling for rain every day) then came back and did regular laundry and cooked. So there are some leftovers in the fridge for them coming home tonight and for lunches tomorrow.


Mom had some side effects from her new medication (well, we think so far anyways). She started to run a fever and flu like symptoms are a side effect so we called on Sunday morning and the on call doc returned the call. We had already told her not to take it that day until we spoke to them. So he said not to take it that day and if she showed no further symptoms to continue with it on Monday, which was the case. So, she did take it yesterday morning and later in the afternoon she started running the fever again and this time had some nausea and vomiting, which everything went away after she vomited. So again, I told her not to take it today and we'll call them again. I left a message earlier with the office, but have not heard back yet and it was about 3 hours ago. So, what would be considered an acceptable amount of time before I call back again :think Mom went for blood work today too, but I haven't received the results yet and considering she just went about an hour ago....that's not surprising.


My neighbor had her baby Sunday morning :clap I don't have any details though just yet and I don't want to annoy them with questions....let them have their time as new parents. But, whenever I get any news, I'll fill you in.


Yesterday I finished the shawl I'm testing and need to snap pics today to send to the designer. When I get the 'go ahead' I'll share pics of that here with you also. Over the weekend at the 2 knit-ins, I finished my last 2 panels for KtB, which were small. The deadline is on Saturday and then we still have plain black railings to work on, which are due July 1st. We launched a fundraising campaigne on indiegogo today, but I don't know if I'm allowed to share that link here or if it violates any 'rules/regulations'. But I did share it on fb for those of you who are on fb. My mom is in the opening and ending shot standing next to me :)


Today.....I had 2 patients, called the doctor's office (still waiting for the return call), been emailing back and forth about KtB final drop offs and panel drives and helping to proofread the campaigne and the email that's going out. I have things to get done at the office here. Speaking of, let me ask your opinions about something. So, I'm thinking about implementing a specific discount medical program in my office, which helps for patients without insurance or those who are underinsured. Basically, it's a program that the patient buys into for $39 for the year, which is good for all of their dependents. Anyways, then within that program it allows the office (me) to legally charge them a fee different from those that are billed to insurance companies. I know many chiro's that charge different fees for cash patients, but technically that's not how it should be done and could get in trouble if audited because those patients should be charged the same regular fees that the insurance companies are charged. So it's the type of the thing where the initial visit alone could be substantially cheaper than the regular fee, even after paying the $39 to join the program. I don't want to call it insurance, because it's not....it just allows a contracted discount fee. What are your thoughts from a patients perspective on something like this? Do you think it would be beneficial? It costs nothing from the providers end.



Beth - The fabric is for the cushion on the bench in the mudroom for Steph.  I had to go back Saturday morning to get more because I was about an inch short!  You beach walk sounds awesome and it's great to go again today!  WTG to ds for cleaning and organizing 'his' room.


Joanne - Wow, you're really cleaning house with your WIP's (crocheted)  How was the bbq?


Stacy and LeeAnn - I hope you all had wonderful holiday weekends!

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Good morning!


We had a busy weekend!  On Saturday, we met some friends at the park for a couple hours.  we had planned for a picnic, but my family (except me) woke up at 10 (!!!) which never, ever happens, and by the time were were finished with breakfast at 11:30, it seemed pointless to take a meal to the park.  Anyway...so we stayed there until about 4, then headed home and watched movies for the rest of the night.  On Sunday, we decided to take the girls to Knott's, and stayed from open til close- 12 hours!  :eek  The girls sure were tuckered out, and all fell asleep before we even hit the freeway.   :lol   3 new rides opened this weekend, and I went on my first roller coaster!  Funny, I know, since we've had annual passes for about the past 7 years...

Anyway, yesterday the girls went with dh's uncle and Isabella's godfather to see the new kids movie, Epic.  They liked it, though I haven't heard about it in detail yet.  Dh and I hung around at home, had a Walking Dead marathon, and ate Chinese for dinner.  It was nice.  Oh, guess what?!!  The corner-to-corner afghan I started?  Is about 3/4 finished!!  It's amazing how fast I can crochet when frightened by zombies!  :rofl  I am really excited- it doesn't need to be finished until July, but I am loving the easy, mindless pattern. 

Today I took my online poli sci final, and scraped by with an A!  :woo  Only one more to go, on Thursday.  I have grandiose plans to clean one room per day after class is finished...we will see if it actually happens.


Marisa, your weekend sounds wonderful, as always! I like that you never go somewhere empty-handed. That is something I learned from my dh- in the small town I am from, it is actually considered rude to show up with something because it somehow implies your belief that the host will not supply you with what you need.  :think:eek   I think it's nice of you to offer some kind of coverage for patients who are either not covered or under-covered. 


Joanne, how fun to go walking with dd and the boys!  It's never to early to start learning- I'm sure he will remember those flags, even if the lesson doesn't stick for now.  :yes  Woohoo for completing 2 WIPs and that you can go between knitting and crocheting. 


Leeann, how's it going?  I'm sure you are busy, busy as usual. 


Beth, your inventions sound so wonderful- maybe you can send them over here to help me organize, too!  :lol  The walk on the beach sounds lovely, and made me wish I lived just a teensy bit closer (we are about 20 minutes away, but through mountains and valleys so it would take an awful lot of gas to go regularly.)  Hope you can make it out there more often. 


Well, I suppose that's all the news for now.  I need to go to the bank for quarters, I'm thinking maybe I will walk and get some exercise.  Love and hugs! 

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Good evening friends!


I am so very sorry that I have been MIA..lots going on here in my neck of the woods.


Beth-ohh laaa laaa!  That is awesome that your son is organizing, any ideas for kitchen cupboards?  Mine are looking pretty scary. 


Joanne-you are on a roll working on those WIPS!  Woohoooo!  So proud of you!  Your weekend sounded most relaxing.  So glad.


Marisa-happy happy that you had a bit of time to yourself, that was so sweet of you to cook and wash your sisters car.  I am sure that she was so grateful.  The KTB date is creeping up quickly.  How exciting!  So sorry about your patient not showing up, that must have been frustrating. 


Stacy-Congratulations on the A!!!  So very happy for you, what a relief I am sure.


Today was my first official day back at work. not too laborious  but a bit tiring. 


We had a great time camping, it was wonderful to get away from all the hub and  bub of life but have so much to catch up on.  I worked out today after work, grocery shopped, dinner, dishes, laundry and filled an order...I am going to take a shower and call it an early night.  Tomorrow we are meeting at a sister Head start site in a small town that is about 1.5 hours away...I have to be there by 7:30..makes for a very early morning.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much on the agenda for me today.  I'm going to try to get everything together for that discount program and I have some phone calls to make.  Otherwise, it's a slow day for me here.  I picked up Steph and Bean from the airport last night around 10 and they were grateful to have food in the fridge :lol  They both have off today and are planning to go to the neighbors house to meet Beckett, he came home from the hospital just yesterday :manyheart  I probably won't get to see him until the weekend :(


Stacy - WTG on your final and good luck with your last one tomorrow!  Are you taking any summer classes?  Sounds like a great day at Knott's...I love roller coasters :woo  WTG on your corner to corner afghan :clap


LeeAnn - No worries you busy lady, we all take our turns at being MIA and guess what....we all find our way back like boomerangs :rofl  Glad to hear you had a great camping trip and I agree with being able to escape 'reality'.  I hope you were able to get up this morning for your early trip to meet your sister :hug

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I was offsite today and it was a welcome break for the hectic work environment. Tomorrow is not one I'm looking forward to- so much to do, so little time. Oh, well.



Tonight, I'm going to relax with some knitting and tomorrow I have an art show to go to after work for my DD so won't be home till at least 8-9--Is it the weekend yet? LOL


Will try and post more in the AM- DH is getting hungry so I'd better go make something to eat for dinner. I'm thinking sandwiches on this 90 degree day. (and no cooking) LOL

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Good afternoon housemates :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Well, Steph is 40 years old today! I picked her up a little gift at Target yesterday, nothing much but she was excited about it. I worked on a shrug that I started at the beginning of the month and only had the first row done....I did the 2nd row last night 4 times!!! :eek First I misscounted, then I did the wrong stitch, then I counted right and did the right stitch but it was off center with the previous row :think So for the 4th time, I added a stitch at the start and then counted from there and the spacing is aesthetically pleasing and then numbers came out right (+1) :shrug

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Good afternoon!


Marisa, happy birthday to Steph!  Any fun plans for this weekend to celebrate? 


Joanne, enjoy your dd's art show!  The photo on FB looks neat! 


Leeann, hope all is well. 


Beth, what's going on in your end of the country? Have you gone beach walking again?


My speech final was this morning at 9- it was so easy!  Just an opinion-based essay on the roundtable discussions.  :whew  And she gave me full credit for attending the competition on Friday, even though I had to leave at 2.  :woo  Hopefully I will get by with an A, but even a B will be satisfactory for me.  :yes 

I got a call from my mom right after I left class, that she hurt her sciatic nerve while lifting something at work.  :ohdear  She doesn't have insurance, so she went to a doctor that charges a different rate for cash patients (funny that Marisa was just talking about this earlier) and he gave her 5 shots to relax the area.  She goes to this doctor for everything but to be honest, he sounds like a quack.  He changed her blood pressure meds about 4 times in as many months.  But she is afraid to go anywhere else.  I told her that since it happened at work, she needs to talk to her employer about covering the doctor visit, but she is afraid to. 

After class, i did some grocery shopping, and ran to Wally World to see if they had a green yarn that will go with the afghan.  I really need a kelly green, but haven't been able to find one in ww yarn.  Guess I will have to run to the Joann's tomorrow.  The yarn selection spans about 6 good aisles.  :yes 

Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, Six aisles of yarn...  :c9   Can I come too, Please?  LOL  Congrats on finishing your class.  I know it is a load off your mind.  You are doing an amazing job, and considering that you are a fantastic mom, a great wife, and the mom of some 4-legged critters, it blows the mind!  Since you asked, I've been ferrying animals to the vet.  My dog has allergies -- some of it fleas, some of it the same seasonal stuff we all have.  She was keeping me up at night licking, scratching, and chewing on herself.  Since she saw the doc, she has been sleeping soundly, and so have I!  My daughter's cat wasn't feeling well, and ended up spending the night at the vet.  He is home today, feeling much better.  I am so glad we took him, even though it was kind of expensive.


Marisa, Happy Birthday to Steph!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend to celebrate.  Was the cruise part of her celebration?  How frustrating to work the same row so many times.  I'm glad you finally got it!


Joanne, How cool that your daughter's work is on display at the gallery!  Is that her in the picture?  How exciting!  Are you getting much done on your wips?  How was the day back at the office after the day working off-site?


LeeAnn, I am sure things are busy since you are back at your teaching job.  I hope it is going well, and the communication issues are clearing up. 


I didn't get my laundry folded, but I did get everything else done today, including weeding the garden.  I sent my daughter on her first solo car ride to the grocery store to buy more garlic, so I could make more gluten free buttery garlic biscuits.  I should never have taken her to Red Lobster so I wouldn't have wanted any. 

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The weekend is here and I'm not working! Didn't get out till about 6:30 and went to DD's. Having some R&R time was just what I needed!! Robbie has found his fingers and his toes! He's starting to smile so much more! My DD asked for a baby picture of herself- I agree with her that he definitely looks more like her. Will have to dig a picture out tomorrow. Ryan definitely looks more like my SIL.


My middle DD has an art opening at a gallery in Park Slope Brooklyn- opening reception is next Friday night. She's really doing great with her art and I'm glad she has it to keep her more than busy! Her work will be up until the 30th so I may not go out to see it until the weekend. I would like to try and get to the opening reception, but we'll have to see.


Beth- Yes, that is my DD in the picture on FB. She's really quite the woman!!! So proud of her. Haven't gotten much done on my WIPS and didn't pick up a hook or needle last night or tonight. Oh, well, they'll be here tomorrow


Praying for all the folks in Oklahoma- I can't believe how hard that state is getting hit! So sad and terrifying!



Stacy- wTG on the speech grade! Did you have fun at Joann's? Did you buy much yarn. 6 aisles is alot of yarn- more than the Joann's in my area for sure!


LeeAnn- Hope your work week went ok- and that you have a little time for yourself. It's hard to work, plus run your own business, plus be a mom!!


Marisa- Happy Birthday to your sis!! have fun celebrating with her!

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Happy Saturday!  I hope you all have a great weekend, get some relaxing time in.


Joanne, I hope you make it to the opening for your daughter's art show.  I can imagine how very proud you must be!  She is a beautiful girl with great talent!  Enjoy your weekend.


Off to clean out the car.  It is going on a date.  My twins are taking the boy's girlfriend to a movie.  (Her mother requires a chaperone.  Some times my son brings his twin, some times the girlfriend brings her twin.)

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Good morning and Happy Sunday!


Beth- How'd the date go? Was the car all spiffed up and ready?


Spent most of yesterday with DD and the boys. It was HOT and humid here so most of it spent indoors. I did go on a walk with Ryan early in the day, then left to go get a mani/pedi. After that we all went to my town's library sale and scored a lot of books for the boys for very little $~~ they came here afterwards and then left around 8.


I spoke to my middle DD last night- she was having a meltdown.  She's trying to keep so busy to numb the pain of the breakup I'm afraid. I kept telling her she is amazing and doing great things with her art. I am going to make every humanly possible attempt to attend her solo opening on Friday night.


Started my weekly cleaning this morning, and needed to take a break so here I am.


Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. :-)

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Top of the morning!


Remember me?  Seems like by the time I get to posting, something comes up. :yay


Joanne-your poor dd, I am sure that she is feeling pretty tender.  It is great that she has an art show to look forward to.  Hopefully you can make it, if not in spirit.  I'm glad that the weather has changed and you no longer have snow.  :hug


Beth-ooohhh laaa laaa!  How exciting to be young!  How was the date?  I am sure that they had a great time, anything on your hook these days?  How's your fur furry friend doing?  Hope his allergies let up. :hug


Stacy-WTG!  you are doing it!  Your grades are amazing as you are too! :hug


Marisa-did you take your sister out for her birthday?  Happy Late Birthday to her!  Can't wait to hear about your weekend. :hug


Been busy, Friday I started some of my weekly chores cleaning then finished yesterday.  We are finally caught up on laundry from our camping trip.  The kiddos have been great helping with chores and such.  I managed to get 3 workouts in this last week.  It was a struggle, but I'm glad that I did it.


Working on a custom order today and the other website.  The woogiiewoo one.  I am going to upload the pics of the tart warmers and tarts..hopefully they will sell as I can't sell them on Etsy. 


My craft studio smells like White Chocolate Raspberry and Coffee Beans..yum!  makes me want something sweet to go with my coffee.


Ds special lady friend left on Friday morning, he had dh take him to the airport at 5:30 in the morning to see her off..he was pretty bummed but I told him they still have social media.  I know it's not the same but it's something.  We are having a summer fest going on here at one of our local parks.  I had forgotten all about it, but he is going today to hang out with his friends.  I think this will help.


Other than all that, work is the same ol...more trainings and more trainings...I have had to take a few certification tests and such and am now more hire-able as I like to see it.  :lol


Back to soaping..hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Hi all,

LeeAnn- I'm sure that was tough for DS to see his friend off, but oh so nice that your DH took him to the airport so he could see her off.  Glad that the festival was going on so it could act as a diversion. Sounds like you are going on all cylinders- but yes, the certifications will help in the long run!


Marisa- Hope you had a good weekend!


Beth- Anything fun done today?


My DD came by this morning and stayed for a few hours before heading back home to gather her artwork to take to the gallery to install. She is just not the same - although she is keeping busy, her heart is still really hurting and as her Mom, I wish I could fix it.  It doesn't matter if they're young or grown, when they hurt, you hurt.


I've been working on my knitted blanket- did 3 rows, then decided to work on my long standing wip, the Sunny Spread and crocheted three more squares. I've got 28 done, and I'm thinking of doing 30 and joining to see how it looks. It may be a good baby blanket size as a 6X5 blanket. I'll see.


Hope you all have a good Monday. Hugs!

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It's conquer mount dirty laundry today.  I didn't pull it out of the dryer one day, didn't do anything the next, and now I have a huge mountain to contend with.  Second load is in the wash, at least 1 more to go, maybe two.


Joanne, is there a link to the pattern for the sunny spread?  I'd love to see what you are working on.  What does your knitted blanket look like?  What color?  I am impressed with you!  Just learned to knit, and you are making some major projects!  And you work more than full time and have those two adorable boys to preoccupy you...  You are amazing.  It would be hard to watch your child go through the heartache of not only a breakup, but a betrayal.  I'm glad she has that show to keep her occupied.


LeeAnn, It is very cool that your son saw his friend off at the airport.  I never would have thought of doing something like that for my kids.  You sound very busy, but a lot of certification is good -- looks great on a resume.  The twins enjoyed their date (that just sounds WRONG!)  lol.  My daughter is still talking about it. I am glad the girlfriend encourages my daughter to hang around.


Stacy, how is summer vacation going for you?  When are the girls done with their school?


Marisa, I hope you had a great weekend.  Is KtB gearing up for the big reveal in August?


Well, my husband is talking about getting central air again.  I am making some calls today to see if we can get a couple of estimates.  I would probably be more productive if it weren't so hot here.  I am sweating at 10 a m just sitting in front of the computer -- I'm not even typing that fast.  :lol   have a great Monday!

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