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Hello all,

I am up and ready to roll. I leave for the dentist in about half an hour.  Shame, it's a great day for sleeping in, but they all have been lately.  :devil 


Joanne, so glad you know how to chill when you get home from a crazy busy day at work.  I hope you had a very nice, relaxing evening, and happy hump day!


LeeAnn, any new products in mind?    Are the kids ready for school to end yet?


Stacy, I hope your round table went well, and you are coasting now.


Marisa, Do you have many patients scheduled today?  Got any fun plans in the works?


I have some yard work and my "sthinky" jobs planned for today. 

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Good evening friends!


Beth-summer schedules can be tricky, I find that I move alot slower when the family is home, I just want to sit and relax.  How did your dental appointment go?  Did you get the stinky job done?  :rofl


Joanne-I'm glad that you were able to rest last night, I am still amazed that your dear gs is sleeping through the night :manyheart


Marisa-so glad that your turtle friends are at your office, do they have names?


Stacy-I bet you are relieved to see the semester wind down?  Any big plans for the summer?


I just got home awhile ago and am tuckered out.  Yesterday was super busy..I had a ton of errands to run, an order to pack up and the Spring Concert and Scouts..oh and I had to pack for the Women's Convention. 


The conference was great!  I love networking and sold quite a few of the body butters..it is always so different at each event.  It was fun..must figure out dinner.


oh but I would much rather just sit and veg.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Hi friends!


The semester is finally winding down...:woo  Only have the final left for both classes.  The speech professor cancelled class next week so we would have more time to study for finals. 

This morning, dh and I dropped off the girls and went to finish up some shopping for his hiking trip this weekend.  After school, Isabella has a "tournament" for chess club.  Mia wants to stay and watch, but I don't think Eva will sit through it.  :shrug  Tomorrow we may go to a museum, but it's still up in the air.  Tomorrow night dh's aunt is having a gathering, so I will take the girls.  Dh won't be home until around 8 p.m. or so. 


Leeann, the conference sounds fun!  My mom talks about a women's conference in her town every year too...wish we had something like that here!  Any plans for the weekend? 


Beth, sleeping in sounds wonderful!  My kids have been getting ready and leaving right on time for the past 2 days...but of course dh has also been home.  I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.  :wink  How was the dentist?  We had check-ups yesterday and I thought of you.  Hope all is well.


Joanne, any R&R time planned for the weekend? 


Marisa, glad to hear the doctor was thorough with your mom and took his time.  It's not something you see often these days.  Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?  I always enjoy reading your Monday posts.  :lol 


Gotta scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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Hi all,

My plans this weekend consist of some R&R time and I just found out late this afternoon that I have to go into work tomorrow afternoon which I am not at all happy about!


Stacy- You must be so happy that you are on the tail end of your semester! I would be! Sounds like a nice weekend is planned for you and your girls. You'll have to let us know if you ended up staying for the tournament!


LeeAnn, Beth and Marisa- Hope you all had a good Friday! Sure wish I could say TGIF, but it's kind of pointless when it is not signalling the beginning of two days off- LOL

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Sorry I haven't been communicating much.  I've had a sinus headache that pretty much kept me from doing much of anything.  I finally figured out what would take care of it -- benadryl is now my favorite thing -- and I am back to normal. 


Joanne, so sorry you have to go into work today.  Are you still getting your R&R time?


Stacy, I'll bet you'll be happy when summer vacation has started.


LeeAnn, It is funny how every conference is different.  I'm glad you enjoyed that one. 


Marisa, Anything fun going on this weekend?

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Good morning,

Crazy day yesterday- I definitely put in a full day between cleaning and laundry at home and then going into work at 2 till 7:30!!! Met DH for dinner and then I had to get on a conference call at 9 that lasted till 10!!!!!


Today is a rainy day (of course, it's my only day off). Have to get groceries so heading out to do that in a few minutes to get it over and done with. Hoping to see R&R later on if DD is going to be around. I usually wait til after my SIL goes into work so as not to interfere with their limited amount of family time.


Beth- Glad that the Benadryl is working for you- does it make you tired? Even if it does, tired is better than a sinus headache!!


Stacy, LeeAnn and Marisa- Hope you are having a good weekend- DH is ready to go so I've got to scoot!


Have a wonderful, RELAXING, Sunday everyone!

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Hello Everybody, and happy Monday!  Well, not really, but let's pretend.


Joanne, did you get your R&R time in? Did you get your groceries?  


LeeAnn, Stacy, and Marisa, I hope you had fun this weekend, got some time to relax, and enjoyed lots of fun bonding time with family.  My daughter and I are getting much closer now -- it's great that she is such a good friend.  I also spent time showing cats at an adoption event.  That was a blast! 


I have a doctor appointment this morning, then a trip to the eye doctor to pick up my son's contacts.  I want to take my daughter out driving in the area where she will be tested for her license, with hopes that we will take care of that tomorrow! 

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Sorry I was MIA most of last week!  It was a pretty busy one with just a lot going on.  On Saturday, I had a couple patients in the morning and then went shopping with Steph.  In the evening I volunteered to help out at an event at the Pittsburgh Opera house that was hosted by the Midwife Center.  I had to cut cake!  And I got to sample too :drool  Yesterday I ended up going to the Pirates game and we won!  The  cleaning people were at the house this morning.  I have a patient coming in soon this evening and then I'm done for the day :)  I hope to get some hooking in tonight, I'm working on a shawl that I'm testing the pattern for someone here and the deadline is the 30th....I think I'm about half way done with it.


Beth - I hope you get acclaimated (sp?) to the summer schedule.  The turtles are fine over the weekend, although I am here most Saturday's anyway.  I feed them 2-3 times a week over the summer, which I think will be Monday, Wed, and Fridays to keep it easy, plus then they'll be good for the weekend as well.  However, I didn't think they wanted to eat today, so it'll be tomorrow and Friday this week :shrug  They kept swimming away from me and when they're hungry them swim toward me :lol  I hope your headache goes away and that your dr appt went well.


Joanne - That's a super late conference call!  I hope you enjoyed your rainy day off!


LeeAnn - the turtles names are Trixie and Snapper :lol  The women's convention sounds great.  I saw your new website that you posted a link for on FB!  Great job.


Stacy - :yay for your classes winding down for the semester.  Will you take any summer classes?  How did Isabella do in her chess tournament?

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Good morning!

I've been up and down most of the night. The devastation in Moore, OK is just so heartbreaking and I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around it. My heart aches for all those affected.


I did get some R&R time on Sunday evening. I read to Ryan and held Robbie for a while and had a nice visit with my DD and boys. Just what I needed! Something about little ones that makes it all right with the world and when little ones are caught in the wrath of Mother Nature, it just tears me apart.


LeeAnn- your site looks great! Much success to you!


Stacy, Marisa, Beth- Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday.

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-I agree completely, I had to stop watching the news.  It is all so heartbreaking and sad.  :hug I am glad that you were able to spend time with your grands.  They are just wonderful aren't they? 


Beth-how did the dental appointment go?  Did your dd practice driving more?  What's on your hook these days?


Stacy-woot woot!  For classes finished, what a relief.  What fun things do you have planned for the summer?


Marisa-your turtle names are adorable.  :manyheart cake is one of my favorite deserts.   Yummy!


Things have been crazy.  I finally have the other site up and running,need to add more products and crop all of the photo's but that may have to wait until next week.  It was a lot of work but I can sell the tart warmers and soap dishes to go along with the tarts and soaps.  Just have to get with the process. 


I received a call from the Migrant on Friday, I have to go out of town for training today, will be back on Thursday evening.  Talk about a short notice.  Not happy about that, but I am trying to be positive.


We are also going camping this weekend.  This last weekend was spent getting Betty ready.  She is all cleaned out.  It took about 3 days.  I also made new curtains for her.  Blue and white checkerboard.  The old ones fell apart when I tossed them in the wash.  So happy that I crossed that off my list.  Also did the grocery shopping for this weekend.


Catching up on laundry today and taking care of my sweet Celine.  She is home with a tummy bug.  dh had it last week..hoping she feels better soon. 


I am leaving today after 3..so much to do before then.  I will be putting my shops on Vacation mode for a week... :whewI haven't been closed this long in awhile, I am hoping that it doesn't hurt business too much.


hugs n squishes dear friends!  Have a wonderful week, will check back in on Friday. :ghug :ghug

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LeeAnn, Whew!  I can't believe you didn't get more notice before you had a meeting to attend.  It seems like you've already been so busy -- adding another thing to the mix will be tough, but I'm betting that you are tougher!  Good luck with everything.


Joanne, So glad you had some good R&R time to set life in perspective.  It is heart wrenching when any area is devastated by a storm. 


Marisa, What fun sampling cake, I mean cutting cake!  It sounds like your Saturdays are pretty busy.


Stacy, how are things at your daughters' school this time of year?  Is the standardized tests over? 


Today, my daughter passed her driving test, and became a licensed driver!  I am really proud of her, and quite relieved that it's over.  Now to get the two of us jobs!  Tomorrow, I get to hang out with my IRL crochet buddy.  Life is VERY good!!!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I had 1 patient scheduled, 1 walked in, and another called for her and her mom to come in....so it turned out to be a busy late morning/early afternoon.  Now I need to vacuum before KtB tonight and I currently have the turtles in their feeding tank so need to finish up with them.  I also have a few calls to make and a webinar to watch!  I don't think I've been sleeping very well, which is probably due to the heat and the fact that Steph did not turn the AC on yet :eek  They go to Vegas this weekend so I'm excited about having the weekend for myself and have a knit-in both Saturday and Sunday....oh, that reminds me that I also have interview questions for that to answer.  I guess I'll be back tomorrow :hug

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Happy Hump Day!


LeeAnn- I'm exhausted reading all that you've done these past few days- and I agree with Beth- that's very short notice about a meeting out of town! Hope it goes well and that you and your family enjoy your camping weekend!


Beth- :clap  Congrats to DD on getting her driver's license!!! That's awesome! Enjoy your time with your IRL crochet buddy today. I'll be thinking of the fun you are having while I'm at Paradise!


Marisa- I turned my AC on last night when I got home from work. It was 87 degrees outside when I left work at 5:30!!! Enjoy the place to yourself this weekend! I was thinking of you when I got the idea that I want to create a 'yarnbomb' of a planter I have that is very worn and old looking. What better way to revive it than to yarn bomb it? Now let's see if I actually get around to making it. I'm really into my knitting right now. Slow and steady for sure with this knitting thing!!


Stacy- did you ever decide what to do about the Bio class?  I'll bet you are so happy to have another semester under your belt!!I know sometimes it probably seems that you'll never be done with school, but it's already been 5 years since I completed my BA- and it seems like yesterday that I was bogged down with tests and papers to write!


Off I go to get ready for Hump Day. Two more days and then three off- Whew!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick check in while my first patient is doing his exercises.  We had a great turnout for KtB last night.  I'm now on about 3 nights of horrible sleep, I actually contemplated around 2-2:30 coming to the office to sleep, but I guess I dozed off then :whew  I have to pick up Averie and Sloan from school today at 11:15.  They have a half day so are coming here and Ingrid said they have the first Harry Potter movie with them to watch, which they've never seen :yay  I love that boy!!!!


OK, gotta run, be back later.


Joanne - Great idea to yarn bomb your planter :yes

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Good morning! 


You all have been so busy!!


Joanne, can't believe you had a 6-day week!  :bleh  It's very considerate of you to wait until SIL goes to work before heading to dd's.  :yes  You're right, it does feel like I will never be done with school!  Only 14 more units before I can transfer, at least.  After that, who knows? 


Beth, :h5 to your dd!  How exciting that she passed her driving test!  Are all of your inventions licensed now?  Good luck finding jobs for both of you.  Have you gotten your permanent crown yet?


Marisa, have fun with Averie and Sloan!  How sweet of you to take them when they get out early.  How is your mom?


Leeann, so sorry that you were called out of town so quickly!  That stinks.  WTG on getting another website set up.  I'm sure your clients will understand that outside work calls.  :yes 


Let's see...BIL and dh went hiking/camping over the weekend.  Saturday we had a party at dh's aunt's house.  On Sunday, Mia woke up with a swollen arch on her foot where she was stung last weekend.  We went to urgent care, since I was worried about infection, but I guess the stinger wasn't completely removed, and she ended up with a secondary reaction.  Poor girl...it has been super-itchy so the pediatrician suggested giving her Benedryl until it is gone.  Well, it was still there yesterday after school so I gave her the Benedryl, and she slept from 4 p.m. until 6 a.m. this morning!  :eek

Also...don't know if I mentioned it last weekend, but Isabella lied to me about working on her project, said she didn't have any homework, when she actually had an essay due on Monday.  Well, she pulled the same stunt this weekend :rant:angry  too!  We kept the girls home on Monday because I was sick (dh's cousin was smoking at the party and I ended up with asthma issues all weekend) so we wasted away that day, too...and the ENTIRE project was due today!  I am not a happy mommy with that child.  It's really out of character for her, and I can't figure out why she keeps lying.  :think


Hmm....today dh is picking her up early for a dentist appointment, and after school, i am taking the younger two for bowling with some friends.  The bowling alleys out here have a kids-bowl-free event, where you only have to pay for shoe rental.  :woo  Should be fun, we've never gone with friends before.


Well, I think that's all the news from here.  Gotta go put my groceries away.  Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, I had problems with my oldest lying about school work, and getting home before me and erasing messages from his teacher, etc.  I started home schooling him the next year, though, so he couldn't pull that stunt any more.  Is your daughter feeling overwhelmed with the amount of homework she has?  How is Mia doing?  Benadryl knocks me out, too.  Good stuff, though.  I onlly needed to take it once to clear up the sinus headache that I had for a couple of days. 


Marisa, hooray for busy days at work!  It is nice to watch your business grow.  I can't sleep when I am too hot.  We put in our A/C last week (window unit.)  I love coming into a nice, cool room at the end of the day.  Enjoy your weekend alone.  Do you miss having your own place?


Joanne, I had a very good time with my IRL crochet buddy.  We ended up going to a nearby city park that has a farm in it, and watching them shear a sheep.  It was kind of odd.  I grew up next to a sheep farm, and watched them shear probably 20 sheep in the amount of time those people took on one.  Of course, the rangers were trying very hard not to hurt the sheep, the professional shearers were more concerned with getting the job done.  Do you have any R&R time planned for this weekend?  It is nice that you let the little family have their time, but make sure your SIL knows you aren't trying to avoid him, just trying to let him have his sons when he can.  I can't wait to see the yarn-bombed planter.  What a great idea!  Enjoy the knitting.  It is fun to try something new.  I'm glad you are enjoying it so much. 


LeeAnn, I hope you have a good conference.  Don't work too hard -- take care of yourself!


I did get my permanent crown, so you all can call me Queen Beth the Benevolent (HAH!)  My dd still hasn't had her first solo drive, but she went with me to a store today, and did the driving.  Tomorrow, we are going on a Hobby Lobby road trip.  Can't wati!!!  Today I need to finish my stinky jobs (cages and cat boxes) and some of tomorrow's work so I don't have to rush on it when I get home. 

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Oh Stacy, I hope Mia is feeling better and that you figure out what is going on with Isabella!  I think it's a good idea that she does not get to go bowling :yes  At this point, my mom is pretty much the same, but I showed my dad how and where to do the little bit of AK stuff so she at least is a bit more comfortable for now although it doesn't help to solve the problem.


Queen Beth - I surely do miss my own place and can't wait to have one again!!!  :yay for your HL trip coming up!  And DD can practice her driving :yes

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Marisa, just saw the interview on facebook, and wanted to pop over here to tell you how much I enjoyed it!  You are surely a sweetie, and pretty as a picture!  Now I need to pop back over to the interview, and reexamine the pictures, so I can see if you look like your mom!

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Good morning!


Queen Beth- Thanks for the tip on letting my SIL know I'm not avoiding him. Trust me, he knows I'm not trying to avoid him. ;)  Actually, I stopped last night after work to see the boys and my SIL called while I was there. I got on the phone with him and told him I was looking forward to their bar-b-que on Memorial Day. Glad to hear you had a great time with your crochet buddy!!!


Marisa- Loved the article!!!  It was a great write up and picture!!!! I'm hoping to start working on my planter yarn bombing this weekend.


Stacy- I was thinking the same thing as Beth about Isabella! Maybe she is just overwhelmed with all the work? I sure hope you can get to the bottom of it. How was the bowling? My girls used to love going bowling, but we never had 'kids bowl free' events!


LeeAnn- Hope the conference is going well!


Off to get ready for another fun-filled day! :lol

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My road trip to Hobby Lobby with my daughter was a great success!  We didn't buy a bunch of yarn, just 4 skeins, but looked at everything, thought about a few future purchases, got her some supplies for her needle felting, looked at things she could use for her sculpting, and stopped at Joanns and Michaels on the way home.  It was a great day.  I am tired now, though.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I finally got a good nights sleep last night since the temps fell a bit, didn't wake up until 9 this morning!  I had a couple patients this afternoon and another couple are coming at 4:30 and then I have a late one at 7 :clap 


Steph and Bean are heading to Vegas tomorrow and we plan to leave the house at 6 for the airport.  Then I'll have a few patients in the morning and am meeting with an attorney for lunch.  Hopefully after that, the rest of the day will be my own to hook and do whatever my little heart desires :xfin:lol


Beth - Glad you had a successful trip to HL, did dd drive?  The pic with my mom in it is not the best to see a comparison, but I think there are a couple on my fb page that you might be able to see :think


Joanne - :yay for RR time!!!  I'm sure SIL understands and appreciates that you make sure to give them their family time :yes

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Top of the morning friends!  TGIF for sure!


Beth- :birthday:bday:cake Hope your day is as fantastic as you are!  hugs and extra squishes!  A trip to HL sounds like so much fun, Congratulations to your dd!  How very awesome, now she can chauffeur you.


Joanne-a yarn bombed plant sounds just too cool!  I can't wait to see pics of it.  Do you have other plans for the weekend?  I think you said something about a BBQ?


Marisa-you look beautiful on your photo's!  And so very happy, thank you so much for sharing.  I am so happy that you are part of a community that is so fun and energetic.  Will you be able to turn on the AC soon?  Whatcha up to for the weekend?


Stacy-oh no!  My ds lied for a good while..it was over silly things too...it took a lot of talking and loosing privileges before he stopped.  He still has his moments but for the most part he's pretty awesome.  You are always so very busy with fun activities.


The training/conference had it's ups and downs..I now have 3 new supervisors...uuuggghhh...none of them are very good at communication as I start work on Tuesday...not happy but am trying to be positive.  I am hoping that we can all just get along and work as a team as it's only for a short period of time.  However I am feeling a pretty high level of anxiety and stress and am hoping that I can focus on happy things. 


Today is the last day of school for my kiddos, they are so excited.  And then off to camping land.  I have my list of things I need to pack today, a few errands to run and then out the door this evening. 


guess I should get my tush in gear and start plugging away.  Have a happy and wonderful Memorial Weekend friends!  :ghug :ghug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Beth - :birthday :birthday :cake


LeeAnn - Have fun at your conference/training.  I can't believe it's summer break already!  Have fun camping.


I took Steph and Bean to the airport this morning and then went to Cracker Barrell for breakfast :drool  They should land just before 10 local time.  I had a couple patients already and my 10 guy called to see if he can come at 11 instead because something came up.  Then I'm meeting an attorney for lunch at noon, well he's coming here and then we'll go somewhere :shrug  After I come back, I'll feed the turtles while I do some errands.  Then maybe take a little nap before I actually leave for the day.  I don't have patients this weekend so it'll be a long weekend for me to.  At least as of right now anyways :shrug

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