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Stacy, big hugs to the girls going through testing.  Our local elementary school's playground is considered a neighborhood park, and is open from sunrise to sunset, except during school hours.  The bad part is that people walk their dogs there, and don't clean up after them, then we have the little kids playing in the same area, and it grosses me out.  I'm glad you have a nice group, and are arranging alternate meetings.


Joanne, with everything on your mind, I can believe you remembered something incorrectly.  I can relate to that way too well.  I hope your trip is a lot of fun, and the conference is interesting.  Enjoy your time with your dd.


Marisa, I hope you are having a lot of fun.  Be safe when you go home.


LeeAnn, Good luck wtih the showing.. 


Well, I need to get going.  Got a dentist appointment, step 2 of being crowned, so I need to get my caffeine in me before it's time to go.

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Good evening ladies :hi


I just breezed through the posts again, but am back in Pitt now so should get back on track tomorrow :xfin  I got back around 4 and then unpacked at home then came here to unpack and get things ready for tomorrow, it will be reasonably busy :clap


Well, my mom has had all good mornings and today only ran to the bathroom 2x!  Thursday morning she didn't make it to the toilet in time :( and that morning and prior she was going 8-12 times through the morning before her gut would calm down.   So we started our playing around Thursday night and I think Thurs through Sun she went about 4x each morning, but made it every time.  Today she only went 2x this morning and we even went out to breakfast.  AND, she didn't even take any imodium today!  So we'll now see how she does for the next 2 weeks before this dr.  I don't know how long the treatments we were doing will 'hold'.  But we did skip Saturday and she still did well on Sunday so :xfin


Just wanted to check in and let you know I'm back home now :hug

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Welcome back home. Glad to hear your Mom is doing better after the treatments. Hope she continues on that same path!!!


Stacy, LeeAnn and Beth- Hope you all had a good Monday!!!


I'm all packed and ready to go. I'm going into work for a couple hours tomorrow and then off to the conference.


I'll have my new ipad mini with me, so I'll check in from Beantown!

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Good morning!


Marisa, I'm really happy to hear that your mom did better while you were there.  I hope the treatments hold, too.


Joanne, safe travels.  I hope your trip is fun. 


Stacy, I am sure things are speeding up at college.  The kids are in exam week, and are starting to breathe a little bit easier now that all their projects are done, and most of their exams already.  Are your kids feeling OK?  How is their school year going?

LeeAnn, Did you get to the salons with your body spray?  I'm glad it is getting good reviews. 


I had step 2 of the crown yesterday.  The dentist also filled a tooth right next to the crown.  Impressions were made for the permanent crown.  I go in next week for a fitting, then eventually to get the final thing cemented in.


Today I hope to get a lot of digging done in my garden, want to get the setup finished, and maybe plant the potatoes and sunflowers.  We'll see -- my dd has an exam in the early afternoon which might only take her 30 minutes, so I will be waiting for her.


Oh, speaking of dd, I made her drive yesterday, and she did great.  She says she is a lot more calm now.  I think it's because she doesn't have to drive at night.  Since she's 19, she just needs enough practice to pass the test.

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Top of the morning!


Joanne-have a safe trip, and a wonderful time at your conference and with your dd. :yay   I am excited for you! I bet you will have that shawl done in no time.


Beth-glad to hear that your dental appointment went well :P .  And gardening?  My dd loves to garden, we are a bit behind in planting, dh was supposed to build her a green house..I don't think that is going to happen.  He's been very busy with work and scouts.  The men in our house are going camping this weekend, dd and I get to spend time together. :manyheart


Stacy-you are sure a busy mommy.  That is super great that your kiddos get to play with others :manyheart , it is difficult figuring scheduling but I bet you will all get it.  Are you counting down the last days of classes?


Marisa-your poor mom, it has to be exhausting to feel so sick.  Does she work?  Crossing my fingers that the new treatment works for the rest of the week. :cheer:clap


Yesterday my dd had an eye appt, she is getting new glasses...she failed the vision part when I took her for a sports physical.  She's super excited, she picked the cutest black frames.  After that, we went out to lunch, it was great to spend time with her.  My ds is sad, his new special lady friend is moving on the 25th of May, he's going to miss her.  She seems to have pulled him out of his shyness.  His grades are slipping though, he's going to have to work hard and get his head out of the clouds. But I know that he can do it.


I didn't make it into some of the salons.. :no   it's on my list, I just can't seem to get there.  Today is the last day of the month, I have to whip up new goodies in my Ocean Rain-the fragrance for the month of May..every month I tell myself to get ahead but I never do..seems like the day  before I am working like a busy bee.


Yesterday I had my first order to a wonderful lady in Italy.  I am super pumped about that! :cheer   Also ordered new supplies, have more new ideas for Father's Day Gifts...seems like I forget Men's stuff as my dh has pointed out.  :lol   New products on the horizon my friends, I can't wait!


back to work I go.  Have a wonderful Tuesday my friends!  hugs n squishe! :ghug

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Good afternoon!


Leeann, so sorry to hear your ds' friend is moving!  He must be sad, poor dear.  How wonderful that your dd is excited for the new glasses!  I'm sure the two of you will have a great weekend while your men are away with scouts.  :yes  Anything planned, or will you just play it by ear?


Marisa, glad to hear that your mom is going to the bathroom less. :xfin that the remedies you tried will hold up!  It must be so frustrating for her to deal with it, especially when medication/remedies are hit or miss.


Joanne, have a great week!  I agree that the iPad mini is convenient to stash away in your purse.  I just love the mini. 


Beth, glad to hear your dd is feeling less nervous about driving, and that your phase 2 at the dentist went well.  Hope you make it out to your garden today!  My mom told me she worked in her garden last week, and the next day, the ugly 'S' word came to visit.  Mother Nature sure is indecisive. 


My last final is on the 26th, and my kidlets' last day is June 7.  I am mostly counting down the days until they are out, because of various issues this year.  Standardized testing makes me want to rip my hair out, and the new principal seems to be trying to prove herself, but making the teachers pile on the homework.  Plus we are still having absence issues with Mia.  She had tummy issues on Friday but I still had to send her because I was afraid to keep her home.  :ohdear  I seriously just wish I could homeschool, but next semester I MUST get a job. 


Oh!  I just remembered today is Tuesday, so I have to scoot- the girls get out early!  Love and hugs!

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Hi all,


I'm safe and sound in Mass!  Going to grab something to eat at the hotel restaurant- and since I can expense it, I don't care what it costs- LOL


Looking forward to Friday when I'm on 'vacation' and get to spend the entire weekend with my oldest!!! Until then, I'll be busy with the work conference- but it's nice for a change of pace of the hecticness of paradise!




ETA- Came into edit the word hecticness because I thought it was spelled wrong, but it's a word according to the dictionary and it's spelled like I did- LOL

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Joanne, don't you love it when the dictionary proves that you are spell better than you thought?  LOL  I am glad you are safe and sound, and hope you have a good conference and a great long weekend with your daughter.  Enjoy!


Stacy, the end will be here sooner than you think!  My kids are plugging away on their finals,  My oldest will be done today, my youngest tomorow, and the poor middle child has his last on Friday.  I really do hate the standardized testing.  I understand the thought process behind it, but it puts so much stress on the kids and the teachers, and a lot of the joy of learning gets sucked away.  It would be a challenge to work and home school, but I know people who have done it.  Good luck finding a job. 


Marisa, I hope your mom is continuing to feel better.  How are things back in the PItt?  Are your patients happy to see you back?  Lots of business, I hope.  How is KtB  coming along?  August is sneaking up on us. 


LeeAnn,  A weekend with no men...  Sorry, I was just daydreaming about that.  Do you and your dd still attend the craft group?  When does school end for your kiddos?


Well, I was supposed to meet a friend for coffee then to go look at plants today, but I woke up with a sore throat, sniffling, and swollen glands, so I cancelled.  I'm glad she is a patient person.  I am going to laze about today, since I have a good excuse.  :devil

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-oh no!  Allergy season is such a bummer.  I feel your pain, I have been wheezing, stuffed up and itchy watery eyes.   Hope you get hooky time in.  :yes   The last day of school for my kiddos is May 24.  We are all ready for it to be over and done with.  It was a good school year but exhausting at the same time.


Stacy-that is a lot of pressure on your kiddos for testing, they do that to the kiddos here.  Both of  my kiddos would stress out so much that we had to have a sit down with both of them and explain to them that nothing bad is going to happen to them, to try their best but not to worry about it.  It took awhile but now they just take it as it comes, I let them know that I know that their very best is all that they can do.  Reminds me of last summer at the migrant, our main Taco lady was on a mission to prove herself and really stressed everyone when we had the Federal Review...it was all so silly..but she freaked out about everything and drove herself crazy.  She quit this winter, she just couldn't learn how to handle the stress but also how to let things go.  A delicate balance for sure.


Joanne-hope your conference is going well, are you learning new techniques?  How's your dd doing?  I am sure that your grand babies are missing you while you are away. 


Marisa-any new patients for today?  How many are you up to?  Your practice has grown so very much, :clap :clap   Yikes!  The KTB is creeping up..are you all excited?  How's your mom feeling?


Work work work..must get my household chores done today before tackling another batch of body sprays per a customers request...have a wonderful day!  hugs n squishes! :ghug :ghug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Yesterday was busy and after finishing my paperwork, I exercised before heading home.  I'm not too busy today, so saw my couple patients and did all my 'end of the month' paperwork :lol  Now I'm just kinda hanging out for the rest of the day :lol  I will workout before leaving though.


Joanne - Glad to hear you made it safely to Mass!  I hope the work stuff goes well and then you'll have a great weekend with DD :clap


Stacy - Wow the semester is flying by, isn't it?  I'm sure this last month will breeze right past.  I sure hope Mia starts feeling better soon.


Beth - The bridge project is coming along.  June 1st is our deadline for panels, so they should be streaming in quickly now.  I hope you're feeling better :hug


LeeAnn - Oh, poor ds....I'm sure he'll step up with his classes.  So sorry that his 'lady friend' has to move :(  I have patient #80 coming tomorrow :clap  Congrats to you on becoming INTERNATIONAL!!!! :woo

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Good morning!

The conference yesterday was very informative- and because it is a user forum (the clients of the vendor who is working with us on the new system) it's great to trade 'war stories' ;)


Last night was a dinner cruise in Boston Harbor and it was alot of fun. The weather was great and the sunset over Boston Harbor with all the buildings- it was truly spectacular. A good time was had by all. Today is the final day of the conference and tonight I'm going to head over to the mall that is nearby. There is a huge Barnes and Noble there and I may treat myself to a crochet mag (and also look at some knitting books)


Marisa- Yay for 80 patients! I'm sure you'll start getting lots of squares/strips coming in now that the deadline is looming for KtB!!


Stacy- Love, love, love the pic you posted on FB!!! Hope that the girls are doing ok with the standardized testing. I used to hate that too- and now in some school systems they tie in the results of the testing to the amount of funding that comes into that district. It's crazy!


LeeAnn- Enjoy your upcoming girls weekend! I'm sure your DS is sad about his friend moving away. But at least he had the chance to come out of his shell a bit because of her. Hope he has a good time at the scouting event this weekend. Win-win- for all of the family!


Beth- Sorry you had to cancel your meet up for coffee- and hope you feel better soon!!! That's great that DD drove the other day. Sometimes, it just has to be the right time before they are ready!  Another semester already over or almost over. Time is FLYING by this year it seems.


I do miss my GS and am going to stop over there on Monday either before going home to unpack or before. Most likely before! LOL I should arrive home around 1 or so since I'll leave when DD heads out to work.


Time to go get breakfast and the conference starts at 8-


Hope you have a good day~

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Joanne, so glad to hear you are having a good conference.  I can't wait to hear about the fun weekend you will have with your dd in your favorite city.  The harbor cruise sounds wonderful.  I'm sure it's nice to get away from the hectic pace at Paradise.


Marisa, LeeAnn, and Stacy, I hope your Thursday goes well.  I am doing OK today -- my throat stopped hurting, but my sinuses are in full spring mode.  I need to get a lot of things done, though, so I better get all the way out of bed, and get busy!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Not much going on here today again.  I went to the gym this morning and then watched Hell's Kitchen from the DVR for the last 2 weeks.  My new patient today is coming in about an hour and I have KtB bits and pieces tonight here.  Other than that, that's about it.


Joanne - Glad your conference is going well, hope you learn something new today! 


Beth - Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better :hug

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Hello friends!


Joanne-a cruise how awesome!  I have never been on a boat before..except for a small fishing boat.  How exciting!  A new magazine sounds like the perfect treat.


Beth-so sorry to hear that your allergies have you feeling so icky.  I make this sugar scrub called Sinus that has an essential oil blend of effervescent camphor, eucalyptus, menthol and rosemary. Smells similar to Vick's Vapor Rub.  I have been using it this allergy season and it seems to help quite a bit, it's selling fast on etsy but perhaps I can send you a lil tub to try out? 


Stacy-that sure was a fantastic picture of you and your dd on FB.  Thank you so very much for sharing.


Marisa-your client list has grown!  wowza!  I am so over the moon happy for you.  I am super excited for the KTB to happen,can't wait!


Today has been a hurry up and rush kind of day.  I had 3 orders to fill this morning, met dh to run a few errands, stopped at my friend Kathy's shop, we are going to do an Art Show Event together in June.  Had to drop off my application for that as well..Checked in on my Great Aunt, picked up dd, ds is hanging out with his friend.  Must make dinner as we have volleyball this evening...oh and stopped and bought two new work blouses for myself.  Last week I had bought 3 pairs of new capri's had to buy blouses to match.   I am treating myself with my shop money..I have never done that..feels so strange, but I love it!


off to fix din din.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Happy TGIF to everybody!


I got another garden plot finished, just needs seeded and watered.  I have one more I want to make.  The bad news is that I didn't read the instructions before applying my fertilizer to the first plot, and overdid it.  The items in there are not looking very good, except the onions, which are so happy.  But I may need to temper the soil a bit, and replant my tomatoes and cucumbers.  (The pepper plants haven't decided to die yet.)


I hope you have a great day.  I have yesterday's housework on the schedule for today, but I did get my hair cut yesterday, and I am done driving kids to college for at least the summer.

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Good morning- and as Beth said- TGIF! And usually I say that because it's the end of a work week. Today I am saying it because I'll be meeting up with my DD today!!!


Yesterday went well and after the conference I did go to the mall and B&N. I didn't end up buying any magazines- nothing struck me as "have to have this"! But I did enjoy looking at some books and then went to the B&N cafe and had a coffee and read a little. Very relaxing evening.


Beth- Your gardening exploits sound like something that would happen to me. Good luck with the re-planting/tempering the soil. I'll bet your inventions are glad that the semester is over! Are any of them taking summer classes? Working this summer?


LeeAnn- I don't know how you do all that you do when there are only 24 hours in a day! Have a great weekend with your DD.


Marisa- How did KtB go last night? Sorry to hear that the treatments you gave your Mom are wearing off, It must be so frustrating for her!


Stacy- Any plans for the weekend? Today through May 12 (I think it's through the 12th) the Bux has fraps 1/2 off from 3P-5P. Guess where DD and I are going today between those times? LOL


Off to pack up , get a leisurely breakfast, crochet a bit and then head out later on this morning for DD's neck of the woods!


Have a good day everyone!

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Joanne, sounds like a wonderful day!  And the cruise sounds nice, too.  Have fun with your dd!  I do know about the half-off fraps, and plan to take advantage of it once or twice.  :wink 


Beth, :woo for no more driving until next semester!  Hope you're feeling better today.


Marisa and Leeann, :hug  Any fun plans for the weekend?


Today started off well.  I went for a coffee/walk/chat with a friend, which was MUCH-needed!  I stopped by Wally World to pick up a few things.  But came home to an Olive mess, and a message from the ortho that dh's cancelled appointment will cost $125!  :cry   It's only been 4 months, and I'm already done with these people. The ortho said he would upgrade to the accelerated treatment for free, in exchange for dh allowing him to use progression photos for his business brochures. Well...it seems like they are trying to make up for the lost money every way they can- even charging for things that are supposed to be "included" with the treatment.  I am just frustrated.  :sigh


Anyway...I guess we are meeting friends at the park after school.  I sure hope there is shade- it's already 100+ outside!  Tomorrow I'm not sure what's going on, but Eva has a birthday invite on Sunday.  She is so excited- it's her first one ever!  :clap:cheer  

I guess I should get going and clean something, to make up for the lazy day I've had so far.  :lol   Love and hugs! 

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Good evening ladies :hi


The day has gotten away from me, but I guess that's a good thing.  I had some patients early in the day and then I ran some errands, came back and vacuumed.  Now here I sit 'playing' on the computer and catching up on some TV shows on the iPad :lol  I have some things to finish up here and then I think I'll hook a bit before I actually leave...you never know, maybe somebody will come by :shrug


I do have a patient in the morning, so may check in while I'm here.  Then I might head over the the KtB knit in at the mattress factory since it's right near my house.  Sunday is the marathon and I have to be there insanely early as a volunteer and I'm ultimately going to be at the finish so :xfin Although I'm thinking now is actually the safest time for us :think and they've already started casing with the bomb smelling K9 units.


Beth - How are you feeling?


Joanne - you should be with dd by now!!


Stacy - Glad you got to meet up with your friend and I'm sorry to hear about the mess with the ortho, definitely doesn't sound right to me :think


LeeAnn - WTG with your orders :clap

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick check in while I'm here.  I've already seen my patients this morning and am going to join some KtB members for hooking this afternoon.  Hoping to get to bed early tonight since I have to be downtown by 5am for the marathon!!! :eek


'See' y'all on Monday :hug  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :hug

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Good morning,


Marisa- Hope you have a fun afternoon! And good luck with the early rise tomorrow morning!


We had an amazingly good dinner last night- which was my DD and her room-mates gift to me for Mother's Day- it was phenomenally good. Today is a nice sunny day and we are heading to Harvard Square and then this weekend there are artist's open studios! I was here last year for open studios and it was lots of fun. Glad I'm here for it this year too!


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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We had another wonderful day- walked down to the "T" which is about a mile and then walked around Harvard Square and had lunch outside and wondered the stores. They have a "Curious George" store in Harvard Square- the only one in the country- and I got a book for Ryan and Robbie. Then we went to the Harvard Book store since they have used books downstairs there- Picked up two books and so did DD. We then took the "T" back and walked around some of the artists studios. i bought DD her birthday present- a beautiful little heart necklace that she kept talking about that we had seen at one of the studios. So we went back and i bought it for her. Her birthday is not until Aug, but I could tell how much she loved it.


Now we are just relaxing at home and tomorrow we are going to some more of the artist studios and also to the Taza festival. Taza chocolate is made right in the town where DD lives and it is so good. You can read about it here http://www.tazachocolate.com/


Hope you are all having a good day!

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Hi there friends!  Goodness, I thought I had posted on Friday or at the very latest Saturday..I meant too..


Joanne-your weekend sounds heavenly, so happy that you were able to find awesome books for you, your gs, and a wonderful necklace too..simply wonderful!  Are you headed back home today?  Perhaps you already left?


Marisa-yes mam, time sure does have a way of escaping.  Anything excited planned for the week?  How's your mom doing?


Beth-how's the gardening coming along?  Spring has finally sprung..kinda.  What hooky projects are you working on? 


Stacy-is testing finished for your girlies?  How's it going?  I can't believe that you have 100 degree weather..we are only up to the 60's on a very good day but the nights are still cold.


This weekend was a mixture of everything.  Dd and I got the men off on Friday, we relaxed and caught up on our shows that we tape during the week.  Saturday we gave the entire house a good cleaning, then we went out to lunch at Chili's, went shopping.  I bought her a new outfit, she's so cute!  Then it was off to the park to walk our lunch off, then a stop at the library before heading home.  After we got home we watched The Hunger Games..I had been putting off watching it,..it was a bit much..but we did it.  We were like Velcro all weekend.  So much fun.  Yesterday dd relaxed while I worked on putting a website together..I want to bang my head against a wall..it's a lot of work...I'm not sure that I know what I am doing but am going to call tech support today...I will persevere and get it up..


This week is going to be another doozy..volleyball this evening, scouts tomorrow-I have to make a Japanese desert??? Wed is Confirmation and Thursday is volleyball again..little tired thinking of it all..but we will manage.


off to package up two orders that came in over the weekend.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning ladies :hi (for a few minutes yet anyways)


The weekend was good.  I ran errands with Steph Saturday and then walked over the knitting group.  Then relaxed during the evening and tried to get to bed early.  Was up at 4 on Sunday, got myself together and walked into town.  Checked in and went to find somewhere open to get a coffee (other than the 2 McD's in town).  You'd think Starbucks would open early knowing people will be around before 5am for marathon day :think  Anyways, Bruegger's Bagels was smart enough to do so and they do have good coffee as well and of course it was quite busy in there!


We had our medical volunteer meeting at 6 then dispersed to our areas and then had another meeting.  We had people start returning by 8:30 and coming through our tent (main medical tent at the end) for various reasons.  We had about 40,000 runners and only about 100 sought care at the end.  7 of which were transported to hospitals, 2 of which refused going to the hospital and a couple left on crutches.  Otherwise, it was a lot of icing, stretching,  and just letting the body come back down from the high of the run.  We were done around 2:30 and I took a slow walk home.  Got back around 3, did my little bit of exercises that were on my list for yesterday, took a shower and then Ingrid and Averie were over to hang out so we all just relaxed and Bean made margaritas for cinco de mayo (sp?).  Needless to say I went to bed early, but still feel groggy today.  I'm thinking allergies since they were acting up the last 2 days.  I usually just start to getting a nagging type of headache, but the last 2 days, I'm periodically having my eyes burning and itchy, watering to look like I'm sobbing! :eek


The cleaning people were in this morning.  Now Sloan's at the office with me watching Jurassic Park since he has a 'free' day today from communion :shrug and Ingrid had to work.  Tomorrow is Averie's talent show at school that I just found out about so will probably head there instead of meeting up with my chiro for my adjustment and lunch.  Ummm, what else......I think that's about it for now.


Joanne - So glad your visit with DD is great and did she get her bday gift early, or are you keeping it aside for August?  What did they make for dinner?


LeeAnn - WTG girl!  Websites are difficult for sure.  I am no help on Japanese desert.  Glad to hear you and dd had a great bonding weekend!


Beth and Stacy - Hope your weekend were great too :hug

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Hi all,

I'm home safe and sound- and had a wonderful time with DD!!! This afternoon, I stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home since I pass the exit- and stocked up on some much needed groceries. Came home, unloaded the car, put the groceries away and then went to DD's for some R&R time. We played outside and then we went for a nice long walk!!! I could get used to this kind of life!!! But, alas, tomorrow is back to work- so I must skoot and get the laundry done and things prepared for tomorrow!


Hugs to you all!

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I gave DD the necklace- she wore it all weekend and today- no use holding on to it until August- -I'll make her a hat/scarf set or something for her birthday so she'll get a gift on the actual day, too!!! LOL

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