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Some good clean fun?!

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It's Saturday! Thank goodness! Boston can breathe again, and so can I. My middle DD is going to do her volunteer art mentoring this morning into afternoon, then she and a friend are going to the university print shop to make paper from pulp- that is something she enjoys doing and will be good for her. Tomorrow she is coming here. I wish I could take all her pain away.


I'm going to go to the new yarn store that had their soft opening about a month ago- and today is the official grand opening with give-aways and sales. I started a shawl with some Red Heart shimmer and I'm not feeling it- I don't like working with the yarn.  Part of me feels compelled to finish what I started, but the other part of me, says no- move on to something else. If it's not enjoyable, what's the point?


Now, I should start the cleaning and the laundry so that the day is not frittered away doing those mundane tasks!


Hope you'll find some inspiration in the yarn and craft stores, Beth. Mo-jo comes and goes. I'm feeling like I want to knit something and maybe that's why I'm not feeling this shawl I started.

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Hiya friends!


Joanne-hugs n extra squishes to you and your dd.  What an emotional time for sure.  Goodness, your poor dd, it is horrible to see the ones we love suffer. I am sure it will take time to be able to breathe again.  You're right, sometimes the yarn is telling us something.  Perhaps it wants to be made into something else?


Beth-ohh laaa laaa did you find your mojo?  I sure hope so, all of you are such an inspiration to me.  I love reading and seeing all of your projects, you are super fast too.


Marisa-so glad that you were able get adjusted.  Do you feel better?  Great deal on the wipies, we do not have a Target here.. :cry   I wish we did though. 


Stacy-thank you for the lovely compliment, how are you feeling today?  Did you make it to the beach?


I have had another busy weekend.  I finished the big order..woot woot! She added a few more soapies to it, but I have 4 out of the five whipped up.  Will get to that last one this evening.


I was invited to a quilting guild.  Dh's aunt is a member and asked me if I would like to go..of course I said YES!  What fun!  The ladies are hilarious and so sweet!  I miss having grandparents, :manyheart   They were all so kind and inviting.  They invited me to join their guild which of course I WILL.  After that we went to a fabric and yarn shop...what fun! The store was on the outskirts of this little town called Del Norte..I found the cutest fabric and of course bought one skein of the starbella yarn...in neon colors.  I am so excited to play with it all..but first must make myself work..


Ds went on his first date today.. :manyheart   he went out to lunch, bowling and then to watch a movie.  He is so sweet, he bought his date cupcakes and candy.  :lol   He text and is having a wonderful time.  It's a group date, one of the mom's gets to be the chauffeur.   Good time for sure.  I'm so happy for him. 


perhaps I can take a little time out for yarn therapy?  hugs n squishes dear friends! :ghug :ghug

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- the quilting club sounds like a ton of fun! Enjoy it! I'm happy about your son's first date! And that it was going well!!!


Spent the day with my middle DD yesterday and here it is Monday already.


Running late so just had time to post a good morning to all of you


Make it a good day!

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Joanne, I hope your dd is doing OK.  The weekend can just fly by. 


LeeAnn, can't believe your shy son went on a date!  Obviously, this year is going much better than last year.  I think that's great.  Congrats on the quilting club.  What fun!


Stacy, how are your girls doing?  Is Jorge running again?


Marisa, how goes KtB?  Did you have a good weekend?  Do you feel better since you were adjusted

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Well, I had step one of the crown process for my tooth yesterday, and it went a whole lot better than last time!  I think the Valium was a good idea.  Hate to depend on drugs, but it was nice not to be in full panic mode. 


I hope you all have a good Tuesday.  I am going to start my coffee.  I hope to play in the garden today, and get some basic housework done.  I took a day off, and the kitchen was totally ignored, so that needs my attention.  At least I kept the laundry up. 



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Good morning,

Beth- Glad that the dental visit went well. Nothing wrong with a little Valium to reduce the anxiety. I should probably try that the next time I go to the dentist. Have fun playing in the garden. It's going to be another chilly day here today, but tomorrow the temps are supposed to start rising.


LeeAnn- Did you get any yarn therapy time? or are you simply too busy with all your soapy making? Does DS have any plans for another date?


Marisa- thinking about you- how's your Mom doing?


Stacy- You  must be winding down now for the school year. Do you have any idea what classes you may take in the fall?


Had a busy day yesterday- DH surprised my DD yesterday and asked her to meet him for dinner which I thought was nice. He said they had a nice chat .


For those who asked- this is the 'never-ending' project- LOL. Seriously- should be done in Aug (at least that's the hope now)


Have a good day!

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Good morning friends!


Joanne-how sweet of your dh to invite your dd to dinner.  I'm sorry to hear that you project is never ending.  Perhaps if you take a break and go back to it, it will be easier.


Beth-so happy that your dentist appointment went well.  It's a scary thing.  My mother in law has a difficult time and really needs a lot of coaxing to go in.


Marisa-how was your weekend?


Stacy-I know that you are super busy, hopefully it will slow down for you.


Ds had a wonderful date.  His date actually asked him..he has liked her since the beginning of the school year and may not have ever gotten the courage to ask her out.  She is a foreign exchange student, he's so smitten with her but knows that she will be leaving back to Taewon (sp?) soon.


My dd started volleyball last night, it's basically practice until the school year starts up again. She liked it even though she was the only 6th grader there.  She was shy when she got there but I am thinking she will warm up. 


I'm still plugging away on orders and such.  I did get a bit of hooky time in yesterday and a teeny tiny bit this morning. I am working on the Sashay scarves and have about 3 whipped up.  They are easier for me to squeeze in between all the driving.


guess I better get to work, hugs n squishes!


Must  make a batch of sugar scrubs for an order and to replenish my stock..seems like it never ends.  I'm not complaining but I am a bit burnt out on it all..some days I want to shut down for a few days to get a little break. 

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- I can't take a break from the project at work- (wish that I could) We have deadlines and it just seems that for every step ahead some new little 'bug' or glitch happens --that's what I meant by the never-ending project.


Marisa, Stacy, Beth- Wishing you a good Wed


I have my hair appointment after work tonight - which was perfect timing- since tomorrow night after work, I was invited to a dinner for work- so my grays will be gone! Busy two days ahead.


DD is hanging in there- and keeping busy with her teaching- she said it is a blessing that she got the job- it is what is keeping her going.


Hugs to you all!

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Hi everybody,

Joanne, I'm glad your dd is enjoying teaching.  I hope she is being strong.  Seems like Paradise will never slow down for you.  I'm glad you have your R&R time and your yarn games to help release stress.


LeeAnn, you busy bee you!  It sounds like you could stand a little break from your business, even though you love it.  Are you crocheting the sashay scarves, or knitting them? 


Marisa, I hope you have many patients coming in.  How are things in Pittsburgh?


Stacy, how are your girls doing?  How are classes?  Any fun things going on? 

Well, I am meeting with one of my IRL crochet buddies.  We are having coffee at my house.  I am impatiently waiting for her. 

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Good morning!


I am exhausted.  We had a super-fun-filled weekend with the girls- beach, bbq, bike-riding, picnic in the park- which was busy enough.  On Monday I went on a field trip with Eva's class (actually the entire kindergarten) to a pick-your-own farm.  We brought home 4 pounds of strawberries!  :lol  On Tuesday, dh called on my way to class saying he was on his way to his parents' house because my FIL had passed out over the weekend, and required stitches on the back of his head.   :eek  :eek   We had called them on Monday night to say happy birthday to FIL and they didn't mention it, but I guess MIL was worried to leave him home alone on Tuesday when she went to work.  So dh and I both went over there and stayed with him for the day.  Last night, dh was up until midnight.  I think he is worried since his parents are almost 70.  They are both in good health (except for MIL's arthritis) but this is the second time FIL has passed out in the last year.   :ohdear  He says his doctor diagnosed him with vertigo, but I'm not sure why he would be fainting?  I think he's hiding something....

Anyway....so I am super-tired today.  The girls have picture day, they were very excited to dress up.  Oh!  I have the cutest story from Eva:  she came home yesterday and asked if her Easter dress was free.  I said no, and she started bawling!!  So I told her it was.  :rofl  Well, apparently the principal had come to their class to tell them Wednesday was "free dress" day.  It took the better part of an hour to explain that "free dress" just meant she could wear whatever she wanted, in place of her uniform.  :lol


Beth, hope you had a fabulous coffee date with your IRL!


Marisa, what's going on in your end of the country?  How is your mom?  And Maryann? 


Leeann, aww, your ds went on a date!  I agree with Beth- he has come a long way since last year.  :yes 


Joanne, glad to hear your dd is keeping busy with her new job!  The paper-making sounds really cool, too!  Have a wonderful dinner with your coworkers. 


I must go and put away my groceries, and put some laundry in the wash.  Love and hugs! 

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Good morning,


I didn't get home till almost 9 last night after my hair appointment. I was her last customer and we were talking away- and I decided to have a few highlights thrown into my hair! Just a little change- up and very subtle- and I love it!


tonight is the dinner which lasts till 9:30! Another long day- but at least it will end on a fun note!


Stacy- Love the story about Eva and the 'free' dress- hope you write that down and save it!


Beth -Nothing like coffee and crochet--my two favorite things- and add in an IRL friend- perfecto! Hope you had fun!


LeeAnn- That's great that you dont have to start work till June 3---Woot!!


Marisa- Hope you had a safe trip home- and give a hug to MaryAnn if you are going to be seeing her over the weekend!


Off to get ready-

Hugs all!

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I sure thought today was Friday.  Sorry, Joanne, but we have to wait another day.


Joanne, I'd love to see the new "do."  Even if it is subtle, it is probably gorgeous!


Stacy, love the story about Eva.  Did she wear her Easter dress? 


LeeAnn, did you enjoy spending some time crocheting and watching tv?  You've been working on your business so much lately, must have been a change to relax.


Marisa, I hope all the bad things that were happening are done.  How is everyone doing?

Had a great meet-up with my friend.  Nice to talk to her -- she is very well-grounded, helps me deal with my overly flighty emotions.  But she is still a fun person.

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-that is wonderful that you got in a bit of "me time" that is just great.  I'm sorry to hear that your project is super intense.  That is a bummer.


Beth-crocheting with an IRL buddy and coffee..fantastic!  I'm so glad that you were able to relax.


Stacy-your dd is soo funny!  How cute is that?  I love it!  Field trips were always so much fun.


Marisa-hope you are doing ok?  Miss you :manyheart



Nothing too exciting going on here..I did get a bit of hooky time in last night and finished another sashay scarf.  I am crocheting them and have 4 scarves in my stash.not very many but I'm working on them slowly.  It was wonderful to just sit and veg..I have been pushing myself so hard that I feel like I am just on burn out. 


I have body sprays to make today for a custom order but then I plan to spend the rest of the day hooking and enjoying my time off...best get my tush in gear.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Sorry I've been MIA for a few days!  My headache and neck pain let up after my adjustment last Friday, then the headache was trying to creep back in on Saturday morning and I took some Ibuprofen and it's been fine since....the weather also cooled down from the 80 it was :think  Coincidence?


The gift at the baby shower was the hit of the party :clap  Then I relaxed pretty much the rest of the weekend.  I started a shawl pattern that I'm testing for someone here at the ville and also a shrug with thread that I want to make, which I only did the first row to so far.  I need to make a new copy of the pattern so I can mark it all up since it's a filet graph.  My first of this type, so we'll see what happens.


Monday morning the cleaning people were in so I got to the office a bit later in the day, had a few patients and Tuesday was a busy day with several patients and KtB at night.  I was at the office for about 12 hours!  But I was trying to make sure my paperwork was done and getting everything in line to head home on Wednesday without getting stuck there.  So yesterday I left town just before 1:00 and met my parents at Pizza Hut for the buffet dinner.  Then we ran to Boscov's and I got some sunglasses and slippers on sale.  I was up around 5 this morning to use the restroom and just couldn't get back to sleep so just got up after about 2 hours.


Mom is pretty much the same and not having any progress.  She's decided not to go on the wine tour Saturday (she was so looking forward to it) because of the bathroom issue and since she's decreasing the Prednisone doses, the problem is flourishing again.  We heard from the Dr. office in Pittsburgh today that we're having her go to and they can schedule her in just 2 weeks, which is fairly quick.   They have her at the top of the list if there are any cancellations.  My aunt is coming on the wine tour with us in her place so the ticket doesn't get wasted.


Today I ran some errands to the bank, dropped my mom to work and then visited with my aunt and uncle a bit.  Now I'm going to play with my phone update since I had trouble with it at work but didn't have the time to spend playing around with it.  Later I'm going to try some 'strange' chiropractic things with my mom to target the organs and such and see if any of it helps even just a bit.  She'll be my guinea pig to practice some techniques on and see what happens :lol  It can't really get worse :shrug


Well, I skimmed through the posts and didn't take notes. 


LeeAnn - How great of ds to have his first date!


Beth - It's almost pizza day again already!


Joanne - I hope dd is doing better :hug

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Hi!  I am on cloud nine right now.  My son has a test tomorrow, then review for the exam next week for his math class, so he wanted me to help him review.  I know it sounds weird to most people, but I had SO Much FUN!!!  My son would be stuck on his teacher's explanation, so I'd tell him how to do something, and it would click.  He says my way is much easier.  Makes me feel great.  I sure hope he does well tomorrow.


Since it's the last day of most classes at the college, my dd wasn't going to stay long for her class, so I sat in the car waiting for her.  I cured my lack of crochet mojo.  I took a big stack of crochet magazines, and thumbed through them, read the patterns that appealed to me, marked a few for later use, and planned my next few projects, even as far as picking the yarn from my stash to go with the ideas in my head.


Marisa, my heart goes out to your mom.  I have been where she is.  I hope she gets some relief soon.  The wine tour sounds like a great deal of fun.  Trying the special chiro "moves" on your mom sounds great, too.  How amazing it would feel to help her feel better! 


LeeAnn, sounds like you really needed a day to relax.  Do your kids get out of school soon?


Joanne, tomorrow is Friday!  Got any R&R time planned?  Will you be doing anything special with your dd?  How was your evening out?  How do you like your hair after a day?


Stacy, I am assuming you are busy busy busy with school and kids and husband and pets.  I hope you take some time for you.


Well, I got all my housework for the weekend done, so I can play in the garden and with my yarn almost all day tomorrow (gotta make the pizza dough and take care of the adoptable kitties.)

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I slept great last night and think I caught up from the night before. My mom and I went next door yesterday to have our toes done and then just relaxed here. I was not successful with my phone upgrade :( I might jump on the live chat help if I feel up to it. My aunt and I are going for lunch today, just to the hot dog restaurant....best dogs ever and definitely one of those places associated to Hazleton! It's still as it was back in the day and still offers the fountain sodas with the syrup flavoring. They do have a full menu as well, but most people go for dogs. It's chilly, but nice out so we may walk.


My mom is having a good morning, so now the question stands of is it conincidentally a good morning, or did something happen with the couple things we toyed around with last night? :shrug


I hope everyone has a great day!

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Good afternoon!


Beth, how wonderful that you got to sit and thumb through the magazines!  I dream of organizing my patterns and going through my magazines one day....maybe over the summer.  Have fun with the kitties!  How awesome that you had fun helping your son study.


Leeann, the sprays are adorable!!  I love all of your creative ideas. :yes 


Marisa, I'm so sorry for your mom. I'm sure it must be so frustrating.  :hug 


Joanne, how's it going?  Will you have any R&R time this weekend?


It's been a long day already.  All 3 of my girls woke up with tummy aches, but I've been going 'round with the office about absences, so I had to send them.  It was an ordeal to get them out of the door this morning.  Around 10, the office called to say Mia was there, so I went back to get her.  By the time we got home, dh was already here with our new table and chairs! 

Mia had some lunch and seems to be feeling better.  We will stop at the park while Isabella is at chess club.  Dh has an ortho appointment today.  No clue what's happening for dinner.  I need some new ideas!


Love and hugs!

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Hi all,


I had some R&R time after work tonight!! Went to DD's and Ryan was just finishing up his dinner, Robbie got fed and we went for an nice walk. Ryan did a lot of walking and then we put him in the stroller! They got a good deal on a used double mountain buggy stroller 1/2 of the retail price and it looks brand new! It's perfect. I played with Ryan in the back yard when we got back to the house and then held Robbie for a bit while DD put Ryan to bed. Came home and it's already near 10!


Tomorrow I have a mani/pedi in the AM and in the afternoon, we're going to take the boys to the park. My middle DD is loving her job- and is hanging in there. Hoping to maybe see her on Sunday. She has a workshop she is running tomorrow- she's keeping very busy.


I head to Boston on Tues for a conference Wed/Thur and then to DD's house on Friday. She's working 1/2 day on Fri so I'll meet her for lunch. I'm looking forward to seeing her. I'll come home Monday. Looking forward to getting away!

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Joanne, hooray for R&R time!!!  Sounds like it was a very good evening.  I hope your conference goes well.  How nice that it's in your dd's city, so you get to see her as a bonus!  Time away from work, at your favorite city, with  one of your favorite girls...  sounds like a win win win to me!  I'm glad your other dd is staying busy and enjoying her job.  It can be a challenge to step into a classroom in the middle of the year, but it can be very rewarding.


Stacy, did the other girls do OK at school with their tummy aches?  How are you doing?  I really enjoyed looking through the magazines, started another project, even though I didn't finish any current ones.


LeeAnn, Love the body sprays.  I think it's great that you keep coming up with new things.  It amazes me that you manage to do so much.


Marisa, How is your mom doing?  Does it seem that your treatments are helping?  Are you having a good weekend?


I will be playing with my garden some more today.  That's about the only plan I have.

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Good morning,

Laundry is on, and whatever cleaning is going to get done is done. LOL


I was up with the birds, or probably before them, but for some reason I'm not tired. Heading out in a few to Kohl's before the mani/pedi,


My first gen ipad is on its legs- so I may go shopping tomorrow with DH- he told me to take some of the tax return money and get myself a new one. I do use the ipad a lot- and would like to have it to take to Boston. debating on whether to get the full size or the mini.


Have fun in the garden today, Beth! It's a gorgeous sunshiny day out here today- hope it's the same by you!!!!


Marisa- Enjoy the wine tasting tour today!


LeeAnn- Hope you take some time away from all your soapy /lotion/potion making and have some fun!


Stacy- Hope that all the tummy aches have passed and that you all have a wonderful weekend. Yay for new table and chairs!!!


Have a good day everyone! Hugs!

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth- :2rock that is fantastic that you like math so much and can help your son, any possible way I can conference you?  Ds has math homework and is on his own, I have no idea what he is doing...poor kid.  He's doing ok, but more explanation would be wonderful for him.  Looking through magazine is a favorite pastime, I love love love looking at all the new patterns, what is on your top list?  How's the new project coming along?


Marisa-crossing my fingers that your mom has a good day, enjoy your day out with family, how fun!    Your lunch sounds delish!


Joanne-a mani/pedi sounds just wonderful.  :manyheart   enjoy it!  And your upcoming week sounds just heavenly too.  Sounds like your dd and her beautiful babies are doing well.  I'm so happy to hear that.  How's your knitting coming along?


Stacy-did the tummy bug hit everyone?   When my kiddos were little, it was one then the other...usually ds first and then dd.  I was always the last to get it..but it never failed..I caught it.  I haven't had a serious cold since I stopped teaching preschool..my body is tired actually exhausted seems more like it, but what to do. :lol


This last week was a doozy..I had an event every single evening with the kiddos..I can officially say that I am burnt like a piece of toast.  A customer had asked if she could stop by yesterday, so I cleaned and organized my product shelves..I had quite an untidy mess..wouldn't you know..when I was on the last shelf she called and cancelled.. :cry  We also had a showing on Thursday..didn't get my afternoon of hooking time in..they are wanting to come back this next week for a second showing..I'm praying, crossing my fingers and hoping that we sell..the extra 6 hours that I spent in the car last week was exhausting.


The new body sprays are getting great reviews..I have quite a bit of them...sold a few but need to stop at a few hair salons and maybe a few shops to consign..


Today is back to cleaning, I did finish another scarf..help!  I'm addicted to them...hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning!

The mani/pedi was awesome! Then I went to Apple and got an IPad Mini with my tax $. I LOVE how compact it is and how nicely it fits in my purse. I'm in the process now of downloading my apps and such. Going to the apple store today for them to take a look at my 1st generation ipad that has been crashing- just to see if it's something minor. It is no longer supported by updates since it's quite a few years old, but worth the trip to see. Plus we have to go to Target today anyway, and there is a Target across the street! T


Spent the afternoon with DD and GS and we went to the waterfront. Walked around and then Ryan went on the swings and then up and down the different slides for quite a while. It was a beautiful day out as is today.


Hope you are all having a great weekend.

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Joanne, congrats on the new Ipad mini.  Sounds like the perfect size to go along on your conference.  Your day at the park sounds great.  What fun to watch Ryan grow.  He sounds like quite the big boy now!  If the apple store can repair your old ipad, what will you do with it?


LeeAnn, That is a LOT of driving!  No wonder you are so exhausted.  Of course, just listening to what you do at home wears me out.  I would love to help your son with his homework, if it were possible.  I do enjoy tutoring math so much.  I hope your body sprays sell well.  Good luck showing your house.  As far as the woman who canceled her appointment with you -- at least your shelves are organized now!


Marisa, I hope you are having so much fun at the wine tasting and visiting with your family.  I am anxious to hear how your mom is doing.  Is she having more good days? 


Stacy, thinking of you.  I hope you are having a great, fun weekend with wonderful weather and lots of pleasant adventures with your growing girls.


I had an adventure with my girl.  We went to a pet expo today.  Walked into one area, and a guy handed me a black rat snake -- about 6 feet long.  It was very interested in my hands -- i just petted rats in another area, and probably smelled rather tasty.  We saw many different animals, reptiles, birds, and mamals; pets, farm animals, and exotic animals.   There were several shows.  Lots of great things.  We found some t-shirts that we really liked, and a RedSkins bandana for our dog.  Much fun!


Oh, I am making a multi-pocketed tote as my new project.  It is similar to Lion Brand's 8-pocket tote, but I am not following a pattern, and it will be taller.  I am hoping my son's girlfriend will help me line it when I'm finished. 

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Beth- can you believe that I had the appt time wrong? Missed it and they were booked. I'll make another appt when I get back from Boston no harm though since we went to target. I'm thinking of maybe giving the iPad to my middle dd if they can get it working again.


Your day at the pet expo sounds like a blast! isn't it great to do things with your DD? Nothing like an adult daughter!! The tote sounds nice. Glad you for your mojo back


We had a nice day today. I crocheted some more on the infinity scarf and hope to finish it soon. I'll bring it with me to Boston if I don't finish it as we'll as some yarn to start a shawl

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Good evening!


Beth, sounds like a wonderful time with your dd at the pet expo!  The tote sounds wonderful. 


Leeann, sorry to hear the woman cancelled after you went through all that work.  Good luck with the showing!  I get tired just reading all the things you do- no wonder you are burned out!


Joanne, what a beautiful day for going to the park with your dd and gs!  Ryan must be getting so big.  Is he more aware of Robbie now?  :woo for your new iPad mini!  I love the mini so much more than the regular one.  Don't know why, since it's the same thing.  How fun that you are going to a conference in Boston!  Well, not the conference part, but spending time with your dd.  :lol


Marisa, :hug  How are things in your end of the country?


On Friday, we stayed at the park until about 5, with some friends.  On Saturday morning, we went to a baseball game for two of the little girls that we played with on Friday.  We have quite a little after-school group going, but were told last week that we can no longer play at the playground after school.  :no   The girls are sad that they don't see their friends daily anymore but we are in the process of setting up certain times to meet at the park nearby.  Anyway, then we spent the rest of the day at home; the girls went swimming for quite a while. 

Today we went for a short hike nearby.  I enjoyed it more because it included some rock-climbing.  The younger girls did not enjoy it and complained much of the way.  I guess they prefer the incline of a path over actual climbing.  :think
 Anyway, we came home and took quick showers, then met MIL and FIL for dinner at Chili's.  They came over for about an hour afterward. 

I suppose the girls should start getting ready for bed.  California State Testing starts this week, and I am :bang:rant:angry:thair  over the stress my 4th grader is feeling.  The new principal is placing considerable pressure on the children to "do their best" and it is really driving me batty.  On Wednesday and Thursday, Isabella had 10 pages of practice testing on top of her usual homework.  She also had weekend homework. 


I must scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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